About Meredithlonestar
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3,849 followers Joined September 2009
I'm Meredith, born & raised in the Great State of Texas. As they say, Texas is more than just a place to live...it's a





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asked in
Getting Started

Okay, my apologies for this, but I have wasted days trying to fix/understand this

I have at least 100 pictures downloaded to my pc. I have always been able to pull them

Have You tried a different browser? Which browser are You using?

No, I haven't tried that. Appreciate your suggestion.

Did you upgrade to WIN 10?

No, I read about how bad it was. Thanks!

When I have problems loading pictures to my websites, I reboot my computer and that solves the situation. I don't know why but it helps. I use Google Drive to store my pictures to download to website.

Thank you, and yes I did reboot my pc. It didn't fix it. Appreciate your input, thank you.

Hello Meredith,

To be honest: I do not have the immediate solution, but I was wondering if it is only related to the WA website (blog/question/PM/...) or is it also a problem when you want to add an image to one of your websites?

Because that's completely another system and if it the problem is also there when you want to add an image to your website, then I think you (or we) have to start thinking that there is changed something on you computer the last days and that it is not related to the site....


I wish it was just WA, but it's not. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.

I would try to start with disabling the antivirus (and all other tools related) and then try again...

Hope it solves the problem...

Guess it's worth a try, thank you.

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File not found - no item matches your search?

File not found - no item matches your search?

asked in
Getting Started

Okay, my apologies for this, but I have wasted days trying to fix/understand this

I have at least 100 pictures downloaded to my pc. I have always been able to pull them

Have You tried a different browser? Which browser are You using?

No, I haven't tried that. Appreciate your suggestion.

Did you upgrade to WIN 10?

No, I read about how bad it was. Thanks!

When I have problems loading pictures to my websites, I reboot my computer and that solves the situation. I don't know why but it helps. I use Google Drive to store my pictures to download to website.

Thank you, and yes I did reboot my pc. It didn't fix it. Appreciate your input, thank you.

Hello Meredith,

To be honest: I do not have the immediate solution, but I was wondering if it is only related to the WA website (blog/question/PM/...) or is it also a problem when you want to add an image to one of your websites?

Because that's completely another system and if it the problem is also there when you want to add an image to your website, then I think you (or we) have to start thinking that there is changed something on you computer the last days and that it is not related to the site....


I wish it was just WA, but it's not. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.

I would try to start with disabling the antivirus (and all other tools related) and then try again...

Hope it solves the problem...

Guess it's worth a try, thank you.

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello, and thanks in advance. I'm wondering IF I need both Backblaze & Dropbox for backing up my sites, etc?

Or, if any of you use something else that you like more.

Thanks for posting this Meredith, I have also been wondering.

Good! Looks like we can save money if we don't really need Backblaze. Hope I can get a refund.

I use the import/export feature in tools with the plugin.......Scotty B

Okay, thanks for the info. What about backing up your entire computer?

A Quick and easy way is just drag and drop your important files to an external hard drive. Otherwise a more involved way is to use your windows recovery disk and a backup program. I use the first way for a little piece of mind til I figure out the second way.......Scotty B

Thanks again!

I think this may help answer your question :

Thanks Kav, appreciate it!

I automate my backup with WordPress plugin. It's been great for me. I don't have to worry about losing my files. I don't think dropbox is for website storage.


Looks like you got your answer and you helped me too. I did not know this info. Thanks everyone, and good luck. Truly Lisa

Ditto! This was more helpful than I imagined.

So my understanding is that Dropbox (not too sure about Back blaze) is mainly for file storage. Not website storage, at least I don't think DropBox would be ideal for it. There are plugins in wordpress that you can use, here's an article I found on it. Someone in the comment section said they're using Better WP security, but there are others. I'm not sure which is the best one, but hopefully this article will help you! Hope this helps. http://www.copyblogger.com/wordpress-website-backups/

Appreciate you help and time. Many Thanks1

I use Google Drive for backups. You can also use AmazonS3 as a repository for your backups. AmazonS3 is free for the first year and pennies per month after that.

Interesting, so you don't use or need a service like Backblaze? Thanks Craig, appreciate it!

Nope, if you want to automate your backups, you can use a wordpress plugin.

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Do I need both backblaze & dropbox?

Do I need both backblaze & dropbox?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello, and thanks in advance. I'm wondering IF I need both Backblaze & Dropbox for backing up my sites, etc?

Or, if any of you use something else that you like more.

Thanks for posting this Meredith, I have also been wondering.

Good! Looks like we can save money if we don't really need Backblaze. Hope I can get a refund.

I use the import/export feature in tools with the plugin.......Scotty B

Okay, thanks for the info. What about backing up your entire computer?

A Quick and easy way is just drag and drop your important files to an external hard drive. Otherwise a more involved way is to use your windows recovery disk and a backup program. I use the first way for a little piece of mind til I figure out the second way.......Scotty B

Thanks again!

I think this may help answer your question :

Thanks Kav, appreciate it!

