About musicman99
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1,074 followers Joined September 2015
Hi! My name is Weston Brown and I've recently graduated from the Film Scoring Certificate Program at UCLA Extension. It's my dream and life goal





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hello everyone,

Recently I have been growing my online music business with some success. Over the last several months I have been focusing on setting up my business, sys

My ideas:

-Behind the scenes posts - writing about your creative process, how you write music, etc. Y
Interviews in regards to music and how it helps people with the issues you mention.
-Explaining why a specific song or playlist helps.
-Are you qualified to put together yoga routines or meditations that go with your songs?
-Playlists to start your morning right - sometimes I set my phone to start playing a peaceful song before I plan to wake up with the idea that it will start gradually easing my out of sleep.
-Playlist to help you calm down while your driving

Hi Weston,

It's been a while! I am very happy to see that your business is growing :)

You can Google about relaxation music, use Jaaxy or the keyword planner or alphabet soup technique to get some ideas. Maybe also check Amazon to see if any books or products could be interesting.

Quick ideas popping into my mind for blog posts are :

- lists: You can make a list of the '20 most relaxing songs to meditate',' 10 songs that will relax you instantly', if you see where I am getting with this and then offer your music as a freebie when they subscribe to your email list.

- Music production tutorials: how to create relaxing music, tips to create a relaxed atmosphere in a song, ...

- Product reviews of existing albums with relaxation music or books about relaxation and music, music therapy programs or books,...

Hope this helps, just a few ideas popping in my head. ;)
Good luck with it!


How about "music and color?" Every song has emotions and some music makes you think of certain color. I play the piano too and I remember my teacher talked about it. I went to see Dustin O'halloran's show (Do you listen to him?) and he also asked the audience about the color.

Have you already written about "time of the day" type of things? This song is perfect for morning/night/before you sleep, etc. This electronic music is perfect for when you are jogging, etc. Maybe you already have, but just an idea.

Is the keyword "spa music" as competitive as yoga music or relaxation music?

Can you do reviews about musical instruments that you like?

What else do you like ?

Go with that boy tie it back to your main site interest

Hey Weston, about tips and ideas, you may want to read my list of resources which I just posted recently here, hope it helps a little :

I am listening to relaxation music right now as I write. The company that send me the sample is marketing along a program for focus, relaxation, attention, life goals etc, the program is 12 melodies + guided meditation. I bough other program for health and rejuvenation, it came with an ebook about healthy diet, exercises and recommended supplements plus three 20 minutes melodies.

You could sell your music not only to yoga teachers but to anybody that likes music ,or knows or want to know about the healing properties of music, a lot of people need to relax nowadays.

You could write about the history of music in relation to healing, courting, celebration, mourning, the greatest musicians, types of music, effects in the brain if you want to be more scientific or how you began with music if you do not want to do too much research at the beginning of your blog.

Hi, thanks for your comments and suggestions. I actually have my story as part of an email series, although maybe half of my blog could be about my internet marketing journey to keep things more personal for my fans when I start to get them.

But do you know where I can find all of this information? I guess i could just find related blogs, but it's difficult because when I type in relaxation meditation music, yoga music, etc., all Google comes up with is music videos. i'm having trouble finding other blogs on the topic so I can get ideas to write about.

By the way, as a music lover, would you be interested in checking out my music? I'm still getting my new list together, but when it's done I can send you two free relaxation tracks.

You are good !! great music, love it !! I signed in !!

Thank you! Did you sign up to the "Original Music Maker site?" I am actually making a new simpler website right now. If you already signed in no worries! I can add you to my other list when it's set up. Is my music helping you?

Just a thought Weston, leave the word "music" out of your search for ideas. Write about relaxation, yoga, sleep etc. and weave your music suggestions into what you write.

Thanks for the suggestion Marion. I was actually talking with another music marketer from a course I took that I should not do this. He thinks I need to find keywords with the ideas music in them, and that I shouldn't blog about topics I don't know. I would have to learn about yoga in order to blog about it, and I really don't know anything about Yoga right now. So I am stumped.

