About Timard
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Hi every body, my name is Timothee french acadian from eastern Canada, I still speak some french but its pretty rusty. Yous can all call





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asked in
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I am about to transfer from old to new with a USB cable and need to know if anybody knows how to do this?

1use backup programme to save all files
2always have good antivirus up to date
3create system recovery disk in case disaster
4make habit of saving everything online --- esp your website / there are plugins to do this automatically

External backup drives are the best way, as you can categorize your saved data into specific folders. Then the data will be ready to be copied onto your new computer in the right locations.

Moving stuff to a new PC is a good time for computer house-keeping!

Have a look at this, it might help: http://makemoneyonacomputer.com/how-to-back-up-a-computer-to-an-external-drive

Hi Tim, think the answers below answered your question pretty well. I still trust the "old-fashion or old-school way". Bernie

If it helps to do it the old school way, it would avoid confusion. :) Just copy the files from your old pc to a portable hardrive. Then, plug the portable hardrive to your new pc and paste the items. :)

Are portable hardrive expensive?

Hi Tim. How much space do you need? It is quite affordable. I have 1 terabyte hardrive I bought 5 years ago for $150. It should be cheaper now.

I'm going out to check them out in a few minute, thank you.

You're welcome:)

Is it possible for you to use an external hard drive? That way you can save all of your old files/folders on to the external hard drive, and then load them onto your new system. Use your ext hd for an extra back up system too.
That is what I would do.

That is one way. There is also Dropbox. Have you looked into that?

Thanks for the come back everyone. Today I was at the PC repair shop and obtain some info from one of the repair technician, so I'm going to go with that for now and let you know how it turned out. Thanks for all the help folks much appreciated.

Hi Tim~
I'll be watching your replys because I'm going to be doing the same thing in the near future. Thank you for posting this.

Ok Wayne,if I can figger this out I will send you a full report or details on the surgery and the outcome.

DO you have a PC (Windows) or MAC - because for Windows you can try Windows Easy Transfer.

There is also the Windows Migration Assistant.

Ok Steph, this is going to take a bit. I am transferring data from the old PC that is running window vista XP to a window 7. I hooked up both PC to power and turn both PC on and connected the USB cable to both machines, went to easy transfer and started it up got the Key from the new PC and type it in where required and press next to keep going, but it a message came back and said that both PC had to be connected to the same network. I wasn't all that sure about that part so I shut everything back down. I'm a little confused about the network , that may mean that I need a network cable and hook that up as well Am I wrong?

By network, they are referring to your Wifi

It still doesn't tell me anything but thanks anyway. I'm doing research on all this stuff and see what I can find.

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How do I transfer old data from an old pc to a new one?

How do I transfer old data from an old pc to a new one?

asked in
Getting Started

I am about to transfer from old to new with a USB cable and need to know if anybody knows how to do this?

1use backup programme to save all files
2always have good antivirus up to date
3create system recovery disk in case disaster
4make habit of saving everything online --- esp your website / there are plugins to do this automatically

External backup drives are the best way, as you can categorize your saved data into specific folders. Then the data will be ready to be copied onto your new computer in the right locations.

Moving stuff to a new PC is a good time for computer house-keeping!

Have a look at this, it might help: http://makemoneyonacomputer.com/how-to-back-up-a-computer-to-an-external-drive

Hi Tim, think the answers below answered your question pretty well. I still trust the "old-fashion or old-school way". Bernie

If it helps to do it the old school way, it would avoid confusion. :) Just copy the files from your old pc to a portable hardrive. Then, plug the portable hardrive to your new pc and paste the items. :)

Are portable hardrive expensive?

Hi Tim. How much space do you need? It is quite affordable. I have 1 terabyte hardrive I bought 5 years ago for $150. It should be cheaper now.

I'm going out to check them out in a few minute, thank you.

You're welcome:)

Is it possible for you to use an external hard drive? That way you can save all of your old files/folders on to the external hard drive, and then load them onto your new system. Use your ext hd for an extra back up system too.
That is what I would do.

That is one way. There is also Dropbox. Have you looked into that?

Thanks for the come back everyone. Today I was at the PC repair shop and obtain some info from one of the repair technician, so I'm going to go with that for now and let you know how it turned out. Thanks for all the help folks much appreciated.

Hi Tim~
I'll be watching your replys because I'm going to be doing the same thing in the near future. Thank you for posting this.

Ok Wayne,if I can figger this out I will send you a full report or details on the surgery and the outcome.

DO you have a PC (Windows) or MAC - because for Windows you can try Windows Easy Transfer.

There is also the Windows Migration Assistant.

Ok Steph, this is going to take a bit. I am transferring data from the old PC that is running window vista XP to a window 7. I hooked up both PC to power and turn both PC on and connected the USB cable to both machines, went to easy transfer and started it up got the Key from the new PC and type it in where required and press next to keep going, but it a message came back and said that both PC had to be connected to the same network. I wasn't all that sure about that part so I shut everything back down. I'm a little confused about the network , that may mean that I need a network cable and hook that up as well Am I wrong?

By network, they are referring to your Wifi

It still doesn't tell me anything but thanks anyway. I'm doing research on all this stuff and see what I can find.

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