About roysinOnline
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I got my first computer in 1987 and since then have been quite deeply involved in a lot of areas regarding computers, network administration and





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Yesterday I got an email from "team@wealthyaffiliate.com" that I could reset my password at the following ..."

I haven´t, requested a password recovery, so

Wow, Roy! I wasn't aware.

Thanks for the heads up. Good to see you Roy :)

Thanks, Abie, just one month left until the doors close for me here at WA.

But this is a bit strange as I sent a support ticket to site support, not a question to the community 🤔.


Ooops, My bad😳, I actually knew that but obviously didn´t make sure to select the right one.

But there is a glitch in the UI selecting either a support ticket or a question to the community.

Selecting the support ticket option should send the question to Site Support and not to the community in any case.

I will let the thread stay and address this with site support.


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Password recovery email from wa w/o asking for it?

Password recovery email from wa w/o asking for it?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Yesterday I got an email from "team@wealthyaffiliate.com" that I could reset my password at the following ..."

I haven´t, requested a password recovery, so

Wow, Roy! I wasn't aware.

Thanks for the heads up. Good to see you Roy :)

Thanks, Abie, just one month left until the doors close for me here at WA.

But this is a bit strange as I sent a support ticket to site support, not a question to the community 🤔.


Ooops, My bad😳, I actually knew that but obviously didn´t make sure to select the right one.

But there is a glitch in the UI selecting either a support ticket or a question to the community.

Selecting the support ticket option should send the question to Site Support and not to the community in any case.

I will let the thread stay and address this with site support.


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have tried to install a backup plugin to do a full backup of one of my websites hosted here in WA. when I do I get an error message and can´t install the plugin, on my

Featured Comment

Yes, they are blocked. Almost all good Wordpress hosts do the same. The reason being that back-up plugins are incredible abusive to CPU cycles.

All websites here are backed up in real time, so you don't need to worry about that. As for getting your files locally, you could request a back-up directly from the SiteSupport and they could help you out.

We are building a facility within WA that will replace this, so you can capture back-ups with efficiency through our technology.

But WP plugins for back-ups, generally speaking are terribly abusive and they are not required if you are hosting your websites here on our platform.

Wow Kyle, you and Carson never cease to amaze me with all that you provide us with.

I LOVE Wealthy Affiliate! ❤

And, I'd be LOST without Wealthy Affiliate.

Thanks, Kyle for confirming that they are blocked, and explaining why 👍🏼. I fully understand the explanation having a background in network administration.

Appreciate you guys are working on a solution that will benefit all that have chosen WA to host their blogs.

And as you say we have Site Support to assist us in getting back up from them.

However, (this is intended as constructive feedback 🤓) the feedback from me and others is that it would be awesome to get a heads-up before changes like this occur, and not discover it afterwards when plugins we have come to trust stop working or cannot be installed/activated.

I have to be responsible to make sure that my websites and my client's websites are up and running at all times. That incorporates also a healthy backup plan, also locally.

No matter how often WA or other hosting providers do backups, it is ultimately me at the other end who is going to get hit, if anything happens.

Maybe I am a bit old-fashioned that way, but I don´t like to put all my eggs in one single basket, especially having control over my backups. Maybe I need to "change my script" in this instance

Looking forward to seeing the solution you foresee implemented.


That is awesome to know, Kyle! That means we can jettison the back-up lug-ins then, right?

I have All in One WP Migration with the unlimited extension installed on all 30 or so of my websites and consider it an essential. Having my own backup, with the timing of its creation under my control, not my web host's, has bailed me out many times. There are many other reasons for having your own backup This must be a recent decision as I have been backing up my sites, hosted both here and elsewhere, with no issues. However, I just went into one of my WA hosted sites and found that AIO WP Migration was no longer activated and could not be reactivated.

I am utterly dismayed by this and consider it a retrograde step.

I urge you to reconsider.

