About Paul7175
Rank 2615
448 followers Joined November 2016
Hi everyone, My name is Paul, I am 46 and live in the UK. I am married to Angie an we live with our





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I think I really need to get a bit of advice regarding my site. I started the site back in November 2016 and have been regularly posting 2-3 articles a week. Currently the ar

Hello Paul it is a nice site, which leads me to ask what type of searches do your keywords generate and what is the competition? The other thing that might be of concern is the niche you have chosen, like fitness, weight loss is such a popular topic. Those are the two things I would see as being game changers.

Hi Harvey,

Thanks for your reply. I did research the keywords thoroughly using Jaxxy and each keyword was green across the board, most range between 50-150 competing pages.

I take your point regarding the popularity of the niche, I am hoping that this isn't the reason for the lack of traffic as I have put so much work into this site with the articles and design I don't think I could bear to scrap it all.

Thanks again

The challenge Paul is to make your site more compelling than what already exists and consistency. I always put myself in the position of the visitor and ask what am I looking for and would purchase. My niche is not an easy one either, but I know there still is a market. It is just finding the right hook and having patience.

Thanks Harvey, appreciate the advice

That does seem quite strange, since you've got that many articles. If you're doing everything right, you should have some rankings and a flow of traffic by now.

I'm thinking it's possibly one of two things or both.

Firstly, check the number of affiliate links you have throughout your site. I found that having too many links on my blog caused a negative impact on my rankings and traffic. If it is the case, delete a load of links, and your traffic may increase.

Secondly, check your Google Console for 404 errors on your site. Again, if you have a lot of these and they're not fixed, it will affect your rankings.

If it's none of the above, contact Site Support because there may be a fault with your site. It's a possibility.


Hi Neil,

Thanks very much for getting back to me. I do have a number of links on my site, however apart from the sidebar where I have 4 or 5 adverts, they are all located in the reviews section of the website. I have made a point of separating the affiliate links from my main content for exactly the reason you described.

I have checked Google console and have only ever had 1 404 error which eas a tag for an article back in January.

I will take your advice and just check with support that everything is ok with the site.

Thanks again


If your site seems OK, then try cutting down the links within your reviews. Aim for 1 or 2 affiliate links (max) in each post.

Ok will do Neil, thanks for the advice

You're welcome, Paul. :)

I don't know which actions you have taken, but here are 55 tips

Hi Loes,

Thanks for sharing your article, this info will really help.


Thank you, nice to hear that, success Paul

Hey Paul,

This post may offer you the help you seek: http://backlinko.com/increase-website-traffic

Hi Triblu,

Thanks for sharing the article, has some really useful information there which I will look to follow up on.


I don't have a straight answer to you except some questions:
1) Are you following the SEO guidelines you learned here?
2) Are you targeting low competition keywords?
3) Are you advertising on Twitter, Facebook groups, Google+?
4) Are you asking enough comments and do you reply to them?

Hi Arty,

Thanks for your reply, the answer is yes to the above, I have been pointed to a few traffic related articles that I need to go through carefully, hoping they will help me.

Thanks again


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What am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I think I really need to get a bit of advice regarding my site. I started the site back in November 2016 and have been regularly posting 2-3 articles a week. Currently the ar

Hello Paul it is a nice site, which leads me to ask what type of searches do your keywords generate and what is the competition? The other thing that might be of concern is the niche you have chosen, like fitness, weight loss is such a popular topic. Those are the two things I would see as being game changers.

Hi Harvey,

Thanks for your reply. I did research the keywords thoroughly using Jaxxy and each keyword was green across the board, most range between 50-150 competing pages.

I take your point regarding the popularity of the niche, I am hoping that this isn't the reason for the lack of traffic as I have put so much work into this site with the articles and design I don't think I could bear to scrap it all.

Thanks again

The challenge Paul is to make your site more compelling than what already exists and consistency. I always put myself in the position of the visitor and ask what am I looking for and would purchase. My niche is not an easy one either, but I know there still is a market. It is just finding the right hook and having patience.

Thanks Harvey, appreciate the advice

That does seem quite strange, since you've got that many articles. If you're doing everything right, you should have some rankings and a flow of traffic by now.

I'm thinking it's possibly one of two things or both.

Firstly, check the number of affiliate links you have throughout your site. I found that having too many links on my blog caused a negative impact on my rankings and traffic. If it is the case, delete a load of links, and your traffic may increase.

