About TeriRehkopf
Rank 45
678 followers Joined October 2022
Since I've been a member of Wealthy Affiliate (WA), I've started three websites. Because the new Hubs system is so great and easy, I just





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I created a new Hub last night under my name, terirehkopf, and used the WA branding info to create it. I had added an ‘about me’ summary of my background with horse

As Brenda described, I have sub-categories that are part of a large niche, and I built a new hub for each sub-category. I could write about that topic until I fully exhaust it before moving to another. This will help with traction and traffic and prevent confusion for my visitors or Google. It is working like a charm.

Great insights and input!


Cool, Abie! I can't wait until I'm not coughing so much to set it up :)

Take great care dear :)


Yes, you can use your personal brand name to promote anything you like, including WA. For example, you can build small mini hubs (siterubrix) on survival preppers, horses, and other niches. Jay did a training about that he called them mini hubs. You can create ten of those mini hubs and then have all the structure and content for those different topics. Now, I had that happen to me about some missing content, too. I just started over with the new credits, or you can write them yourself. I am so sorry to hear about your coughing. I hope you feel better soon.

Hey Brenda,

Having yet to try the new HUBs, I'm wondering if you can still use, let's say, Word to create your content ...and then copy and paste your content so that you will always have it... plus, you don't need to keep your browser open with the HUB page while creating your content.

OR... are users being directed to the AI tool to write their content?

Just curious.

Ok, cool. I'll look for this training, Brenda.



Hi Trish,

In the mini hubs its structured as your own niche then ithas content the same way as the original hubs.

Yes its directed to Jaaxy then to write the outline. You can write it in your own words or with AI author.

Yes, you can write in Word doc or Google Docs. Then, copy and paste the content into SiteContent or directly into Wordpress.

The trouble with AI outline is that you have to screenshot it and then manually copy and paste everything into Word before using AI author.

Once the AI author is done writing the content, you will see it does not write the entire outline. Thus, the missing content.

Kyle knows about this, if you watched his vblog from last Friday, he asked us for feed back many of us grumbled about this issue. They are planning to work on the problem.

I am looking for it myself I think it was under the Medium series. He created a mini-hub to write content specifically for Medium. I just don't remember when I watched that. If I find it I will let you know.

Thanks, Brenda. I need to limit my time online it looks like. Making the brochchitis cough too bad. Can hardly think...

I agree; you need to take care of that cough. Take a pause for now. Rest well!

Please take care, dear :) I hope for a speedy recovery.

Thanks, Brenda. I'm trying to but I keep trying to find the mini hubs thing. Jay, Eric, Kyle, and Vitaly didn't do the post unless it is buried w/in it.



Thanks, Abie.

I have a bunch of unfinished posts to do that I have begun, but need editing, links, affiliate links. It's killing me that I have this whole week off w no doctor appointments except yesterday's last minute appt I got in the morning for the meds.



I found it, its about building mini hubs that's the one back in December he showed that for his ifilmthings website

That's Jay's webinar :) And a really superb 1

Yep I know! It is!

Sorry, I couldn't help it, lol 🙏

Thanks, Brenda!

I just rewatched this vid. I had used his spreadsheet/content calendar originally, but quit using it. Now I need to fill it in.

I see now how to use mini hubs to make content for 1 site. the info starts around 2:16 min in, if anyone needs to know ;)


Perfect, thanks for the time stamp. I am surprised I suddenly remembered. I had to think about it for a while, and my brain did its thing to retrieve the memory of what I saw in that video. I am glad I found it for you.

Thank you Brenda, for explaining this... glad you didn't mind my butting in on your response to Teri's issue.

Now I can at least understand what is going on. Much appreciated.

Sure, you're welcome.

You're welcome!

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How do I make a hub/site using personal brand and incorporate wa affiliate info?

How do I make a hub/site using personal brand and incorporate wa affiliate info?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I created a new Hub last night under my name, terirehkopf, and used the WA branding info to create it. I had added an ‘about me’ summary of my background with horse

As Brenda described, I have sub-categories that are part of a large niche, and I built a new hub for each sub-category. I could write about that topic until I fully exhaust it before moving to another. This will help with traction and traffic and prevent confusion for my visitors or Google. It is working like a charm.

Great insights and input!


Cool, Abie! I can't wait until I'm not coughing so much to set it up :)

Take great care dear :)


Yes, you can use your personal brand name to promote anything you like, including WA. For example, you can build small mini hubs (siterubrix) on survival preppers, horses, and other niches. Jay did a training about that he called them mini hubs. You can create ten of those mini hubs and then have all the structure and content for those different topics. Now, I had that happen to me about some missing content, too. I just started over with the new credits, or you can write them yourself. I am so sorry to hear about your coughing. I hope you feel better soon.

Hey Brenda,

Having yet to try the new HUBs, I'm wondering if you can still use, let's say, Word to create your content ...and then copy and paste your content so that you will always have it... plus, you don't need to keep your browser open with the HUB page while creating your content.

OR... are users being directed to the AI tool to write their content?

Just curious.

Ok, cool. I'll look for this training, Brenda.



Hi Trish,

In the mini hubs its structured as your own niche then ithas content the same way as the original hubs.

Yes its directed to Jaaxy then to write the outline. You can write it in your own words or with AI author.

Yes, you can write in Word doc or Google Docs. Then, copy and paste the content into SiteContent or directly into Wordpress.

The trouble with AI outline is that you have to screenshot it and then manually copy and paste everything into Word before using AI author.

