About EdwinShannon
Rank 45297
390 followers Joined June 2014
I'm 38 years old, single, no kids, live an very active lifestyle. I've been taken part in Track and Field since high school. I





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Can I do personal coaching websites? I thought about doing virtual coaching. Like using videos and having athletes send in their videos for me to critique and to send them a vi

Hello Edwin, you have a very good niche Idea and it will pick up fast than you can imagine. I want you to use the Wealthy Affiliate Keyword tool to come out with the specific keyword for you niche.
As for the for what steps to use to design your website, they are all covered in the training here at WA. Follow the steps well elaborated to come up with that beautiful site you desire.
All the best to you.

Ok thanks which course covers the steps for virtual coaching?

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Can I do personal coaching track and field?

Can I do personal coaching track and field?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Can I do personal coaching websites? I thought about doing virtual coaching. Like using videos and having athletes send in their videos for me to critique and to send them a vi

Hello Edwin, you have a very good niche Idea and it will pick up fast than you can imagine. I want you to use the Wealthy Affiliate Keyword tool to come out with the specific keyword for you niche.
As for the for what steps to use to design your website, they are all covered in the training here at WA. Follow the steps well elaborated to come up with that beautiful site you desire.
All the best to you.

Ok thanks which course covers the steps for virtual coaching?

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

According to my WA stats. I have 309 clicks. But when I go on google analytics. I see no activity. I know I verified my site correctly. Was it something I forgot to do?

Edwin, Takes time brother,Rome wasn"t built in a day. You got a good site, so hang in there

Haha, I know. I was looking for my 300+ click that I see on my WA stats from my WA affiliate site. And I didn't see it on google analytics. So I panic. It's still not there. But I'm am starting to get new traffic that I see on google analytics. I promise will be more patient and continue to update my site with more content. Thank you for the encouragement to hang in there. I need it :)

It is human nature to want immediate results, but remember that the ethos here at WA is building a sustainable business and not a one hit wonder. Everyone who takes consistent action that follows the training succeeds

Yeah I know. I was going by the 309 clicks that I was see on my WA stats. It didn't show up on google analytics. And it was brought to my attention that the 309 clicks probably was coming from within the WA community. And Google doesn't recognize it. So it also made me realize no on the outside has found my site yet. But just today I saw 6 session on Google analytics. So my site is slowly building traffic.

Who won the race the turtle or the hare?

The hare, haha

Those could be clicks from members within the WA community. I am not promoting WA at all...have never put my affiliate link out anywhere, and when I check my stats, it says I have over 50 clicks so far this month

Dang....This is not going well if all of my clicks are coming from within the community. I even have 32 comments. And they are all positive. I don't get it. I don't even know what's wrong with my site if google is not indexing my site.

in google analytics, did you go to Acquisition --> All traffic? And it shows 0?

You should see how many sessions were from direct (like people clicking on your direct URL) and google/organic (people who actually found you through the search

Oh ok, yeah I see 4 sessions. It show one user look view 3 of pages from my site.

cool...there you go. that's a start. Just keep building content and those numbers will increase

Ok, thank you!

How long have you had your site up? I've only been doing this for a little over a week but have my website going pretty well, or at least I thought. I still have 0 traffic and don't know how to look at the traffic from within the community. I'm kind of stuck right now because I've added so much content but no hits on google.

My WA affiliate website has been up since the beginning of July. If you have a WA affiliate website. Just click Wealthy Affiliate program. Then at the top click "my stat" and you can see how many clicks you have. I have 3 on google. Come to find out that my 309 clicks that I only see on this site is coming from people within the WA community.

Thank you Edwin. That was a little depressing but like someone said earlier, it's in human nature to want immediate results. Trying not to give in.

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I dont see any activity on my google analytics why?

I dont see any activity on my google analytics why?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

According to my WA stats. I have 309 clicks. But when I go on google analytics. I see no activity. I know I verified my site correctly. Was it something I forgot to do?

Edwin, Takes time brother,Rome wasn"t built in a day. You got a good site, so hang in there

Haha, I know. I was looking for my 300+ click that I see on my WA stats from my WA affiliate site. And I didn't see it on google analytics. So I panic. It's still not there. But I'm am starting to get new traffic that I see on google analytics. I promise will be more patient and continue to update my site with more content. Thank you for the encouragement to hang in there. I need it :)

It is human nature to want immediate results, but remember that the ethos here at WA is building a sustainable business and not a one hit wonder. Everyone who takes consistent action that follows the training succeeds

Yeah I know. I was going by the 309 clicks that I was see on my WA stats. It didn't show up on google analytics. And it was brought to my attention that the 309 clicks probably was coming from within the WA community. And Google doesn't recognize it. So it also made me realize no on the outside has found my site yet. But just today I saw 6 session on Google analytics. So my site is slowly building traffic.

Who won the race the turtle or the hare?

The hare, haha

Those could be clicks from members within the WA community. I am not promoting WA at all...have never put my affiliate link out anywhere, and when I check my stats, it says I have over 50 clicks so far this month

Dang....This is not going well if all of my clicks are coming from within the community. I even have 32 comments. And they are all positive. I don't get it. I don't even know what's wrong with my site if google is not indexing my site.

in google analytics, did you go to Acquisition --> All traffic? And it shows 0?

You should see how many sessions were from direct (like people clicking on your direct URL) and google/organic (people who actually found you through the search

Oh ok, yeah I see 4 sessions. It show one user look view 3 of pages from my site.

cool...there you go. that's a start. Just keep building content and those numbers will increase

Ok, thank you!

How long have you had your site up? I've only been doing this for a little over a week but have my website going pretty well, or at least I thought. I still have 0 traffic and don't know how to look at the traffic from within the community. I'm kind of stuck right now because I've added so much content but no hits on google.

