About Eriksen
Rank 1456
1,034 followers Joined October 2014
My name is Kjell Roger Eriksen (Erik) Been here at WA for about 6 months now and have and still enjoy every part of it.





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

What is the best way to CLOAK AFFILIATE LINKS to use in WordPress posts/pages? Ideally without a plugin that may go down later on, messing up my links, but. Whatever you recomme

Thank you all for helping me out. I was under the assumption pretty links was "out of date or not updated for years, but I could be remembering wrong. So, anyways. Pretty links it is. Thanks :)

Tagged for future reference. Thanks for asking this question.

I use a link shortener hosted on one of my sites.

You can describe tour affiliate s in an article or image, using a word or two or an image as a something about your affiliate...etc

i use Google shortener


Instead of adding another Luton I use tinyurl. Com

Looks like Pretty link is the winner to this issue

Indeed :)

I use PrettyLinks Lite plugin. It works just fine and includes your own domain name in the link. Some people use bit.ly but I have never tried that. ~Marion

Thank you very much jaytech!

A pleasure mate :)

There is a WP Plugin called Pretty Links, It is covered in Bootcamp here....

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What is the best way to cloak affiliate links?

What is the best way to cloak affiliate links?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

What is the best way to CLOAK AFFILIATE LINKS to use in WordPress posts/pages? Ideally without a plugin that may go down later on, messing up my links, but. Whatever you recomme

Thank you all for helping me out. I was under the assumption pretty links was "out of date or not updated for years, but I could be remembering wrong. So, anyways. Pretty links it is. Thanks :)

Tagged for future reference. Thanks for asking this question.

I use a link shortener hosted on one of my sites.

You can describe tour affiliate s in an article or image, using a word or two or an image as a something about your affiliate...etc

i use Google shortener


Instead of adding another Luton I use tinyurl. Com

Looks like Pretty link is the winner to this issue

Indeed :)

I use PrettyLinks Lite plugin. It works just fine and includes your own domain name in the link. Some people use bit.ly but I have never tried that. ~Marion

Thank you very much jaytech!

A pleasure mate :)

There is a WP Plugin called Pretty Links, It is covered in Bootcamp here....

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

PhotoShop - Image Optimization - Divi Image Size

I can't postpone the use of PhotoShop anymore So to optimize web images I am currently learning how to save for web using

If you remove an image from your media file it will disappear from the page you had it on and you will have to go back and reinstall.

Thank you.

Yeah I noticed. Thankfully it did not "upset" Google. At least not yet, that was my biggest concern for starters ^^

Yep do not upset the Google God.

Hehe, oh no. We have become best buddies during the recent months... Or... I like to think that is the case ;)

keep the same file name.... all you will be doing is overwriting the ones that is already uploaded.

Thank you !

Just use an image optimizing plugin that will do it all for you. No point making extra work for yourself.


Both are very popular & idiot proof to use.

Thank you IMc.

I was hoping to make a good habit in regards to images on my sites and save myself from more needing to do more work then I have to. As well as trying to fill my domain with plugins. (failed so far tho, hehe, as I love using and testing them)

But will check it out. Thank you!

Thank you Marion.
If the change wont interfere with Google index and create those 404 etc etc.... I can manage uploading new "polished" ones. Thank you :)

The images should still be on your computer (please check) so you don't need to download them but you will have to delete the originals as you replace them with the optimized images. So I recommend doing them one at a time as with 40 images it's going to take a while. ~Marion

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Replacing the indexed media file. by size only. any harm ?

Replacing the indexed media file. by size only. any harm ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

PhotoShop - Image Optimization - Divi Image Size

I can't postpone the use of PhotoShop anymore So to optimize web images I am currently learning how to save for web using

If you remove an image from your media file it will disappear from the page you had it on and you will have to go back and reinstall.

Thank you.

Yeah I noticed. Thankfully it did not "upset" Google. At least not yet, that was my biggest concern for starters ^^

Yep do not upset the Google God.

Hehe, oh no. We have become best buddies during the recent months... Or... I like to think that is the case ;)

keep the same file name.... all you will be doing is overwriting the ones that is already uploaded.

Thank you !

Just use an image optimizing plugin that will do it all for you. No point making extra work for yourself.


Both are very popular & idiot proof to use.

Thank you IMc.

I was hoping to make a good habit in regards to images on my sites and save myself from more needing to do more work then I have to. As well as trying to fill my domain with plugins. (failed so far tho, hehe, as I love using and testing them)

But will check it out. Thank you!

