About PhyllisE1
Rank 1320
1,020 followers Joined June 2014
My name is Phyllis English. I am a native born Georgian, USA. I am a born again Christian and an ordained minister, a Gospel





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I need to know how to shorten links or which lesson it is on please.

I use Prettylink too. Very happy with it.

Hi Phyllis, The suggestions below do work ok. However, it you see my blog on Affiliate Link Cloaker it allows you to have very nice looking links.

I use PrettyLink Lite plugin for all my affiliate links on my websites and on my YouTube videos. ~Marion

Thank you Marion. I appreciate that.

Hi...there is also https://bitly.com/
which you can use to shorten links

Pretty Links Properly Using Affiliate Links

Thank you sweet friend!!!

You're welcome my dear friend! :)

This may also help:
How to mask/shorten your affiliate links

http://tinyurl.com/create.php and http://goo.gl/ you don't need a lesson for this, just put in the long link and copy the short one

Thank you Loes. You're a blessing!!!

got it, bootcamp level 2 lesson 2

type pretty link in the search box on top to keep you going, I know I saw the lesson recently, might have been bootcamp level 1...

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Can someone tell me which lesson the link shortener is on?

Can someone tell me which lesson the link shortener is on?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I need to know how to shorten links or which lesson it is on please.

I use Prettylink too. Very happy with it.

Hi Phyllis, The suggestions below do work ok. However, it you see my blog on Affiliate Link Cloaker it allows you to have very nice looking links.

I use PrettyLink Lite plugin for all my affiliate links on my websites and on my YouTube videos. ~Marion

Thank you Marion. I appreciate that.

Hi...there is also https://bitly.com/
which you can use to shorten links

Pretty Links Properly Using Affiliate Links

Thank you sweet friend!!!

You're welcome my dear friend! :)

This may also help:
How to mask/shorten your affiliate links

http://tinyurl.com/create.php and http://goo.gl/ you don't need a lesson for this, just put in the long link and copy the short one

Thank you Loes. You're a blessing!!!

got it, bootcamp level 2 lesson 2

type pretty link in the search box on top to keep you going, I know I saw the lesson recently, might have been bootcamp level 1...

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I need to find affiliate links for sales for Walmart, Bass Pro shops, etc. Can someone tell me where to find them?

here is the link for walmart..


Thank you Katie!!! Love and blessings to you!!!

hope it all goes well

Hey Phyllis,
Walmart has an affiliate program with Linkshare.com. The great thing about Linkshare.com is that many of the programs support deep linking which means you can link to any page within the vendor's website and make an affiliate link out of it. The vendor has to specifically support that feature but Walmart definitely does.

Best Regards,

That's great news!!! Thank you Jim!!! I am affiliated with Linkshare and Walmart. I appreciate that!!!

hello techound, Hope you can help me. I have a Walmart affiliate and need some help. After I get link in link share and I copy and paste it within my page (my website) how do I know if I connected it up correctly? When I click on the link in my site it takes me to Walmart to that product. I was excited about that. Should I see my advertiser id someone on that page? concerned I may not have done it correctly. Just want to make sure I get credit for it. Thanks for helping me.

Hey Glenda,
In Linkshare you will be able to see in your reports any clicks that you made. It is not always real time however depending on the company. So if you don't see it right away, give it a day. If after that you still don't see it, send an email to Linkshare.

Best Regards,

Thank you for your help techound. I will go to Linkshare and check it out. Best wishes.

Go to Walmart site and find the AFFILIATE tab on the bottom of the page.

You say that you have been approved by WM, then you should have a login name and password. Log in to the affiliate area, there is a section for LINKS & Banners.

Bass Pro should work the same.


Thank you John. I appreciate that!!!

I see you have the answer. I have found a lot of great affiliate programs that way, company or subject + affiliate program.

I found the affiliate programs but can't find the links to connect to, to earn commissions. I hope we can stay in touch while I'm away. My email address is phyllisenglish1@gmail.com. Please keep me in your prayers my friend.

I actually haven't done that yet! :(

You can always Google it :) Just about everything is Google-able these days!

Can try typing in your search bar: affiliate + Walmart , hope this helps!

Hi phyllis,
yes I can, go to www.walmart.com ; when you get the page up scrollway down to the very bottom and in the middle of the legends
you will see the affiliate link just click it and you are there, and this
applies to all the sites for affiliate links just scroll way down and do a search, if its not there chances are they do not have one>
have fun phyllis!

Hi Phyllis. I googled Bass Pro Shop, but the WA system won't let me enter it. Just google Bass Pro Shop/ Affiliate

It looks like it is through CJ Affiliate Member's Area.
Just go to the Bass Pro link above and it will explain.

I have a CJ Affiliate Membership and I am sure others here do to. There is a learning curve though. Blessings

Thank you Zora2. I have a CJ affiliate membership too. And I have a Bass Pro Shops affiliate membership.

Oh. I' m sorry Phyllis. I thought that you were asking for affiliate links.

Hi Phyllis. You need to apply with these companies to become an affiliate. I just looked up WalMart and here it is:


If you just type in their name into Google + affiliate program, it usually pops right up. :)

Thanks Michelle. I have appliedwith these companies and have been approved. I appreciate your trying to help.

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Can someone tell me how to find affiliate links for walmart?

