There doesn't seem to be a comment box on my blog roll, I have looked at my site as I have had comments saying no comment box on blog roll.... Where Is it and can I get it back??
I am also looking into having a comment box on my blog roll. It only comes up on individual post but not on my home blog roll. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this?
have a look at this and see if it is of help to you Why Don't I Have A Comment Box on My Posts?
thanks. i can get comments on my individual post/blog but not my blog roll. apparently that is normal but i want to be able to have comments on my blog roll.
I don' want to do that. My site is book reviews and I think it's better for customer experience to have the review when they get there instead of hunting for it.
see electrobot gave you a link and I looked at Kyle's answer
KylePremium Ambassador 3 months ago Your blog roll page doesn't allow for comments, but all posts themselves will allow for comments. This is normal and that is how it works.
Typically within a blog roll you will see a snippet of the overall blog post and people will click it to "read more". From there they will be able to comment.
yeah i saw that too and tried to make it "read more" but my theme won't allow that. I followed the instruction on how to do it from a tutorial so not sure where that leaves me.
I have one called Decent by mudthemes, it is simple and responsive and I can manage it just fine still go things I want to tweak out but I will get there..
I like the theme Decent but I have to upgrade to have my header picture on it or to change anything. Do you have another suggestion?
go to add new theme select filters and put i what your looking for and see what choices they come up with, do you have a practice site cause you can try fiddling around with the theme without any impact on your main site
Did u fix it? There are a number of ways to access the comments options. Be sure to continue asking...even if by PM...until you get an answer.
Do the comments need to be approved before showing up? Have you approved? You may have settings/discussion option. If so, discussion is all about comments. Look those over very carefully. Therein may be a problem. If you have a question about anything in particular there, fastest answer is either WordPress or Google, I would think.
I cannot think of anywhere else. If you cannot find through any of the advice within this discussion...put in support ticket. donna
Thanks Donna, going to have a look now to see if I can sort it, if not I'll put a support ticket in.
Hi Davidjardine. This should help: Why Don't I Have A Comment Box on My Posts? Regarding the blogroll, that may be a bit more difficult. I'll see what I can find.
Hi Davidjardine. The answer(s) to your question can be found in the replies to this question: Comments on a home blogroll page? Included is a reply from Kyle.
Check your theme options for comments as well. You may be able to set them to a different display.
Hi David! Some themes kind of "hide" their comment forms. They'd have to click on "leave a comment" or "leave a reply" in order to leave a comment on your blog post. Does this answer your question?
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Where is the comment box on my blog roll?
There doesn't seem to be a comment box on my blog roll, I have looked at my site as I have had comments saying no comment box on blog roll.... Where Is it and can I get it back??
Hi Davidjardine. The answer(s) to your question can be found in the replies to this question: Comments on a home blogroll page? Included is a reply from Kyle.
Kyle explained how it works but didn't leave instructions on how to do it. I left a comment on how to set my blog so people can click to read more so hopeful someone will leave the instruction on how to achieve that.
I am also looking into having a comment box on my blog roll. It only comes up on individual post but not on my home blog roll. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this?
have a look at this and see if it is of help to you Why Don't I Have A Comment Box on My Posts?
thanks. i can get comments on my individual post/blog but not my blog roll. apparently that is normal but i want to be able to have comments on my blog roll.
I don' want to do that. My site is book reviews and I think it's better for customer experience to have the review when they get there instead of hunting for it.
see electrobot gave you a link and I looked at Kyle's answer
KylePremium Ambassador 3 months ago Your blog roll page doesn't allow for comments, but all posts themselves will allow for comments. This is normal and that is how it works.
Typically within a blog roll you will see a snippet of the overall blog post and people will click it to "read more". From there they will be able to comment.
yeah i saw that too and tried to make it "read more" but my theme won't allow that. I followed the instruction on how to do it from a tutorial so not sure where that leaves me.
I have one called Decent by mudthemes, it is simple and responsive and I can manage it just fine still go things I want to tweak out but I will get there..
I like the theme Decent but I have to upgrade to have my header picture on it or to change anything. Do you have another suggestion?
go to add new theme select filters and put i what your looking for and see what choices they come up with, do you have a practice site cause you can try fiddling around with the theme without any impact on your main site
Did u fix it? There are a number of ways to access the comments options. Be sure to continue asking...even if by PM...until you get an answer.
