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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I do not have a spell check button on my WordPress post editor. Surely I don't need a plugin just for spellcheck do I?

Thank you all for your help! I have been using WA site content to post but was just curious in case I use WP to post.

Hello Michael, the quick anwer is yes if you are using the Wordpress editor. The plugin I would recommend is Grammarly. It is free or you can purchase the pro version. If you are using Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteContent, then it is at the top next to the images icon.

It's real-time.

If you are posting via SiteContent you just have to click on a line of content in the WP editor and it will scan for spelling errors.

However if you are posting straight from WP it should pop up as you type.

Usually yes, but it's my guess his computer doesn't support real time autocorrect? Because sometimes mine doesn't appear (though I use site content only now).

It's not autocorrect its spellcheck. And that functionality isn't reliant on hardware. It's just a behavior Wordpress has. Sometimes if the red squigly doesnt show up it will if you just click on the line of text with the error. Everytime I add a post from SiteContent I quickly go through and click on each paragraph of text

Yes I see it now. It is underlining misspelled words in real-time.

As far as I know there is none in WP editor. You can use either site content (there is spell checker available) or use Grammarly extension to your browser (has free option).

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Where is spellcheck on the wordpress post editor?

Where is spellcheck on the wordpress post editor?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I do not have a spell check button on my WordPress post editor. Surely I don't need a plugin just for spellcheck do I?

Thank you all for your help! I have been using WA site content to post but was just curious in case I use WP to post.

Hello Michael, the quick anwer is yes if you are using the Wordpress editor. The plugin I would recommend is Grammarly. It is free or you can purchase the pro version. If you are using Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteContent, then it is at the top next to the images icon.

It's real-time.

If you are posting via SiteContent you just have to click on a line of content in the WP editor and it will scan for spelling errors.

However if you are posting straight from WP it should pop up as you type.

Usually yes, but it's my guess his computer doesn't support real time autocorrect? Because sometimes mine doesn't appear (though I use site content only now).

It's not autocorrect its spellcheck. And that functionality isn't reliant on hardware. It's just a behavior Wordpress has. Sometimes if the red squigly doesnt show up it will if you just click on the line of text with the error. Everytime I add a post from SiteContent I quickly go through and click on each paragraph of text

Yes I see it now. It is underlining misspelled words in real-time.

As far as I know there is none in WP editor. You can use either site content (there is spell checker available) or use Grammarly extension to your browser (has free option).

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asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

My homepage of my websites is note a "page" that I can edit in the WordPress editor. So how do I add the Google AdSense code onto just the homepage of my websites? Thank you.</

Hi john,
you have to create an account in adsense they will give you a verification code them you have to add it to the Them Header of your site, you can do this in two different way's, you can look for a plug in, I put a picture below of one, you just go to your dashboard and click on add new plugin, and then type in Add HTML to Header Them in the search bar,I found the one in the picture below, or you can add it your self to the Header Theme of your site,
Go to , an follow the instructions.

I created a walk through to show you exactly where to go, and how to do it.

That way you don't have to add another plugin to our site. It is not hard to do, but you have to be careful and make sure you add it to the right place.

I am going to be here for a few minutes if you would like me to walk you through just go to my profile and let me know you re there and I will help you

I hope this helps Best wishes VickiG

Thank you Vicki! I used the plugin and added the code into the plugin from AdSense. I hope this displays correctly.

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How do I add google adsense to my homepage of my website?

How do I add google adsense to my homepage of my website?

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

My homepage of my websites is note a "page" that I can edit in the WordPress editor. So how do I add the Google AdSense code onto just the homepage of my websites? Thank you.</

Hi john,
you have to create an account in adsense they will give you a verification code them you have to add it to the Them Header of your site, you can do this in two different way's, you can look for a plug in, I put a picture below of one, you just go to your dashboard and click on add new plugin, and then type in Add HTML to Header Them in the search bar,I found the one in the picture below, or you can add it your self to the Header Theme of your site,
Go to , an follow the instructions.

I created a walk through to show you exactly where to go, and how to do it.

That way you don't have to add another plugin to our site. It is not hard to do, but you have to be careful and make sure you add it to the right place.

I am going to be here for a few minutes if you would like me to walk you through just go to my profile and let me know you re there and I will help you

I hope this helps Best wishes VickiG

Thank you Vicki! I used the plugin and added the code into the plugin from AdSense. I hope this displays correctly.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

is it possible to build a successful affiliate business/website without using social media? I have a google + but do I really need to use all the social media platforms availab

Hey Michael, social media isn't an absolute in Any way. That doesn't mean that it may not be or may become a needed part ifnyourbsite depending on the site and how you out it together. It is totally dependant on you...