Awesome, I remember now that it gets backed up automatically. So why is it when I clicked on update on some plugins, it gave me a warning to disable auto updates and in wordpress ? And it didn't update anything

Yes Roy
I haven't been stopped using Updraft but... when I recommended it to another member they were not able to install it with the message that you've highlighted. So I took it up with Site Support because another member experienced missing backups (admittedly about a year ago) when about 2 weeks of WA backups, perhaps just for one server (but I don't know that for sure) were not available when needed. The person concerned, a relative beginner at the time, had managed to delete many images accidentally. It cost a lot of hours and about 4 weeks elapsed to recover the missing images.

I reminded them of this incident when Site Support eventually apologised and explained that the problem was caused by a new support employee. I also explained that I believe any serious business owner needs to be prepared to take responsibility for their own backups. Here follows the main parts of the thread...

Carson said:

"Our backup processes have continually improved, that said, if you would like to have an exception to a certain backup plugin then please let me know and I will consider that.

For any member that requests a backup plugin exception, we ask that they delete the backup files (clean them up) after running them so that they do not take up space on the server. That is one reason for all backup plugins being banned, the other is that every change to your website triggers a new backup to be created at the end of the day. Additionally, backup plugins are extremely CPU intensive and they really should not run on the main server that your site lives on.

If a member would like to contact us about plugin blacklists then they can do so and we can discuss directly with them."

Then there was a follow up message:

" Someone from our server admin team is chiming in here. The process of taking a backup does not only take up a lot of drive space, but more importantly, it takes over the server's CPU capacity so that requests to the server are served more slowly due to more competition with the CPU of the machine. A backup entails making many queries to your database to "dump" thousands of records to the drive, all this takes intensive processing. Wordpress plugins are extremely inefficient at this job. Our in-house backup processes are able to perform the operation on replicated data off-server so that that the backup process is not competing with requests coming into the server. This leaves the CPU more available to serve sites more efficiently. If more people ran backup plugins the problem would be compounded, so it is not a very friendly practice on a shared server. By doing this, your plugin is taking valuable resources away from other sites and doing so needlessly since it is reproducing work that has already been completed by our in-house system. Due to this concern, many other wordpress hosting providers ban all backup plugins outright without exception. We are moving in that same direction, but being a little more lenient about it and making exceptions for the odd user who is very attached to doing this with a specific plugin. That said, we are available 24/7 to provide you with a downloadable backup for any day that you need one, going back 3 months."

Then they added:

"I should add to my previous comment, we have recently made great improvements to our backup system to correspond with our new measures to blacklist backup plugins and we are working on a system that allows members to request a backup download link on demand without going through support. Until then, a simple request to support will provide you with a complete backup of your site for your own personal safe keeping."

I responded with:

" hope the improvements are proven to be robust in light of the facts that I have already mentioned from just 1 year ago. Your backup system lost my trust at that time. I'd need to know more about your improvements to accept this situation."

Followed by:

"We can provide you with a physical backup to keep in your possession on any day you request one. Here is a backup for you to download from today: >>>Backup link deleted<<<.
Please download it for safe keeping and feel free to ask for one anytime. In the future you will be able to request such backups on demand to download to your PC anytime you wish.

I then said:

" Thank you for the offer of sending copies of backups on request.
It strikes me as not a complete solution since I would also need a copy of appropriate software and knowledge for running it as well."

There was no response to this point. But they did point out that the date of the latest backup is shown on the summary screen for each site in Site Manager.

So for now, although emotionally unacceptable to me, I do understand where they are coming from. It will be very important that if anyone experiences missing backups that they raise the problem with WA Management straight away.

The thing that most concerns me though is that, in my opinion, such important changes should not be made without prior announcement to all members. Most of us are creating professionally based business.

Hi Richard. you point to a very important issue, and that is to be properly notified when such changes, which are not a minor thing, to any who are hosting their website with WA ( and for that matter any hosting provider).


Hello Roy, - I've also had problems making a "backup". I used to use "BackupGuard", and suddenly it was gone and replaced by "Jetpack". I hadn't changed anything at all. When I finally wanted to make a backup, I got the message that "Jetpack" can no longer be used, and the plugin would not be reliable. I sent a ticket to support, and I got the answer: If you want to restore a backup, you will have to do it through us... I find all this strange.