Secondly, check your Google Console for 404 errors on your site. Again, if you have a lot of these and they're not fixed, it will affect your rankings.

If it's none of the above, contact Site Support because there may be a fault with your site. It's a possibility.


Hi Neil,

Thanks very much for getting back to me. I do have a number of links on my site, however apart from the sidebar where I have 4 or 5 adverts, they are all located in the reviews section of the website. I have made a point of separating the affiliate links from my main content for exactly the reason you described.

I have checked Google console and have only ever had 1 404 error which eas a tag for an article back in January.

I will take your advice and just check with support that everything is ok with the site.

Thanks again


If your site seems OK, then try cutting down the links within your reviews. Aim for 1 or 2 affiliate links (max) in each post.

Ok will do Neil, thanks for the advice

You're welcome, Paul. :)

I don't know which actions you have taken, but here are 55 tips

Hi Loes,

Thanks for sharing your article, this info will really help.


Thank you, nice to hear that, success Paul

Hey Paul,

This post may offer you the help you seek: http://backlinko.com/increase-website-traffic

Hi Triblu,

Thanks for sharing the article, has some really useful information there which I will look to follow up on.


I don't have a straight answer to you except some questions:
1) Are you following the SEO guidelines you learned here?
2) Are you targeting low competition keywords?
3) Are you advertising on Twitter, Facebook groups, Google+?
4) Are you asking enough comments and do you reply to them?

Hi Arty,

Thanks for your reply, the answer is yes to the above, I have been pointed to a few traffic related articles that I need to go through carefully, hoping they will help me.

Thanks again


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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform


I would first like to qualify that this is by no means a rant or a complaint. I just wanted to find out if anyone else apart from me was having an issue making their

I have had trouble over the past couple of months & still can't isolate the problem...

Hi Linda,

I'm sorry to hear that and hope that you will be able to get your issues resolved as soon as possible. I still haven't resolved mine yet, I am hoping to hear from either Kyle or Carson in the next few days to see if they have found anything out from WA's end.

However, it does seem peculiar that there are people that make payment via Paypal that are not having any issues, I am starting to wonder if maybe this might be a country issue rather than just Paypal in general.


I had an issue lately. I did send a message to Kyle. It looks like it is fixed now. Cheers, Jeff

Hi Jeff,

Yes, I too have messaged both Kyle and Carson to let them know what is going on, hope to get this resolved soon.


I have had that issue 3 times. I thought it was something to do with my information so I never bothered to ask the question didn't want to sound like I was complaining.

I just use the other option though
Hope you got an answer though, do let me know if you have.

Hi Susan,

Yeah it's really weird, Paypal insist that there has been no request for payment and nothing shows on my Paypal account either that the payment failed.

Hope to get to the bottom of it soon. Will let you know what happens.


Thanks Paul

Guess it must just be me then, this is really strange

Hi Paul,
I haven't had any issues so far

I haven't had any issues

I've not had any issues

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Wa and paypal monthly recurring payments?

Wa and paypal monthly recurring payments?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform


I would first like to qualify that this is by no means a rant or a complaint. I just wanted to find out if anyone else apart from me was having an issue making their

I have had trouble over the past couple of months & still can't isolate the problem...

Hi Linda,

I'm sorry to hear that and hope that you will be able to get your issues resolved as soon as possible. I still haven't resolved mine yet, I am hoping to hear from either Kyle or Carson in the next few days to see if they have found anything out from WA's end.

However, it does seem peculiar that there are people that make payment via Paypal that are not having any issues, I am starting to wonder if maybe this might be a country issue rather than just Paypal in general.


I had an issue lately. I did send a message to Kyle. It looks like it is fixed now. Cheers, Jeff

Hi Jeff,

Yes, I too have messaged both Kyle and Carson to let them know what is going on, hope to get this resolved soon.


I have had that issue 3 times. I thought it was something to do with my information so I never bothered to ask the question didn't want to sound like I was complaining.

I just use the other option though
Hope you got an answer though, do let me know if you have.

Hi Susan,

Yeah it's really weird, Paypal insist that there has been no request for payment and nothing shows on my Paypal account either that the payment failed.

Hope to get to the bottom of it soon. Will let you know what happens.


