About YvonneBray
Rank 5877
1,861 followers Joined August 2020
My name is Yvonne Bray, and I live in a farming community on the Limestone Coast in South Australia. I work in the hospitality industry, and





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, I have been informed that one of my table of contents number (7) on one of my posts is missing the title. From what I can see it's numbered 6 okay but number 7 title jumped

Hi everyone, I was able to fix my problem.
First, I deactivated Easy Table of Contents.
Then, I went into the post in crime.
Next, I checked all my headings, images and paragraphs to see where I could have gone wrong.
Finally, after not finding any errors. I activated Easy TableofContents again.

Guesswhat! It worked a treat. No 7 is back in place. Yeah!

Awesome ;)


Thank you Sherry.

Thank you Simone.

You're welcome :)

Not Familiar With this one but thanks for sharing.

Your welcome

Hi Yvonne
I switched from ETOC a while ago to a block that is more flexible and lighter (faster load speed). If you look to change feel free to ask for more info.

Hi Richard, will love more info on this. Thanks

Hi Chris
I use the free Kadence Blocks plugin.
Upload to your site in the usual way with free plugins.
It will appear as an option in your posts and pages edit screen (on mine it's top right).
It takes a tiny bit of understanding but you can set it up as a reusable block and it automatically picks up your heading.
There is more tailoring available with the block than with ETOC.
Take a quick look at my site beginning with A at my profile if you want to see a possibility.

Unfortunately, I will only be on iPhone for a few days now and irregularly (probably back on Monday) ... do ask questions but I may not be able to look things up until I'm back.

Training please Richard?... so we can share with all members needing this type of helpful info!

Good idea Trish.
Sorry, I am away now for a few days with iPhone only. Will do something on this next week.
Feel free to remind me if necessary!

Much appreciated Richard- added this to my info bank- all the best on this day of remembrance

Yes please.

Thank you

That sounds great Richard. I’ll wait till then.

Hi Christorv, I managed to solve my problem, just in case you have the same issue. I have added the steps on how I did it.

Training is a wonderful idea.

Thank you so much, Yvonne

You're welcome

@YvonneBray ... Hi Trish and Yvonne... a couple of weeks ago I agreed to do some training on Kadence Block TOC ...

Then I learned that WP was planning a new release for early this week with a block editor update ...

I think it might include a better built-in TOC block (their current solution is a separate plugin and not as good as the Kadence block TOC).

Early this week WP have announced that they're postponing the release until late Jan 2022 ... so I am now working on the promised training ...

Aaaah, I kinda' figured WordPress was getting ready for a new release due to so many plugins offering updates lately.


And, now they've delayed their release.

Never let WordPress dictate sharing your awesome finds Richard. Anxiously awaiting your training. :-D


(@yvonnebray) Hi Trish and Yvonne ... training was posted late last night (3/12/21, 23:00 or so - Portuguese time).
It's been good for me because I realised a video would be best ... that's a new learning curve for me!

Congratulations Richard!
It will get easier to do videos from here on end, I can assure you, as I too felt really nervous the first few times. :-)

Thank you, Trish
In my case, I'm not particularly nervous ...
I simply have little time for the learning curve.
Still ... it's started now, so I need to keep on with videos to keep my learning curve moving on up!

Sounds fantastic Richard.

Yes, I too have had this problem... it's a bugger going back to fix.

Hi Sherry how did you fix your problem?

It keeps happening, I think when the paragraph s are too close I have to press enter, highlight the whole thing and click on p for paragraph. It'll go back to normal. Try this.

I’ll try your wonderful idea.

Is this in the new block editor.

Yes Zoopie

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Has anyone else had an easy table of contents issue?

Has anyone else had an easy table of contents issue?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, I have been informed that one of my table of contents number (7) on one of my posts is missing the title. From what I can see it's numbered 6 okay but number 7 title jumped

Hi everyone, I was able to fix my problem.
First, I deactivated Easy Table of Contents.
Then, I went into the post in crime.
Next, I checked all my headings, images and paragraphs to see where I could have gone wrong.
Finally, after not finding any errors. I activated Easy TableofContents again.

