About AntoniOom
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538 followers Joined September 2013
Hi ! I am Antonius living in Holland (the Netherlands which means "low countries") and very interested in getting to learn about the latest developments





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Everything Wordpress

With a bigger delay than i hoped I just finished my first post and made it public on my site:


Please comm

Hi Antonious, Your website looks good. One suggestion I would make is readers like to see more white. That would mean smaller paragraphs. 2-3 sentences between for each paragraph. Hope this is helpful. Great job!

Hi Jan. Thanks very much for your comment. I will adapt my site because i agree that i have to change my style to making shorter sentences. also to make the page "as such" more attractive and thus more interesting to (continue to) read. Talk to you soon! Regards Antonius

Hi Antonius, I like your website how you relay to your audience that golf is for everybody. I only played once when I was in Michigan and I really enjoyed it! I agree with Debbie, enlarge your pictures. I left you a comment as well.

Hi Josie. Thanks for your comment. I certainly will try to enlarge the pictures (if possible) or search for other bigger ones I hope my site with its advices motivates you to continue trying to play golf. Regards Antonius.

Antonius, I was not able to find the article on your website.

The address for your website is http://golf-swinganalyzer.com.

I like theme of your website.

I looked at the first article on the first page. I would increase the size of the pictures. They seemed small. Beverly advises people put captions as well (Woman practicing golf swing). You probably need to give credit for the pictures unless they are yours.


Hi Debbie. Thanks for your comment. Pitty you could not find the post,
may be you should try:
http://www.golf-swsinganalyzer.com .Everytime I try it with www. inbetween, I find my site on the first page; I agree that bigger pictures will make the pay-out better and i will work on that; taking your advice in account.
May be you try again and comment please - with your experience as a teacher - my grammar etc. (english not being my native language).
Thanks again and hope to hear from you. Regards Antonius

I like your site. I don't know how far you are in the training but you should have your post be posted by your actual name not admin. Makes it more personal that way.

I have been golfing for about 12 years, it can be a frustrating and rewarding game thats for sure.

Hi Brandon. Thanks for your comment. To answer your question: I am finishing course 2, so half way. I saw at the bottom of the page that my post was uncategorised. May be that is way i got reactions that one could not find my post. Do you know how I can change that and also how to make me answering as Antonius and not with admin, as you suggested. Indeed, golf is not the easiest's of games but still fun tpo practice. I am "preparing" a few new posts on the golf-vocabulary and
more soliutions how to etc. Thanks for your cooperation. Regards Antonius.

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Hello collegues Plaese comment

Hello collegues Plaese comment

asked in
Everything Wordpress

With a bigger delay than i hoped I just finished my first post and made it public on my site:


Please comm

Hi Antonious, Your website looks good. One suggestion I would make is readers like to see more white. That would mean smaller paragraphs. 2-3 sentences between for each paragraph. Hope this is helpful. Great job!

Hi Jan. Thanks very much for your comment. I will adapt my site because i agree that i have to change my style to making shorter sentences. also to make the page "as such" more attractive and thus more interesting to (continue to) read. Talk to you soon! Regards Antonius

Hi Antonius, I like your website how you relay to your audience that golf is for everybody. I only played once when I was in Michigan and I really enjoyed it! I agree with Debbie, enlarge your pictures. I left you a comment as well.

Hi Josie. Thanks for your comment. I certainly will try to enlarge the pictures (if possible) or search for other bigger ones I hope my site with its advices motivates you to continue trying to play golf. Regards Antonius.

Antonius, I was not able to find the article on your website.

The address for your website is http://golf-swinganalyzer.com.

I like theme of your website.

I looked at the first article on the first page. I would increase the size of the pictures. They seemed small. Beverly advises people put captions as well (Woman practicing golf swing). You probably need to give credit for the pictures unless they are yours.


Hi Debbie. Thanks for your comment. Pitty you could not find the post,
may be you should try:
http://www.golf-swsinganalyzer.com .Everytime I try it with www. inbetween, I find my site on the first page; I agree that bigger pictures will make the pay-out better and i will work on that; taking your advice in account.
May be you try again and comment please - with your experience as a teacher - my grammar etc. (english not being my native language).
Thanks again and hope to hear from you. Regards Antonius

I like your site. I don't know how far you are in the training but you should have your post be posted by your actual name not admin. Makes it more personal that way.

I have been golfing for about 12 years, it can be a frustrating and rewarding game thats for sure.

Hi Brandon. Thanks for your comment. To answer your question: I am finishing course 2, so half way. I saw at the bottom of the page that my post was uncategorised. May be that is way i got reactions that one could not find my post. Do you know how I can change that and also how to make me answering as Antonius and not with admin, as you suggested. Indeed, golf is not the easiest's of games but still fun tpo practice. I am "preparing" a few new posts on the golf-vocabulary and
more soliutions how to etc. Thanks for your cooperation. Regards Antonius.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

A few weeks ago I received the following e-mail:

A new comment on the post "Exercises" is waiting for your approval

I have had the same. It deserves trash

Hi Cyrilg. Thanks for commenting. Have a nice weekend. Regards Antonius

Hi Lydia. Thanks for your reply. Have a nice weekend. Regards Antonius

I have also received a few of those. Mark as SPAM and TRASH it. Lydia.