Do the comments need to be approved before showing up? Have you approved? You may have settings/discussion option. If so, discussion is all about comments. Look those over very carefully. Therein may be a problem. If you have a question about anything in particular there, fastest answer is either WordPress or Google, I would think.
I cannot think of anywhere else. If you cannot find through any of the advice within this discussion...put in support ticket. donna
Thanks Donna, going to have a look now to see if I can sort it, if not I'll put a support ticket in.
Hi Davidjardine. This should help: Why Don't I Have A Comment Box on My Posts? Regarding the blogroll, that may be a bit more difficult. I'll see what I can find.
Hi Davidjardine. The answer(s) to your question can be found in the replies to this question: Comments on a home blogroll page? Included is a reply from Kyle.
Check your theme options for comments as well. You may be able to set them to a different display.
Hi David! Some themes kind of "hide" their comment forms. They'd have to click on "leave a comment" or "leave a reply" in order to leave a comment on your blog post. Does this answer your question?
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A friend of mine has suggested a plugin called SEO Smart Link, does anyone here have it, if so how does it work and is it easy to set up ?
I agree with everyone who says wait for Kyle's approval before taking the step. He from past observation will give it the once over. If it works and will be good he will approve it.
Thanks John, but already added the plugin now, can't do any harm as nearly one million people using it and it only links internal pages on my site.
I don't think Kyle would have recommended this since we have access to the Jaaxy Keyword training and tools. I would see who else pops in with there opinion or comment. :))
All it does or suppose to do, is automatically link your keywords on your site to other pages within your site, that why I thought it would be good.
this it what it says it does. SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog.
Further SEO Smart links allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs.
Finally SEO Smart links allows you to set nofollow attribute and open links in new window.
Yes, I did go in and take a look at what it does. Lets see what other responses you get on this. It does look rather interesting, I am curious on this as well. Thanks. :)
That is a new one on me as well David. Have not seen that plugin floating around here at all. :))
If you have time look at it in plugins and see what you think, sounds interesting, but needed some advice from people here to see what they think.
My advice would be - if Kyle hasn't recommended it leave it alone!
Remember - shortcuts rarely are in the end Dave! :)
Hi Dave! -
Is it Kyle that recommends it?
If not - no I don't have it!
Are you having a good Sunday Dave?
Kyle didn't recommend it, but looked at it and it sounds good, but just wanted to know if it works and how, must be something in it as been downloaded nearly a million times.
I'm fine, just plodding along as normal, how's your weekend going?
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Who has seo smart links plugin and how does it work ?
A friend of mine has suggested a plugin called SEO Smart Link, does anyone here have it, if so how does it work and is it easy to set up ?
I agree with everyone who says wait for Kyle's approval before taking the step. He from past observation will give it the once over. If it works and will be good he will approve it.
Thanks John, but already added the plugin now, can't do any harm as nearly one million people using it and it only links internal pages on my site.
I don't think Kyle would have recommended this since we have access to the Jaaxy Keyword training and tools. I would see who else pops in with there opinion or comment. :))
All it does or suppose to do, is automatically link your keywords on your site to other pages within your site, that why I thought it would be good.
this it what it says it does. SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog.
Further SEO Smart links allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs.
Finally SEO Smart links allows you to set nofollow attribute and open links in new window.
Yes, I did go in and take a look at what it does. Lets see what other responses you get on this. It does look rather interesting, I am curious on this as well. Thanks. :)
That is a new one on me as well David. Have not seen that plugin floating around here at all. :))
If you have time look at it in plugins and see what you think, sounds interesting, but needed some advice from people here to see what they think.
My advice would be - if Kyle hasn't recommended it leave it alone!
Remember - shortcuts rarely are in the end Dave! :)
Hi Dave! -
Is it Kyle that recommends it?
If not - no I don't have it!
Are you having a good Sunday Dave?
Kyle didn't recommend it, but looked at it and it sounds good, but just wanted to know if it works and how, must be something in it as been downloaded nearly a million times.
I'm fine, just plodding along as normal, how's your weekend going?
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Is it a good idea to have one or don't I need one ?
I don't think an autoresponder should be installed until you have traffic coming to your website. However, you do need to get one started as soon as you do get traffic.
