About Poetman
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677 followers Joined August 2011
I was here originally for about...I'm guessing 11 months? Maybe 13...somewhere between Aug 2010 and sometime 2011...at any rate. I'm drifting. I left because I





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Authoring & Writing Content

I hope someone can help..in 2008 we spent the summer with my parents in Tucson, right after my dad had a stroke in May. Mom needed help caring for him. During that time I coped

Hi David,
Talking to a human being at Google would be very helpful, assuming you could. Because they can ask you verifiable questions to identify you in order to reset your password, again.

I've heard people here say they talked to Google (concerning other issues) so look for their customer service info and get your stuff back.
I believe you will, one way or another.


Difficult situation to resolve.

Indeed so. I'm going to try after lunch. It's not an attempt-under-migraine pressure endeavor!

Did you ever have it reset before ? if you did you can use in your email account the search above your mail ---put the word password reset ---try that I will be thinking of other stuff --

I'm just a bit tired...you mean log in my regular (used now) account and search for the other one? or log into the one that I'm stuck on?

Like Ed is saying above here, I think he means the one that you're stuck on. But, I don't know if it'll work if you haven't reset the password before though. This worked on my hubby's FB account when somehow he couldn't get logged in and none of the questions were working right either.
I just wish I could remember how to explain it better. All I do remember is that it finally showed up with a list of possible ones to choose from and since I know how he typed at the time, I got the right one.
Hmmm, maybe the "answers" to your security questions had a tiny difference in them from when you typed them in before as to when you typed them in now. A spelling error or a space...just a thought.
I guess I need to get some sleep, but I'll be thinking about this some more. Good luck!

try both if you can --but I know you can email them -- I am going to PM you

With all my heart I wish I had an answer to this one! I simply do not. I am sorry.

Thanks, Google won't hear the last from me and *somewhere* the answer lies...

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Gmail puzzle

Gmail puzzle

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I hope someone can help..in 2008 we spent the summer with my parents in Tucson, right after my dad had a stroke in May. Mom needed help caring for him. During that time I coped

Hi David,
Talking to a human being at Google would be very helpful, assuming you could. Because they can ask you verifiable questions to identify you in order to reset your password, again.

I've heard people here say they talked to Google (concerning other issues) so look for their customer service info and get your stuff back.
I believe you will, one way or another.


Difficult situation to resolve.

Indeed so. I'm going to try after lunch. It's not an attempt-under-migraine pressure endeavor!

Did you ever have it reset before ? if you did you can use in your email account the search above your mail ---put the word password reset ---try that I will be thinking of other stuff --

I'm just a bit tired...you mean log in my regular (used now) account and search for the other one? or log into the one that I'm stuck on?

Like Ed is saying above here, I think he means the one that you're stuck on. But, I don't know if it'll work if you haven't reset the password before though. This worked on my hubby's FB account when somehow he couldn't get logged in and none of the questions were working right either.
I just wish I could remember how to explain it better. All I do remember is that it finally showed up with a list of possible ones to choose from and since I know how he typed at the time, I got the right one.
Hmmm, maybe the "answers" to your security questions had a tiny difference in them from when you typed them in before as to when you typed them in now. A spelling error or a space...just a thought.
I guess I need to get some sleep, but I'll be thinking about this some more. Good luck!

try both if you can --but I know you can email them -- I am going to PM you

With all my heart I wish I had an answer to this one! I simply do not. I am sorry.

Thanks, Google won't hear the last from me and *somewhere* the answer lies...

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Part of the process involves knowing traffic: how many "average uniques" a month and how many page views per month. Where would I find that info? Thanks!

Google Analytics the best.

hey we learn something new here everyday, ny site has alot of traffic, but I have 10 sign-ups this month , I was soooo excited but they didnt convert to the sales, thats what you need. Good luck with it and test the waters

There are websites that allow you to submit your website to search engines for free. Have you done that yet? Google "search engines submit FREE" & see what you get. Just a hint--read the details. Not all that say they are free may have hidden costs or requirements. Happy searching! :-)

Oh definitely. I wonder what happens if-in the euphoria of submitting many times, you accidentally double submit to one or more places? Do they just drop one of the two? Hmmm...

This is too funny. I have had (get this): 29 visits total, of which 24 were unique. 90 page views. Whoever gets it (if anyone) had better be good at marketing (or more motivated and have less life ups and downs).

Okay, coolies :) I'll check both out and see. I have a hunch it's very low but i've read that low traffic does *not* automatically guarantee a bad sale. More an info thing. I'll let you know!

