About CaroleF
Rank 10547
168 followers Joined October 2018
I am a horsewoman, dog trainer, ranch owner, political activist and devoted Christian among many other things. I am also a recent widow who





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have a dog training and boarding business. I have a personal profile on facebook and have advertised items for sale before. But this is a bit different. I need pretty specifi

Yes, a business page or even a group is best with Facebook. It can be hard to achieve much on the platform going by past experience. You have to know your audience and build a community but if you post regularly there will be people that will see it, even if they don’t like or comment.

Have you tried the smart search up top? Jay has an awesome expert class series all about building a successful Facebook page to drive traffic to your content.

Thank you

Is a business page the best way to market on Facebook?

You have to know your audience hangout needs to customize your efforts, it could also be a group, or ads or even messenger

So are you suggesting NOT to do a Facebook business page? If so, how might I best advertise on Facebook?

In addition to... You need to know where your audience hangs out and what channel or medium they use, and then target those places.

Great question - thanks for asking it. I am wondering the same thing!


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Where can I find a video that would tell me how to create a business page on facebook?

Where can I find a video that would tell me how to create a business page on facebook?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have a dog training and boarding business. I have a personal profile on facebook and have advertised items for sale before. But this is a bit different. I need pretty specifi

Yes, a business page or even a group is best with Facebook. It can be hard to achieve much on the platform going by past experience. You have to know your audience and build a community but if you post regularly there will be people that will see it, even if they don’t like or comment.

Have you tried the smart search up top? Jay has an awesome expert class series all about building a successful Facebook page to drive traffic to your content.

Thank you

Is a business page the best way to market on Facebook?

You have to know your audience hangout needs to customize your efforts, it could also be a group, or ads or even messenger

So are you suggesting NOT to do a Facebook business page? If so, how might I best advertise on Facebook?

In addition to... You need to know where your audience hangs out and what channel or medium they use, and then target those places.

Great question - thanks for asking it. I am wondering the same thing!


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asked in
Getting Started

The website in question is perfectobediencedogtraining.siterubix.com. An unauthorized user got in there an put in posts on gambling. I am deleting them. But the trash asket has

In WordPress, it will be easy to click at the top and do mass-deleting... But are you sure that's what you want to do?

No. There are three posts among the several thousand that I must keep. So I have to go through and do a manual deletion

Okay. There are so many disappointments with this 1.

It happened to me, but in my case, it was a forum, and I forgot to add a ReCaptcha—there were thousands upon thousands of casino bulletins. This happened quite a while back. I had to check my spam ratio and do a disavow via GSC.

At the top of your post page in your back office you will see it says

All | Published | Drafts | Trash

Click on the trash and you can permanently delete it.

Also, in the trash it says title with a check box next to it, click the box.

Then above that is a bulk action drop down menu, click that and choose permanently delete.

That should do it.


Thank you. That helped

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How do I delete the trash from the post section of my dashboard?

How do I delete the trash from the post section of my dashboard?

asked in
Getting Started

The website in question is perfectobediencedogtraining.siterubix.com. An unauthorized user got in there an put in posts on gambling. I am deleting them. But the trash asket has

In WordPress, it will be easy to click at the top and do mass-deleting... But are you sure that's what you want to do?

No. There are three posts among the several thousand that I must keep. So I have to go through and do a manual deletion

Okay. There are so many disappointments with this 1.

It happened to me, but in my case, it was a forum, and I forgot to add a ReCaptcha—there were thousands upon thousands of casino bulletins. This happened quite a while back. I had to check my spam ratio and do a disavow via GSC.

At the top of your post page in your back office you will see it says

All | Published | Drafts | Trash

Click on the trash and you can permanently delete it.

Also, in the trash it says title with a check box next to it, click the box.

Then above that is a bulk action drop down menu, click that and choose permanently delete.

That should do it.


Thank you. That helped

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asked in
Getting Started

My website was perfectobediencedogtraining.com. It has been corrupted Site Support has not been able to restore it. What is the language I need to get backups of my files from

it does look like you have some other users added - with or without your permission...
i would goto users and any that you don't recognize then delete...
and goto settings and untick the 'anyone can register' option - if ticked...
then start the long process of deleting the 1,821 pages of posts they have added....
you can take advantage of the box at the top of the posts list and use that to bulk delete posts....
you may also be able to click on screen options and increase the number of items per page - making the job go quicker....
good luck ...

Thanks. This helps

It says 18,000+ have been published. Is that pages or posts? Is there a faster way to delete than going post by post. I could delete all the posts, but I have three articles at the end I want to save.

have you increased the number of articles per page - it looks like you can have 999 per page to work on....
just scroll down to make sure they are all ones you want to delete....
and then use the bulk editor box at the top of the post list...

if you put all the posts into the trash then it will be quicker to restore the few you want....

