About BSurla
Rank 8319
491 followers Joined January 2018
My friends call me Bien, originally from the Philippines and residing here in Ohio for 7 years now. I'm working in a leading Distribution Center





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Please kindly help me identify which one is On and Off button? Check photo difference. This is from social media campaign but I can't tell if my campaign is on or off.

Elaine's right - 1st is on, 2nd is off, but I'm with Droseh - something's up with the"not started"......I'm pretty sure we're not helping.....................................


The not started is i believed i am waitinf for approval of my campaign. I dont know the issue with my campaign yet. Thanks a lot

Is the confusion because the "not started" button is on in both of them....perhaps there is another step that needs to be completed.

Hey Bien,
The 1st is on
2nd is off

Tried and True


Thanks Elaine

The first sample us the on button and next is the off button.
Have a good day.

Thanks Jocelyn

The first is on and the second is off.
With Grace and Gratitude


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Which one is on and off button here?

Which one is on and off button here?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Please kindly help me identify which one is On and Off button? Check photo difference. This is from social media campaign but I can't tell if my campaign is on or off.

Elaine's right - 1st is on, 2nd is off, but I'm with Droseh - something's up with the"not started"......I'm pretty sure we're not helping.....................................


The not started is i believed i am waitinf for approval of my campaign. I dont know the issue with my campaign yet. Thanks a lot

Is the confusion because the "not started" button is on in both of them....perhaps there is another step that needs to be completed.

Hey Bien,
The 1st is on
2nd is off

Tried and True


Thanks Elaine

The first sample us the on button and next is the off button.
Have a good day.

Thanks Jocelyn

The first is on and the second is off.
With Grace and Gratitude


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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I have a new referral in Pinterest from India and he was able to sign up for free account but he messaged me that he can't see the link of the free training. I tried to explain

I thought all of Loes training was free but maybe I'm mistaken.

Tried and True


It is a shame that certain countries have created an issue where their honest residents can't take advantage of a place like WA because of all the internet fraud coming out of their country.

You right some Countries have tightened the net on fraud.

I would have thought he would have access to the first free ten lessons.

There are certain countries, due to high internet fraud apparently, who are excluded from the free starter membership, they can join directly as premium I believe.
The most recent list I could find is:

Could this be why?

now I know why. yeah, he is from India. I hope they will do something about this. :(Thanks a lot. I hope I can easily convince him to join for Premium.

Yes they should be able to access Phase 1 of the Training. Maybe send a quick screen video showing where to click...

He should be able to access the free training, you could try passing on this link to see if it works.

Thanks I tried to give that link but it is through Pinterest and most of our WA links are blocked in Pinterest. :(

Yes Pinterest and G+ don't like affiliate links.

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Don't we have a free training for newly signed up member?

Don't we have a free training for newly signed up member?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I have a new referral in Pinterest from India and he was able to sign up for free account but he messaged me that he can't see the link of the free training. I tried to explain

I thought all of Loes training was free but maybe I'm mistaken.

Tried and True


It is a shame that certain countries have created an issue where their honest residents can't take advantage of a place like WA because of all the internet fraud coming out of their country.

You right some Countries have tightened the net on fraud.

I would have thought he would have access to the first free ten lessons.

There are certain countries, due to high internet fraud apparently, who are excluded from the free starter membership, they can join directly as premium I believe.
The most recent list I could find is:

Could this be why?

now I know why. yeah, he is from India. I hope they will do something about this. :(Thanks a lot. I hope I can easily convince him to join for Premium.

Yes they should be able to access Phase 1 of the Training. Maybe send a quick screen video showing where to click...

He should be able to access the free training, you could try passing on this link to see if it works.

Thanks I tried to give that link but it is through Pinterest and most of our WA links are blocked in Pinterest. :(

Yes Pinterest and G+ don't like affiliate links.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Recently, I am receiving comments on specific article in my website from Companies in UK and basically they were using the URL and IP Address from the

I too get similar comments. And they are spam. One tell tale sign is that they do not mention anything specific about the post. This is the work of bots that some companies use.

I would say that is spam.