Guesswhat! It worked a treat. No 7 is back in place. Yeah!

Awesome ;)


Thank you Sherry.

Thank you Simone.

You're welcome :)

Not Familiar With this one but thanks for sharing.

Your welcome

Hi Yvonne
I switched from ETOC a while ago to a block that is more flexible and lighter (faster load speed). If you look to change feel free to ask for more info.

Hi Richard, will love more info on this. Thanks

Hi Chris
I use the free Kadence Blocks plugin.
Upload to your site in the usual way with free plugins.
It will appear as an option in your posts and pages edit screen (on mine it's top right).
It takes a tiny bit of understanding but you can set it up as a reusable block and it automatically picks up your heading.
There is more tailoring available with the block than with ETOC.
Take a quick look at my site beginning with A at my profile if you want to see a possibility.

Unfortunately, I will only be on iPhone for a few days now and irregularly (probably back on Monday) ... do ask questions but I may not be able to look things up until I'm back.

Training please Richard?... so we can share with all members needing this type of helpful info!

Good idea Trish.
Sorry, I am away now for a few days with iPhone only. Will do something on this next week.
Feel free to remind me if necessary!

Much appreciated Richard- added this to my info bank- all the best on this day of remembrance

Yes please.

Thank you

That sounds great Richard. I’ll wait till then.

Hi Christorv, I managed to solve my problem, just in case you have the same issue. I have added the steps on how I did it.

Training is a wonderful idea.

Thank you so much, Yvonne

You're welcome

@YvonneBray ... Hi Trish and Yvonne... a couple of weeks ago I agreed to do some training on Kadence Block TOC ...

Then I learned that WP was planning a new release for early this week with a block editor update ...

I think it might include a better built-in TOC block (their current solution is a separate plugin and not as good as the Kadence block TOC).

Early this week WP have announced that they're postponing the release until late Jan 2022 ... so I am now working on the promised training ...

Aaaah, I kinda' figured WordPress was getting ready for a new release due to so many plugins offering updates lately.


And, now they've delayed their release.

Never let WordPress dictate sharing your awesome finds Richard. Anxiously awaiting your training. :-D


(@yvonnebray) Hi Trish and Yvonne ... training was posted late last night (3/12/21, 23:00 or so - Portuguese time).
It's been good for me because I realised a video would be best ... that's a new learning curve for me!

Congratulations Richard!
It will get easier to do videos from here on end, I can assure you, as I too felt really nervous the first few times. :-)

Thank you, Trish
In my case, I'm not particularly nervous ...
I simply have little time for the learning curve.
Still ... it's started now, so I need to keep on with videos to keep my learning curve moving on up!

Sounds fantastic Richard.

Yes, I too have had this problem... it's a bugger going back to fix.

Hi Sherry how did you fix your problem?

It keeps happening, I think when the paragraph s are too close I have to press enter, highlight the whole thing and click on p for paragraph. It'll go back to normal. Try this.

I’ll try your wonderful idea.

Is this in the new block editor.

Yes Zoopie

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

If I change AIOSEO to SEO Framework will it upset my Website?

Featured Comment


You know what I'm going to say before I even say it, don't you?


However, just to keep things entertaining I'm going to tell you it in the form of a story, LOL.


Once upon a time everyone added milk to their coffee by first putting the milk into a milk jug.

Some people used red milk jugs, others used blue milk jugs, whereas there were those who used green milk jugs.

They were always taught to put their milk into a milk jug before adding it to a coffee.

The kingdom of Wacky Affiliate had always used the red milk jug, but now decided to switch over to using a new black milk jug.

One day, on the the horizon, a handsome prince appeared.