I automate my backup with WordPress plugin. It's been great for me. I don't have to worry about losing my files. I don't think dropbox is for website storage.


Looks like you got your answer and you helped me too. I did not know this info. Thanks everyone, and good luck. Truly Lisa

Ditto! This was more helpful than I imagined.

So my understanding is that Dropbox (not too sure about Back blaze) is mainly for file storage. Not website storage, at least I don't think DropBox would be ideal for it. There are plugins in wordpress that you can use, here's an article I found on it. Someone in the comment section said they're using Better WP security, but there are others. I'm not sure which is the best one, but hopefully this article will help you! Hope this helps. http://www.copyblogger.com/wordpress-website-backups/

Appreciate you help and time. Many Thanks1

I use Google Drive for backups. You can also use AmazonS3 as a repository for your backups. AmazonS3 is free for the first year and pennies per month after that.

Interesting, so you don't use or need a service like Backblaze? Thanks Craig, appreciate it!

Nope, if you want to automate your backups, you can use a wordpress plugin.

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asked in
Getting Started

I'm looking for Safe, Simplicity and not too Expensive. I just can't keep up with all the passwords I have anymore and I really need to simplify it.

Who would know bett

I am using Dashlane and it is free. If you use my link you can get pro for free for 6 months but entirely up to you.
I've been using it for almost a year now and have no complaints.

I use Last Pass FREE it has worked very well for me. With LP you only need to remember just 1 master password. I don't think having passwords on paper is a good idea. If your comfortable with this then that's what matters! What is nice about LP is when you login somewhere it will ask if you want to save this login, if you click save, you will never need to type your login again. It will log you in automatically from there on. Now if you wish to keep a password on paper you will only need the LP master password. I have many logins, but only need 1 password. I hope this helps! :)



Thank you, Last Pass seems to be the winner here. Appreciate your help!

My pleasure! A paper can be read by anyone, but a locked vault can not! :)

Hello dear,

I use excel for my passwords. Just build yourself a small spread sheat and print it out.

I never thought about that.Good idea, thank you!

I don't see you on chat anymore. I miss you my friend. :)

I hope to be more active soon. It has been a miserable summer. Our house flooded for the 1st time ever and then I had about 100 Bees in the house with us. It was scary and exhausting. Luckily I only got stung once and Hannah not at all, thank goodness.

Last pass for me. They have a free and a paid version. Free does what I want it to do.

10-4 on that!

For IT professionals I recommend and use RoboForm. For home use I recommend LastPass. I have never had a problem with either, however some of my professional colleagues have stories about being locked out with RoboForm. It has not happened to me... But that does not mean anything I am just one person and there is a whole big world of experience is out there

I'm sure it's been mentioned here, but I've been using LastPass for a while now. It's made things simpler for me and helped me save lots of time.

Thanks, that's what I'm looking for, a time saver.

I have used RoboForm for many many years. I'm completely happy with the security but with a catch.

I only use RoboForm on my laptop. I searched for any recent articles about any vulnerability in the desktop version and I couldn't find anything that says RoboForm is vulnerable.

Smart phones and RoboForm Everywhere is a different story. The smart phone ap and RoboForm Everywhere (on their servers) may be vulnerable if you know what you are doing.

Smart phone - someone would have to get their hands on your phone to hack your passwords. Savvy hackers would know what to do from there. The average joe would not.

RoboForm Everywhere - this is a service by RoboForm where they store your passwords and data on their computers so you can access the passwords from any device. Again, hackers could potentially get at this data.

I do not use RoboForm Everywhere. I don't trust anyone to protect my data on the Cloud or on their computers. I won't set up an account at RoboForm.

The only thing I use is the desktop version of RoboForm. It resides on my computer and nowhere else.

You set a master password to lock the system from anyone who might get ahold of your computer. Be careful. Once you set the password then if you forget the password there is no way to retrieve the master password again. You data is eternally locked. Not even the RoboForm company can get in.

My master password is very strong. I will give anyone $100.00 if they can break my password. I use letters, numbers, upper case, lower case, and shuffle all that up into something that doesn't make sense except to me.

As long as you do not use the smart phone app and not use RoboForm Everywhere then you will have an easy to use desktop password manager. I love the product and don't see a need to change to something else.

Also, the desktop version is free.

That was a lot of information, thank you. I had never heard of robofrom.

"My master password is very strong. I will give anyone $100.00 if they can break my password. I use letters, numbers, upper case, lower case, and shuffle all that up into something that doesn't make sense except to me"

Any password can be hacked! The average home PC users password can be hacked in about 3-6 hours, sad but true! You were smart to use a long and complex password. Using 2 or more high end PC's and password cracking software can and will crack any password. This is how hackers hack sites that seemed secure all over the world. Even the pentagon has been hacked for example, as has a long list of govt. sites, I could fill this page with sites who's passwords were hack. The truth is no one is safe another reason why security experts are making a move away from passwords. Bio metrics is the future, finger print readers and eye scanners are already is use. It then would be impossible to defeat this system. However for most of use we still have to rely on passwords.



