About jbm3573
Rank 26644
334 followers Joined September 2017
I'm 33 years old and I currently attend school for my associates in Business Administration. I live with my girlfriend and our dog. His name





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Does anyone happen to know how I can add my site to Google Search Console? I have tried a few time to verify it through my google analytics account but it keeps telling me

This one worked for me and this one helped me create and add a sitemap. Made it easier than I thought it was gonna be Thanks for the help ya'll!

If you put the code into the header.php then next time your theme gets updated the code may get overwritten. The easiest way to verify is through your SEO plugin The most permanent way is via FTP

I have tried everything and it did not work. This was my 5th site, so I was not making mistakes.

I had the same one month ago, did the same what I did with previous sites and it did not work. Finally asked Support and they did something, not sure what. So do the same.

The WA site support? I wasn't sure if they handled things to do with Google analytics and search console but that is a good idea.

The same thing happened to me yesterday, I had to verify it again.
do u have the tracking code?

yes. I have had it in the header of my site for some time now. It seems to be working fine for analytics. Just won't verify for search console

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Trouble verifying my site in google search console?

Trouble verifying my site in google search console?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Does anyone happen to know how I can add my site to Google Search Console? I have tried a few time to verify it through my google analytics account but it keeps telling me

This one worked for me and this one helped me create and add a sitemap. Made it easier than I thought it was gonna be Thanks for the help ya'll!

If you put the code into the header.php then next time your theme gets updated the code may get overwritten. The easiest way to verify is through your SEO plugin The most permanent way is via FTP

I have tried everything and it did not work. This was my 5th site, so I was not making mistakes.

I had the same one month ago, did the same what I did with previous sites and it did not work. Finally asked Support and they did something, not sure what. So do the same.

The WA site support? I wasn't sure if they handled things to do with Google analytics and search console but that is a good idea.

The same thing happened to me yesterday, I had to verify it again.
do u have the tracking code?

yes. I have had it in the header of my site for some time now. It seems to be working fine for analytics. Just won't verify for search console

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hello everyone!
So I received a email saying someone had accepted my invitation to Wealthy Affiliate, which is Awesome! However, still somewhat confused. I was curious as to


The same thing happened to me. But you need to click on the airplane, and click on my stats, there you will be able to see how they signed up . For instance, under "my stats" there's unique clicks, raw clicks, and then there's a click through the main link, and etc...

P.S - don't forget to set up your messages!

I hope this helps,

Type google analytics in the search bar above, you will get some good links.

Is there any training on google analytics?

Is there any training on google analytics?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hello everyone!
So I received a email saying someone had accepted my invitation to Wealthy Affiliate, which is Awesome! However, still somewhat confused. I was curious as to


The same thing happened to me. But you need to click on the airplane, and click on my stats, there you will be able to see how they signed up . For instance, under "my stats" there's unique clicks, raw clicks, and then there's a click through the main link, and etc...

P.S - don't forget to set up your messages!

I hope this helps,

Type google analytics in the search bar above, you will get some good links.

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

If I change a the title of a page do I need to change the permalink or can I even do that? The title of the page is different than the menu label. Which one will be picked up b

It can make a difference if you delete out your keyword. If the keyword stays then it should not make a difference.

Only if you change the slug. The slug is the url as it appears at the top of the new page or post editor

I haven't actually changed the permalink yet. I had a page titled "website builder" and I changed the title to
"Building a Website - Easy and Free". The label as it shows on my menu and the permalink still say website builder. Didn't know if changing the title would matter or if I should change the permalink. Thanks for your help by the way.

You can change the Title and the Menu as long as you don't change the permalink url. The url is what is indexed.

Ok thanks. The permalink slug is still relevant to the post it is just different wording. Really appreciate it.

No problem, good luck with your site.

You should read these two blogs of mine.
Great tips and advice in them. Have a great day.

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Will it effect indexing if I change a page title?

Will it effect indexing if I change a page title?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

If I change a the title of a page do I need to change the permalink or can I even do that? The title of the page is different than the menu label. Which one will be picked up b

It can make a difference if you delete out your keyword. If the keyword stays then it should not make a difference.

