About AnnieB
Rank 11537
1,842 followers Joined June 2013
Hi everyone. My name is Annie and I was born in Scotland. For the past 34 year's I've lived in Western Sydney in the





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Apologies for the unclear question, but I ran out of characters.

A few weeks ago I wanted to create an email account for a siterubix website and found out I can't. Does a

Is this still the case in regards to Siterubix not have email domain accounts?

Yes it's correct because you don't own a domain using a free site. Your site is on a subdomain.

Thanks, I thought so...but was just checking.

No worries, you're welcome. :)

Thanks John!

Sub-Domains don't have email accounts. I doubt they will ever add that feature.

You can do it if you had your own server and you were doing your own hosting. It requires database access and lots of work.

If you have your own domain, you can have email accounts on WA.

Hi John, thanks for replying. Yes I do have my own domain hosted here and have set up email for it. I thought that WP subdomains added on as part of a purchased www could have their own email set up? I was thinking that this is possible with eg, a c-panel. Though of course, I realise there is no c-panel with sitrerubix.

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Siterubix sites don't have email accounts, why?

Siterubix sites don't have email accounts, why?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Apologies for the unclear question, but I ran out of characters.

A few weeks ago I wanted to create an email account for a siterubix website and found out I can't. Does a

Is this still the case in regards to Siterubix not have email domain accounts?

Yes it's correct because you don't own a domain using a free site. Your site is on a subdomain.

Thanks, I thought so...but was just checking.

No worries, you're welcome. :)

Thanks John!

Sub-Domains don't have email accounts. I doubt they will ever add that feature.

You can do it if you had your own server and you were doing your own hosting. It requires database access and lots of work.

If you have your own domain, you can have email accounts on WA.

Hi John, thanks for replying. Yes I do have my own domain hosted here and have set up email for it. I thought that WP subdomains added on as part of a purchased www could have their own email set up? I was thinking that this is possible with eg, a c-panel. Though of course, I realise there is no c-panel with sitrerubix.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi guys and gals,

I know that in the WP settings, you can set up the number of syndications. I know this has something to do with RSS. But I don't know about RSS. So,

Yes, you can ignore them. However, the RSS feed is a good way to get people to join your website and a good way to keep yourself at the top of their mind. People are quite fickle and may not return to your site unless you have a way to trigger their memory.
With mailchimp you can add your RSS feed directly to an email blast to your subscribers for free. This is the a good way to keep your site on people's radar.

Thanks Craig for explaining this.

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Use of syndication feed in settings?

Use of syndication feed in settings?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi guys and gals,

I know that in the WP settings, you can set up the number of syndications. I know this has something to do with RSS. But I don't know about RSS. So,

Yes, you can ignore them. However, the RSS feed is a good way to get people to join your website and a good way to keep yourself at the top of their mind. People are quite fickle and may not return to your site unless you have a way to trigger their memory.
With mailchimp you can add your RSS feed directly to an email blast to your subscribers for free. This is the a good way to keep your site on people's radar.

Thanks Craig for explaining this.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Ok this ones been with me for months, so I'm finally asking it.

If "admin" is the most hacked UN for WP then why do we have it here at WA?

I've created another user

I have removed "admin" from all my websites and access with a unique UN.

Yes Mike, removing it is the best idea for security.

Good to see you're back in your site again. I know that feels!
I'm a bit confused too about why they keep "admin" on there if it's such an easy way for hackers to get in. Well, maybe they'll figure something out in the future. :)

Hi Sherry. It's a bit of a mini shock when you have a problem with your site isn't it? Support as usual were helpful to me. I don't know how I could only log in with limited access via "admin" as a UN as I don't use it.

Maybe admin as a UN is easier for Support in some way?

Hi Annie,
I'm not sure, but it probably is easier for Support since they already know "admin" as a user name to go with the password. That's if I'm thinking correctly right now, lol. Seem to coming down with something I think, so I'm feeling a bit more air-headed than usual :)

I agree. I was going to suggest this to Kyle sometime ago but I can't remember if I ever made the comment. The website creation process should let you choose a username instead of giving you admin.

