About MichelleWA
Rank 1312
490 followers Joined May 2014
Hello, I am Michelle and I live in the UK at the moment. I joined WA recently as you can see, mostly because I just





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi, I'm on Course 4 Lesson 10 and it tells me all about the "Share Only" mode and when to use it. Can anybody tell me what it is exactly and how do I do it? Thanks.

Thanks for asking the question Michelle, I was wondering about it.

All the best


Thanks for asking exactly what I was wondering, Michelle, and thanks Hammer for answering!

see the hammer has explained it to you, took me a bit to get the hang of it

Hi Michelle. Share only mode is referring to only sharing content on some social media... In my case as an example... I will engage with posts and people more often on Google+ and more likely to get into a conversation, while on Facebook I am only really sharing posts and content. My level of engagement is much lower on FB than on G+.

Twitter, instagram, pinterest are other social networks I am sharing content more than actually getting involved in conversation. So I might share an hour with all those social networks, while an 1 hour with Google+ alone.

Does that help answer your question?

That explained it a bit. So since I do not have much engagement on Pinterest and Twitter, should I go "Share Only" mode?

Correct... It doesn't mean you have to stay "share only" mode forever on those platforms... When you get more experience, and your business is growing you can always switch between share only and engaging.

In the long run it will be more beneficial to take small consistent steps than trying to squeeze them all in at the same time.

Very great and appreciate explained im already familiar with facebook ,twitter ,instagram but i m not to much familiar with pinterest actually im still studying about pinterest what going happen when i post and how to pin

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What is share only mode exactly?

What is share only mode exactly?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi, I'm on Course 4 Lesson 10 and it tells me all about the "Share Only" mode and when to use it. Can anybody tell me what it is exactly and how do I do it? Thanks.

Thanks for asking the question Michelle, I was wondering about it.

All the best


Thanks for asking exactly what I was wondering, Michelle, and thanks Hammer for answering!

see the hammer has explained it to you, took me a bit to get the hang of it

Hi Michelle. Share only mode is referring to only sharing content on some social media... In my case as an example... I will engage with posts and people more often on Google+ and more likely to get into a conversation, while on Facebook I am only really sharing posts and content. My level of engagement is much lower on FB than on G+.

Twitter, instagram, pinterest are other social networks I am sharing content more than actually getting involved in conversation. So I might share an hour with all those social networks, while an 1 hour with Google+ alone.

Does that help answer your question?

That explained it a bit. So since I do not have much engagement on Pinterest and Twitter, should I go "Share Only" mode?

Correct... It doesn't mean you have to stay "share only" mode forever on those platforms... When you get more experience, and your business is growing you can always switch between share only and engaging.

In the long run it will be more beneficial to take small consistent steps than trying to squeeze them all in at the same time.

Very great and appreciate explained im already familiar with facebook ,twitter ,instagram but i m not to much familiar with pinterest actually im still studying about pinterest what going happen when i post and how to pin

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi, most of us will probably remember that when we transferred our website to Namecheap, Bluehost etc., the .siterubix.com link will redirect to your new now website. However, when

Michelle, I suggest that you submit a support ticket. It is found under the "build my website" tab. You will see "support ticket" at the top of the page. Good luck! Please let us know when this is fixed. Cindy

I will post my Customer Support ticket now, thanks for your suggestion!

Michelle, Good deal! Cindy

Are you hosting at WA or at Namecheap? I bought my domain name form elsewhere, but am hosting at WA, so where I bought the domain, I had to make sure my Nameservers were set to:
Is that what you did?

Hi SSimpson, I bought my domain at Namecheap, but I am currently hosting my website on Wealthy Affiliate. And yes, I set the Nameservers to NS1.MYWAHOSTING.COM and NS2.MYWAHOSTING.COM

Check the permalink, it could be the problem

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Redirect link from previous website not working?

Redirect link from previous website not working?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi, most of us will probably remember that when we transferred our website to Namecheap, Bluehost etc., the .siterubix.com link will redirect to your new now website. However, when

Michelle, I suggest that you submit a support ticket. It is found under the "build my website" tab. You will see "support ticket" at the top of the page. Good luck! Please let us know when this is fixed. Cindy

I will post my Customer Support ticket now, thanks for your suggestion!

