About Har0ld
Rank 24267
665 followers Joined March 2014
I am thankful to be involved and a part of the Wealthy Affiliate community as a beginner Affiliate Marketer. I get a feeling the





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asked in
Getting Started

They stopped coming several days ago.

Hi there!Make sure to check from events list into Account Settings(below at the left side of desktop) to receive an e-mail about it.All the best!...

The community got you covered Harold. hope it is has resolved

This is a WA issue, not a website issue, you can contact wa here http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/contact/

Hi Harold.

Log a ticket here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Bear in mind though, it may not be an issue with WA - it could be your personal email setup that has the issue.

All the best, Mark

Thanks Mark! Your answer just came through to my personal email.

A few glitches have been reported in WA email delivery recently. (If I recall correctly, the main email systems hit by these outages were gmail and yahoo mail.)

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Who do I contact to receive personal email from wa?

Who do I contact to receive personal email from wa?

asked in
Getting Started

They stopped coming several days ago.

Hi there!Make sure to check from events list into Account Settings(below at the left side of desktop) to receive an e-mail about it.All the best!...

The community got you covered Harold. hope it is has resolved

This is a WA issue, not a website issue, you can contact wa here http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com/contact/

Hi Harold.

Log a ticket here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support

Bear in mind though, it may not be an issue with WA - it could be your personal email setup that has the issue.

All the best, Mark

Thanks Mark! Your answer just came through to my personal email.

A few glitches have been reported in WA email delivery recently. (If I recall correctly, the main email systems hit by these outages were gmail and yahoo mail.)

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

The affiliate has a discount on products. Any ideas on how to add a message like this under the first image of my blog and then remove it when finished so it doesn't affect goo

I have this issue as well. My idea has been to use email marketing to distribute the time sensitive ads. Of course, you have to setup your email list and get people to opt in and all that, which is quite a bit of work to start out. The idea of temporarily adding code is looking better all the time. My problem would be remembering to remove it.

You could add text either in the Caption field of the image (and then remove it later), or open the post in the WP Editor, go into Text mode, find the spot just underneath the image, and insert what you want to say for it to show below the image in the text body before, or perhaps directly below the Name of Product title.

Then you would have to remember to log back in and remove it when the sale is over.

Or, you could add a notification bar at the top of your page and link it to that post. Then it would be right at the top of your website until you removed/changed it.

Loes has done training for the notification bar:


Your site looks great! ~Jude

That I didn't think of that, Jude:)

I write two blogs with the same keywords one with the discount add, and one with a regular add, and I displace after the sale the action text for the regular text:) and keep the blog with the permalink

That's an option too, Loes. For a short period of time that would be okay, otherwise I would be concerned about duplicate content.

You can also make a add yourself, take a screenshot and put out the add, with text, so you don't have to worry about duplicate content. Write a regular piece below it and remove the picture after the sale periode.

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How do I add a temporary sale to my blog?

How do I add a temporary sale to my blog?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

The affiliate has a discount on products. Any ideas on how to add a message like this under the first image of my blog and then remove it when finished so it doesn't affect goo

I have this issue as well. My idea has been to use email marketing to distribute the time sensitive ads. Of course, you have to setup your email list and get people to opt in and all that, which is quite a bit of work to start out. The idea of temporarily adding code is looking better all the time. My problem would be remembering to remove it.

You could add text either in the Caption field of the image (and then remove it later), or open the post in the WP Editor, go into Text mode, find the spot just underneath the image, and insert what you want to say for it to show below the image in the text body before, or perhaps directly below the Name of Product title.

Then you would have to remember to log back in and remove it when the sale is over.

Or, you could add a notification bar at the top of your page and link it to that post. Then it would be right at the top of your website until you removed/changed it.

Loes has done training for the notification bar:


Your site looks great! ~Jude

That I didn't think of that, Jude:)

I write two blogs with the same keywords one with the discount add, and one with a regular add, and I displace after the sale the action text for the regular text:) and keep the blog with the permalink

That's an option too, Loes. For a short period of time that would be okay, otherwise I would be concerned about duplicate content.

You can also make a add yourself, take a screenshot and put out the add, with text, so you don't have to worry about duplicate content. Write a regular piece below it and remove the picture after the sale periode.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

It's been that way a while, but I don't think it's good to have duplicate indexing of my early pages. Should I delete my previous site rubix and keep the .com I am using now t

If you'd like to delete your siterubix web -first delete it from your WA web manager list,then from Google webmaster and google analytics.
But if you'd like to keep your siterubix web-just make sure to change page and post names to prevent duplicate indexing.

Go into Google Webmaster tools and delete the relavent site map

Thank you Jason. I'm not that far along in my lessons yet to set up my site map. Do you think my site rubix site is alright left alone, google indexed? http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.siterubix.com/

Here's my new site: http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.com/

Hi HarOld, I don't use site rubix, but if you have site map plugin turned on, on it, turn it off.