Hi Jay, I'm back into my site. Support got me fixed up pretty quickly. There are plugins that can be set to block a login after XX attempts. But yeah, I think cryptic UN as well would be better from when the website is created.

Good points if you want security change the admin and use strong passwords

Hello Wayne, yes it is very important. If admin is your UN that's a good start for a hacker. It's one, if not THE most used UN. Probably the first one a hacker will go for.

I am with you Annie ---Have a great night anyways ---!!!

Hi there Ed. Nice to hear from you. I've barely been at WA for weeks now, so I'm finally getting around to connecting with you all again! I sure will have a good night. The sun is nearly gone here in Sydney as I write.

I think the base admin account has to be there due to design. Same as a PC computer has to have the default administrator account. You can rename the administrator account in windows and believe you just mask admin with an alias in WP.

Hi Matt. I understand the need for someone with admin authority to have full control of everything and my new user does within my WP dashboard.

I don't sign in with 'admin' at all, as I've degraded it's access within my WP dashboard.

I'd really like to have something as hard to crack as our passwords. Like ??>lPO2* given to us when our sites are created,

I'm thinking of getting one of those plugins that has limited attempts you can make to sign in and then you get locked out for a while from your WP dashboard. As per my reply to Robet below, I think that we are fairly safe her at WA, but millions of sites get broken into ever day. You have to wonder how.

What may be helpful is to log into your admin profile and put in a name (tony, Greg, Donna, etc), then all admin actions will have a name associated so to anyone who visits your page it will look like the admin profile is not active. Not to say they won't still try but it may help and you can change the admin password as often as you feel the need to.

I understand where you are coming from Robert. I added a new user and gave them full access to my WP dashboard and not "Admin". Whoever, aka name you choose to have full admin access/control of your site, has to use the PW allocated at Websites and Hosting here at WA. Makes sense, so that support can help out and I'm fine with that. I just wish I could dump "admin as a UN completely!

However unlikely it is that someone should ever crack any of our passwords to our dashboard, having 'admin" as a UN is always the first UN they try. That's why I want to dump it.

Can't remember where I read it, or if it's true, but someone wrote that you will probably get your WP site hacked at least once - maybe more. Monitoring of our sites here with WA hosting seems real good, so at least we have that on our side.

I think it may have something to do with resetting login. I could not log in one day, I knew my password, I had reset my user name. I asked for WP to send me the password. They reset the username to admin and gave me a password that worked. I had to reset everything to what it was. This is what happened to me - I do not know if there are other reasons.

Hi Terea, support have me back into my WP dashboard again. I've gone in and out of my WP dashboard on two different browsers and now I can log in again with full access. I just want to get rid of admin as a UN completely. Seems strange to have it that's all.

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UN for WP why "admin"?

UN for WP why "admin"?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Ok this ones been with me for months, so I'm finally asking it.

If "admin" is the most hacked UN for WP then why do we have it here at WA?

I've created another user

I have removed "admin" from all my websites and access with a unique UN.

Yes Mike, removing it is the best idea for security.

Good to see you're back in your site again. I know that feels!
I'm a bit confused too about why they keep "admin" on there if it's such an easy way for hackers to get in. Well, maybe they'll figure something out in the future. :)

Hi Sherry. It's a bit of a mini shock when you have a problem with your site isn't it? Support as usual were helpful to me. I don't know how I could only log in with limited access via "admin" as a UN as I don't use it.

Maybe admin as a UN is easier for Support in some way?

Hi Annie,
I'm not sure, but it probably is easier for Support since they already know "admin" as a user name to go with the password. That's if I'm thinking correctly right now, lol. Seem to coming down with something I think, so I'm feeling a bit more air-headed than usual :)

I agree. I was going to suggest this to Kyle sometime ago but I can't remember if I ever made the comment. The website creation process should let you choose a username instead of giving you admin.

Hi Jay, I'm back into my site. Support got me fixed up pretty quickly. There are plugins that can be set to block a login after XX attempts. But yeah, I think cryptic UN as well would be better from when the website is created.

