About Peterke
Rank 5936
754 followers Joined August 2020
Hello, I'm Peter, 60 years old, a Belgian citizen and I want to earn a passive income because my financial situation is a complete DISASTER...





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Core “Business Start Up” Training
asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

I'm having a whole bunch of 403 errors related to YouTube Videos. But when I check some of them, everything seems to work fine. Why does the system show

No permission. Have you tried site support

Thanks, Abie, I'll do that.

Fabulous, Peter! :)

My guess is it could just be a glitch, Peter!

You might get some better answers soon!


Hey Peter,

I've tried accessing the WA search... which you could do from your end, in case it's just an issue with my browser. If so, then click on the WA search for youtube broken links...

Or... I can share with you what I use.... see screen print below... as I learned about this handy plugin from another member's shared tutorial right here in the WA platform.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi, Trish, thanks for your answer. I'm using "Broken Link Checker" from WPMU DEV. This plugin says I don't have any broken links. But the AHREF audit says I have a lot of 403 errors. I don't understand it. I'll try the one you are using.

Best Regards,

I use BOTH plugin Peter. Note the one I suggested above clearly only seeks out YouTube links.

The other one... by WPMU DEV... does NOT check YouTube links.

Okay, Trish, that's good to know. Thanks again.

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Why does the system show 403 errors?

Why does the system show 403 errors?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

I'm having a whole bunch of 403 errors related to YouTube Videos. But when I check some of them, everything seems to work fine. Why does the system show

No permission. Have you tried site support

Thanks, Abie, I'll do that.

Fabulous, Peter! :)

My guess is it could just be a glitch, Peter!

You might get some better answers soon!


Hey Peter,

I've tried accessing the WA search... which you could do from your end, in case it's just an issue with my browser. If so, then click on the WA search for youtube broken links...

Or... I can share with you what I use.... see screen print below... as I learned about this handy plugin from another member's shared tutorial right here in the WA platform.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi, Trish, thanks for your answer. I'm using "Broken Link Checker" from WPMU DEV. This plugin says I don't have any broken links. But the AHREF audit says I have a lot of 403 errors. I don't understand it. I'll try the one you are using.

Best Regards,

I use BOTH plugin Peter. Note the one I suggested above clearly only seeks out YouTube links.

The other one... by WPMU DEV... does NOT check YouTube links.

Okay, Trish, that's good to know. Thanks again.

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

After careful consideration, it makes sense that I cannot share a link with non-WA members. But can I save the classes I find interesting to my local dri

Please ask a third question for us, Peter :)

WA no. They are copyrighted.

You can bookmark with a tag by clicking the star icon. Then look them up in your favorite tab, magnifying glass top menu.

Hey Peter,

You can save shortcuts to whatever training you wish. However, you will soon discover that you need to be logged into the WA platform for the training to visible.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Peter. I don't think there is a way to download any of the classes. And I wouldn't recommend recording them and saving them to your local device, as I believe Carson/Kyle's intention is for us to view them within the platform as an active member.

Thanks, Tim.

You already ask this question to your other question which I answered so not sure why you need to ask again. but the answer is no and you can read my response to the other quesion you just asked.

The previous question was if I could share it with someone else outside WA.

My second question was only for my personal use.

Correct and you specifically ask this question there as well in reply to me which I have responded there and again here.

It were 2 completely different questions. Why are you making such a fuss about that?

Both your questions were answered end of conversation

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Can I save classes to my local drive?

Can I save classes to my local drive?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

After careful consideration, it makes sense that I cannot share a link with non-WA members. But can I save the classes I find interesting to my local dri

Please ask a third question for us, Peter :)

WA no. They are copyrighted.

You can bookmark with a tag by clicking the star icon. Then look them up in your favorite tab, magnifying glass top menu.

Hey Peter,

You can save shortcuts to whatever training you wish. However, you will soon discover that you need to be logged into the WA platform for the training to visible.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Peter. I don't think there is a way to download any of the classes. And I wouldn't recommend recording them and saving them to your local device, as I believe Carson/Kyle's intention is for us to view them within the platform as an active member.

Thanks, Tim.

You already ask this question to your other question which I answered so not sure why you need to ask again. but the answer is no and you can read my response to the other quesion you just asked.

The previous question was if I could share it with someone else outside WA.

My second question was only for my personal use.

Correct and you specifically ask this question there as well in reply to me which I have responded there and again here.

It were 2 completely different questions. Why are you making such a fuss about that?

Both your questions were answered end of conversation

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

Can I give a link to a video class to someone who is not a member of WA? (since the link can be shared?)

Best regards,

They need to sign up before they can view, or if it's a premium or pp+ webinar, they need to upgrade.

Also, some resources here are limited to yearly subscribers; they may not be able to see the resources.

It is best to check the status in an incognito due to sharing it.

Hey Peter,

Given that new Starter members are restricted to a limited number of training lessons, I would suggest that you use a copy of your affiliate link for certain, and then go to a different browser where you are NOT logged into the WA platform, place that link in the address bar and click Enter.

If you can view the page... then VOILA! You can share it. BUT... what YOU see is what the non-member will see.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks, Trish. I'll try it...

You can use the link provided which will have your affiliiate link embedded but when they click the link they will get the pop up to join WA and only then can they watch the video depending on which membership they create either premium or plus

Thanks, Andre, but can I download them to my local drive, just for personal use?