Thank you Marion.
If the change wont interfere with Google index and create those 404 etc etc.... I can manage uploading new "polished" ones. Thank you :)

The images should still be on your computer (please check) so you don't need to download them but you will have to delete the originals as you replace them with the optimized images. So I recommend doing them one at a time as with 40 images it's going to take a while. ~Marion

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am having a hard time understanding the different referral link sections within the Affiliate program - my details.

Earlier I created a custom homepage link a

see guys below, they seam to know what they are talking about, good luck cheers Helen

Indeed !

And thank you for adding the comment, thus giving me a notification that remind me to answer to the replies I semi looked at waking up some night ago. Don't wanna end up looking like an ungrateful knowledge seeker ^^

You shouldn't be looking at Clicks Raw because those also track your clicks. So if you click on your affiliate link 5 times, that will show up in your raw clicks too. You should only look at Clicks Unique and Clicks Content.

Clicks Content are the raw clicks you get from your WA Blogs and Question Discussions like this one, that are indexed into Google and the other search engines.

Clicks Unique are exactly what the title indicates, unique clicks you have no involvement in. All of your WA content that you create will get more clicks than your custom homepage because the content you create gets indexed and your custom home page does not.

If you need to see where referrals come through then scroll down to the bottom of the page and look at the Referral Entrance Details.

Oh !
One day I will be you! Thank you very much. That made sense. No more wasting time trying to investigate and understanding them numbers.

Thanks alot for saving me a lot of time there boomergp08. Much appreciated :)

You are welcome.

While I am not sure where your referral came in the site from, the content clicks are from any thing you create within WA, even your profile. The reason why that stuff is tracked is because if lets say you link someone to your profile from your WA review you get will get that referral credit even if they dont come in through your main WA link.

Also your content and such can rank in search engines and occasionally people might stumble upon a training or a blog post and come into the site through that which will also give you credit. But at the same time any clicks from people within the community on your stuff will generate those content clicks.

Thank you.

In that case I guess I will have to check and see if my custom referral link has 0 clicks. Find that hard to believe but. Oh well... learning every day ^^

You're only looking at the last 7 days. Try going back in time to see where your referrals actually came in during the last month and the last year. I don't have any referrals from my Custom Home Page either although that's the link I'm promoting. ~Marion

Thank You Marion.

No difference, when changing time period. I can only conclude that the custom link is not registered back here as such. Not a great deal but.... would be nice to have had the feature as it appears to be, and I am sure, ment to be.

But I will survive this minor detail I reckon ^^

I will study this a bit and get back to you...

Very nice of you. Thank you.

Hi Eriksen, doesn't that call for action page look a little to full? are all call for action pages the same or you build that one yourself. Would it not be better to just have the form to fill for better referral count. I'm just saying that it look like your page being crowded and may cause a distraction for viewer. I want to know for my own landing page in the near future.

I guess that is a matter of taste and your chosen approach. Subject and what you are covering/offering or helping with. Mine is still a work in progress, as I always learn new things and adapt.

No, Landing pages have as many varieties as there are posts around I guess ^^)

Did you have any referrals yet?

Yes, both referrals and signups with granting me comission. But the amount of clicks..... Would be nice to know where they come from. To track which of my actions generate most traffic etc. Have a feeling it is kinda out of "synch" atm.... ^^

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Wa referral link category detailed stats ?

Wa referral link category detailed stats ?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am having a hard time understanding the different referral link sections within the Affiliate program - my details.

Earlier I created a custom homepage link a

see guys below, they seam to know what they are talking about, good luck cheers Helen

Indeed !

And thank you for adding the comment, thus giving me a notification that remind me to answer to the replies I semi looked at waking up some night ago. Don't wanna end up looking like an ungrateful knowledge seeker ^^

You shouldn't be looking at Clicks Raw because those also track your clicks. So if you click on your affiliate link 5 times, that will show up in your raw clicks too. You should only look at Clicks Unique and Clicks Content.

Clicks Content are the raw clicks you get from your WA Blogs and Question Discussions like this one, that are indexed into Google and the other search engines.

Clicks Unique are exactly what the title indicates, unique clicks you have no involvement in. All of your WA content that you create will get more clicks than your custom homepage because the content you create gets indexed and your custom home page does not.

If you need to see where referrals come through then scroll down to the bottom of the page and look at the Referral Entrance Details.

Oh !
One day I will be you! Thank you very much. That made sense. No more wasting time trying to investigate and understanding them numbers.

Thanks alot for saving me a lot of time there boomergp08. Much appreciated :)

You are welcome.

While I am not sure where your referral came in the site from, the content clicks are from any thing you create within WA, even your profile. The reason why that stuff is tracked is because if lets say you link someone to your profile from your WA review you get will get that referral credit even if they dont come in through your main WA link.