Can you see where my confusion is? I could find other blogs and read their articles on relaxation and sleep, but I don't know anything about yoga. Should I really blog about yoga if I don't know anything about it? Because my goal here is to get people who do yoga and who are yoga teachers to buy my music. I'm not trying to pass myself off as a yoga expert. Any other thoughts or comments to help clarify this confusion are welcome.

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Stumped - what to blog about?

Stumped - what to blog about?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hello everyone,

Recently I have been growing my online music business with some success. Over the last several months I have been focusing on setting up my business, sys

My ideas:

-Behind the scenes posts - writing about your creative process, how you write music, etc. Y
Interviews in regards to music and how it helps people with the issues you mention.
-Explaining why a specific song or playlist helps.
-Are you qualified to put together yoga routines or meditations that go with your songs?
-Playlists to start your morning right - sometimes I set my phone to start playing a peaceful song before I plan to wake up with the idea that it will start gradually easing my out of sleep.
-Playlist to help you calm down while your driving

Hi Weston,

It's been a while! I am very happy to see that your business is growing :)

You can Google about relaxation music, use Jaaxy or the keyword planner or alphabet soup technique to get some ideas. Maybe also check Amazon to see if any books or products could be interesting.

Quick ideas popping into my mind for blog posts are :

- lists: You can make a list of the '20 most relaxing songs to meditate',' 10 songs that will relax you instantly', if you see where I am getting with this and then offer your music as a freebie when they subscribe to your email list.

- Music production tutorials: how to create relaxing music, tips to create a relaxed atmosphere in a song, ...

- Product reviews of existing albums with relaxation music or books about relaxation and music, music therapy programs or books,...

Hope this helps, just a few ideas popping in my head. ;)
Good luck with it!


How about "music and color?" Every song has emotions and some music makes you think of certain color. I play the piano too and I remember my teacher talked about it. I went to see Dustin O'halloran's show (Do you listen to him?) and he also asked the audience about the color.

Have you already written about "time of the day" type of things? This song is perfect for morning/night/before you sleep, etc. This electronic music is perfect for when you are jogging, etc. Maybe you already have, but just an idea.

Is the keyword "spa music" as competitive as yoga music or relaxation music?

Can you do reviews about musical instruments that you like?

What else do you like ?

Go with that boy tie it back to your main site interest

Hey Weston, about tips and ideas, you may want to read my list of resources which I just posted recently here, hope it helps a little :

I am listening to relaxation music right now as I write. The company that send me the sample is marketing along a program for focus, relaxation, attention, life goals etc, the program is 12 melodies + guided meditation. I bough other program for health and rejuvenation, it came with an ebook about healthy diet, exercises and recommended supplements plus three 20 minutes melodies.

You could sell your music not only to yoga teachers but to anybody that likes music ,or knows or want to know about the healing properties of music, a lot of people need to relax nowadays.

You could write about the history of music in relation to healing, courting, celebration, mourning, the greatest musicians, types of music, effects in the brain if you want to be more scientific or how you began with music if you do not want to do too much research at the beginning of your blog.

Hi, thanks for your comments and suggestions. I actually have my story as part of an email series, although maybe half of my blog could be about my internet marketing journey to keep things more personal for my fans when I start to get them.

But do you know where I can find all of this information? I guess i could just find related blogs, but it's difficult because when I type in relaxation meditation music, yoga music, etc., all Google comes up with is music videos. i'm having trouble finding other blogs on the topic so I can get ideas to write about.

By the way, as a music lover, would you be interested in checking out my music? I'm still getting my new list together, but when it's done I can send you two free relaxation tracks.

You are good !! great music, love it !! I signed in !!

Thank you! Did you sign up to the "Original Music Maker site?" I am actually making a new simpler website right now. If you already signed in no worries! I can add you to my other list when it's set up. Is my music helping you?

Just a thought Weston, leave the word "music" out of your search for ideas. Write about relaxation, yoga, sleep etc. and weave your music suggestions into what you write.