No videos here cannot be downloaded as that would defest the purpose of joining even a member can't download any video to their local drive.

We have video training classes for premium and premium members. Even a premium member cannot watch premium plus classes.

Based on this reasoning, I do not think you can send a link to the video class to a WA non-member.

Thanks, Anusuya, that's what I thought also.

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Can I share a link to a video class?

Can I share a link to a video class?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

Can I give a link to a video class to someone who is not a member of WA? (since the link can be shared?)

Best regards,

They need to sign up before they can view, or if it's a premium or pp+ webinar, they need to upgrade.

Also, some resources here are limited to yearly subscribers; they may not be able to see the resources.

It is best to check the status in an incognito due to sharing it.

Hey Peter,

Given that new Starter members are restricted to a limited number of training lessons, I would suggest that you use a copy of your affiliate link for certain, and then go to a different browser where you are NOT logged into the WA platform, place that link in the address bar and click Enter.

If you can view the page... then VOILA! You can share it. BUT... what YOU see is what the non-member will see.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks, Trish. I'll try it...

You can use the link provided which will have your affiliiate link embedded but when they click the link they will get the pop up to join WA and only then can they watch the video depending on which membership they create either premium or plus

Thanks, Andre, but can I download them to my local drive, just for personal use?

No videos here cannot be downloaded as that would defest the purpose of joining even a member can't download any video to their local drive.

We have video training classes for premium and premium members. Even a premium member cannot watch premium plus classes.

Based on this reasoning, I do not think you can send a link to the video class to a WA non-member.

Thanks, Anusuya, that's what I thought also.

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

A few days ago I switched my website from 'Wealthy Affiliate' to 'GreenGeeks'.

I also know that in the field of tutorials, lessons, interactivity

You may write to


And explain your circumstances.

Thanks, Abie, you are number 1 in helping other people!

Np :) Thanks for the resource. I hope you get resolved soon.

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What do you think about my migration?

What do you think about my migration?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

A few days ago I switched my website from 'Wealthy Affiliate' to 'GreenGeeks'.

I also know that in the field of tutorials, lessons, interactivity

You may write to


And explain your circumstances.

Thanks, Abie, you are number 1 in helping other people!

Np :) Thanks for the resource. I hope you get resolved soon.

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

Is it normal that I cannot see the prices that WA charges anywhere? If I'm missing something, please let me know. I would find it very strange that poten

Featured Comment

On our website:


You can find it there. When someone joins, they can find it on the upgrade page, which is linked to from every page, including the upper banner. Youcan find that here:


Let me know if you have any further questions Peter.

Hi, Kyle,

Thanks for your very quick reply.

I am currently no longer satisfied with your support. It's been at least 3 months now that I've been having problems with "sticking" in the Gutenberg Editor. I've already sent a ton of emails to support, and they say the problem is with the AIOSEO Pro plugin.

In turn, AIOSEO Pro Support thoroughly checked my website and found something abnormal there. Then they placed a clone of my website on their server (Combell) so that I could test it myself. And indeed, the problems no longer occurred.

I find it very annoying that the problem cannot be solved, and I am therefore considering changing hosting.

Best regards,

Peter get rid of AIOSEO plug in. Use Rank Math. It works beautifully for me. I do respect your decision to find hosting elsewhere. Many members here do host their online business with another hosting company. That is ok to do that. Get Rank Math for SEO when you host elsewhere or get your own server with P Plus dedicated server, that will solve your problem if not find another hosting. I wish you all the best.

Thanks, Brenda.

You have fantastic responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance

They're freely available here:


That link is basically everywhere for the free starter account member.

Thanks, Eric.

If a problem finding membership subscriptions just go to upgrade. Customer who would be interested to join would simply have an option during the joining process 👍

Thanks for the very quick reply, Robin.

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Pricing at wealthy affiliate?

Pricing at wealthy affiliate?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone,

Is it normal that I cannot see the prices that WA charges anywhere? If I'm missing something, please let me know. I would find it very strange that poten

Featured Comment

On our website:


You can find it there. When someone joins, they can find it on the upgrade page, which is linked to from every page, including the upper banner. Youcan find that here:


Let me know if you have any further questions Peter.

Hi, Kyle,

Thanks for your very quick reply.

I am currently no longer satisfied with your support. It's been at least 3 months now that I've been having problems with "sticking" in the Gutenberg Editor. I've already sent a ton of emails to support, and they say the problem is with the AIOSEO Pro plugin.

In turn, AIOSEO Pro Support thoroughly checked my website and found something abnormal there. Then they placed a clone of my website on their server (Combell) so that I could test it myself. And indeed, the problems no longer occurred.

I find it very annoying that the problem cannot be solved, and I am therefore considering changing hosting.

Best regards,

Peter get rid of AIOSEO plug in. Use Rank Math. It works beautifully for me. I do respect your decision to find hosting elsewhere. Many members here do host their online business with another hosting company. That is ok to do that. Get Rank Math for SEO when you host elsewhere or get your own server with P Plus dedicated server, that will solve your problem if not find another hosting. I wish you all the best.

Thanks, Brenda.

You have fantastic responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance

They're freely available here:


That link is basically everywhere for the free starter account member.

Thanks, Eric.

If a problem finding membership subscriptions just go to upgrade. Customer who would be interested to join would simply have an option during the joining process 👍

Thanks for the very quick reply, Robin.

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