Only if you change the slug. The slug is the url as it appears at the top of the new page or post editor

I haven't actually changed the permalink yet. I had a page titled "website builder" and I changed the title to
"Building a Website - Easy and Free". The label as it shows on my menu and the permalink still say website builder. Didn't know if changing the title would matter or if I should change the permalink. Thanks for your help by the way.

You can change the Title and the Menu as long as you don't change the permalink url. The url is what is indexed.

Ok thanks. The permalink slug is still relevant to the post it is just different wording. Really appreciate it.

No problem, good luck with your site.

You should read these two blogs of mine.
Great tips and advice in them. Have a great day.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

When applying for an affiliate program, would the business type be individual? when I put this, it said my business name would automatically be my full name but I would think t

Using your own name for your business makes this be individually owned as sole proprietorship.

I have an LLC company I put mine under. However you do it, it is just for the name they have to put on a 1099 if you make over $600 from WA.

You use the business name or your own name that you use when you pay taxes. So your own name as an individual or sole trader is most likely what you need to put.

Hi, with the programs I have joined I put individual or sole and then used my real name and my real email, then gave them my brand name/website title. I did this because it can become really confusing, especially as you say, if you have more than one website/business.

Anyway, using my own ID for all programs hasn't caused me any problems at all.

I hope this helps? : )

Independent contractor or sole trader, I would imagine. ~Jude

What business type to choose?

What business type to choose?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

When applying for an affiliate program, would the business type be individual? when I put this, it said my business name would automatically be my full name but I would think t

Using your own name for your business makes this be individually owned as sole proprietorship.

I have an LLC company I put mine under. However you do it, it is just for the name they have to put on a 1099 if you make over $600 from WA.

You use the business name or your own name that you use when you pay taxes. So your own name as an individual or sole trader is most likely what you need to put.

Hi, with the programs I have joined I put individual or sole and then used my real name and my real email, then gave them my brand name/website title. I did this because it can become really confusing, especially as you say, if you have more than one website/business.

Anyway, using my own ID for all programs hasn't caused me any problems at all.

I hope this helps? : )

Independent contractor or sole trader, I would imagine. ~Jude

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have a post I dont want to be seen by visitors yet but would like to add it and make it visible later. Can I publish the post and keep it hidden then change it later? I would

Yes, on the right side, where it says visible you can click edit. You can also just remove it from your menu.

You can also keep or save it as draft.

You can also attach zero categories to the post as many folks setup their blog roll so it must have a category to show up. That's how mine is setup. So if there's zero categories the post is simply in the background and you'd have to either a) look at the sitemap or b) know the specific URL to see it.

Good luck!

Oh, also note this assumes that you don't have any 'recent posts' activated.

Yep you can do that - go to the editor of that post, in the right sidebar you'll see under Publish "Visibility" - you'll want to choose Password protected

Set your password and only people who have the password can view the protected post or page.

As for private:

Private pages are only visible to blog Editors and Administrators. Private pages are not visible in the Reader, feeds, or in any search. A page can be private without being password protected.

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Can I make a post invisible to visitors and then add it back later?

Can I make a post invisible to visitors and then add it back later?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have a post I dont want to be seen by visitors yet but would like to add it and make it visible later. Can I publish the post and keep it hidden then change it later? I would

Yes, on the right side, where it says visible you can click edit. You can also just remove it from your menu.

You can also keep or save it as draft.

You can also attach zero categories to the post as many folks setup their blog roll so it must have a category to show up. That's how mine is setup. So if there's zero categories the post is simply in the background and you'd have to either a) look at the sitemap or b) know the specific URL to see it.

Good luck!

Oh, also note this assumes that you don't have any 'recent posts' activated.

Yep you can do that - go to the editor of that post, in the right sidebar you'll see under Publish "Visibility" - you'll want to choose Password protected

Set your password and only people who have the password can view the protected post or page.

As for private:

Private pages are only visible to blog Editors and Administrators. Private pages are not visible in the Reader, feeds, or in any search. A page can be private without being password protected.

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