About Timotheus
Rank 52
2,734 followers Joined December 2016
Hi everyone! I am Timotheus, and I am an Amazon Bestselling Author. ud83cudf89ud83cudf8aud83eudd73 (https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/timotheus/blog/i-am-now-an-amazon-bestselling-author) Also, I am an Adjunct Lecturer at UCD (National University of Ireland, Dublin) Michael





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have been noticing news and articles about "An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents". They also encouraged that "Everyone in SEO Should Se

Hey Tim,

Great titles those clever bloggers and vloggers are using, huh?

Sure made me sit up and take notice.

LOL... but once I'd gone to a podcast discussion it was still all their "this is my take on this topic" type information. LOL.

What a waste of time... for me that is.

My guess is that no one person has those "documents". I'm beginning to suspect that's the new viral headline that is working to get clicks.

Stay the course and keep offering QUALITY content and if your site's rank was dropped... it WILL come back in time.

Those who try to 'game' the Google algorithms are the one's crying the loudest right now.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi - Rand Fishkin, the co-founder of Moz, was the person who initially received the documents.

He has since shared them, and Google has issued a statement to confirm they are genuine.

Essentially they reveal Specific Ranking Factors:

Authors as a Feature: Authorship is explicitly stored and factored into rankings.
Demotions: Several factors can lead to demotions, including anchor mismatch, exact match domains, and poor navigation practices.
Links: Links remain crucial, with metrics tracking link velocity, source type, and homepage trust.
Content Length and Placement: Important content should be placed early as Google truncates documents.
Freshness and Dates: Various date metrics are tracked to ensure content relevance and freshness.
Video Content: Sites with more than 50% video content are treated differently.

Hi Trish,
Yes. These titles of those articles are eye catching.

So you suspect there is no actual leak?

I have programming background and would like to read the docs if there really was a leak.


Thanks Diane.

I would like to personally read the docs.

Have programming background.


According to Diane's joining our chat here (I assume, to grab my attention on what she shared, too), there is a "real" leak.

For me... it can be time consuming to chase a "what if", "maybes" ... when we can spend our time better by providing quality content.

Making this no different than chasing shiny objects. This sort of fretting only wastes valuable time.

Quality content may sneak down the SERP for a bit but will always rise up again ...providing... the content is kept updated and relevant.

Too many bloggers fret over what Google is doing. I'd sooner focus on quality and wait for Google's next algorithm release.

This behaviour I've always had... long before I arrived here...

And... look what happened when I had patience, and simply provided quality content: Hope this answers your question.

On the 28th of May 2024, Erfan Azimi came forward and revealed himself to be the ”anonymous source” behind the leak.

Here is the YouTube link


There are some screenshots of the coding in this post, but as far as I am aware, it's not possible to see the original docs.


Thanks Diane.
I appreciate the links.
Looks like I may not be able to see the coding via the ethical way of finding out.
Will have to consider the 'not so ethical' way. hahaha :D


Hi Timotheus
I find "Search Engine Land" to be one of the best sources of up-to-date information related to Google. You can subscribe for free for daily updates. Here's a link to their post on this subject.


I am getting a 404 Tried the link twice

Sorry... I lost some of the link!

Thank you, Richard! I appreciate you.

Thanks Richard 👍
I know of Search Engine Land.
Looking for less commercial content that's leveraging on this news for their own sites to rank.
Eg an actual link to the leaked documents.
Would like to read them and learn about Google's search algorithm.


The reason I would like to see the docs is cos I have programming background. Would like to read and learn more of Google's algorithm.


How do we benefit from those?

Learn how to do SEO that matches Google's algorithm.


Okay! I write to humans vs search engines... Thank you.

I didn't say 'write'.
I said 'do SEO'

SEO is more than just about writing.

So, I'm interested to read those documents to find out more about how Google does search.

I have you, lol Thanks :)

It's the programmer side of me, interested to see the coding.