Michelle, Good deal! Cindy

Are you hosting at WA or at Namecheap? I bought my domain name form elsewhere, but am hosting at WA, so where I bought the domain, I had to make sure my Nameservers were set to:
Is that what you did?

Hi SSimpson, I bought my domain at Namecheap, but I am currently hosting my website on Wealthy Affiliate. And yes, I set the Nameservers to NS1.MYWAHOSTING.COM and NS2.MYWAHOSTING.COM

Check the permalink, it could be the problem

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have noticed weeks ago that I do not have as many followers on Twitter and Pinterest than I do on Facebook and Twitter, and I think all the time I am giving on them is wasted. So

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Pinterest is my favorite place. At first I hated it and then when I learned how to use it, I love it. I first pin all my business stuff on there and then I pin stuff I like, such as clothes ... you know us girls tv shows music, shoes, make-up...now we girls pin stuff from each other and like stuff from others. Sometimes I search for pins that I like and add new boards and meet new people that way. As for twitter and Fakebook I mean Facebook, I don't know...I just get people who add me so just add them back. Google + Jay gives some great advice if you watch his webinars. All the best. Michelle.

Thanks for answering my question! I am quite new myself with Pinterest and Twitter, I've had to make friends from scratch and within two weeks I made over 70 friends (Mostly from WA) on Facebook, but anyway, its good to start fresh! And talking about Jay, I agree, he does give great advice and I try every time to watch his webinars. All the best to you too Evelyn!

Hi MichelleWA, unfortunately I have no idea! However, I did comment on Benzburg' blog "Most Popular Text Terms Used in Internet Business and Online World!", which you could find useful. Brandon

Hi Brandon, thanks for the answer! I will surely check out that blog you mentioned! I'm sure it will come in handy!

Do they allow you to link to your social media profiles?

Hi Robert,
I haven't, at least as yet, signed up for FB, so I can't comment. Personally, I am not too keen on social media, so I would be a somewhat reluctant member. I am inclined to think that LinkedIn would be a good idea.
All the best,

I notice on Twitter I started gaining followers when I started retweeting other people tweets. People start noticing it and want to follow you. I just started Pintrest. But my Facebook friends are finding me on there. I not too active on Google Plus. But you can google on information on how to gain followers on Twitter. I would follow you on twitter and friend you on Facebook if you want me to.

Hi Edwin, thanks for your advice, I will certainly take it and retweet more often! And yes, I would like you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook, you can find my Twitter and Facebook profiles on my WA profile. And also, thanks alot for answering my question!

Anytime! And I will follow you on twitter and Facebook.

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How do i find my friends on facebook and google on twitter?

How do i find my friends on facebook and google on twitter?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have noticed weeks ago that I do not have as many followers on Twitter and Pinterest than I do on Facebook and Twitter, and I think all the time I am giving on them is wasted. So

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Pinterest is my favorite place. At first I hated it and then when I learned how to use it, I love it. I first pin all my business stuff on there and then I pin stuff I like, such as clothes ... you know us girls tv shows music, shoes, make-up...now we girls pin stuff from each other and like stuff from others. Sometimes I search for pins that I like and add new boards and meet new people that way. As for twitter and Fakebook I mean Facebook, I don't know...I just get people who add me so just add them back. Google + Jay gives some great advice if you watch his webinars. All the best. Michelle.

Thanks for answering my question! I am quite new myself with Pinterest and Twitter, I've had to make friends from scratch and within two weeks I made over 70 friends (Mostly from WA) on Facebook, but anyway, its good to start fresh! And talking about Jay, I agree, he does give great advice and I try every time to watch his webinars. All the best to you too Evelyn!

Hi MichelleWA, unfortunately I have no idea! However, I did comment on Benzburg' blog "Most Popular Text Terms Used in Internet Business and Online World!", which you could find useful. Brandon

Hi Brandon, thanks for the answer! I will surely check out that blog you mentioned! I'm sure it will come in handy!

Do they allow you to link to your social media profiles?