Thanks Dynamite8! My site map is turned off. I just put my .com on my Webmaster Tool.

Hey I put some links on my last review. http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.com/best-all-purpose-cleaner-reviews-green-virgin-product

Also put some links from this blog http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.com/green-virgin-product-non-toxic-cleaner-concentrate to the review.

Great I will check them out as soon as I can. Looking forward to reading them.

Happy Thanksgiving too!

And to you Also!

Hi Harold, You certainly have been busy. I really like your site. You have done a great job.
I have questions so I will PM you.

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How do I cancil google indexing of my previous site rubix?

How do I cancil google indexing of my previous site rubix?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

It's been that way a while, but I don't think it's good to have duplicate indexing of my early pages. Should I delete my previous site rubix and keep the .com I am using now t

If you'd like to delete your siterubix web -first delete it from your WA web manager list,then from Google webmaster and google analytics.
But if you'd like to keep your siterubix web-just make sure to change page and post names to prevent duplicate indexing.

Go into Google Webmaster tools and delete the relavent site map

Thank you Jason. I'm not that far along in my lessons yet to set up my site map. Do you think my site rubix site is alright left alone, google indexed? http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.siterubix.com/

Here's my new site: http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.com/

Hi HarOld, I don't use site rubix, but if you have site map plugin turned on, on it, turn it off.

Thanks Dynamite8! My site map is turned off. I just put my .com on my Webmaster Tool.

Hey I put some links on my last review. http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.com/best-all-purpose-cleaner-reviews-green-virgin-product

Also put some links from this blog http://organicsoilhealthwithharold.com/green-virgin-product-non-toxic-cleaner-concentrate to the review.

Great I will check them out as soon as I can. Looking forward to reading them.

Happy Thanksgiving too!

And to you Also!

Hi Harold, You certainly have been busy. I really like your site. You have done a great job.
I have questions so I will PM you.

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello WA,

My emails from WA stopped coming to my personal email after my last one at 5:08pm. Oct . 15, yesterday. Does anyone know how I can receive my email from WA agai

Appreciate your help too lelka. Glad your thinking of me, the kind of success which multiplies... I just moved WA mail out of the spam folder and left them in my att mail for now... Take Care!!!

I see you've got help.All the best...to your success...

I am not sure if you use hotmail,yahoo, or other. I personally recommend switching to gmail; it is just easier.

I'm please you got it sorted with a little help from your friends. ~Marion

My Gmail has filtered out all the junk I was getting on my website email and now I get the emails I need. I waited too long to make the move but it worked out.

That happened to a lot of us last month. Just switch to Gmail as Loes suggested. It solved the problem for me.

Thank you Loes! Lot's of options I had no clue of, just the pattern I got used to. Have the greatest!!!

Hotmail? Try Gmail, just switch on your profile

have you changed any boxes in your account settings link on the left menu in WA, you see that down the bottom left when you go into my profile?

Wow! I didn't even know where the account settings were. Thank you for showing me Moz. Have a great one!!!

did you check your spam folder? mine started going there for some reason, and sometimes you have to comment on articles to keep the thread going too!

Good one booklover2, Thank you veery much. They are in my spam folder alright. Again, Thank you! Have the greatest day too!

you're welcome and you have a great day too!

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What do I do to receive personal emails again from wa?

What do I do to receive personal emails again from wa?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello WA,

My emails from WA stopped coming to my personal email after my last one at 5:08pm. Oct . 15, yesterday. Does anyone know how I can receive my email from WA agai

Appreciate your help too lelka. Glad your thinking of me, the kind of success which multiplies... I just moved WA mail out of the spam folder and left them in my att mail for now... Take Care!!!

I see you've got help.All the best...to your success...

I am not sure if you use hotmail,yahoo, or other. I personally recommend switching to gmail; it is just easier.

I'm please you got it sorted with a little help from your friends. ~Marion

My Gmail has filtered out all the junk I was getting on my website email and now I get the emails I need. I waited too long to make the move but it worked out.

That happened to a lot of us last month. Just switch to Gmail as Loes suggested. It solved the problem for me.

Thank you Loes! Lot's of options I had no clue of, just the pattern I got used to. Have the greatest!!!

Hotmail? Try Gmail, just switch on your profile

have you changed any boxes in your account settings link on the left menu in WA, you see that down the bottom left when you go into my profile?

Wow! I didn't even know where the account settings were. Thank you for showing me Moz. Have a great one!!!

did you check your spam folder? mine started going there for some reason, and sometimes you have to comment on articles to keep the thread going too!

Good one booklover2, Thank you veery much. They are in my spam folder alright. Again, Thank you! Have the greatest day too!

you're welcome and you have a great day too!

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