The handsome prince, Martha, poured his milk straight from the carton into his coffee.

Everyone was aghast at his lack of using a milk jug.

"You Can't Do That", they all cried, "You have to use a milk jug to add milk to your coffee".

"Why?" asked the hamdsome prince.

"Will My Coffee taste different if I had milk from the carton?"

"Will my coffee taste different if I use a blue, green, red, black, or purple with orange spots milk jug?"

"Yes, we believe it will make your coffee taste different if you don't use a specific milk jug".

"Well sod that", said the prince. "My coffee taste just fine without the milk jug and pouring milk straight from the carton".


Moral of the story:

A milk jug, regardless of colour, is just something to hold the milk. It does not perform magic!!!


You already know the basics of on-page SEO Yvonne.

You will write a title that includes your keyword.

You will place your keyword in the first paragraph.

You will add images and videos (and optimize with your keyword).

You will add internal and external links.

You will space out your text by using subheadings.

You will include your keyword in one of more of the subheadings.

You will use your keyword in your conclusion.


A SEO plugin does NOT perform miracles.

It is nothing more than a "Milk Jug".

Case in point (and yes I will do an update soonish), the new website created by myself and "Old Fluff" is just over 5 weeks old.

It is receiving daily traffic already from up to 5 different search engines.

Therefore, articles are ranking ALREADY and providing traffic.

We have NO SEO plugin (nope, not a single milk jug in site).

There is no piece of software that can magically catapault you to the top of the search engines.

However, adhering to the basic principles of on-page SEO (and off-page) can.

Here endeth the lesson.

Martha (oops)

You are so funny my friend you really do make my day every time I read something written by you. lol


It's a true story... promise!! LOL

hahahaha - prince ParthaB, that made me laugh so hard- hahaha

LOL :-)

I am glad you saw this and jumped in!

I'm sorry for not responding before now. I have been laughing non-stop. I do get your point, though, Martha. Hahaha.

I could not resist reading your story, not twice but three times.

Thank you for taking the time to give me a lesson on Milk Jugs, I mean SEO.

Hello Yvonne.
I actually changed it and I was not thinking about that. I was changing my theme at the same time too.
However I have never put meta descriptions in myself. I wrote articles in WA form and then in WordPress I didnt know how to change it. So I left it.

Thank you fir stopping by and leaving your comment. Much appreciated.

I have not experienced this yet, Yvonne, so I am happy you asked this question. I am learning from the responses of those with experience.

Hi, I’m happy I did too, especially before I muck things up with my website.

I changed to it too, but I really was not feeling it. So I switched back to AIOSEO. I may try again later, but I couldn't find my way around quick enough.


Thank you Canty. It’s great to hear feedback on other peoples experiences. I feel as though I have made the right decision.

Yvonne, I can just share with you from my experience. My AISEO plugin without me doing anything just became corrupted somehow and broke my site. I cannot now recall what problems exactly it caused but messed things up in such a way that it was critical to do something about it. Strangely enough the exact thing happened to my brother some time after and he actually asked my advice on how I fixed the situation.

So of course I was forced to change to another SEO plugin. So for a very short period of time I changed to Yoast through simply exporting and importing all of my SEO data from AISEO into Yoast with no issues at all and my site was now working without any issue.

However I then learned about Rank Math being so much less resource intensive and a lot of similar Yoast Premium features already available in the free version of Rank Math, so I followed the same steps exporting and importing existing SEO info.

I have not noticed any changes in rank etc.

In fact, I cannot see why you would, as it is the exact same SEO info which was exported and then imported. There is a reason why exporting and importing of SEO data is possible to switch over from one SEO plugin to another smoothly without any complications whatsoever. There are articles out there about exactly that and according to those articles there are no mention that this will mess up anything at all in any way.