You can review the notes here

i would ask support to help you sort out the critical arror ( normally a plugin conflict) with your site...
you should have an email sent to hte admin email address helping you with what has happened - copy this if you can't understand it and pass it onto support to help them get yous site back up quickly...
then we maybe able to see what issues you are having and help you a bit more...
have you added adsense to your site - if so when you can get back in i would disable it - unless you have tons of visitors and are getting a healthy revenue in....
you can ask support to create you a staging site ( a copy of your main site to test things out on )

When you're talking to Site Support you're talking to the actual engineers who keep our sites running. Just speak to them clearly with what you need. If they had backups of your site though I imagine they'd have restored it.

Okay. I'm having problem talking to them. They have not restored my site. Can you help me talk to them. Please go to perfectobediencedogtraining.com. You will see gambling articles in a dog training website. When you click on articles in the top bar, you will get error messages. I told them this, but they are not helping. I'm stuck. This website that I spent a lot of time putting together is now lost, and I'm not getting any help restoring it.

Your website isn't accessible. What I'm saying is if they had these files you're looking for to restore your site they would have restored it. Not to say it's impossible, our Site Support work wonders, but these kinds of things need to be brought to their attention as soon as they happen. When a lot of time has passed it can be too late.

I saw you brought it to Carson's attention as well. See what he has to say and continue with Site Support to find your resolution 👍🏼💯

I'm trying

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My website is down. how do I get backups of my original files to print out?

My website is down. how do I get backups of my original files to print out?

asked in
Getting Started

My website was perfectobediencedogtraining.com. It has been corrupted Site Support has not been able to restore it. What is the language I need to get backups of my files from

it does look like you have some other users added - with or without your permission...
i would goto users and any that you don't recognize then delete...
and goto settings and untick the 'anyone can register' option - if ticked...
then start the long process of deleting the 1,821 pages of posts they have added....
you can take advantage of the box at the top of the posts list and use that to bulk delete posts....
you may also be able to click on screen options and increase the number of items per page - making the job go quicker....
good luck ...

Thanks. This helps

It says 18,000+ have been published. Is that pages or posts? Is there a faster way to delete than going post by post. I could delete all the posts, but I have three articles at the end I want to save.

have you increased the number of articles per page - it looks like you can have 999 per page to work on....
just scroll down to make sure they are all ones you want to delete....
and then use the bulk editor box at the top of the post list...

if you put all the posts into the trash then it will be quicker to restore the few you want....

You can review the notes here

i would ask support to help you sort out the critical arror ( normally a plugin conflict) with your site...
you should have an email sent to hte admin email address helping you with what has happened - copy this if you can't understand it and pass it onto support to help them get yous site back up quickly...
then we maybe able to see what issues you are having and help you a bit more...
have you added adsense to your site - if so when you can get back in i would disable it - unless you have tons of visitors and are getting a healthy revenue in....
you can ask support to create you a staging site ( a copy of your main site to test things out on )

When you're talking to Site Support you're talking to the actual engineers who keep our sites running. Just speak to them clearly with what you need. If they had backups of your site though I imagine they'd have restored it.

Okay. I'm having problem talking to them. They have not restored my site. Can you help me talk to them. Please go to perfectobediencedogtraining.com. You will see gambling articles in a dog training website. When you click on articles in the top bar, you will get error messages. I told them this, but they are not helping. I'm stuck. This website that I spent a lot of time putting together is now lost, and I'm not getting any help restoring it.

Your website isn't accessible. What I'm saying is if they had these files you're looking for to restore your site they would have restored it. Not to say it's impossible, our Site Support work wonders, but these kinds of things need to be brought to their attention as soon as they happen. When a lot of time has passed it can be too late.

I saw you brought it to Carson's attention as well. See what he has to say and continue with Site Support to find your resolution 👍🏼💯

I'm trying

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

My website has been scrambled. It appears I've lost articles that I've worked hard to write. This is a marketing website for my dog training program. I have contacted site supp

When I clicked on your site, I received the message:

"There has been a critical error on your website. Learn more about debugging in WordPress."

When you put in a ticket, be as specific as possible so they can understand what is happening. Maybe forward the message I got to them. The more information they have, the better they can help.

Yes. Thank you. I sent this to them

Hi Carole
The fact that there are articles on your site that you haven’t created implies that access is compromised somehow. Site support may well be the best place to figure out what has happened. In your shoes I’d persist with site support and if necessary escalate to Carson. On the assumption that at sometime in the past your site was “clean” it should be possible to recover from an old backup. I’d recommend trying to recover to a staging site first, then if a backup is found that works, that would be the time to recover your main site.
Is that clear? If not, feel free to ask questions. Via PM if you wish.

Thank you. I've escalated to Carson to see if I get some movement on this.

HE helped me with my site

What I get from Site Support is they've fixed the problem. It's not fixed.