Also your content and such can rank in search engines and occasionally people might stumble upon a training or a blog post and come into the site through that which will also give you credit. But at the same time any clicks from people within the community on your stuff will generate those content clicks.

Thank you.

In that case I guess I will have to check and see if my custom referral link has 0 clicks. Find that hard to believe but. Oh well... learning every day ^^

You're only looking at the last 7 days. Try going back in time to see where your referrals actually came in during the last month and the last year. I don't have any referrals from my Custom Home Page either although that's the link I'm promoting. ~Marion

Thank You Marion.

No difference, when changing time period. I can only conclude that the custom link is not registered back here as such. Not a great deal but.... would be nice to have had the feature as it appears to be, and I am sure, ment to be.

But I will survive this minor detail I reckon ^^

I will study this a bit and get back to you...

Very nice of you. Thank you.

Hi Eriksen, doesn't that call for action page look a little to full? are all call for action pages the same or you build that one yourself. Would it not be better to just have the form to fill for better referral count. I'm just saying that it look like your page being crowded and may cause a distraction for viewer. I want to know for my own landing page in the near future.

I guess that is a matter of taste and your chosen approach. Subject and what you are covering/offering or helping with. Mine is still a work in progress, as I always learn new things and adapt.

No, Landing pages have as many varieties as there are posts around I guess ^^)

Did you have any referrals yet?

Yes, both referrals and signups with granting me comission. But the amount of clicks..... Would be nice to know where they come from. To track which of my actions generate most traffic etc. Have a feeling it is kinda out of "synch" atm.... ^^

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am going crazy here. If anyone of you, more seasoned users here able to help me out please? I used the image editor within the media section and shrank "crop" my featured imag

Hi Eriksen! I always delete the image in the site before inserting new image sized accordingly! Best!

Yeah Thanks, I was just a bit hesitated as the picture most likely was indexed by Google, but I survived :)

I crop in paint and load it up again with another name

and keep the original in case it is indexed or.... ? Strange think the "crop" function changing the picture within the WordPress editor does not work like that? What is it even used for then? Uploaded but not used/indexed pictures? Have I gotten it right ?

When I need different sizes I never use the WP crop, I found out, it resized all pictures, so I resize outside WP and load up several times

Shrink and crop are different. Shrink just makes the whole item smaller and crop cuts out what you don't want. If you put your item in Word you can do both as long as it is in photo format. Then save it either under a new name or overtop of your original photo (if you don't want to keep it). Then upload the one you want to WP. If you need help moving the item to get to this point let me know.

You'll need to go to the homepage and delete the original image then insert the new image in its place. Just click on the image then click on the X in the popup to remove it. Even though the image has been changed in your media library the old image is still stored in your database until you change your homepage. It's better to modify your images before you upload them to your media library instead of afterwards. Large images slow down your loading time which leads to a less than ideal experience for your visitors. ~Marion

Excellent Marion Thanks a lot. !! I was afraid this had to be the solution but I wanted to avoid it in case it is indexed. But by confirming my suspicion you probably saved me a couple of hours of work. Much appreciated! :)

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Featured image not changing at homepage view. solution?

Featured image not changing at homepage view. solution?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am going crazy here. If anyone of you, more seasoned users here able to help me out please? I used the image editor within the media section and shrank "crop" my featured imag

Hi Eriksen! I always delete the image in the site before inserting new image sized accordingly! Best!

Yeah Thanks, I was just a bit hesitated as the picture most likely was indexed by Google, but I survived :)

I crop in paint and load it up again with another name

and keep the original in case it is indexed or.... ? Strange think the "crop" function changing the picture within the WordPress editor does not work like that? What is it even used for then? Uploaded but not used/indexed pictures? Have I gotten it right ?

When I need different sizes I never use the WP crop, I found out, it resized all pictures, so I resize outside WP and load up several times

Shrink and crop are different. Shrink just makes the whole item smaller and crop cuts out what you don't want. If you put your item in Word you can do both as long as it is in photo format. Then save it either under a new name or overtop of your original photo (if you don't want to keep it). Then upload the one you want to WP. If you need help moving the item to get to this point let me know.

You'll need to go to the homepage and delete the original image then insert the new image in its place. Just click on the image then click on the X in the popup to remove it. Even though the image has been changed in your media library the old image is still stored in your database until you change your homepage. It's better to modify your images before you upload them to your media library instead of afterwards. Large images slow down your loading time which leads to a less than ideal experience for your visitors. ~Marion

Excellent Marion Thanks a lot. !! I was afraid this had to be the solution but I wanted to avoid it in case it is indexed. But by confirming my suspicion you probably saved me a couple of hours of work. Much appreciated! :)

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