My WA affiliate website has been up since the beginning of July. If you have a WA affiliate website. Just click Wealthy Affiliate program. Then at the top click "my stat" and you can see how many clicks you have. I have 3 on google. Come to find out that my 309 clicks that I only see on this site is coming from people within the WA community.

Thank you Edwin. That was a little depressing but like someone said earlier, it's in human nature to want immediate results. Trying not to give in.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I just transfer my content from my siterubix website to my personal website as of Sunday night. I can't find it on Google. I tried to type in my website on google and it keeps s

Hi Edwin, I think I could find my website in Google in less than a week. I'd hang tight a few more days and see how it goes... best wishes to you.

Thank you!

It can definitely take a few days.

Also... what do you mean when you say it keeps taking you to your wordpress? If you are logged in, it is perfectly normally for your site to have the wordpress stuff on top for you. Or is it taking you straight to the editing panel?

If you give me the url for your website I can have a look at what it does for me.

Yes its taking me to the editing panel.

Is this the right page? http://bit.ly/XzcKRz That takes me to your page, not an admin panel.

Wow how did you do that? That's one of my sites. I have another one. www.bestbuyweeklydeals.com

I did it by pasting your site into http://lmgtfy.com. Pretty nifty site, eh?

Yeah, not finding your new url yet... http://bit.ly/Yxk3JR

Yeah that is neat. Ok I try looking for it again later this week.

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How long does it take for my website to be found on google?

How long does it take for my website to be found on google?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I just transfer my content from my siterubix website to my personal website as of Sunday night. I can't find it on Google. I tried to type in my website on google and it keeps s

Hi Edwin, I think I could find my website in Google in less than a week. I'd hang tight a few more days and see how it goes... best wishes to you.

Thank you!

It can definitely take a few days.

Also... what do you mean when you say it keeps taking you to your wordpress? If you are logged in, it is perfectly normally for your site to have the wordpress stuff on top for you. Or is it taking you straight to the editing panel?

If you give me the url for your website I can have a look at what it does for me.

Yes its taking me to the editing panel.

Is this the right page? http://bit.ly/XzcKRz That takes me to your page, not an admin panel.

Wow how did you do that? That's one of my sites. I have another one. www.bestbuyweeklydeals.com

I did it by pasting your site into http://lmgtfy.com. Pretty nifty site, eh?

Yeah, not finding your new url yet... http://bit.ly/Yxk3JR

Yeah that is neat. Ok I try looking for it again later this week.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have another personal site and want to transfer my content from my siterubix site to my personal site.

Oh I remember now. When I go to the website building page. I click "move" next to my existing website. Another page comes up and ask you where do you want to move your content. Then you enter your new domain or existing domain. Then click move and that's it. Its that simple, lol. Thanks everybody!

ahhh...you meant how to transfer your siterubix to your own domain...yes you are correct. Asking how to transfer your content is a different question. But glad you figured it out =)

Go to Tools>>Export and download the file to your computer. Then on the other site upload it!

I don't have a PC, haha I did everything on my smart phone. I did it before on my phone. I didn't have to do what you just said. I wish I can remember. I believe there is a video. I just have to find it. But thanks anyway.

I think it's you can export your stuff from the settings

I remember how to do it. You have to go to the website building page. And click "move" next to the domain that you want to transfer.

I did it last time. But forgot how to do it again. Thanks anyway.

Not sure on that, tech support may be able to do that for you.

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How tranfer content from my siterubix site to my personal?

How tranfer content from my siterubix site to my personal?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have another personal site and want to transfer my content from my siterubix site to my personal site.

Oh I remember now. When I go to the website building page. I click "move" next to my existing website. Another page comes up and ask you where do you want to move your content. Then you enter your new domain or existing domain. Then click move and that's it. Its that simple, lol. Thanks everybody!

ahhh...you meant how to transfer your siterubix to your own domain...yes you are correct. Asking how to transfer your content is a different question. But glad you figured it out =)

Go to Tools>>Export and download the file to your computer. Then on the other site upload it!

I don't have a PC, haha I did everything on my smart phone. I did it before on my phone. I didn't have to do what you just said. I wish I can remember. I believe there is a video. I just have to find it. But thanks anyway.

I think it's you can export your stuff from the settings

I remember how to do it. You have to go to the website building page. And click "move" next to the domain that you want to transfer.

I did it last time. But forgot how to do it again. Thanks anyway.

Not sure on that, tech support may be able to do that for you.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I can't find the tool that will allow me to put my top products on my side bar. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Here is my website www.everydaydeals.siterubix.com

Hey rich here, I need help on templates for my reviews.

If you mean the side bar it may not be active on the theme you are using. As with mine only the bottom footers are active and available. Go to appearance then customize and check it. If its not there check appearance then widgets....good luck

It's nothing there for me to add my top products. I went to appearance then customize and I didn't see where I can add my top products. Then I went to the widgets. It show I have the top product review activate on my side bar. And I can put up 10 products. But there's nothing there for me to add the products.

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I need help with the ready review theme template?

I need help with the ready review theme template?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I can't find the tool that will allow me to put my top products on my side bar. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Here is my website www.everydaydeals.siterubix.com

Hey rich here, I need help on templates for my reviews.

If you mean the side bar it may not be active on the theme you are using. As with mine only the bottom footers are active and available. Go to appearance then customize and check it. If its not there check appearance then widgets....good luck

It's nothing there for me to add my top products. I went to appearance then customize and I didn't see where I can add my top products. Then I went to the widgets. It show I have the top product review activate on my side bar. And I can put up 10 products. But there's nothing there for me to add the products.

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