Yes, I do too. I got a logical explanation from Site Support, see my response to Diane.

However, I would like to know about such changes before they happen. The change hasn´t been very visible on the platform.


Hi Roy,
I was using UpdraftPlus, but it has been deactivated and banned from using on WA.
I contacted site support and they mentioned that moving forward backup plugins and cache plugins will be no longer needed and likely banned as they take up too much space on the server.
They mentioned WA takes daily backup’s of our sites.

I'm using UpdraftPlus...just updated 2 other plugins, and UPlus did its automatic backup just prior to each update.

That is the plugin I intend to use. I have asked Site Support to allow me to install it.


Uh Oh

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Wordpress backup plugins disabled by wa?

Wordpress backup plugins disabled by wa?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have tried to install a backup plugin to do a full backup of one of my websites hosted here in WA. when I do I get an error message and can´t install the plugin, on my

Featured Comment

Yes, they are blocked. Almost all good Wordpress hosts do the same. The reason being that back-up plugins are incredible abusive to CPU cycles.

All websites here are backed up in real time, so you don't need to worry about that. As for getting your files locally, you could request a back-up directly from the SiteSupport and they could help you out.

We are building a facility within WA that will replace this, so you can capture back-ups with efficiency through our technology.

But WP plugins for back-ups, generally speaking are terribly abusive and they are not required if you are hosting your websites here on our platform.

Wow Kyle, you and Carson never cease to amaze me with all that you provide us with.

I LOVE Wealthy Affiliate! ❤

And, I'd be LOST without Wealthy Affiliate.

Thanks, Kyle for confirming that they are blocked, and explaining why 👍🏼. I fully understand the explanation having a background in network administration.

Appreciate you guys are working on a solution that will benefit all that have chosen WA to host their blogs.

And as you say we have Site Support to assist us in getting back up from them.

However, (this is intended as constructive feedback 🤓) the feedback from me and others is that it would be awesome to get a heads-up before changes like this occur, and not discover it afterwards when plugins we have come to trust stop working or cannot be installed/activated.

I have to be responsible to make sure that my websites and my client's websites are up and running at all times. That incorporates also a healthy backup plan, also locally.

No matter how often WA or other hosting providers do backups, it is ultimately me at the other end who is going to get hit, if anything happens.

Maybe I am a bit old-fashioned that way, but I don´t like to put all my eggs in one single basket, especially having control over my backups. Maybe I need to "change my script" in this instance

Looking forward to seeing the solution you foresee implemented.


That is awesome to know, Kyle! That means we can jettison the back-up lug-ins then, right?

I have All in One WP Migration with the unlimited extension installed on all 30 or so of my websites and consider it an essential. Having my own backup, with the timing of its creation under my control, not my web host's, has bailed me out many times. There are many other reasons for having your own backup This must be a recent decision as I have been backing up my sites, hosted both here and elsewhere, with no issues. However, I just went into one of my WA hosted sites and found that AIO WP Migration was no longer activated and could not be reactivated.

I am utterly dismayed by this and consider it a retrograde step.

I urge you to reconsider.

Awesome, I remember now that it gets backed up automatically. So why is it when I clicked on update on some plugins, it gave me a warning to disable auto updates and in wordpress ? And it didn't update anything

Yes Roy
I haven't been stopped using Updraft but... when I recommended it to another member they were not able to install it with the message that you've highlighted. So I took it up with Site Support because another member experienced missing backups (admittedly about a year ago) when about 2 weeks of WA backups, perhaps just for one server (but I don't know that for sure) were not available when needed. The person concerned, a relative beginner at the time, had managed to delete many images accidentally. It cost a lot of hours and about 4 weeks elapsed to recover the missing images.

I reminded them of this incident when Site Support eventually apologised and explained that the problem was caused by a new support employee. I also explained that I believe any serious business owner needs to be prepared to take responsibility for their own backups. Here follows the main parts of the thread...