What do I tell them to get backups of my files so I can print them out and build a new website?

I hope it has been sorted ?

Maybe you need to empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. You can also try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

You can also empty the servers cache.
Websites > Site Manager > Details > Sitespeed > Empty site cache


Hi Carole
I would make sure site support know that, from your end, you still have a problem,
As Abie suggested, have you cleared the WA cache and your local browser cache?

Hey, long time no see :)

Can you clarify by scrambling? Can you give us the URL?

Have you forwarded a notification to site support? I am not sure how that would happen.

Yes, I've been talking to them right along since yesterday. the URL is perfectobediencedogtraining.com

As far as "long time no see," I've been writing articles on another website I'm slowly developing. I want to refer customers to the dog training website for their information. But now it doesn't exist after all my trouble.

That's awesome to hear... I am sorry you're having those challenges, but I hope site support will be able to sort them out for you :) It is good to hear from you, Carole :)

Well they're not. Who can I talk to who can help me? I need to speak to someone by phone to sort this out. Give me a phone number, please.
I'm extremely distressed about this

You may also forward a PM to Carson or leave them a message on their profile space for faster resolution


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Who can I talk to now to fix my website?

Who can I talk to now to fix my website?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

My website has been scrambled. It appears I've lost articles that I've worked hard to write. This is a marketing website for my dog training program. I have contacted site supp

When I clicked on your site, I received the message:

"There has been a critical error on your website. Learn more about debugging in WordPress."

When you put in a ticket, be as specific as possible so they can understand what is happening. Maybe forward the message I got to them. The more information they have, the better they can help.

Yes. Thank you. I sent this to them

Hi Carole
The fact that there are articles on your site that you haven’t created implies that access is compromised somehow. Site support may well be the best place to figure out what has happened. In your shoes I’d persist with site support and if necessary escalate to Carson. On the assumption that at sometime in the past your site was “clean” it should be possible to recover from an old backup. I’d recommend trying to recover to a staging site first, then if a backup is found that works, that would be the time to recover your main site.
Is that clear? If not, feel free to ask questions. Via PM if you wish.

Thank you. I've escalated to Carson to see if I get some movement on this.

HE helped me with my site

What I get from Site Support is they've fixed the problem. It's not fixed.

What do I tell them to get backups of my files so I can print them out and build a new website?

I hope it has been sorted ?

Maybe you need to empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. You can also try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

You can also empty the servers cache.
Websites > Site Manager > Details > Sitespeed > Empty site cache


Hi Carole
I would make sure site support know that, from your end, you still have a problem,
As Abie suggested, have you cleared the WA cache and your local browser cache?

Hey, long time no see :)

Can you clarify by scrambling? Can you give us the URL?

Have you forwarded a notification to site support? I am not sure how that would happen.

Yes, I've been talking to them right along since yesterday. the URL is perfectobediencedogtraining.com

As far as "long time no see," I've been writing articles on another website I'm slowly developing. I want to refer customers to the dog training website for their information. But now it doesn't exist after all my trouble.

That's awesome to hear... I am sorry you're having those challenges, but I hope site support will be able to sort them out for you :) It is good to hear from you, Carole :)

Well they're not. Who can I talk to who can help me? I need to speak to someone by phone to sort this out. Give me a phone number, please.
I'm extremely distressed about this

You may also forward a PM to Carson or leave them a message on their profile space for faster resolution


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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have an article on my website which two of us collaborated on. How do I add the second author? What is the best plug-in to use for this? Thanks

You can try Co-Authors Plus plugin. Please note that I never try it before. But online reviews claimed that it is great.



Thank you

You may also like to add a new user instead, and each of you would log in separately.


Thank you. I have already arranged for my second author to be a user on my website. What I want is a plug-in that will allow me to put "by Carole and Dave" at the beginning of the article. Will the plug-in you suggest allow me to do that?

Yes if you click on the plugin link above, you'd be able to see screenshots what it would be like.

You can also change any user to show both vs the one. (see image)

Okay. Thanks

So very welcome.

Would be nice to hear how you are getting along. Much obliged and best wishes.

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What is a good plug in for more than one author?

What is a good plug in for more than one author?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have an article on my website which two of us collaborated on. How do I add the second author? What is the best plug-in to use for this? Thanks

You can try Co-Authors Plus plugin. Please note that I never try it before. But online reviews claimed that it is great.



Thank you

You may also like to add a new user instead, and each of you would log in separately.


Thank you. I have already arranged for my second author to be a user on my website. What I want is a plug-in that will allow me to put "by Carole and Dave" at the beginning of the article. Will the plug-in you suggest allow me to do that?

Yes if you click on the plugin link above, you'd be able to see screenshots what it would be like.

You can also change any user to show both vs the one. (see image)

Okay. Thanks

So very welcome.

Would be nice to hear how you are getting along. Much obliged and best wishes.

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