Thank you Ted. Maybe once my sites are build out with great content I will re-evaluate.

Not necessary Michael, your drive and focus is necessary my Friend!

that is great to hear as I'm allergic to social media sites in general - haha

Great to hear. I guess it is just my personal philosophy that I don't want to use them. I would rather connect with readers directly through email, website comments, or skype. Hopefully people are good with that.

Also managing 4 or 5 media accounts for each website is very time consuming and I think it would take away from creating quality content.

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Is social media necessary to build a successful business?

Is social media necessary to build a successful business?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

is it possible to build a successful affiliate business/website without using social media? I have a google + but do I really need to use all the social media platforms availab

Hey Michael, social media isn't an absolute in Any way. That doesn't mean that it may not be or may become a needed part ifnyourbsite depending on the site and how you out it together. It is totally dependant on you...

Thank you Ted. Maybe once my sites are build out with great content I will re-evaluate.

Not necessary Michael, your drive and focus is necessary my Friend!

that is great to hear as I'm allergic to social media sites in general - haha

Great to hear. I guess it is just my personal philosophy that I don't want to use them. I would rather connect with readers directly through email, website comments, or skype. Hopefully people are good with that.

Also managing 4 or 5 media accounts for each website is very time consuming and I think it would take away from creating quality content.

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asked in
Getting Started

I signed up with Rakuten a few days ago and was approved with several adverts. Today, they sent me an email saying they terminated my account "under section 20" which just stat

Hello, I was rejected by Horse.com which uses Pepperjam to do their affiliate stuff. Reason apparently was that I didn't have enough content. I only have five posts. Was told by another member I should have about 20 for starters. Someone else said that it is important to have lots of comments, that that helps. Don't know if this is your issue, but I thought I'd let you know you're not the only one being rejected. Carole

I have also received same msg today, I applied for udemy affiliate, I have created 100 off udemy coupon website 100offdeal online website where I put all udemy free course coupons. I have done lot of hard work to make this website and now they rejected my application, I dont know why and what is the reason. does anyone know the reason? or should I apply again for their affiliate portal or is there any other way to create account.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated

Hi Richard,
I wonder why? I had no problem with Udemy.
Have you done everything according to their regulations? If you have, I suggest you try to email them or call them to see what went wrong.
It's so frustrating when they don't tell you why....

Well, I got it all fixed. It was terminated due to lack of content on my sites. They requested detailed info about me and my business and plans for driving traffic etc. I gave them all the details and they reinstated my account. They just asked that I not add my sites to their network until a substantial amount of content is added to my sites. Understandable. All good.

If they won't give you a reason, that is kind of bogus.

Places like that thrive on having affiliates, so they should have a legit reason for terminating as long as you weren't doing anything shady.

That being said, there are literally thousands of other programs to use. Go somewhere else.

I know it's a Hassle, but I wouldn't trust a affiliate program that does me dirty like that anyways.

I emailed them to see if they can give me a reason. I would like to know so I can correct the issue, if there is one. Oh well, I have Amazon and CJ and no issues there.

If you get a chance, can you quickly look at them to see if something sticks out to you? All five of my sites are about 2 weeks old.

Have a few posts on them:

Only a welcome post:

Thank you,

This is an addendum to my other advice. While you focus on one of those sites.

Get a notebook for each of your other websites. Because you have a passion for them. Ideas will come. Write down your ideas. Brainstorm them out. You can still work on the other websites. Let them age while you are working on your main site.

You could be writing rough drafts for your other sites or just ideas. But I would not do anything serious until you have about 7 or 8 powerhouse content post ( 1000 words or more ) on your main site. Then keep hitting it hard with post and ideas. Keep hitting it hard with comments. Keep sharing it alot on social media. Get a lot of likes and followers on Social media.

Make sure it looks great and is ready to convert.

Then you can branch off and work on your notebook for the other sites. But give at least 90% of your time to the main site until you get the traffic where you want it.

That is my advice.

Oh wow. I am sorry to hear about that. How young is your site? Is there any questionable subject matter.

Does it touch on politics or anything that might be deemed touchy by the corporate world. Which likes to censor things they disagree with at times.

No worries. I just want to know what the problem is. I am new to affiliate marketing and just making sure I didn't do something obviously wrong. But, my sites are clean, no politics, etc.

Have a few posts on them:

Only a welcome post:

Thank you for the reply.