Hi Robert,
I haven't, at least as yet, signed up for FB, so I can't comment. Personally, I am not too keen on social media, so I would be a somewhat reluctant member. I am inclined to think that LinkedIn would be a good idea.
All the best,

I notice on Twitter I started gaining followers when I started retweeting other people tweets. People start noticing it and want to follow you. I just started Pintrest. But my Facebook friends are finding me on there. I not too active on Google Plus. But you can google on information on how to gain followers on Twitter. I would follow you on twitter and friend you on Facebook if you want me to.

Hi Edwin, thanks for your advice, I will certainly take it and retweet more often! And yes, I would like you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook, you can find my Twitter and Facebook profiles on my WA profile. And also, thanks alot for answering my question!

Anytime! And I will follow you on twitter and Facebook.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I heard lately about a plugin called Yoast, and I am very interested in it. It offers many useful features and I would like to download it. However it has SEO settings too, and I w

so if i have yoast i can delete seo all in one?

First create a test site using the siterubix.com and then install Yoast on that test site to see if you like it and it works. But do not have both on the same site, because they will compete with each other and neither will work well.

yeah I love yoast so i deactivated the all in one thanks :)

It definitely can cause conflicts. You want to deactivate AIO before you activate Yoast. I use and love Yoast!

Nice! How do I deactivate the AIO though?

Usually, you go to your website dashboard, select plugins, find AIO and press deactivate. You may then select delete and get rid of the plugin altogether or just leave it deactivated.

Before you change anything on your .com site just create a dummy siterubix site and practice there I just did that to try YOAST SEO.
Don't break your real site!

Well, I cannot find anything with AIO on the Plugins area. http://take.ms/eHQKD

It is the one that says All In One SEO Pack.
I think it is the fourth one on your list, just under Akismet.
Press DEACTIVATE under the title of the plugin.

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Will yoast interfere with the all in one seo if i download?

Will yoast interfere with the all in one seo if i download?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I heard lately about a plugin called Yoast, and I am very interested in it. It offers many useful features and I would like to download it. However it has SEO settings too, and I w

so if i have yoast i can delete seo all in one?

First create a test site using the siterubix.com and then install Yoast on that test site to see if you like it and it works. But do not have both on the same site, because they will compete with each other and neither will work well.

yeah I love yoast so i deactivated the all in one thanks :)

It definitely can cause conflicts. You want to deactivate AIO before you activate Yoast. I use and love Yoast!

Nice! How do I deactivate the AIO though?

Usually, you go to your website dashboard, select plugins, find AIO and press deactivate. You may then select delete and get rid of the plugin altogether or just leave it deactivated.

Before you change anything on your .com site just create a dummy siterubix site and practice there I just did that to try YOAST SEO.
Don't break your real site!

Well, I cannot find anything with AIO on the Plugins area. http://take.ms/eHQKD

It is the one that says All In One SEO Pack.
I think it is the fourth one on your list, just under Akismet.
Press DEACTIVATE under the title of the plugin.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi, I just heard about Meta Tags and their use, and I am very interested about them. However I do not know how to place them in my posts, so, how do I do that?

How important is it to use alt tags for images? If they are important how do I do it?

Hi Kylie,

Here is a great video from Jay on how to use images properly.
Effective Use of Images in Content

.alt tags for images are very important, those are how Google identifies all images online.

I hope the video helps, my best,


Use the All In One SEO Pack to put your descriptions, tags etc. Meta Tags went out with button-up boots (i.e. before almost everyone started using WordPress). ~Marion

Hi Marion, I have been busy researching and writing content, but I am now back into building my site at long last! I may be asking a silly question: I know the box is ticked for the All In One SEO Pack in my account, but do I need to do something in order for it to work, or does it do its stuff automatically? - Brandon

Hi Brandon,
You need to scroll down towards the bottom of the post to make sure that your title, description and keywords are there. If not type them in. That is where the robots (Google, Bing and Yahoo) look for them as well as in the content. Put your keywords into the Title of your blog and in the first and last paragraph and possibly elsewhere if they make sense and do not look like "keyword stuffing". You can also include them in your sub-headings - "Helpful KEYWORD tip No. 4". Write naturally as if you were talking to a friend and you can't go wrong. ~Marion

Hi Marion,
Very many thanks for the advice. It is really helpful. Best wishes, Brandon

I think you are referring to Meta description.