Thanks Paul

Guess it must just be me then, this is really strange

Hi Paul,
I haven't had any issues so far

I haven't had any issues

I've not had any issues

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization


I just checked Google Search Console for my website and noticed that none of my URL's are indexed anymore only submitted, since I did my SSL update this morning.


Thank you for sharing!

Thanks Kyle

Yeah, they are all redirected. But you will want to submit a new sitemap with the updated URL (that should be the URL on your profile).

You will want to go to your website to make sure your sitemap.xml is now showing the https:// vs. http:


Replace "yourwebsite.com" with your website URL and then see if it is https.

We have a live class this Friday that is going to cover all the stuff you need to know about moving to https and this will really offer you insights into this. Make sure that you register for this:


Thanks very much for that Kyle

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Google console showing no indexed urls since the ssl update?

Google console showing no indexed urls since the ssl update?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization


I just checked Google Search Console for my website and noticed that none of my URL's are indexed anymore only submitted, since I did my SSL update this morning.


Thank you for sharing!

Thanks Kyle

Yeah, they are all redirected. But you will want to submit a new sitemap with the updated URL (that should be the URL on your profile).

You will want to go to your website to make sure your sitemap.xml is now showing the https:// vs. http:


Replace "yourwebsite.com" with your website URL and then see if it is https.

We have a live class this Friday that is going to cover all the stuff you need to know about moving to https and this will really offer you insights into this. Make sure that you register for this:


Thanks very much for that Kyle

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have a question relating to Google Search Console.

I was looking at the console today and one of the headings was "Blocked Resources". When I checked it, the data says

Hi Paul, Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue and trying to fix it.

Hi Laurie,

Sorry for not getting back to you on this one, Yes it turns out that the affiliate links that I had highlighted were not secure ie HTTP rather than HTTPS.

This meant that I had to remove them and contact the affiliate program to provide me new links, however I am still waiting for these and in all truth will probably look for some new products to promote.


Thanks, Paul. I had been debating removing my affiliate banners, as those seem to be the problem but not my actual links that are in my product reviews. I had contacted my affiliate network and they told me that they're working on the change to https and apologized for any issues that I'm having. They also informed me that when the changes happen, it will update automatically.
Good luck to you.

That's good news Laurie

It could be that those affiliate links are nofollow links. If so then I doubt they will seriously affect your rankings if at all, especially since they reside in the common side bar area of your website.

Also make sure that your website is correctly registered with Google Search Console. Websites hosted here at WA cannot be registered with the www proceeding the domain name.

Thanks for the reply Robert,

That is really good to know. Also I have the website domain registered using the pre-fix http:// instead of www. so that is all good too.

Thanks again for your reply.


You are welcome.

Could it be that Google had an issue in the recent past with them?

I wonder if there's any way to check that, let's ask (?)

Thanks for your response, hopefully someone will be able to shed some light on this for me.


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Google search console relating to blocked resources?

Google search console relating to blocked resources?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have a question relating to Google Search Console.

I was looking at the console today and one of the headings was "Blocked Resources". When I checked it, the data says

Hi Paul, Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue and trying to fix it.

Hi Laurie,

Sorry for not getting back to you on this one, Yes it turns out that the affiliate links that I had highlighted were not secure ie HTTP rather than HTTPS.

This meant that I had to remove them and contact the affiliate program to provide me new links, however I am still waiting for these and in all truth will probably look for some new products to promote.


Thanks, Paul. I had been debating removing my affiliate banners, as those seem to be the problem but not my actual links that are in my product reviews. I had contacted my affiliate network and they told me that they're working on the change to https and apologized for any issues that I'm having. They also informed me that when the changes happen, it will update automatically.
Good luck to you.

That's good news Laurie

It could be that those affiliate links are nofollow links. If so then I doubt they will seriously affect your rankings if at all, especially since they reside in the common side bar area of your website.

Also make sure that your website is correctly registered with Google Search Console. Websites hosted here at WA cannot be registered with the www proceeding the domain name.

Thanks for the reply Robert,

That is really good to know. Also I have the website domain registered using the pre-fix http:// instead of www. so that is all good too.

Thanks again for your reply.


You are welcome.

Could it be that Google had an issue in the recent past with them?

I wonder if there's any way to check that, let's ask (?)

Thanks for your response, hopefully someone will be able to shed some light on this for me.


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