About Jim-Bo
Rank 69794
14,698 followers Joined July 2015
I'm James - U can call me Jim, or Jimbo I'm Naughty 7 Years Young. I've been here at WA since July 2015 and I've had lots





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asked in
Getting Started

trying to change paypal address for affiliate commissions payout from WA, sent round in an infinite loop?

Bottom of the stats page, you can update your PayPal and threshold.


I'm sorry, I don't know the challenges you've been facing so far.

However, in the affiliate section/payment details can you overtype the payout email address and hit the update button?

If that doesn't work then you'll probably need to contact support

See above :)

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How to change paypal details for wa affiliate commission payment?

How to change paypal details for wa affiliate commission payment?

asked in
Getting Started

trying to change paypal address for affiliate commissions payout from WA, sent round in an infinite loop?

Bottom of the stats page, you can update your PayPal and threshold.


I'm sorry, I don't know the challenges you've been facing so far.

However, in the affiliate section/payment details can you overtype the payout email address and hit the update button?

If that doesn't work then you'll probably need to contact support

See above :)

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I check serps for my number 1 ranked posts in google, and I click on my serp result to visit the post in question, I am taken to the MIDDLE of my post and highlights in ye

Thanks for sharing THIS news Jimbo.

Must be some of their new scripting in the recent updated Google algorithms that is doing this.

To me, this IS nasty... but maybe there's a way around this issue.

Members like Rob (aka boomergp08) who are out-of-the-box thinkers may be able to come up with a way of using this to our advantage.

SOME of my stars are still being displayed, but then again, I'm sitting in Canada. Perhaps they haven't gotten to their servers that serve my area. Who knows for sure... right?

Did a SITE:[domain_name_goes_here] for your domain and there are SOME stars displayed, though not many.

When I did the same search for my MMO domain, I did find a few reviews NOT displaying stars and ONE some how came unrated again. Seems to happen every now and again.

Soooo... double check to see if your ranking is actually being displayed in your posts and then fix those that are not.

If that doesn't work... try changing the plugin you're using for your ratings. That MIGHT fix this.

What device were you using when you discovered those sentences were being highlighted like that?

My desktop pc, laptop. Marion in Oz also noticed same results. It's not device specific, I reckon google are moving the goal posts again.

Well that wouldn't surprise me any.
Maybe their leaving Canada until the end.

Well, I’m not sure. I don’t understand algorithms. However, I would love to interview you or have a discussion about MLM on my video talk show. I go back-and-forth on MLM.

i've never had any MLM experience myself, Brad.

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Is anyone having problem with google featured snippets?

Is anyone having problem with google featured snippets?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I check serps for my number 1 ranked posts in google, and I click on my serp result to visit the post in question, I am taken to the MIDDLE of my post and highlights in ye

Thanks for sharing THIS news Jimbo.

Must be some of their new scripting in the recent updated Google algorithms that is doing this.

To me, this IS nasty... but maybe there's a way around this issue.

Members like Rob (aka boomergp08) who are out-of-the-box thinkers may be able to come up with a way of using this to our advantage.

SOME of my stars are still being displayed, but then again, I'm sitting in Canada. Perhaps they haven't gotten to their servers that serve my area. Who knows for sure... right?

Did a SITE:[domain_name_goes_here] for your domain and there are SOME stars displayed, though not many.

When I did the same search for my MMO domain, I did find a few reviews NOT displaying stars and ONE some how came unrated again. Seems to happen every now and again.

Soooo... double check to see if your ranking is actually being displayed in your posts and then fix those that are not.

If that doesn't work... try changing the plugin you're using for your ratings. That MIGHT fix this.

What device were you using when you discovered those sentences were being highlighted like that?

My desktop pc, laptop. Marion in Oz also noticed same results. It's not device specific, I reckon google are moving the goal posts again.

Well that wouldn't surprise me any.
Maybe their leaving Canada until the end.

Well, I’m not sure. I don’t understand algorithms. However, I would love to interview you or have a discussion about MLM on my video talk show. I go back-and-forth on MLM.

i've never had any MLM experience myself, Brad.

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asked in
Video Marketing

I have 2 domains *(both in the same niche by the way).

Should we create a Youtube channel for each domain we have? Or is the same channel okay for all our domains (if in

I think yes

When you get to 1,000 subscribers (on one channel) you can start monetizing with ads. If that's what you want then one channel would be best.

But if you want to link to your website in the description below the video it could be confusing to have two different domain names.

I am not an expert on this subject but my take would be to create a different channel for each domain especially if you are promoting something different with each domain.

If you have for example 3 site all promoting WA with different domains, then you may be able to get away with one Youtube channel. But you don't want to confuse your followers.


Should we create a youtube channel for each domain we have?

Should we create a youtube channel for each domain we have?

asked in
Video Marketing

I have 2 domains *(both in the same niche by the way).

Should we create a Youtube channel for each domain we have? Or is the same channel okay for all our domains (if in

I think yes

When you get to 1,000 subscribers (on one channel) you can start monetizing with ads. If that's what you want then one channel would be best.