I'd at least wait until I have a fully functional website first. That means that everything has to be in its proper place; content, pages (About, Private Policy, Contact), social icons, reviews etc.
Kyle has an email marketing training as well. You can find it here: Introduction to Email Marketing .
I like GetResponse because it is totally free for the first 30 days. Then after that, it is only $15/month (that is if you have a list under a 1,000 then the price goes up)
Other reasons are the "Landing Pages" feature and the 90/180 day email marketing list building program. Pamela Neely will show you how you can build a list of 10,000 in 90 days or 180 days depending how aggressive you want to be.
These are really good training that I've mentioned above.
Answering this question was important to me because I've been wondering the same thing. Do I really need an autoresponder?
The answer is yes, I really do...eventually.
As l am learning from Kyle's 14 page "Email Marketing - Getting Started Guide" I do need an autoresponder.
I'm glad you asked this question as I just received a payment request from aweber. I had started a blog a year ago and surprisingly had a few people subscribe, goodness knows how when I didn't have a clue what I was doing and still am learning! I only wrote one post...shameful! Wasn't sure whether to renew or not but guess I'll be renewing again reading everyone's comments :)
Yes it's a good idea Jenny Ann...building a list can be hard. If you offer a free ebook to entice people to subscribe to your email list, and have your subscribe box or link all through your website, especially after each blog post :)
You don't need an autoresponder until you have built your list. The way I've found to build a list is by offering something (such as an eBook or Newsletter with valuable information) and using the plugin "Easy Sign Up". You can see the plugin in action on: ~Marion
An autoresponder is very important for building an email list and/or newsletter where you can have articles that link back to your website. As they say, the money is in the list. Each subscriber is worth $1 per month, so it makes sense.
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Is it a good idea to have one or don't I need one ?
I don't think an autoresponder should be installed until you have traffic coming to your website. However, you do need to get one started as soon as you do get traffic.
I'd at least wait until I have a fully functional website first. That means that everything has to be in its proper place; content, pages (About, Private Policy, Contact), social icons, reviews etc.
Kyle has an email marketing training as well. You can find it here: Introduction to Email Marketing .
I like GetResponse because it is totally free for the first 30 days. Then after that, it is only $15/month (that is if you have a list under a 1,000 then the price goes up)
Other reasons are the "Landing Pages" feature and the 90/180 day email marketing list building program. Pamela Neely will show you how you can build a list of 10,000 in 90 days or 180 days depending how aggressive you want to be.
These are really good training that I've mentioned above.
Answering this question was important to me because I've been wondering the same thing. Do I really need an autoresponder?
The answer is yes, I really do...eventually.
As l am learning from Kyle's 14 page "Email Marketing - Getting Started Guide" I do need an autoresponder.
I'm glad you asked this question as I just received a payment request from aweber. I had started a blog a year ago and surprisingly had a few people subscribe, goodness knows how when I didn't have a clue what I was doing and still am learning! I only wrote one post...shameful! Wasn't sure whether to renew or not but guess I'll be renewing again reading everyone's comments :)
Yes it's a good idea Jenny Ann...building a list can be hard. If you offer a free ebook to entice people to subscribe to your email list, and have your subscribe box or link all through your website, especially after each blog post :)
You don't need an autoresponder until you have built your list. The way I've found to build a list is by offering something (such as an eBook or Newsletter with valuable information) and using the plugin "Easy Sign Up". You can see the plugin in action on: ~Marion
An autoresponder is very important for building an email list and/or newsletter where you can have articles that link back to your website. As they say, the money is in the list. Each subscriber is worth $1 per month, so it makes sense.
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Has anyone got an up to date SEO Checklist, as something seems to be wrong on mine, tried following Kyles video again, but still no joy.
Thank you for your help in advance
No sure about the link as it is slightly different to what Kyle says, plus cannot find the privacy settings and I says have a static page e t c.. I don't know who to go with on this one
Hi David, here is an excellent training video for all things SEO:
Hi Davidjardine. The answer(s) to your question can be found in the replies to this question: Comments on a home blogroll page? Included is a reply from Kyle.
Kyle explained how it works but didn't leave instructions on how to do it. I left a comment on how to set my blog so people can click to read more so hopeful someone will leave the instruction on how to achieve that.