Here is section 20: "Termination, etc.
20.1. Termination. You or Rakuten Marketing may, at any time, with or without cause, terminate this Agreement and your participation in the Network or use of any other Rakuten Marketing Offering. You may affect such termination through your Network Publisher Account Area or by written notice to Rakuten Marketing subject to actual receipt thereof.

20.2. Restricted Use. Alternatively, Rakuten Marketing may, at any time, with or without notice, in its sole discretion, suspend, limit, restrict, condition or deny your access to or use of all or any part of the Network or any Rakuten Marketing Offering."

Oh well, onward.

I think I see the reason. You don 't have enough content on your websites

I am glad that we are talking. I think you are making the same mistake I made. I have like 15 websites now loll. You have too many passions. Unless you are going to really be organized. Reeeallly work hard. My advice is only focus on one website first...

Or combine websites if you can... But niche wise it might be best to keep them separate. I am just throwing out ideas.

Build it up one site first. ' Prove of concept '. Have you heard of that in business before? It is very important as we learn how to be Affiliate marketers . I have been here at WA for three years in June. I love it. But I have seen others make thousands of dollars a month. While my websites do not convert . I have a few of them that gets good traffic and a few 1st page ranks. But with all the money and time I have spent... In all my business has been a failure.

I had personal things that took my focus from my business I had to clean up. Now that I am focused. I am putting 90% of my energy into one site.

Focus on your content first. Not monetization. If you want to monetize use something easy like Amazon. They won 't turn you down. But first you want to get traffic. If you get traffic. Monetization will be easy.

Follow the training. Listen to the community as much as possible.But be yourself! You will be fine. I like your car site. Good stuff!

Thank you, yes maybe that is what their reasoning was. I really didn't want 4 websites but I just have so many things I want to write about. I do these things and have these ideas and feel I can save people a lot of time and heartache. I wondered if it was too much.

What if I put 20-30 hours into my business per week and posted 1-2 articles of good content on each site per week? Would this approach be worth attempting to try and make it all work?

Thank you for your reply and advice I appreciate it.

You are correct. I just received an email from them stating that it is because of a lack of content. They are requesting detailed info regarding my plan drive traffic to the sites etc.

Well at least it wasn't for some other crazy reason. They're brand new, of course there is a lack of content.

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Why would rakuten terminate my account?

Why would rakuten terminate my account?

asked in
Getting Started

I signed up with Rakuten a few days ago and was approved with several adverts. Today, they sent me an email saying they terminated my account "under section 20" which just stat

Hello, I was rejected by Horse.com which uses Pepperjam to do their affiliate stuff. Reason apparently was that I didn't have enough content. I only have five posts. Was told by another member I should have about 20 for starters. Someone else said that it is important to have lots of comments, that that helps. Don't know if this is your issue, but I thought I'd let you know you're not the only one being rejected. Carole

I have also received same msg today, I applied for udemy affiliate, I have created 100 off udemy coupon website 100offdeal online website where I put all udemy free course coupons. I have done lot of hard work to make this website and now they rejected my application, I dont know why and what is the reason. does anyone know the reason? or should I apply again for their affiliate portal or is there any other way to create account.
Any suggestion is highly appreciated

Hi Richard,
I wonder why? I had no problem with Udemy.
Have you done everything according to their regulations? If you have, I suggest you try to email them or call them to see what went wrong.
It's so frustrating when they don't tell you why....

Well, I got it all fixed. It was terminated due to lack of content on my sites. They requested detailed info about me and my business and plans for driving traffic etc. I gave them all the details and they reinstated my account. They just asked that I not add my sites to their network until a substantial amount of content is added to my sites. Understandable. All good.

If they won't give you a reason, that is kind of bogus.

Places like that thrive on having affiliates, so they should have a legit reason for terminating as long as you weren't doing anything shady.

That being said, there are literally thousands of other programs to use. Go somewhere else.

I know it's a Hassle, but I wouldn't trust a affiliate program that does me dirty like that anyways.

I emailed them to see if they can give me a reason. I would like to know so I can correct the issue, if there is one. Oh well, I have Amazon and CJ and no issues there.

If you get a chance, can you quickly look at them to see if something sticks out to you? All five of my sites are about 2 weeks old.

Have a few posts on them:

Only a welcome post:

Thank you,

This is an addendum to my other advice. While you focus on one of those sites.

Get a notebook for each of your other websites. Because you have a passion for them. Ideas will come. Write down your ideas. Brainstorm them out. You can still work on the other websites. Let them age while you are working on your main site.