What are you using them for? Just checking because they used to be used to help you rank for keywords, but that is no longer the case. The only reason you might want to use them would be to create a kind of "sub category" that you want to link, ie your blog shows tags somewhere on the post.

EDIT: I mixed up a few things here. Wordpress tags are for the subcategory thing. Meta Tags are useless.

Oh well, I heard that Meta Tags helped you rank on Google. Well, what makes your posts rank on Google?

meta tag technique is out dated,Now Google looks for unique useful contents,and your keywords should be in your articles naturally.Don't just spam your keywords,just use them in your article sparingly.
your keyword must be in your page title,heading,paragraph and some links on your article.

Your content will help you rank. Watch the keyword videos here in WA (there are quite a few). Basically, use your keyword once in the title, and once in the first paragraph as a rule of thumb. Your keyword will also naturally occur as you write your content.

What exactly makes you rank is a mystery because Google doesn't tell us! Many people like to guess though, and that guessing game is called SEO :)

Oh ok, that explains me alot. 1 more question though, is this where I should insert my keywords? http://bit.ly/1nd8FaB

You don't have to place your keywords anywhere http://take.ms/CffiJ

Oh ok, but why not the keyword section below the description? Just curious.

That section used to be used by search engines to understand what your page is about, but it's no longer that way. I don't actually know why they still have it there. Maybe some search engines still use it, but none of the big ones do.

So to get indexed all I have to do is fill up the Title and Description sections with a couple of keywords on each part, right?

The meta stuff has nothing to do with indexing. This is only to tell search engines what you want displayed in the search results. Even then, Google sometimes ignores this information and writes anything it wants.

This is actually not part of the WA training anymore (it used to be). Where did you learn how to do this?

Some people write in meta data, some people don't. It doesn't affect your ranking or indexing in search engines at all.

Use Your keywords in the title and the first paragraph of your article and AIO SEO will do the rest. Also have you used your free searches at jaaxy yet? I usually get 1 or 2 Keywords off jaaxy and just place them naturally in my 1st paragraph and it has been working well for me. Google has ranked my stuff on the 1st page just by my keyword placement under multiple keywords.

What I have learned here one word...Content.

That seems awkwardly weird, cause I cannot find my sites anywhere when I try to search on Google or Bing. Only if I enter my domain name on Google it will appear.

Maybe you are using high competition Keywords I always check Jaaxy and grab the low hanging fruit. Anything with under 300 qsr should give you a green light. If your not using Jaaxy then send me a pm with a couple keywords you plan on using and I can go check out the competition and give you a few suggestions. There is nothing going wrong with taking some of the less competitive keywords you still get traffic and some traffic Is better than none.

I use the WA keyword tool instead of Jaaxy, and I keep using a Low Hanging Fruit all the time, and keywords that have high traffic and less than 200 QSR.

I'm going to your website now pm me a couple keywords you are using. It also takes a little bit for Google to build trust in you as a Authority site. If you put in the keywords Is Plug In Profit Site A Scam you Will see my website on the 1st page top position on Google. But back in April I couldn't find it anywhere. I did some tweaking and added a few things and now it's #1 with those keywords. Hang in there Michelle you are doing awesome and your stuff will get ranked.

I'm Sending you a PM I just went to your website and have a suggestion.

If you have AIO-SEO installed, at the bottom of your post/page edit screen, you should see a section with Meta Description, Meta tag, etc.
Write your keywords in the Meta tag section seperated by a comma

I will try that soon. Thanks for your help!

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How do i place meta tags in my posts?

How do i place meta tags in my posts?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi, I just heard about Meta Tags and their use, and I am very interested about them. However I do not know how to place them in my posts, so, how do I do that?

How important is it to use alt tags for images? If they are important how do I do it?

Hi Kylie,

Here is a great video from Jay on how to use images properly.
Effective Use of Images in Content

.alt tags for images are very important, those are how Google identifies all images online.

