About 183paleon
Rank 19885
685 followers Joined September 2013
I'm Garry and I live in the UK, London. where I work as a Health Trainer in my local community. My interests and hobbies include





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asked in
Getting Started

On one of my pages I'm having trouble aligning my text to the left..everything looks fine in the admin area but the text is all over the place when in preview,

I have t

Please check with Tim Mc Ok
Sorry I don't know. I have. Had the same things an I just
Back off Garry a try another site.then come back to that one.

Go into the editor and highlight all the text. Then in the editing tools above look for an icon resembling an eraser. If you mouse over it, it should say "clear formatting". It's on the second line.

Click that and all the highlighted text should be aligned left as the button strips all the extra formatting from the article's HTML.

Hey Jay
Thanks for all your help...you were all correct...I had some how published the page twice in error so was causing the problem. All OK now

Thanks again

Hello Gary, not certain what the problem is that you are having, but if you log in to you Wordpress dashboard and click Edit on the post you are having trouble with, you should see, at the top three icons, left, center and right. I hope that helps.

Hi Harvey
.I had some how published the page twice in error so was causing the problem. All OK now

Thanks again

have you used the align left tab at the top of the content editor. It is a picture of lines going all to the left. Another thing I realized I wasn't doing was updated the changes and making sure I was in editor.

Left align button - brilliant! :)
If that doesn't work, we can dig deeper.

Thanks for your speedy response. Yes I have use the left tab. I've just received several solutions so will try the updating changes if no success.

My other pages are fine I https://yogamatica.com/about-2

I will try the editor solution


Garry, I wonder if "preview" may be the problem. Have you published anything and looked at the final result yet? If it looks good there, then OK! Otherwise, we can look at what it takes to fix. Left aligned should be the default, so it's surprising that it doesn't look as expected.
There's not enough info in your post to diagnose. Can I get a look at your post?

I have published other pages with success its just this one page giving me problems.

This is the page that is giving me problems....this is the 4th theme that I have tried.


Oooh, that is strange. I honestly don't know the fix.
-- Have you tried fixing it in Wordpress (not the Site Content area)?
-- In the Wordpress editor, look at the top right of the editing window and you'll see two tabs: Visual and Text. The Text tab often includes HTML markup that affects the look of the page, and might not be obvious in the Visual tab. Take a look there and see if there's some oddball HTML that got added, like a lot of "non-breaking space" (ampersand nbsp).
I can't imagine how so much whitespace would appear witholut nbsp or some other similar junk in there. HTML, by defaut, collapses multiple spaces to a single space, unless you force it with nbsp or something like that.
My only other suggestion is to copy all the text you took time to write into an offline document, just plain text (notepad or similar). Clean it up there, as needed. Then, delete your ugly post and start a fresh one, copy/paste your text in the editor, and see if you can create a clean page with the same text.
I know that's not really a fix, but in the end it's the results that count!
Best of luck,

Hey Sam

Thanks for all your help...you were all correct...I had some how published the page twice in error so was causing the problem. they were clashing,,,,,All OK now

Thanks again

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Can I get some help aligning my text to the left?

Can I get some help aligning my text to the left?

asked in
Getting Started

On one of my pages I'm having trouble aligning my text to the left..everything looks fine in the admin area but the text is all over the place when in preview,

I have t

Please check with Tim Mc Ok
Sorry I don't know. I have. Had the same things an I just
Back off Garry a try another site.then come back to that one.

Go into the editor and highlight all the text. Then in the editing tools above look for an icon resembling an eraser. If you mouse over it, it should say "clear formatting". It's on the second line.

Click that and all the highlighted text should be aligned left as the button strips all the extra formatting from the article's HTML.

Hey Jay
Thanks for all your help...you were all correct...I had some how published the page twice in error so was causing the problem. All OK now

Thanks again

Hello Gary, not certain what the problem is that you are having, but if you log in to you Wordpress dashboard and click Edit on the post you are having trouble with, you should see, at the top three icons, left, center and right. I hope that helps.

Hi Harvey
.I had some how published the page twice in error so was causing the problem. All OK now

Thanks again

have you used the align left tab at the top of the content editor. It is a picture of lines going all to the left. Another thing I realized I wasn't doing was updated the changes and making sure I was in editor.

Left align button - brilliant! :)
If that doesn't work, we can dig deeper.

Thanks for your speedy response. Yes I have use the left tab. I've just received several solutions so will try the updating changes if no success.

My other pages are fine I https://yogamatica.com/about-2

I will try the editor solution


Garry, I wonder if "preview" may be the problem. Have you published anything and looked at the final result yet? If it looks good there, then OK! Otherwise, we can look at what it takes to fix. Left aligned should be the default, so it's surprising that it doesn't look as expected.
There's not enough info in your post to diagnose. Can I get a look at your post?