But if you want to link to your website in the description below the video it could be confusing to have two different domain names.

I am not an expert on this subject but my take would be to create a different channel for each domain especially if you are promoting something different with each domain.

If you have for example 3 site all promoting WA with different domains, then you may be able to get away with one Youtube channel. But you don't want to confuse your followers.


asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Checking my affiliate links for WA and I'm getting this error on all of them.

502 Bad Gateway
nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)

Shame I can't add a picture to a questio

Probably some type of glitch in the system.

I think it was a little malfunction, I have seen more complaints, but I believe it's working again

It works now.

502's are usually very temporary. These are server errors. It could be a momentary glitch with one of the WA hosting servers, or a server that WA is connected to.

Occasionally it could be a local browser issue, such as a browser not communicating with a server after it experienced a Gateway error that has since resolved. Sometimes our browsers have cached the earlier pathway, in which case refreshing the page and clearing browser cookies will fix it. ~Jude

So your advice is don't worry check back later?

502s errors are usually outside our control. Only 'worry' if the error continues to persist for a long time, including after clearing the cache, testing with another browser and ruling out local computer or ISP issues . ..lol. ~Jude

I got this error today. I could not log into WA . I went to Google and searched for WA and clicked on WealthyAffiliate/home and got in instantly. Then I replaced my current bookmark with this new one and it is working fine at this point. I just went on the website to check if it is still working and I am logging in with my Wealthy Affiliate.com

Thanks for asking this question, James. I'm having the same problem.

I can access WA through email links, but not through my browser.

At least we're not on our own with this, and imagine it must be a WA server problem!

Bejesus..I thought this was a message from a builder about something up with your driveway!.

lol :)

Feeky Checker!

Hey Jim, I'm not just having that issue with affiliate links. It seems I'm not able to get to the WA website itself. I'm only able to respond to this message because I clicked on an email that I received regarding WA.

It seems the site might be down for some reason. Which doesn't make too much sense because I'm responding on it right now.

That said, something is definitely wrong. I've tried different connections, browsers, and devices.

If there's a solution, please be sure to let me know.

Thanks in advance.

I am having the same error this afternoon if I try to go to wealthyaffiliate.com but if I use my.wealthyaffiliate.com it works.

Go to site manager and turn your ssl off then back on

no mate it's nothing to do with my website. It's all my affiliate links for WA. I go to my WA dashboard, I copy the link, I paste the link into 3 different browsers.

I get the same error. My website isn't in the loop.

There is something seriously wrong with WA servers.

That sounds like bad news, big time!

I've just tried one of your links, and it really doesn't work...

I've got 502 bad gateway

My own links have the same issue...

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What does this 502 bad gateway error -checking my aff links?

What does this 502 bad gateway error -checking my aff links?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Checking my affiliate links for WA and I'm getting this error on all of them.

502 Bad Gateway
nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)

Shame I can't add a picture to a questio

Probably some type of glitch in the system.

I think it was a little malfunction, I have seen more complaints, but I believe it's working again

It works now.

502's are usually very temporary. These are server errors. It could be a momentary glitch with one of the WA hosting servers, or a server that WA is connected to.

Occasionally it could be a local browser issue, such as a browser not communicating with a server after it experienced a Gateway error that has since resolved. Sometimes our browsers have cached the earlier pathway, in which case refreshing the page and clearing browser cookies will fix it. ~Jude

So your advice is don't worry check back later?

502s errors are usually outside our control. Only 'worry' if the error continues to persist for a long time, including after clearing the cache, testing with another browser and ruling out local computer or ISP issues . ..lol. ~Jude

I got this error today. I could not log into WA . I went to Google and searched for WA and clicked on WealthyAffiliate/home and got in instantly. Then I replaced my current bookmark with this new one and it is working fine at this point. I just went on the website to check if it is still working and I am logging in with my Wealthy Affiliate.com

Thanks for asking this question, James. I'm having the same problem.

I can access WA through email links, but not through my browser.

At least we're not on our own with this, and imagine it must be a WA server problem!

Bejesus..I thought this was a message from a builder about something up with your driveway!.

lol :)

Feeky Checker!

Hey Jim, I'm not just having that issue with affiliate links. It seems I'm not able to get to the WA website itself. I'm only able to respond to this message because I clicked on an email that I received regarding WA.

It seems the site might be down for some reason. Which doesn't make too much sense because I'm responding on it right now.

That said, something is definitely wrong. I've tried different connections, browsers, and devices.

If there's a solution, please be sure to let me know.

Thanks in advance.

I am having the same error this afternoon if I try to go to wealthyaffiliate.com but if I use my.wealthyaffiliate.com it works.

Go to site manager and turn your ssl off then back on

no mate it's nothing to do with my website. It's all my affiliate links for WA. I go to my WA dashboard, I copy the link, I paste the link into 3 different browsers.

I get the same error. My website isn't in the loop.

There is something seriously wrong with WA servers.

That sounds like bad news, big time!

I've just tried one of your links, and it really doesn't work...

I've got 502 bad gateway

My own links have the same issue...

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