I hope the video helps, my best,


Use the All In One SEO Pack to put your descriptions, tags etc. Meta Tags went out with button-up boots (i.e. before almost everyone started using WordPress). ~Marion

Hi Marion, I have been busy researching and writing content, but I am now back into building my site at long last! I may be asking a silly question: I know the box is ticked for the All In One SEO Pack in my account, but do I need to do something in order for it to work, or does it do its stuff automatically? - Brandon

Hi Brandon,
You need to scroll down towards the bottom of the post to make sure that your title, description and keywords are there. If not type them in. That is where the robots (Google, Bing and Yahoo) look for them as well as in the content. Put your keywords into the Title of your blog and in the first and last paragraph and possibly elsewhere if they make sense and do not look like "keyword stuffing". You can also include them in your sub-headings - "Helpful KEYWORD tip No. 4". Write naturally as if you were talking to a friend and you can't go wrong. ~Marion

Hi Marion,
Very many thanks for the advice. It is really helpful. Best wishes, Brandon

I think you are referring to Meta description.

What are you using them for? Just checking because they used to be used to help you rank for keywords, but that is no longer the case. The only reason you might want to use them would be to create a kind of "sub category" that you want to link, ie your blog shows tags somewhere on the post.

EDIT: I mixed up a few things here. Wordpress tags are for the subcategory thing. Meta Tags are useless.

Oh well, I heard that Meta Tags helped you rank on Google. Well, what makes your posts rank on Google?

meta tag technique is out dated,Now Google looks for unique useful contents,and your keywords should be in your articles naturally.Don't just spam your keywords,just use them in your article sparingly.
your keyword must be in your page title,heading,paragraph and some links on your article.

Your content will help you rank. Watch the keyword videos here in WA (there are quite a few). Basically, use your keyword once in the title, and once in the first paragraph as a rule of thumb. Your keyword will also naturally occur as you write your content.

What exactly makes you rank is a mystery because Google doesn't tell us! Many people like to guess though, and that guessing game is called SEO :)

Oh ok, that explains me alot. 1 more question though, is this where I should insert my keywords? http://bit.ly/1nd8FaB

You don't have to place your keywords anywhere http://take.ms/CffiJ

Oh ok, but why not the keyword section below the description? Just curious.

That section used to be used by search engines to understand what your page is about, but it's no longer that way. I don't actually know why they still have it there. Maybe some search engines still use it, but none of the big ones do.

So to get indexed all I have to do is fill up the Title and Description sections with a couple of keywords on each part, right?

The meta stuff has nothing to do with indexing. This is only to tell search engines what you want displayed in the search results. Even then, Google sometimes ignores this information and writes anything it wants.

This is actually not part of the WA training anymore (it used to be). Where did you learn how to do this?

Some people write in meta data, some people don't. It doesn't affect your ranking or indexing in search engines at all.

Use Your keywords in the title and the first paragraph of your article and AIO SEO will do the rest. Also have you used your free searches at jaaxy yet? I usually get 1 or 2 Keywords off jaaxy and just place them naturally in my 1st paragraph and it has been working well for me. Google has ranked my stuff on the 1st page just by my keyword placement under multiple keywords.

What I have learned here one word...Content.

That seems awkwardly weird, cause I cannot find my sites anywhere when I try to search on Google or Bing. Only if I enter my domain name on Google it will appear.

Maybe you are using high competition Keywords I always check Jaaxy and grab the low hanging fruit. Anything with under 300 qsr should give you a green light. If your not using Jaaxy then send me a pm with a couple keywords you plan on using and I can go check out the competition and give you a few suggestions. There is nothing going wrong with taking some of the less competitive keywords you still get traffic and some traffic Is better than none.

I use the WA keyword tool instead of Jaaxy, and I keep using a Low Hanging Fruit all the time, and keywords that have high traffic and less than 200 QSR.

I'm going to your website now pm me a couple keywords you are using. It also takes a little bit for Google to build trust in you as a Authority site. If you put in the keywords Is Plug In Profit Site A Scam you Will see my website on the 1st page top position on Google. But back in April I couldn't find it anywhere. I did some tweaking and added a few things and now it's #1 with those keywords. Hang in there Michelle you are doing awesome and your stuff will get ranked.

I'm Sending you a PM I just went to your website and have a suggestion.

If you have AIO-SEO installed, at the bottom of your post/page edit screen, you should see a section with Meta Description, Meta tag, etc.
Write your keywords in the Meta tag section seperated by a comma

I will try that soon. Thanks for your help!

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