My question says it all.
Where can I find details for 2020 wa black friday sale?
My question says it all.
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A terrible mixup has occurred with Kyle & Carson regarding Black Friday. I just received an email with their regrets that I am cancelling my account. I HAVE NO INTENTION OF
Hi Rori,
Hope you got this sorted.
The best way can be to go here;
Select billing from the drop down menu. Where it says select category for this message.
Just go here direct to Kyle
Leave him your query on his profile. He will reply.
Here is Carson's page.
Hope that helps :)
Debs :)
I already know all this. Been Premium WA since 2016. My early Black Friday payment was not refunded and I received yet another confusing piece of correspondence to which my questions are still not answered. But I think my membership is in good standing. Going to ask Help Center.
Hi Debs,
It is unusual, but Kyle never answered my Private Dec 1, 2019 correspondence. I'm sure he was VERY busy. However, he did send a stock email, which was very confusing because it didn't answer my question; it seems to say I am in good standing unless I don't pay on Black Friday of 2020.
I think I finally figured how Black Friday works, thanks to Leoemery's suggestion I go into my Profile->Account, to see my WA Membership standing. (I thanked him privately as his response here in the chat seems to have disappeared.)
In my Account record, I immediately saw my membership is in good standing with my $299 BF payment in 2019. (Thankful that it was not refunded.) While there, I decided to look at all my payments back to 2016.
The record shows in 2016 I paid twice (Premium $351 in September and $299 Black Friday. (That part doesn't seem like a good deal.) In 2017 there is no annual payment by me listed, but I remained in good standing. (That is the good part!) The record shows I continued payments on Black Friday in 2018 and 2019.
Previously, I had assumed that the 2017 payment was paid by me. Apparently THIS is how BF works: We get to pay early one year and skip the following year, and pay again on BF the year after. THAT IS THE UNSPOKEN PART OF THE "GREAT DEAL" that was missing for me. (Could be missing for a few others as well. Time to write a blog from a member's perspective.)
Debs, Do you think my new assumption is correct?
I did not want to cancel, I was just wanting to figure out the BF deal and avert a financial disaster. (Two entities owed me quite a bit of money for months. They both finally paid me in the knick of time.) I thought it might be possible to skip the WA payment this year to avert financial disaster, and that that is what made the 2019 BF deal better than that of previous years. That is what I mistakenly gleaned from the WA announcements. I think it would be helpful to spell out that you skip making a payment the following year, if this is the case.
Thank you very much for your responses. I hope I finally have BF correct.
It is confusing. I can get where you are coming from. Have you contacted the person who referred you here also.
They maybe able to help you.
I shall try and reach out to Kyle and Carson myself. It could take a while and they may not get back to me. I am willing to try for you though.
Sorry I cannot help you further. I will try and find someone who can help you though.
Debs :)
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Please help me reinstate my account?
A terrible mixup has occurred with Kyle & Carson regarding Black Friday. I just received an email with their regrets that I am cancelling my account. I HAVE NO INTENTION OF
Hi Rori,
Hope you got this sorted.
The best way can be to go here;
Select billing from the drop down menu. Where it says select category for this message.
Just go here direct to Kyle
Leave him your query on his profile. He will reply.
Here is Carson's page.
Hope that helps :)
Debs :)
I already know all this. Been Premium WA since 2016. My early Black Friday payment was not refunded and I received yet another confusing piece of correspondence to which my questions are still not answered. But I think my membership is in good standing. Going to ask Help Center.
Hi Debs,
It is unusual, but Kyle never answered my Private Dec 1, 2019 correspondence. I'm sure he was VERY busy. However, he did send a stock email, which was very confusing because it didn't answer my question; it seems to say I am in good standing unless I don't pay on Black Friday of 2020.
I think I finally figured how Black Friday works, thanks to Leoemery's suggestion I go into my Profile->Account, to see my WA Membership standing. (I thanked him privately as his response here in the chat seems to have disappeared.)
In my Account record, I immediately saw my membership is in good standing with my $299 BF payment in 2019. (Thankful that it was not refunded.) While there, I decided to look at all my payments back to 2016.
The record shows in 2016 I paid twice (Premium $351 in September and $299 Black Friday. (That part doesn't seem like a good deal.) In 2017 there is no annual payment by me listed, but I remained in good standing. (That is the good part!) The record shows I continued payments on Black Friday in 2018 and 2019.
Previously, I had assumed that the 2017 payment was paid by me. Apparently THIS is how BF works: We get to pay early one year and skip the following year, and pay again on BF the year after. THAT IS THE UNSPOKEN PART OF THE "GREAT DEAL" that was missing for me. (Could be missing for a few others as well. Time to write a blog from a member's perspective.)
Debs, Do you think my new assumption is correct?
I did not want to cancel, I was just wanting to figure out the BF deal and avert a financial disaster. (Two entities owed me quite a bit of money for months. They both finally paid me in the knick of time.) I thought it might be possible to skip the WA payment this year to avert financial disaster, and that that is what made the 2019 BF deal better than that of previous years. That is what I mistakenly gleaned from the WA announcements. I think it would be helpful to spell out that you skip making a payment the following year, if this is the case.