In fact, you will find some guys out there that do not even use SEO plugins anymore due to them mentioning that Google does not need hand holding no more in order to interpret and index your content. They even pointed out some advantages of not using a SEO plugin, but I need to confess that this is more for the advanced user, as when I spoke to my brother about it, he pointed out why an SEO plugin is still needed and relevant for the average Joe. Not gonna go into the details.

Bottom line is I have not experienced any issue moving from one SEO plugin to another and as mentioned it is still the exact same SEO data simply exported and imported so cannot see why it would have any affect in terms of SEO.

I can only speak from my experience though. And I guess from my brother's experience too as he also did not notice any SEO changes after switching to another SEO plugin.

Thank you so much for your wonderful experience in transferring from one SEO product to another. Very valuable insight, Chalk.

You are most welcome, Yvonne. Saying this though, I have no experience with the SEO Framework plugin. So although I assume the same principles apply, I don't have personal experience with that plugin so can only comment in regards to my experience with AISEO, Yoast and Rank Math.

Thank you Chalk for your experience.

You are welcome. It is Schalk so by the way 😊. Have a good day.

Sorry I forgot the S.

No probs 😊

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Changing from aioseo to seo framework?

Changing from aioseo to seo framework?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

If I change AIOSEO to SEO Framework will it upset my Website?

Featured Comment


You know what I'm going to say before I even say it, don't you?


However, just to keep things entertaining I'm going to tell you it in the form of a story, LOL.


Once upon a time everyone added milk to their coffee by first putting the milk into a milk jug.

Some people used red milk jugs, others used blue milk jugs, whereas there were those who used green milk jugs.

They were always taught to put their milk into a milk jug before adding it to a coffee.

The kingdom of Wacky Affiliate had always used the red milk jug, but now decided to switch over to using a new black milk jug.

One day, on the the horizon, a handsome prince appeared.

The handsome prince, Martha, poured his milk straight from the carton into his coffee.

Everyone was aghast at his lack of using a milk jug.

"You Can't Do That", they all cried, "You have to use a milk jug to add milk to your coffee".

"Why?" asked the hamdsome prince.

"Will My Coffee taste different if I had milk from the carton?"

"Will my coffee taste different if I use a blue, green, red, black, or purple with orange spots milk jug?"

"Yes, we believe it will make your coffee taste different if you don't use a specific milk jug".

"Well sod that", said the prince. "My coffee taste just fine without the milk jug and pouring milk straight from the carton".


Moral of the story:

A milk jug, regardless of colour, is just something to hold the milk. It does not perform magic!!!


You already know the basics of on-page SEO Yvonne.

You will write a title that includes your keyword.

You will place your keyword in the first paragraph.

You will add images and videos (and optimize with your keyword).

You will add internal and external links.

You will space out your text by using subheadings.

You will include your keyword in one of more of the subheadings.

You will use your keyword in your conclusion.


A SEO plugin does NOT perform miracles.

It is nothing more than a "Milk Jug".

Case in point (and yes I will do an update soonish), the new website created by myself and "Old Fluff" is just over 5 weeks old.

It is receiving daily traffic already from up to 5 different search engines.

Therefore, articles are ranking ALREADY and providing traffic.

We have NO SEO plugin (nope, not a single milk jug in site).

There is no piece of software that can magically catapault you to the top of the search engines.

However, adhering to the basic principles of on-page SEO (and off-page) can.

Here endeth the lesson.

Martha (oops)

You are so funny my friend you really do make my day every time I read something written by you. lol


It's a true story... promise!! LOL

hahahaha - prince ParthaB, that made me laugh so hard- hahaha

LOL :-)

I am glad you saw this and jumped in!

I'm sorry for not responding before now. I have been laughing non-stop. I do get your point, though, Martha. Hahaha.

I could not resist reading your story, not twice but three times.

Thank you for taking the time to give me a lesson on Milk Jugs, I mean SEO.

Hello Yvonne.
I actually changed it and I was not thinking about that. I was changing my theme at the same time too.
However I have never put meta descriptions in myself. I wrote articles in WA form and then in WordPress I didnt know how to change it. So I left it.