I got that one :-)

its someone trying to sell you SEO services that you don't need. Ignore ;)

Hi Justin. thanks for your answer. Regards Antonius

Hi - did it add anything to the comment/post you were making? Doesn't sound like it - so delete it - if it adds no value, it has no value - no ehhm, buttts, orrrs - nothing to do with your post, it is spam!

Sorry to be harsh, but real comments are constructive (good or bad).

All the best, Mark

We get the strangest email at times!

Hi Dave. Thanks for your instant reply. So my presentiment was right. Regards Antonius

Don't worry it's just more spam, delete it.

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Another e mail I did not trust - although I understand what it means

Another e mail I did not trust - although I understand what it means

asked in
Everything Wordpress

A few weeks ago I received the following e-mail:

A new comment on the post "Exercises" is waiting for your approval

I have had the same. It deserves trash

Hi Cyrilg. Thanks for commenting. Have a nice weekend. Regards Antonius

Hi Lydia. Thanks for your reply. Have a nice weekend. Regards Antonius

I have also received a few of those. Mark as SPAM and TRASH it. Lydia.

I got that one :-)

its someone trying to sell you SEO services that you don't need. Ignore ;)

Hi Justin. thanks for your answer. Regards Antonius

Hi - did it add anything to the comment/post you were making? Doesn't sound like it - so delete it - if it adds no value, it has no value - no ehhm, buttts, orrrs - nothing to do with your post, it is spam!

Sorry to be harsh, but real comments are constructive (good or bad).

All the best, Mark

We get the strangest email at times!

Hi Dave. Thanks for your instant reply. So my presentiment was right. Regards Antonius

Don't worry it's just more spam, delete it.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Для того что бы начать играть и зарабатывать, вам нужно зарегистрироваться в
игре и купить животных для своей фермы.
На выбор 5 животных: курица, свинья,
коза, овца

I have had quite a few spam comments on my website, all of them in English, some of them poor English. I trash all of that.I also remove links that are competition or detrimental to my own site.

Hi Beate, thanks for your comment. I have deleted the e-mails as spam in admin/wordpress. Have a nice weekend. Regards Antonius

Always trash comments that come in a language other than English. Nenita has give you a rough translation, Any time you want to know use google translate. It isn't always accurate but you can get a rough idea. As you can see this message was nonsense.

Hi Beverley. Thanks for your answer, What do you think about my other (more recent) e mail in english. Regards Antonius

I have something like that in comments on my site

Antonius that is a spam comment. But if you want to translate it, you can use Google translate. And here is the translation that Google gave me:

In order to start playing and earning , you need to register
game and buy animals for his farm .
5 animals to choose from : chicken , pig,
goat, sheep and cow. On your farm can be any number of animals .

Each animal gives certain products that can be sold on the market
and get her gold coins.
Gold coins can be displayed on your
real account PAYEER ...

Advantages of our games :

- Addition
and payments on all popular payment systems ;
- Automatic accumulation and
ransom production system ;
- No restrictions on the life of your
animals , animals are bought you forever ;
- Transparency
Statistics reserve guarantees you permanent settlement;
- Friendly
technical support 16 hours a day , 7 days a week.

Hi Nenita. Thanks for your instant reply with translation. I did not trust it, now i know my feeling was right. Regards Antonius.

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Who can help me in translating this russian e mail?

Who can help me in translating this russian e mail?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Для того что бы начать играть и зарабатывать, вам нужно зарегистрироваться в
игре и купить животных для своей фермы.
На выбор 5 животных: курица, свинья,
коза, овца

I have had quite a few spam comments on my website, all of them in English, some of them poor English. I trash all of that.I also remove links that are competition or detrimental to my own site.

Hi Beate, thanks for your comment. I have deleted the e-mails as spam in admin/wordpress. Have a nice weekend. Regards Antonius

Always trash comments that come in a language other than English. Nenita has give you a rough translation, Any time you want to know use google translate. It isn't always accurate but you can get a rough idea. As you can see this message was nonsense.

Hi Beverley. Thanks for your answer, What do you think about my other (more recent) e mail in english. Regards Antonius

I have something like that in comments on my site

Antonius that is a spam comment. But if you want to translate it, you can use Google translate. And here is the translation that Google gave me:

In order to start playing and earning , you need to register
game and buy animals for his farm .
5 animals to choose from : chicken , pig,
goat, sheep and cow. On your farm can be any number of animals .

Each animal gives certain products that can be sold on the market
and get her gold coins.
Gold coins can be displayed on your
real account PAYEER ...

Advantages of our games :

- Addition
and payments on all popular payment systems ;
- Automatic accumulation and
ransom production system ;
- No restrictions on the life of your
animals , animals are bought you forever ;
- Transparency
Statistics reserve guarantees you permanent settlement;
- Friendly
technical support 16 hours a day , 7 days a week.

Hi Nenita. Thanks for your instant reply with translation. I did not trust it, now i know my feeling was right. Regards Antonius.

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