Sounds like the Jetsons are coming to life. :)

Yep, I use LastPass

I know it's popular. I was just concerned about hacking issues. Thanks Leo, appreciate it.

Hi Meredith,
I use aWallet Cloud Manager. It may have cost something but I think it was free. Great ap. One app download covers all devices.
Check it out.

Thank you! I will look into that one too. I was not aware of it, appreciate your time.

I use LastPass and now I have a password free life.

A password free life is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks!

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Does anyone have a favorite online password saver?

Does anyone have a favorite online password saver?

asked in
Getting Started

I'm looking for Safe, Simplicity and not too Expensive. I just can't keep up with all the passwords I have anymore and I really need to simplify it.

Who would know bett

I am using Dashlane and it is free. If you use my link you can get pro for free for 6 months but entirely up to you.
I've been using it for almost a year now and have no complaints.

I use Last Pass FREE it has worked very well for me. With LP you only need to remember just 1 master password. I don't think having passwords on paper is a good idea. If your comfortable with this then that's what matters! What is nice about LP is when you login somewhere it will ask if you want to save this login, if you click save, you will never need to type your login again. It will log you in automatically from there on. Now if you wish to keep a password on paper you will only need the LP master password. I have many logins, but only need 1 password. I hope this helps! :)



Thank you, Last Pass seems to be the winner here. Appreciate your help!

My pleasure! A paper can be read by anyone, but a locked vault can not! :)

Hello dear,

I use excel for my passwords. Just build yourself a small spread sheat and print it out.

I never thought about that.Good idea, thank you!

I don't see you on chat anymore. I miss you my friend. :)

I hope to be more active soon. It has been a miserable summer. Our house flooded for the 1st time ever and then I had about 100 Bees in the house with us. It was scary and exhausting. Luckily I only got stung once and Hannah not at all, thank goodness.

Last pass for me. They have a free and a paid version. Free does what I want it to do.

10-4 on that!

For IT professionals I recommend and use RoboForm. For home use I recommend LastPass. I have never had a problem with either, however some of my professional colleagues have stories about being locked out with RoboForm. It has not happened to me... But that does not mean anything I am just one person and there is a whole big world of experience is out there

I'm sure it's been mentioned here, but I've been using LastPass for a while now. It's made things simpler for me and helped me save lots of time.

Thanks, that's what I'm looking for, a time saver.

I have used RoboForm for many many years. I'm completely happy with the security but with a catch.

I only use RoboForm on my laptop. I searched for any recent articles about any vulnerability in the desktop version and I couldn't find anything that says RoboForm is vulnerable.

Smart phones and RoboForm Everywhere is a different story. The smart phone ap and RoboForm Everywhere (on their servers) may be vulnerable if you know what you are doing.

Smart phone - someone would have to get their hands on your phone to hack your passwords. Savvy hackers would know what to do from there. The average joe would not.

RoboForm Everywhere - this is a service by RoboForm where they store your passwords and data on their computers so you can access the passwords from any device. Again, hackers could potentially get at this data.

I do not use RoboForm Everywhere. I don't trust anyone to protect my data on the Cloud or on their computers. I won't set up an account at RoboForm.

The only thing I use is the desktop version of RoboForm. It resides on my computer and nowhere else.

You set a master password to lock the system from anyone who might get ahold of your computer. Be careful. Once you set the password then if you forget the password there is no way to retrieve the master password again. You data is eternally locked. Not even the RoboForm company can get in.

My master password is very strong. I will give anyone $100.00 if they can break my password. I use letters, numbers, upper case, lower case, and shuffle all that up into something that doesn't make sense except to me.

As long as you do not use the smart phone app and not use RoboForm Everywhere then you will have an easy to use desktop password manager. I love the product and don't see a need to change to something else.

Also, the desktop version is free.

That was a lot of information, thank you. I had never heard of robofrom.

"My master password is very strong. I will give anyone $100.00 if they can break my password. I use letters, numbers, upper case, lower case, and shuffle all that up into something that doesn't make sense except to me"

Any password can be hacked! The average home PC users password can be hacked in about 3-6 hours, sad but true! You were smart to use a long and complex password. Using 2 or more high end PC's and password cracking software can and will crack any password. This is how hackers hack sites that seemed secure all over the world. Even the pentagon has been hacked for example, as has a long list of govt. sites, I could fill this page with sites who's passwords were hack. The truth is no one is safe another reason why security experts are making a move away from passwords. Bio metrics is the future, finger print readers and eye scanners are already is use. It then would be impossible to defeat this system. However for most of use we still have to rely on passwords.



Sounds like the Jetsons are coming to life. :)

Yep, I use LastPass

I know it's popular. I was just concerned about hacking issues. Thanks Leo, appreciate it.

Hi Meredith,
I use aWallet Cloud Manager. It may have cost something but I think it was free. Great ap. One app download covers all devices.
Check it out.

Thank you! I will look into that one too. I was not aware of it, appreciate your time.

I use LastPass and now I have a password free life.

A password free life is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks!

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