I have published other pages with success its just this one page giving me problems.

This is the page that is giving me problems....this is the 4th theme that I have tried.


Oooh, that is strange. I honestly don't know the fix.
-- Have you tried fixing it in Wordpress (not the Site Content area)?
-- In the Wordpress editor, look at the top right of the editing window and you'll see two tabs: Visual and Text. The Text tab often includes HTML markup that affects the look of the page, and might not be obvious in the Visual tab. Take a look there and see if there's some oddball HTML that got added, like a lot of "non-breaking space" (ampersand nbsp).
I can't imagine how so much whitespace would appear witholut nbsp or some other similar junk in there. HTML, by defaut, collapses multiple spaces to a single space, unless you force it with nbsp or something like that.
My only other suggestion is to copy all the text you took time to write into an offline document, just plain text (notepad or similar). Clean it up there, as needed. Then, delete your ugly post and start a fresh one, copy/paste your text in the editor, and see if you can create a clean page with the same text.
I know that's not really a fix, but in the end it's the results that count!
Best of luck,

Hey Sam

Thanks for all your help...you were all correct...I had some how published the page twice in error so was causing the problem. they were clashing,,,,,All OK now

Thanks again

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asked in
Everything Wordpress


My aim s to to transfer the website below which is hosted by 'Starples'


over to WA.

Can someone

contact support here and they will let you know the proper steps to take here. Good luck.

you have to make sure that your hosting (Starples) will allow you to do a DNS transfer.

How to change the host of an existing website over to wa?

How to change the host of an existing website over to wa?

asked in
Everything Wordpress


My aim s to to transfer the website below which is hosted by 'Starples'


over to WA.

Can someone

contact support here and they will let you know the proper steps to take here. Good luck.

you have to make sure that your hosting (Starples) will allow you to do a DNS transfer.

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hi I own a website called calmandcleanltd.co.uk, hosted by a company an alternative host.

My question: Is it possible to transfer the above website to WA?


It can be done. Simply follow the directions provided by WA, as Tommy gave you a link to.


Hi, 183paleon! Except for other caveats or "provisos", the first thing one needs to do is to request authorization to TRANSFER from the current host. It is WP already, it would be much easier, but it might take some time for the current [other than WP] host to get it all done, but it can be done! I think tommydillard below has given you a good place to visit. Take care and good luck in your transfer attempt!

Thanks for this.

Here is something that might help you.

Thanks Tommy.

Is it a WordPress site?

No it isn't

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How can i transfer a completely different website  to wa?

How can i transfer a completely different website to wa?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hi I own a website called calmandcleanltd.co.uk, hosted by a company an alternative host.

My question: Is it possible to transfer the above website to WA?


It can be done. Simply follow the directions provided by WA, as Tommy gave you a link to.


Hi, 183paleon! Except for other caveats or "provisos", the first thing one needs to do is to request authorization to TRANSFER from the current host. It is WP already, it would be much easier, but it might take some time for the current [other than WP] host to get it all done, but it can be done! I think tommydillard below has given you a good place to visit. Take care and good luck in your transfer attempt!

Thanks for this.

Here is something that might help you.

Thanks Tommy.

Is it a WordPress site?

No it isn't

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I click on my post the following message on a white screen appears:

Bad Request....Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

I don't know 'what it all means',but since I generally need or want to get to where I asked to be taken ...I JUST CLEAN THE COOKIES AND THINGS AND START OVER! Try it ...see if it works for you as well!

Hi Garry,

Has this ever worked?

Have you cleared history and cookies on your browser?

An exact screenshot of the error you get may help someone determine the issue more accurately, you could edit your post above and insert the screenshot.

To Our Success Online,

You may need to check your URL --I do not know where you are clicking on it from ---It needs to be the whole URL --if you copied it and paseted and then click on it and this happen ---redo it ------maybe I need to know where you are clicking on it ???

Garry - what browser are you using?

can anyone tell me what this means?

can anyone tell me what this means?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I click on my post the following message on a white screen appears:

Bad Request....Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

I don't know 'what it all means',but since I generally need or want to get to where I asked to be taken ...I JUST CLEAN THE COOKIES AND THINGS AND START OVER! Try it ...see if it works for you as well!

Hi Garry,

Has this ever worked?

Have you cleared history and cookies on your browser?

An exact screenshot of the error you get may help someone determine the issue more accurately, you could edit your post above and insert the screenshot.

To Our Success Online,

You may need to check your URL --I do not know where you are clicking on it from ---It needs to be the whole URL --if you copied it and paseted and then click on it and this happen ---redo it ------maybe I need to know where you are clicking on it ???

Garry - what browser are you using?

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