Thanks for the suggestion Marion. I was actually talking with another music marketer from a course I took that I should not do this. He thinks I need to find keywords with the ideas music in them, and that I shouldn't blog about topics I don't know. I would have to learn about yoga in order to blog about it, and I really don't know anything about Yoga right now. So I am stumped.

Can you see where my confusion is? I could find other blogs and read their articles on relaxation and sleep, but I don't know anything about yoga. Should I really blog about yoga if I don't know anything about it? Because my goal here is to get people who do yoga and who are yoga teachers to buy my music. I'm not trying to pass myself off as a yoga expert. Any other thoughts or comments to help clarify this confusion are welcome.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone here knows how to contact Google or YouTube. I have been struggling trying to figure out two things:

1.) I am trying to get a thu

I contacted Youtube via email when my channel was hacked and shutdown. It took 4 months for them to re-activate my channel but you can try here: https://www.youtube.com/t/contact_us

Does anyone here know how to contact google or youtube?

Does anyone here know how to contact google or youtube?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone here knows how to contact Google or YouTube. I have been struggling trying to figure out two things:

1.) I am trying to get a thu

I contacted Youtube via email when my channel was hacked and shutdown. It took 4 months for them to re-activate my channel but you can try here: https://www.youtube.com/t/contact_us

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey everyone, I hope you've been well. I've been crazy busy the past few weeks which is why I have not been on here much. Lots going on but all is well, I hope all is well with

I believe the plugins are designed for Wordpress itself rather than the individual themes.
Check with the company that makes the theme and find out if the pro version will give you the customization features that you are looking for or if they recommend specific plugins that will give you what you want.

Okay, thank you for your answer! I'll see if others recommend or say anything else.

I do not know the answer, because you are ahead of me. I hope you will get more responses. I have wondered about the themes myself. I hope there will be a way to search the various themes on a particular web site. Then the explanations about what the theme can do would also help. I suggest you present this problem to Kyle or Carson to see the probability of adding a feature. Programming is not easy to do, however. But still ask. Is there anyone that wants more information about themes? Please read musicman99 comment about plugins and themes.

Hi, thank you for your response. So I did some asking around. It seems as though that each theme (or many themes) do have premium features that expand it's functionality and what it can do. Plugins are entirely separate from themes. There are certain plugins that you should for sure have installed in your WordPress dashboard (ex. All in One Seo). But if you're looking for your theme to do something that it already doesn't do (like adding a photo gallery) you'd have to search for certain plugins that can do what it is you need done. I hope this helps you! if you have any further questions please ask and I'm happy to help out.

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Does each wordpress theme relate to specific plugins?

Does each wordpress theme relate to specific plugins?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey everyone, I hope you've been well. I've been crazy busy the past few weeks which is why I have not been on here much. Lots going on but all is well, I hope all is well with

I believe the plugins are designed for Wordpress itself rather than the individual themes.
Check with the company that makes the theme and find out if the pro version will give you the customization features that you are looking for or if they recommend specific plugins that will give you what you want.

Okay, thank you for your answer! I'll see if others recommend or say anything else.

I do not know the answer, because you are ahead of me. I hope you will get more responses. I have wondered about the themes myself. I hope there will be a way to search the various themes on a particular web site. Then the explanations about what the theme can do would also help. I suggest you present this problem to Kyle or Carson to see the probability of adding a feature. Programming is not easy to do, however. But still ask. Is there anyone that wants more information about themes? Please read musicman99 comment about plugins and themes.

Hi, thank you for your response. So I did some asking around. It seems as though that each theme (or many themes) do have premium features that expand it's functionality and what it can do. Plugins are entirely separate from themes. There are certain plugins that you should for sure have installed in your WordPress dashboard (ex. All in One Seo). But if you're looking for your theme to do something that it already doesn't do (like adding a photo gallery) you'd have to search for certain plugins that can do what it is you need done. I hope this helps you! if you have any further questions please ask and I'm happy to help out.

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