🤪 Hehe

That's perfect, Tim! Really happy for you.

Yes. I saw that article.
That's why I asked this question here.
Notice the words in quotes are from the title of this article.


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Thousands of leaked google search api documents?

Thousands of leaked google search api documents?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have been noticing news and articles about "An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents". They also encouraged that "Everyone in SEO Should Se

Hey Tim,

Great titles those clever bloggers and vloggers are using, huh?

Sure made me sit up and take notice.

LOL... but once I'd gone to a podcast discussion it was still all their "this is my take on this topic" type information. LOL.

What a waste of time... for me that is.

My guess is that no one person has those "documents". I'm beginning to suspect that's the new viral headline that is working to get clicks.

Stay the course and keep offering QUALITY content and if your site's rank was dropped... it WILL come back in time.

Those who try to 'game' the Google algorithms are the one's crying the loudest right now.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi - Rand Fishkin, the co-founder of Moz, was the person who initially received the documents.

He has since shared them, and Google has issued a statement to confirm they are genuine.

Essentially they reveal Specific Ranking Factors:

Authors as a Feature: Authorship is explicitly stored and factored into rankings.
Demotions: Several factors can lead to demotions, including anchor mismatch, exact match domains, and poor navigation practices.
Links: Links remain crucial, with metrics tracking link velocity, source type, and homepage trust.
Content Length and Placement: Important content should be placed early as Google truncates documents.
Freshness and Dates: Various date metrics are tracked to ensure content relevance and freshness.
Video Content: Sites with more than 50% video content are treated differently.

Hi Trish,
Yes. These titles of those articles are eye catching.

So you suspect there is no actual leak?

I have programming background and would like to read the docs if there really was a leak.


Thanks Diane.

I would like to personally read the docs.

Have programming background.


According to Diane's joining our chat here (I assume, to grab my attention on what she shared, too), there is a "real" leak.

For me... it can be time consuming to chase a "what if", "maybes" ... when we can spend our time better by providing quality content.

Making this no different than chasing shiny objects. This sort of fretting only wastes valuable time.

Quality content may sneak down the SERP for a bit but will always rise up again ...providing... the content is kept updated and relevant.

Too many bloggers fret over what Google is doing. I'd sooner focus on quality and wait for Google's next algorithm release.

This behaviour I've always had... long before I arrived here...

And... look what happened when I had patience, and simply provided quality content: Hope this answers your question.

On the 28th of May 2024, Erfan Azimi came forward and revealed himself to be the ”anonymous source” behind the leak.

Here is the YouTube link


There are some screenshots of the coding in this post, but as far as I am aware, it's not possible to see the original docs.


Thanks Diane.
I appreciate the links.
Looks like I may not be able to see the coding via the ethical way of finding out.
Will have to consider the 'not so ethical' way. hahaha :D


Hi Timotheus
I find "Search Engine Land" to be one of the best sources of up-to-date information related to Google. You can subscribe for free for daily updates. Here's a link to their post on this subject.


I am getting a 404 Tried the link twice

Sorry... I lost some of the link!

Thank you, Richard! I appreciate you.

Thanks Richard 👍
I know of Search Engine Land.
Looking for less commercial content that's leveraging on this news for their own sites to rank.
Eg an actual link to the leaked documents.
Would like to read them and learn about Google's search algorithm.


The reason I would like to see the docs is cos I have programming background. Would like to read and learn more of Google's algorithm.


How do we benefit from those?

Learn how to do SEO that matches Google's algorithm.


Okay! I write to humans vs search engines... Thank you.

I didn't say 'write'.
I said 'do SEO'

SEO is more than just about writing.

So, I'm interested to read those documents to find out more about how Google does search.

I have you, lol Thanks :)

It's the programmer side of me, interested to see the coding.

🤪 Hehe

That's perfect, Tim! Really happy for you.

Yes. I saw that article.
That's why I asked this question here.
Notice the words in quotes are from the title of this article.


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