Google Analytics allows you to track information including the number of visitors and page views, where visitors come from, how long they stay, what keywords they are using to find your site, and more!
To find out more information about Google Analytics and how to set it up, go to this link... http://www.google.com/analytics/

You can see that one also at google analytics and alexa.com too.

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For a domain I want to flip..

For a domain I want to flip..

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Part of the process involves knowing traffic: how many "average uniques" a month and how many page views per month. Where would I find that info? Thanks!

Google Analytics the best.

hey we learn something new here everyday, ny site has alot of traffic, but I have 10 sign-ups this month , I was soooo excited but they didnt convert to the sales, thats what you need. Good luck with it and test the waters

There are websites that allow you to submit your website to search engines for free. Have you done that yet? Google "search engines submit FREE" & see what you get. Just a hint--read the details. Not all that say they are free may have hidden costs or requirements. Happy searching! :-)

Oh definitely. I wonder what happens if-in the euphoria of submitting many times, you accidentally double submit to one or more places? Do they just drop one of the two? Hmmm...

This is too funny. I have had (get this): 29 visits total, of which 24 were unique. 90 page views. Whoever gets it (if anyone) had better be good at marketing (or more motivated and have less life ups and downs).

Okay, coolies :) I'll check both out and see. I have a hunch it's very low but i've read that low traffic does *not* automatically guarantee a bad sale. More an info thing. I'll let you know!

Google Analytics allows you to track information including the number of visitors and page views, where visitors come from, how long they stay, what keywords they are using to find your site, and more!
To find out more information about Google Analytics and how to set it up, go to this link... http://www.google.com/analytics/

You can see that one also at google analytics and alexa.com too.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey folks,

I've been tweaking my transparenteen site and in the process, decided I would start a blog with random parenting observations (separate from those connected wit

Gordi is absolutely right.

To me, page has a wider encompassing theme, and posts are more specific stories related to different pages.
I hope I explained it clearly enough.

I was looking for this answer and it is quite clear. Thank you for answering my unasked question.

I'd be interested in any ideas on that as well. I don't see your website url. Will you share? I'd love to take a look at it.

Have a look at what any possible competition sites are doing on design ideas. I know I always get hung up on layout issues, but Kyle is the first to say, get your content out then design later!

Perhaps try one method to see how it works for a while, then change to another - keep testing!

Can you make a list of pros and cons and then determine what is best for you to serve your clients?

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Posting, pages and blog

Posting, pages and blog

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey folks,

I've been tweaking my transparenteen site and in the process, decided I would start a blog with random parenting observations (separate from those connected wit

Gordi is absolutely right.

To me, page has a wider encompassing theme, and posts are more specific stories related to different pages.
I hope I explained it clearly enough.

I was looking for this answer and it is quite clear. Thank you for answering my unasked question.

I'd be interested in any ideas on that as well. I don't see your website url. Will you share? I'd love to take a look at it.

Have a look at what any possible competition sites are doing on design ideas. I know I always get hung up on layout issues, but Kyle is the first to say, get your content out then design later!

Perhaps try one method to see how it works for a while, then change to another - keep testing!

Can you make a list of pros and cons and then determine what is best for you to serve your clients?

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have a domain I created, that I am interested in using as a merchant site. At this point it is registered/hosted at hostgator. In the mail today I got a postcard in the mail o

Not experienced till date.

Hey Guys,

A quick followup to the offer for registration I got in the mail. I created a new domain with hostgator this afternoon and was happy to discover that registration is an automatic perk of having the domain with them for a year. SO if you get a card in mail, junk it-because it's WAY more than you need (or want) to pay.

And will they let you get hosting for that domain with a hosting company other than Hostgator? Let's say you decided to get WA hosting. So you would have to point the DNS address currently at HostGator to WA. Will they let you do that at no further charge?

~ Jude

From former experience with namecheap, the hosting is separate from the registration-could be wrong. I'll see what happens (or not) with this one. But I am *dang* sure not coughing up some $300+ for it!

Did you decide this was junk mail? Just curious...

At the moment, it sounds like you have a parked domain. You should check this to make sure you understand what it means to your domain when you register and don't attach a website to it:



And how do I find out if it is, and un-park it if so?

Okay, just checked with hostgator. FREE Domain Locking: LaunchPad locks all of your domains by default. This prevents unauthorized changes or domain hijacking. Which sounds like exactly what is going on. So, Official Notice or not, it's going in the trash.

I get stuff like that all the time David, I just stick to what I've learned here at WA and delete all that junk. I get tons of phone calls pertaining to the same subject also!

I think I'll just file it away for now and not stress over it. Certainly not worth losing sleep...

I've gotten stuff from Domain Services also, it's just another scam trying to make money off of your website.