From what you describe they are using you and your site to sell their products and that is spamming. But you can clean the comments up like someone had suggested below and use the comments then. I hope this helps you out

Thanks a lot. Yeah, I did clean the comments. I removed the URLs but this was how it looks on my website.

That doesn't look too bad or if you don't like the comments you can just delete the comments altogether if you like. If I gave you the wrong information I am sorry about that I am only trying to help you out.

they are trying to use you

I thought about that. thanks

It looks like they want to advertise their products on your site. I have not seen anything like this before. Hope you will find out how to pursue this. All the best.

That's what I thought too. Thanks

Most of them are considdered spam.
Some of them are generated by spambots

Thanks for your inputs.

Right or wrong, some of these that I get I cleanup, remove the links and post. Google still sees them as activity and as long as they are appropriate for the post.

Thanks a lot. Great suggestion

You are welcome!

It looks like promotions to me and not real comments. However it will not hurt your site, if you decide to approve them. Up to you to decide if you think the make sense on your site.

But if you approve them, I would recommend to remove the URL to their website by editing the comment. It seems like they are trying to do this to get people to their site, or maybe they are so out-of-dated in regards to SEO that they think it can count as backlinks and help their site rank, which is an old school way that does not work anymore.

Yeah, you are right. I can still approve it, in the sense that they are aligned with my niche. But this is how it looks like on my website when I viewing it.

Yes Bien, I would be marking these as spam and deleting them.

The sites you visited could have purchased an SEO package that is less than good. This is a "black hat" method of gaining traffic.

Also: It is not recommended that you click on such URLs offered like this, as the URL could have sent you to a website that could have corrupted your computer.

Real people commenting do not leave comments like those two.

Thanks. So, even though they are legit websites in the UK, I have to spam them?

If you want to keep them Bien, by all means you can. Your website is yours to do with as you wish. I only offered you my opinion. Marking them as spam and then deleting them helps the spam filter learn what IP addresses are spammers.


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Recieved comments on my article, are these spam?

Recieved comments on my article, are these spam?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Recently, I am receiving comments on specific article in my website from Companies in UK and basically they were using the URL and IP Address from the

I too get similar comments. And they are spam. One tell tale sign is that they do not mention anything specific about the post. This is the work of bots that some companies use.

I would say that is spam.


From what you describe they are using you and your site to sell their products and that is spamming. But you can clean the comments up like someone had suggested below and use the comments then. I hope this helps you out

Thanks a lot. Yeah, I did clean the comments. I removed the URLs but this was how it looks on my website.

That doesn't look too bad or if you don't like the comments you can just delete the comments altogether if you like. If I gave you the wrong information I am sorry about that I am only trying to help you out.

they are trying to use you

I thought about that. thanks

It looks like they want to advertise their products on your site. I have not seen anything like this before. Hope you will find out how to pursue this. All the best.

That's what I thought too. Thanks

Most of them are considdered spam.
Some of them are generated by spambots

Thanks for your inputs.

Right or wrong, some of these that I get I cleanup, remove the links and post. Google still sees them as activity and as long as they are appropriate for the post.

Thanks a lot. Great suggestion

You are welcome!

It looks like promotions to me and not real comments. However it will not hurt your site, if you decide to approve them. Up to you to decide if you think the make sense on your site.

But if you approve them, I would recommend to remove the URL to their website by editing the comment. It seems like they are trying to do this to get people to their site, or maybe they are so out-of-dated in regards to SEO that they think it can count as backlinks and help their site rank, which is an old school way that does not work anymore.

Yeah, you are right. I can still approve it, in the sense that they are aligned with my niche. But this is how it looks like on my website when I viewing it.

Yes Bien, I would be marking these as spam and deleting them.

The sites you visited could have purchased an SEO package that is less than good. This is a "black hat" method of gaining traffic.

Also: It is not recommended that you click on such URLs offered like this, as the URL could have sent you to a website that could have corrupted your computer.

Real people commenting do not leave comments like those two.

Thanks. So, even though they are legit websites in the UK, I have to spam them?

If you want to keep them Bien, by all means you can. Your website is yours to do with as you wish. I only offered you my opinion. Marking them as spam and then deleting them helps the spam filter learn what IP addresses are spammers.


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