Good points if you want security change the admin and use strong passwords

Hello Wayne, yes it is very important. If admin is your UN that's a good start for a hacker. It's one, if not THE most used UN. Probably the first one a hacker will go for.

I am with you Annie ---Have a great night anyways ---!!!

Hi there Ed. Nice to hear from you. I've barely been at WA for weeks now, so I'm finally getting around to connecting with you all again! I sure will have a good night. The sun is nearly gone here in Sydney as I write.

I think the base admin account has to be there due to design. Same as a PC computer has to have the default administrator account. You can rename the administrator account in windows and believe you just mask admin with an alias in WP.

Hi Matt. I understand the need for someone with admin authority to have full control of everything and my new user does within my WP dashboard.

I don't sign in with 'admin' at all, as I've degraded it's access within my WP dashboard.

I'd really like to have something as hard to crack as our passwords. Like ??>lPO2* given to us when our sites are created,

I'm thinking of getting one of those plugins that has limited attempts you can make to sign in and then you get locked out for a while from your WP dashboard. As per my reply to Robet below, I think that we are fairly safe her at WA, but millions of sites get broken into ever day. You have to wonder how.

What may be helpful is to log into your admin profile and put in a name (tony, Greg, Donna, etc), then all admin actions will have a name associated so to anyone who visits your page it will look like the admin profile is not active. Not to say they won't still try but it may help and you can change the admin password as often as you feel the need to.

I understand where you are coming from Robert. I added a new user and gave them full access to my WP dashboard and not "Admin". Whoever, aka name you choose to have full admin access/control of your site, has to use the PW allocated at Websites and Hosting here at WA. Makes sense, so that support can help out and I'm fine with that. I just wish I could dump "admin as a UN completely!

However unlikely it is that someone should ever crack any of our passwords to our dashboard, having 'admin" as a UN is always the first UN they try. That's why I want to dump it.

Can't remember where I read it, or if it's true, but someone wrote that you will probably get your WP site hacked at least once - maybe more. Monitoring of our sites here with WA hosting seems real good, so at least we have that on our side.

I think it may have something to do with resetting login. I could not log in one day, I knew my password, I had reset my user name. I asked for WP to send me the password. They reset the username to admin and gave me a password that worked. I had to reset everything to what it was. This is what happened to me - I do not know if there are other reasons.

Hi Terea, support have me back into my WP dashboard again. I've gone in and out of my WP dashboard on two different browsers and now I can log in again with full access. I just want to get rid of admin as a UN completely. Seems strange to have it that's all.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi WA family

Derek Halpern, a biggie on internet marketing and layout of websites, has stated that it's better not to put like buttons with low or zero counts on your webs

Hey Annie! Thank for sharing. As Wendy said I didn't know that. ANd he is right maybe we can not encourage our visitor to stick in our websites. :)

I agree with u, thanks.

Hmm. Interesting. I don't know, I would think you want social sharing to be encouraged on your sites, and what easier way than with a handy dandy button? I don't think it's a huge turn off, I mean... if you read an awesome article online and you saw it had 1 FB like, would you automatically change your mind and think it was bad because of that? I would probably hit the *like* button and share it! As you gain traffic your content will naturally get shared.

What I do is I set the social sharing options to display at the end of my posts, not the beginning. That way it's not staring at them in the face first thing before they even read the content.

To answer your question, if you uninstall and reinstall a share plugin, I don't believe it will "remember" your likes. I was messing around with my social plugins and uninstalled/reinstalled different options and all my likes were lost when I switched back to the original.

I am not sure about this Sharaholic plugin as I haven't heard anything about it. The one I like and use is called "Sociable" but I've also used the google tweet like one and it's fine too.

Hi Wendy, yes social sharing is highly advocated by all the big guns, including Halpern, but a like stays on your site and doesn't go anywhere. Likes aren't social sharing, ie. from your site to another.

I don't know if this will come into play later - months or years down the track, with the search engines homing in on the social sharing of posts instead of a (wrong words coming up I know!) possible "praise of a website" with a like. Sharing may be viewed in the future, as visitors being more interactive by bothering to make the effort, instead of just clicking a like button? I'm just thinking out of the box with this.