The card is from Domain Services (In Washington, D.C-return address). The Deadline Date is March 28, and the actual website for this place is Domainsubmitter.org/(my domain) I suspect that the person for whom the domain originally got created may have a connection but as there has always been a reply when I have a question, I'll run it by them. I am NOT in a rush to cough up $97 (and that's a 75% discount!)...

That's a good idea. Get in touch with them directly to find out the status of your domain name. You don't want to sit on it and do nothing if you're supposed to take action.


Good luck know nothing about this.

Ummmm.... sounds kinda sketchy!
Who is the postcard from? and where did they tell you to register it?
I'm pretty sure this is not standard procedure and would definitely check it out more before doing anything....

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Domain Registration Question...

Domain Registration Question...

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have a domain I created, that I am interested in using as a merchant site. At this point it is registered/hosted at hostgator. In the mail today I got a postcard in the mail o

Not experienced till date.

Hey Guys,

A quick followup to the offer for registration I got in the mail. I created a new domain with hostgator this afternoon and was happy to discover that registration is an automatic perk of having the domain with them for a year. SO if you get a card in mail, junk it-because it's WAY more than you need (or want) to pay.

And will they let you get hosting for that domain with a hosting company other than Hostgator? Let's say you decided to get WA hosting. So you would have to point the DNS address currently at HostGator to WA. Will they let you do that at no further charge?

~ Jude

From former experience with namecheap, the hosting is separate from the registration-could be wrong. I'll see what happens (or not) with this one. But I am *dang* sure not coughing up some $300+ for it!

Did you decide this was junk mail? Just curious...

At the moment, it sounds like you have a parked domain. You should check this to make sure you understand what it means to your domain when you register and don't attach a website to it:



And how do I find out if it is, and un-park it if so?

Okay, just checked with hostgator. FREE Domain Locking: LaunchPad locks all of your domains by default. This prevents unauthorized changes or domain hijacking. Which sounds like exactly what is going on. So, Official Notice or not, it's going in the trash.

I get stuff like that all the time David, I just stick to what I've learned here at WA and delete all that junk. I get tons of phone calls pertaining to the same subject also!

I think I'll just file it away for now and not stress over it. Certainly not worth losing sleep...

I've gotten stuff from Domain Services also, it's just another scam trying to make money off of your website.

The card is from Domain Services (In Washington, D.C-return address). The Deadline Date is March 28, and the actual website for this place is Domainsubmitter.org/(my domain) I suspect that the person for whom the domain originally got created may have a connection but as there has always been a reply when I have a question, I'll run it by them. I am NOT in a rush to cough up $97 (and that's a 75% discount!)...

That's a good idea. Get in touch with them directly to find out the status of your domain name. You don't want to sit on it and do nothing if you're supposed to take action.


Good luck know nothing about this.

Ummmm.... sounds kinda sketchy!
Who is the postcard from? and where did they tell you to register it?
I'm pretty sure this is not standard procedure and would definitely check it out more before doing anything....

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

For those who recall, I was having trouble with the titles of my articles being underlined, no matter what I tried to do. Well, there is a solution! I discovered that when I pos

Good Luck.

Hello, you should be able to do drop down menus (under Appearance, choose menu. There is a 5-page tutorial for this here on WA: http://goo.gl/kcYjF Hope this helps.....

I'm guessing the underline issue is a theme issue. Select another theme and view it.....

I agree with you, KD6PAO. I think this is a theme issue. Poetman, have you tried a test site with the same theme and then change the theme? At that point, you could determine if the same theme is underlining.

It may have something to do with your theme attributes.

To get a drop down, you could either do it from your sidebar "Page Attributes" designate the "Parent" and the "Order" you prefer. Or another way is to customize your menus to have sub items (drop down).

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Headline trouble sorted!

Headline trouble sorted!

asked in
Everything Wordpress

For those who recall, I was having trouble with the titles of my articles being underlined, no matter what I tried to do. Well, there is a solution! I discovered that when I pos

Good Luck.

Hello, you should be able to do drop down menus (under Appearance, choose menu. There is a 5-page tutorial for this here on WA: http://goo.gl/kcYjF Hope this helps.....

I'm guessing the underline issue is a theme issue. Select another theme and view it.....

I agree with you, KD6PAO. I think this is a theme issue. Poetman, have you tried a test site with the same theme and then change the theme? At that point, you could determine if the same theme is underlining.

It may have something to do with your theme attributes.

To get a drop down, you could either do it from your sidebar "Page Attributes" designate the "Parent" and the "Order" you prefer. Or another way is to customize your menus to have sub items (drop down).

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