Once the AI author is done writing the content, you will see it does not write the entire outline. Thus, the missing content.

Kyle knows about this, if you watched his vblog from last Friday, he asked us for feed back many of us grumbled about this issue. They are planning to work on the problem.

I am looking for it myself I think it was under the Medium series. He created a mini-hub to write content specifically for Medium. I just don't remember when I watched that. If I find it I will let you know.

Thanks, Brenda. I need to limit my time online it looks like. Making the brochchitis cough too bad. Can hardly think...

I agree; you need to take care of that cough. Take a pause for now. Rest well!

Please take care, dear :) I hope for a speedy recovery.

Thanks, Brenda. I'm trying to but I keep trying to find the mini hubs thing. Jay, Eric, Kyle, and Vitaly didn't do the post unless it is buried w/in it.



Thanks, Abie.

I have a bunch of unfinished posts to do that I have begun, but need editing, links, affiliate links. It's killing me that I have this whole week off w no doctor appointments except yesterday's last minute appt I got in the morning for the meds.



I found it, its about building mini hubs that's the one back in December he showed that for his ifilmthings website

That's Jay's webinar :) And a really superb 1

Yep I know! It is!

Sorry, I couldn't help it, lol 🙏

Thanks, Brenda!

I just rewatched this vid. I had used his spreadsheet/content calendar originally, but quit using it. Now I need to fill it in.

I see now how to use mini hubs to make content for 1 site. the info starts around 2:16 min in, if anyone needs to know ;)


Perfect, thanks for the time stamp. I am surprised I suddenly remembered. I had to think about it for a while, and my brain did its thing to retrieve the memory of what I saw in that video. I am glad I found it for you.

Thank you Brenda, for explaining this... glad you didn't mind my butting in on your response to Teri's issue.

Now I can at least understand what is going on. Much appreciated.

Sure, you're welcome.

You're welcome!

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have another website or email to move to WA. I only use a domain-level email. Nothing on the site.

Anyone know how to do this? Can I just change the DNS, but how do I

To update your domain DNS settings to point to WA. Here are the DNS settings.


These settings will be updated within your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain) after the transfer has taken place. To transfer your domain here, you need to log in to the current registrar and fetch the EPP code; there's a one-year charge of $15.99, privacy included. One year more will get added to your domain.

Also, it has to have passed the grace period of 60 days.

When you move your domain, the webmail goes with it. So you won't be able to access the previous one on the other host. You would want to back up your previous email if that's what you want to do :)

Hey Teri,

There is no such thing as moving your email. You can redirect a domain to a new server but all information must be manually moved to the new server.

Reaching out to SiteSupport and asking detailed information will help provide you with the help you need.

Hope you find this helpful.

Yeah, I do realize that 'moving' email content isn't available. I don't need that - just a way to set up the email w/o a website active.

I have a ticket in to support.

I read your link/commented on it :) Cool!!



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Move domain level email?

Move domain level email?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have another website or email to move to WA. I only use a domain-level email. Nothing on the site.

Anyone know how to do this? Can I just change the DNS, but how do I

To update your domain DNS settings to point to WA. Here are the DNS settings.


These settings will be updated within your domain registrar (where you purchased your domain) after the transfer has taken place. To transfer your domain here, you need to log in to the current registrar and fetch the EPP code; there's a one-year charge of $15.99, privacy included. One year more will get added to your domain.

Also, it has to have passed the grace period of 60 days.

When you move your domain, the webmail goes with it. So you won't be able to access the previous one on the other host. You would want to back up your previous email if that's what you want to do :)

Hey Teri,

There is no such thing as moving your email. You can redirect a domain to a new server but all information must be manually moved to the new server.

Reaching out to SiteSupport and asking detailed information will help provide you with the help you need.

Hope you find this helpful.

Yeah, I do realize that 'moving' email content isn't available. I don't need that - just a way to set up the email w/o a website active.

I have a ticket in to support.

I read your link/commented on it :) Cool!!



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asked in
Website Development & Programming

my other sites have the domain name but goldensurvivalist still has siterubix name

how change this?

Class 4 covers this topic but Kyle has you covered

Hi, Catherine

It 's been moved a few months ago. i had deleted the associated development siteribix site.

I just noticed that the name listed in Hubs has the siterubix name instead of the domain-level name. so if u click on it in Hubs, it says it doesn't exist.


I am Abie not Catherine lolololol

Oh, okay. It may be a cache situation, then. Have you cleared your cache and seen a different result?

If this issue persists, please reach out to site support.

soooooo sorry about your name, ABIE! I'm caught up in cancer research before I see my doctor tomorrow.

i have a 3 page list to discuss, lol.


No problem :) Oh sorry!

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How change website name from siterubix to domain name?

How change website name from siterubix to domain name?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

my other sites have the domain name but goldensurvivalist still has siterubix name

how change this?

Class 4 covers this topic but Kyle has you covered

Hi, Catherine

It 's been moved a few months ago. i had deleted the associated development siteribix site.

I just noticed that the name listed in Hubs has the siterubix name instead of the domain-level name. so if u click on it in Hubs, it says it doesn't exist.


I am Abie not Catherine lolololol

Oh, okay. It may be a cache situation, then. Have you cleared your cache and seen a different result?

If this issue persists, please reach out to site support.

soooooo sorry about your name, ABIE! I'm caught up in cancer research before I see my doctor tomorrow.

i have a 3 page list to discuss, lol.


No problem :) Oh sorry!

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