But I'm also wondering what the search engines think of only having a couple of likes on a site. To me it's better than none. The search engines like Google, etc couldn't care less how new your website is. it just gets lumped in with the dominant sites and adjusted according to comparison of theirs. And if they've got heaps well that's a bonus to them.

Don't forget either that as I've mentioned before Halpern says taking likes off doesn't mean forever. Only until your traffic builds up for that page/post.

Thanks for the info on the uninstall/reinstall and likes showing again. I was siding more with them not showing up again too.

Hi Annie. I would like to help you on this, but I am not in with likes etc. - others than rather commun in WA community - but interested in other opinions. Tried to find out moe about shareaholic but did not succeed.
Regards Antonius

Hi Antonius it's a wordpress plugin that visitors to your site can like and share your post with. It can be found at Wordpress.org

I've just visited WP.org and here is a link for user reviews of Shareaholic, if anyone wants to take a read...

Seems they made changes to the plugin back in July 2013 that may involve them adding their tag onto your shares and also possibly capturing your visitors names/emails? The plugin still has it fans though. 5 to 1 like Shareaholic.

Annie, I would be surprised if WA hosting would allow this plugin as it has outgoing connections.

If it is okay to install here, then make sure you understand the "promoted content" feature of the plugin. That actually takes visitors off your site, albeit into a new window. It is a way to earn extra by promoting whatever link Shareaholic decides to add to your site in the related content section of the plugin.

The last time I looked there was no option to disable it but since then I've heard many people complained, so maybe by now it is an optional feature.

It is a popular plugin, and looks good. The customer service is pretty good but you need to understand the pros and cons, so perhaps do a bit more research.

The other aspect is if the Shareaholic servers are overloaded or down, it can affect the performance of your own site. So find out first if WA allows it before you do anything else.


Thanks for the info, Jude. I wasn't aware of any promoted content. Is it a sort of "infolinks" then? Though maybe not to that extent.

I'm off to go and check it out in more detail at WP.org
I've added another comment above, Jude.

I am using the buttons with count as well also you can notice ot will count your share and like as well. I don't hear about Shareaholic
. wait for the answer from experienced members.

I have started using Sharaholic recently and l like the look. It has some nice features including analytics.

Mike, any sign of it tagging onto your shares or other type of self promotion? I just had a look at the WP.org reviews for it and there is mention of it "hi-jacking" your visitors somehow, via what is called Data and Registration mining.

Interesting. I will have a look at this.

Wouldn't it be better to have the option for readers to socially share you posts/pages? I can see if you don't include the count above each button, but I don't know about removing them all together. Maybe another member can explain the reasoning here.

Halpern is saying, if you don't have any or very few likes, it gives the impression that your posts/pages aren't that good. Or shows that you don't have many visitors.

The other point Halpern was making is that he's not saying never have "like" counts on your site/blog/page/ just not when it's new. To me that means a lot of monitoring your pages/posts before adding the like count back on.

Share buttons are highly encouraged as that is more social than a like that just stays on your page. Makes my head spin trying to keep up with it all.

Good info and questions Annie. I'm anxious to see your feedback.

Hi Matt, just to let you know - the troops have come up with a few good feedback comments above if you're interested.

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Social media plugin

Social media plugin

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi WA family

Derek Halpern, a biggie on internet marketing and layout of websites, has stated that it's better not to put like buttons with low or zero counts on your webs

Hey Annie! Thank for sharing. As Wendy said I didn't know that. ANd he is right maybe we can not encourage our visitor to stick in our websites. :)

I agree with u, thanks.

Hmm. Interesting. I don't know, I would think you want social sharing to be encouraged on your sites, and what easier way than with a handy dandy button? I don't think it's a huge turn off, I mean... if you read an awesome article online and you saw it had 1 FB like, would you automatically change your mind and think it was bad because of that? I would probably hit the *like* button and share it! As you gain traffic your content will naturally get shared.

What I do is I set the social sharing options to display at the end of my posts, not the beginning. That way it's not staring at them in the face first thing before they even read the content.