Carson said:

"Our backup processes have continually improved, that said, if you would like to have an exception to a certain backup plugin then please let me know and I will consider that.

For any member that requests a backup plugin exception, we ask that they delete the backup files (clean them up) after running them so that they do not take up space on the server. That is one reason for all backup plugins being banned, the other is that every change to your website triggers a new backup to be created at the end of the day. Additionally, backup plugins are extremely CPU intensive and they really should not run on the main server that your site lives on.

If a member would like to contact us about plugin blacklists then they can do so and we can discuss directly with them."

Then there was a follow up message:

" Someone from our server admin team is chiming in here. The process of taking a backup does not only take up a lot of drive space, but more importantly, it takes over the server's CPU capacity so that requests to the server are served more slowly due to more competition with the CPU of the machine. A backup entails making many queries to your database to "dump" thousands of records to the drive, all this takes intensive processing. Wordpress plugins are extremely inefficient at this job. Our in-house backup processes are able to perform the operation on replicated data off-server so that that the backup process is not competing with requests coming into the server. This leaves the CPU more available to serve sites more efficiently. If more people ran backup plugins the problem would be compounded, so it is not a very friendly practice on a shared server. By doing this, your plugin is taking valuable resources away from other sites and doing so needlessly since it is reproducing work that has already been completed by our in-house system. Due to this concern, many other wordpress hosting providers ban all backup plugins outright without exception. We are moving in that same direction, but being a little more lenient about it and making exceptions for the odd user who is very attached to doing this with a specific plugin. That said, we are available 24/7 to provide you with a downloadable backup for any day that you need one, going back 3 months."

Then they added:

"I should add to my previous comment, we have recently made great improvements to our backup system to correspond with our new measures to blacklist backup plugins and we are working on a system that allows members to request a backup download link on demand without going through support. Until then, a simple request to support will provide you with a complete backup of your site for your own personal safe keeping."

I responded with:

" hope the improvements are proven to be robust in light of the facts that I have already mentioned from just 1 year ago. Your backup system lost my trust at that time. I'd need to know more about your improvements to accept this situation."

Followed by:

"We can provide you with a physical backup to keep in your possession on any day you request one. Here is a backup for you to download from today: >>>Backup link deleted<<<.
Please download it for safe keeping and feel free to ask for one anytime. In the future you will be able to request such backups on demand to download to your PC anytime you wish.

I then said:

" Thank you for the offer of sending copies of backups on request.
It strikes me as not a complete solution since I would also need a copy of appropriate software and knowledge for running it as well."

There was no response to this point. But they did point out that the date of the latest backup is shown on the summary screen for each site in Site Manager.

So for now, although emotionally unacceptable to me, I do understand where they are coming from. It will be very important that if anyone experiences missing backups that they raise the problem with WA Management straight away.

The thing that most concerns me though is that, in my opinion, such important changes should not be made without prior announcement to all members. Most of us are creating professionally based business.

Hi Richard. you point to a very important issue, and that is to be properly notified when such changes, which are not a minor thing, to any who are hosting their website with WA ( and for that matter any hosting provider).


Hello Roy, - I've also had problems making a "backup". I used to use "BackupGuard", and suddenly it was gone and replaced by "Jetpack". I hadn't changed anything at all. When I finally wanted to make a backup, I got the message that "Jetpack" can no longer be used, and the plugin would not be reliable. I sent a ticket to support, and I got the answer: If you want to restore a backup, you will have to do it through us... I find all this strange.

Yes, I do too. I got a logical explanation from Site Support, see my response to Diane.

However, I would like to know about such changes before they happen. The change hasn´t been very visible on the platform.


Hi Roy,
I was using UpdraftPlus, but it has been deactivated and banned from using on WA.
I contacted site support and they mentioned that moving forward backup plugins and cache plugins will be no longer needed and likely banned as they take up too much space on the server.
They mentioned WA takes daily backup’s of our sites.

I'm using UpdraftPlus...just updated 2 other plugins, and UPlus did its automatic backup just prior to each update.

That is the plugin I intend to use. I have asked Site Support to allow me to install it.


Uh Oh

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