You could be writing rough drafts for your other sites or just ideas. But I would not do anything serious until you have about 7 or 8 powerhouse content post ( 1000 words or more ) on your main site. Then keep hitting it hard with post and ideas. Keep hitting it hard with comments. Keep sharing it alot on social media. Get a lot of likes and followers on Social media.

Make sure it looks great and is ready to convert.

Then you can branch off and work on your notebook for the other sites. But give at least 90% of your time to the main site until you get the traffic where you want it.

That is my advice.

Oh wow. I am sorry to hear about that. How young is your site? Is there any questionable subject matter.

Does it touch on politics or anything that might be deemed touchy by the corporate world. Which likes to censor things they disagree with at times.

No worries. I just want to know what the problem is. I am new to affiliate marketing and just making sure I didn't do something obviously wrong. But, my sites are clean, no politics, etc.

Have a few posts on them:

Only a welcome post:

Thank you for the reply.

Here is section 20: "Termination, etc.
20.1. Termination. You or Rakuten Marketing may, at any time, with or without cause, terminate this Agreement and your participation in the Network or use of any other Rakuten Marketing Offering. You may affect such termination through your Network Publisher Account Area or by written notice to Rakuten Marketing subject to actual receipt thereof.

20.2. Restricted Use. Alternatively, Rakuten Marketing may, at any time, with or without notice, in its sole discretion, suspend, limit, restrict, condition or deny your access to or use of all or any part of the Network or any Rakuten Marketing Offering."

Oh well, onward.

I think I see the reason. You don 't have enough content on your websites

I am glad that we are talking. I think you are making the same mistake I made. I have like 15 websites now loll. You have too many passions. Unless you are going to really be organized. Reeeallly work hard. My advice is only focus on one website first...

Or combine websites if you can... But niche wise it might be best to keep them separate. I am just throwing out ideas.

Build it up one site first. ' Prove of concept '. Have you heard of that in business before? It is very important as we learn how to be Affiliate marketers . I have been here at WA for three years in June. I love it. But I have seen others make thousands of dollars a month. While my websites do not convert . I have a few of them that gets good traffic and a few 1st page ranks. But with all the money and time I have spent... In all my business has been a failure.

I had personal things that took my focus from my business I had to clean up. Now that I am focused. I am putting 90% of my energy into one site.

Focus on your content first. Not monetization. If you want to monetize use something easy like Amazon. They won 't turn you down. But first you want to get traffic. If you get traffic. Monetization will be easy.

Follow the training. Listen to the community as much as possible.But be yourself! You will be fine. I like your car site. Good stuff!

Thank you, yes maybe that is what their reasoning was. I really didn't want 4 websites but I just have so many things I want to write about. I do these things and have these ideas and feel I can save people a lot of time and heartache. I wondered if it was too much.

What if I put 20-30 hours into my business per week and posted 1-2 articles of good content on each site per week? Would this approach be worth attempting to try and make it all work?

Thank you for your reply and advice I appreciate it.

You are correct. I just received an email from them stating that it is because of a lack of content. They are requesting detailed info regarding my plan drive traffic to the sites etc.

Well at least it wasn't for some other crazy reason. They're brand new, of course there is a lack of content.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I need to verify my domains. It says I should have a "verify" email in my inbox to do so. I checked my inbox, checked junk, and made sure I have the correct email entered. Stil

Well I created my domains last night and currently, they all need "verified". I did resend the email and refreshed the page. I have even logged in and out of WA. Nothing in inbox or junk box...

I'll send them a ticket I suppose. Thank you for the replies.

This is unusual. Did you try refreshing your inbox or the page that says you have to verify? Usually, the email is sent immediately. Wait a little bit and check again. If the problem persists, then contact SiteSupport.

Sometimes it takes some times before the email come to your inbox. If if you feel it took too long, better raise a ticket to support dept.


I need to verify my domains. can someone help?

I need to verify my domains. can someone help?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I need to verify my domains. It says I should have a "verify" email in my inbox to do so. I checked my inbox, checked junk, and made sure I have the correct email entered. Stil

Well I created my domains last night and currently, they all need "verified". I did resend the email and refreshed the page. I have even logged in and out of WA. Nothing in inbox or junk box...

I'll send them a ticket I suppose. Thank you for the replies.

This is unusual. Did you try refreshing your inbox or the page that says you have to verify? Usually, the email is sent immediately. Wait a little bit and check again. If the problem persists, then contact SiteSupport.

Sometimes it takes some times before the email come to your inbox. If if you feel it took too long, better raise a ticket to support dept.


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