To answer your question, if you uninstall and reinstall a share plugin, I don't believe it will "remember" your likes. I was messing around with my social plugins and uninstalled/reinstalled different options and all my likes were lost when I switched back to the original.

I am not sure about this Sharaholic plugin as I haven't heard anything about it. The one I like and use is called "Sociable" but I've also used the google tweet like one and it's fine too.

Hi Wendy, yes social sharing is highly advocated by all the big guns, including Halpern, but a like stays on your site and doesn't go anywhere. Likes aren't social sharing, ie. from your site to another.

I don't know if this will come into play later - months or years down the track, with the search engines homing in on the social sharing of posts instead of a (wrong words coming up I know!) possible "praise of a website" with a like. Sharing may be viewed in the future, as visitors being more interactive by bothering to make the effort, instead of just clicking a like button? I'm just thinking out of the box with this.

But I'm also wondering what the search engines think of only having a couple of likes on a site. To me it's better than none. The search engines like Google, etc couldn't care less how new your website is. it just gets lumped in with the dominant sites and adjusted according to comparison of theirs. And if they've got heaps well that's a bonus to them.

Don't forget either that as I've mentioned before Halpern says taking likes off doesn't mean forever. Only until your traffic builds up for that page/post.

Thanks for the info on the uninstall/reinstall and likes showing again. I was siding more with them not showing up again too.

Hi Annie. I would like to help you on this, but I am not in with likes etc. - others than rather commun in WA community - but interested in other opinions. Tried to find out moe about shareaholic but did not succeed.
Regards Antonius

Hi Antonius it's a wordpress plugin that visitors to your site can like and share your post with. It can be found at Wordpress.org

I've just visited WP.org and here is a link for user reviews of Shareaholic, if anyone wants to take a read...

Seems they made changes to the plugin back in July 2013 that may involve them adding their tag onto your shares and also possibly capturing your visitors names/emails? The plugin still has it fans though. 5 to 1 like Shareaholic.

Annie, I would be surprised if WA hosting would allow this plugin as it has outgoing connections.

If it is okay to install here, then make sure you understand the "promoted content" feature of the plugin. That actually takes visitors off your site, albeit into a new window. It is a way to earn extra by promoting whatever link Shareaholic decides to add to your site in the related content section of the plugin.

The last time I looked there was no option to disable it but since then I've heard many people complained, so maybe by now it is an optional feature.

It is a popular plugin, and looks good. The customer service is pretty good but you need to understand the pros and cons, so perhaps do a bit more research.

The other aspect is if the Shareaholic servers are overloaded or down, it can affect the performance of your own site. So find out first if WA allows it before you do anything else.


Thanks for the info, Jude. I wasn't aware of any promoted content. Is it a sort of "infolinks" then? Though maybe not to that extent.

I'm off to go and check it out in more detail at WP.org
I've added another comment above, Jude.

I am using the buttons with count as well also you can notice ot will count your share and like as well. I don't hear about Shareaholic
. wait for the answer from experienced members.

I have started using Sharaholic recently and l like the look. It has some nice features including analytics.

Mike, any sign of it tagging onto your shares or other type of self promotion? I just had a look at the WP.org reviews for it and there is mention of it "hi-jacking" your visitors somehow, via what is called Data and Registration mining.

Interesting. I will have a look at this.

Wouldn't it be better to have the option for readers to socially share you posts/pages? I can see if you don't include the count above each button, but I don't know about removing them all together. Maybe another member can explain the reasoning here.

Halpern is saying, if you don't have any or very few likes, it gives the impression that your posts/pages aren't that good. Or shows that you don't have many visitors.

The other point Halpern was making is that he's not saying never have "like" counts on your site/blog/page/ just not when it's new. To me that means a lot of monitoring your pages/posts before adding the like count back on.

Share buttons are highly encouraged as that is more social than a like that just stays on your page. Makes my head spin trying to keep up with it all.

Good info and questions Annie. I'm anxious to see your feedback.

Hi Matt, just to let you know - the troops have come up with a few good feedback comments above if you're interested.

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