Can someone tell me how to find affiliate links for walmart?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I need to find affiliate links for sales for Walmart, Bass Pro shops, etc. Can someone tell me where to find them?

here is the link for walmart..


Thank you Katie!!! Love and blessings to you!!!

hope it all goes well

Hey Phyllis,
Walmart has an affiliate program with Linkshare.com. The great thing about Linkshare.com is that many of the programs support deep linking which means you can link to any page within the vendor's website and make an affiliate link out of it. The vendor has to specifically support that feature but Walmart definitely does.

Best Regards,

That's great news!!! Thank you Jim!!! I am affiliated with Linkshare and Walmart. I appreciate that!!!

hello techound, Hope you can help me. I have a Walmart affiliate and need some help. After I get link in link share and I copy and paste it within my page (my website) how do I know if I connected it up correctly? When I click on the link in my site it takes me to Walmart to that product. I was excited about that. Should I see my advertiser id someone on that page? concerned I may not have done it correctly. Just want to make sure I get credit for it. Thanks for helping me.

Hey Glenda,
In Linkshare you will be able to see in your reports any clicks that you made. It is not always real time however depending on the company. So if you don't see it right away, give it a day. If after that you still don't see it, send an email to Linkshare.

Best Regards,

Thank you for your help techound. I will go to Linkshare and check it out. Best wishes.

Go to Walmart site and find the AFFILIATE tab on the bottom of the page.

You say that you have been approved by WM, then you should have a login name and password. Log in to the affiliate area, there is a section for LINKS & Banners.

Bass Pro should work the same.


Thank you John. I appreciate that!!!

I see you have the answer. I have found a lot of great affiliate programs that way, company or subject + affiliate program.

I found the affiliate programs but can't find the links to connect to, to earn commissions. I hope we can stay in touch while I'm away. My email address is phyllisenglish1@gmail.com. Please keep me in your prayers my friend.

I actually haven't done that yet! :(

You can always Google it :) Just about everything is Google-able these days!

Can try typing in your search bar: affiliate + Walmart , hope this helps!

Hi phyllis,
yes I can, go to www.walmart.com ; when you get the page up scrollway down to the very bottom and in the middle of the legends
you will see the affiliate link just click it and you are there, and this
applies to all the sites for affiliate links just scroll way down and do a search, if its not there chances are they do not have one>
have fun phyllis!

Hi Phyllis. I googled Bass Pro Shop, but the WA system won't let me enter it. Just google Bass Pro Shop/ Affiliate

It looks like it is through CJ Affiliate Member's Area.
Just go to the Bass Pro link above and it will explain.

I have a CJ Affiliate Membership and I am sure others here do to. There is a learning curve though. Blessings

Thank you Zora2. I have a CJ affiliate membership too. And I have a Bass Pro Shops affiliate membership.

Oh. I' m sorry Phyllis. I thought that you were asking for affiliate links.

Hi Phyllis. You need to apply with these companies to become an affiliate. I just looked up WalMart and here it is:


If you just type in their name into Google + affiliate program, it usually pops right up. :)

Thanks Michelle. I have appliedwith these companies and have been approved. I appreciate your trying to help.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When my pages are in edit they are there, but when I click "view page" they are blank. Please help. http://mychristianproducts.com

Send in a support ticket Phyllis, this is not right.

Try to use a different wp theme and see if it fixes this. Your website displays but it appears as though the theme editor is corrupted.


Thank you so much Tich. I'm following you now.

Yes, this is a case for putting in a support ticket. May you have success with this.

Hi Phyllis. Frank here. I tried to bring up your web site but all I got was a blank page. I think you will need to put in a support ticket. But I would copy the whole page and put it in a down load folder to make sure you don't lose it, just in case there is a problem with the Edit page. Support will be able to fix the problems.
Hope this helps.
Good luck............Frank

Thank you Frank. I submitted a support ticket a couple of days ago, so hopefully they can help. Blessings to you.

Hope everything works out Phyllis. Blessings to you as well...........Frank

Frank, You were right, I changed me theme and my pages came back. I don't like the theme but it was the best I could find. Thank you very much. I'm following you now.

I would try adding a new page and see if it comes out and if not I would put in a support ticket all the best

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My pages are missing. in edit there and in view blank pages?

My pages are missing. in edit there and in view blank pages?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When my pages are in edit they are there, but when I click "view page" they are blank. Please help. http://mychristianproducts.com

Send in a support ticket Phyllis, this is not right.

Try to use a different wp theme and see if it fixes this. Your website displays but it appears as though the theme editor is corrupted.


Thank you so much Tich. I'm following you now.

Yes, this is a case for putting in a support ticket. May you have success with this.

Hi Phyllis. Frank here. I tried to bring up your web site but all I got was a blank page. I think you will need to put in a support ticket. But I would copy the whole page and put it in a down load folder to make sure you don't lose it, just in case there is a problem with the Edit page. Support will be able to fix the problems.
Hope this helps.
Good luck............Frank

Thank you Frank. I submitted a support ticket a couple of days ago, so hopefully they can help. Blessings to you.

Hope everything works out Phyllis. Blessings to you as well...........Frank

Frank, You were right, I changed me theme and my pages came back. I don't like the theme but it was the best I could find. Thank you very much. I'm following you now.

I would try adding a new page and see if it comes out and if not I would put in a support ticket all the best

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