Thank you very much for your responses. I hope I finally have BF correct.
It is confusing. I can get where you are coming from. Have you contacted the person who referred you here also.
They maybe able to help you.
I shall try and reach out to Kyle and Carson myself. It could take a while and they may not get back to me. I am willing to try for you though.
Sorry I cannot help you further. I will try and find someone who can help you though.
Debs :)
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Hi, I'm wondering what people who sign up to WA through my affiliate code will see.
hey hi Ron!
Super question and all questions are good ones here!
My experience and understanding is that they will land on the WA platform once they've entered their username and an email ... and note that Kyle will then send welcoming messages as well as the rest of the awesome WA community of members ...
and yes, with their free starter account, they'll have access to everything WA for the first 7 days to try it all out ...
Suggest you might try it and see for yourself for the latest updated information ...
All the best to you for every Success, cheerio ... :)
Yes, I did that before asking my question. It brings the prospect to the sign up page. I guess I will have a friend sign up for the free account and then I will know what they see.
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If someone joins wa via my affiliate code, do they see my profile?
Hi, I'm wondering what people who sign up to WA through my affiliate code will see.
hey hi Ron!
Super question and all questions are good ones here!
My experience and understanding is that they will land on the WA platform once they've entered their username and an email ... and note that Kyle will then send welcoming messages as well as the rest of the awesome WA community of members ...
and yes, with their free starter account, they'll have access to everything WA for the first 7 days to try it all out ...
Suggest you might try it and see for yourself for the latest updated information ...
All the best to you for every Success, cheerio ... :)
Yes, I did that before asking my question. It brings the prospect to the sign up page. I guess I will have a friend sign up for the free account and then I will know what they see.
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I typed my About page in the Site Content platform. Then went into the back office editor and edited. The edits do not show on the site (see if you
This is what my back office editor has for the edited title, and yet the online website shows "An Brief welcome to your site" (see images). Why doesn't the website update to my edited version?
And please, community, don't take wild guesses. Only respond if you actually might have the answer.
Are you using mac? Stupid thing doesn't work. Yes, I went into System Preferences to tell it I want to use function keys.
I'm back--
Okay, so you meant on the editing page, not the website page. It worked!
Thanks so much!
Sometimes it is just how the theme works, on my first site I had so many problems like that and got lots of great help like Trish's below but at the end of the day, to be honest, I just changed my theme and 99% of the problems went away.
Hope this helps
Thanks Paul. I tried to change the theme and got an error message saying "Bad Request." When I asked Site Support about it, they sent me a screen shot with the second theme and said it worked fine. Hours later and I still see the first theme.
Go figure.
I'll continue to try other themes.
Hey Rori,
You have created your About page as a post that appears on your blog roll as a snippet. When you click on it, you will go directly to the complete About page.
Try it and see...
Thanks. It took many clicks to work, and I hope that doesn't happen to visitors. Are they really supposed to fumble around clicking until they randomly click on the title? Isn't it standard to say "More..." for clicking through for the rest of the blog?
The other problem is the title is totally incorrect and not updated to what I put in the editor.
AND support shows me that the second theme I tried to put in is working, but I still see the first one.
AND when I tried to put in the second theme, I got an error message, no indication that the second theme took.
Ps. I was using the Site Content platform for the first time. Do you know if it sometimes creates issues?
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Why doesn't the theme I chose work?
I typed my About page in the Site Content platform. Then went into the back office editor and edited. The edits do not show on the site (see if you
This is what my back office editor has for the edited title, and yet the online website shows "An Brief welcome to your site" (see images). Why doesn't the website update to my edited version?
And please, community, don't take wild guesses. Only respond if you actually might have the answer.
Are you using mac? Stupid thing doesn't work. Yes, I went into System Preferences to tell it I want to use function keys.
I'm back--
Okay, so you meant on the editing page, not the website page. It worked!
Thanks so much!
Sometimes it is just how the theme works, on my first site I had so many problems like that and got lots of great help like Trish's below but at the end of the day, to be honest, I just changed my theme and 99% of the problems went away.
Hope this helps
Thanks Paul. I tried to change the theme and got an error message saying "Bad Request." When I asked Site Support about it, they sent me a screen shot with the second theme and said it worked fine. Hours later and I still see the first theme.
Go figure.
I'll continue to try other themes.
Hey Rori,
You have created your About page as a post that appears on your blog roll as a snippet. When you click on it, you will go directly to the complete About page.
Try it and see...
Thanks. It took many clicks to work, and I hope that doesn't happen to visitors. Are they really supposed to fumble around clicking until they randomly click on the title? Isn't it standard to say "More..." for clicking through for the rest of the blog?
The other problem is the title is totally incorrect and not updated to what I put in the editor.
AND support shows me that the second theme I tried to put in is working, but I still see the first one.
AND when I tried to put in the second theme, I got an error message, no indication that the second theme took.
Ps. I was using the Site Content platform for the first time. Do you know if it sometimes creates issues?
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I know how to delete a website and want to use the same domain to start fresh. Will that work okay?
If I delete website can I start fresh with the same domain?
I know how to delete a website and want to use the same domain to start fresh. Will that work okay?
Has not been announced yet.
Thanks! I thought I was having a senior moment!