Thank you fir stopping by and leaving your comment. Much appreciated.

I have not experienced this yet, Yvonne, so I am happy you asked this question. I am learning from the responses of those with experience.

Hi, I’m happy I did too, especially before I muck things up with my website.

I changed to it too, but I really was not feeling it. So I switched back to AIOSEO. I may try again later, but I couldn't find my way around quick enough.


Thank you Canty. It’s great to hear feedback on other peoples experiences. I feel as though I have made the right decision.

Yvonne, I can just share with you from my experience. My AISEO plugin without me doing anything just became corrupted somehow and broke my site. I cannot now recall what problems exactly it caused but messed things up in such a way that it was critical to do something about it. Strangely enough the exact thing happened to my brother some time after and he actually asked my advice on how I fixed the situation.

So of course I was forced to change to another SEO plugin. So for a very short period of time I changed to Yoast through simply exporting and importing all of my SEO data from AISEO into Yoast with no issues at all and my site was now working without any issue.

However I then learned about Rank Math being so much less resource intensive and a lot of similar Yoast Premium features already available in the free version of Rank Math, so I followed the same steps exporting and importing existing SEO info.

I have not noticed any changes in rank etc.

In fact, I cannot see why you would, as it is the exact same SEO info which was exported and then imported. There is a reason why exporting and importing of SEO data is possible to switch over from one SEO plugin to another smoothly without any complications whatsoever. There are articles out there about exactly that and according to those articles there are no mention that this will mess up anything at all in any way.

In fact, you will find some guys out there that do not even use SEO plugins anymore due to them mentioning that Google does not need hand holding no more in order to interpret and index your content. They even pointed out some advantages of not using a SEO plugin, but I need to confess that this is more for the advanced user, as when I spoke to my brother about it, he pointed out why an SEO plugin is still needed and relevant for the average Joe. Not gonna go into the details.

Bottom line is I have not experienced any issue moving from one SEO plugin to another and as mentioned it is still the exact same SEO data simply exported and imported so cannot see why it would have any affect in terms of SEO.

I can only speak from my experience though. And I guess from my brother's experience too as he also did not notice any SEO changes after switching to another SEO plugin.

Thank you so much for your wonderful experience in transferring from one SEO product to another. Very valuable insight, Chalk.

You are most welcome, Yvonne. Saying this though, I have no experience with the SEO Framework plugin. So although I assume the same principles apply, I don't have personal experience with that plugin so can only comment in regards to my experience with AISEO, Yoast and Rank Math.

Thank you Chalk for your experience.

You are welcome. It is Schalk so by the way 😊. Have a good day.

Sorry I forgot the S.

No probs 😊

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asked in
Email Marketing


I know there has been a bit of training on auto responders but I would like to know the best one that is completely free for the budget conscious? And is easy to se

Might be going for Awaber or OptinMonster (this one is not free though) now, tried mailchimp and sendinblue before that.

Everything was fine until I started to create campaigns. I got permanently BANNED. For multiple different reasons.

But the one that hurt most is when sendinblue closed my account because of low open rates on my campaigns.


You read correctly. Not good for their business since they are using a unique personnal business IP.

After you set everything up with one autoresponder and email campaign provider MAKE sure to validate your LEADS before sending mass emails.

One way to do that is to ensure that your first response email should ask them to validate their email. Because they're important to you right! 😏 By doing so you can also pinpoint who's the red apples. The ones that are really interested.

I have learned the hard way. I am just in the process of creating a post about this topic.


Hi thank you for your response. I appreciate your valuable experience with some of the programs.

If you need a free solution and not a lot of bells and whistles feature-wise LeadsLeap offers one, but you get what you pay or in this case, don't pay for. The best solution is Awebber's free for the first 500 subscribers or to pay for Rocket Responder at $20 a month for unlimited sends and list size.