About LittleClaire
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917 followers Joined January 2015
Hi! I'm Claire and I'm looking to create a flexible business that can be managed from anywhere in the world. I think I





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey everyone

Is anyone else having problems inserting URL links into their posts after updating their version of WP? It started today for me and is intermittent.. it work

No problem with my links... not sure because some of mine links are in the text (HTML) while others are URL and they seem to work ok.

Hey Caroline, thanks for checking. My existing links work fine, but I couldn't add new ones :(

I think it might have been my no_follow plugin - I got a notification to update that this morning so I will test it now and see if it works.


Claire, did you get new links to work? I added a couple after the update and mine worked ok so hope you got your new links to work:)

Hi Caroline

It was the plugin - once it had been updated, adding new links was fine.

Thanks for checking in :)


Just checked - my works ok.
... sorry you're having trouble.

Thanks for checking, Joanne :)


I haven't had any problems but it looks like Garden has you covered

Hey Larry - I did reply to you last night, but guess my iPad decided not to post it - sorry!

Managed to get the post done and published, and I learned something new in the process - I can now comfortably say I can build my own HTML links that open in a new window and are no_follow.. so all is not lost :)


That's great Claire

Hope things are good with you, Larry! :)


Thanks Claire. Yes, everything is as good as can be expected. Thanks for asking

Glad to hear it! :)

I'm not. However, you could try doing a manual rollback of Wordpress if there are issues:

You know I was just thinking about looking up the link you sent me to that, Garen!

I will persevere with the HTML workaround for this post and then I'll try the rollback. Damn it, why was I so hasty to upgrade!


:). I think I have shared this with you before:

I don't like to auto update until 2 weeks after the update. Just saves you a lot of hassles :).

You have. And I am a fool for not paying attention!!

Rollback it is then :)

Bah. Just what I want on a Friday night.


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Anyone having problems adding links after the wp update?

Anyone having problems adding links after the wp update?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey everyone

Is anyone else having problems inserting URL links into their posts after updating their version of WP? It started today for me and is intermittent.. it work

No problem with my links... not sure because some of mine links are in the text (HTML) while others are URL and they seem to work ok.

Hey Caroline, thanks for checking. My existing links work fine, but I couldn't add new ones :(

I think it might have been my no_follow plugin - I got a notification to update that this morning so I will test it now and see if it works.


Claire, did you get new links to work? I added a couple after the update and mine worked ok so hope you got your new links to work:)

Hi Caroline

It was the plugin - once it had been updated, adding new links was fine.

Thanks for checking in :)


Just checked - my works ok.
... sorry you're having trouble.

Thanks for checking, Joanne :)


I haven't had any problems but it looks like Garden has you covered

Hey Larry - I did reply to you last night, but guess my iPad decided not to post it - sorry!

Managed to get the post done and published, and I learned something new in the process - I can now comfortably say I can build my own HTML links that open in a new window and are no_follow.. so all is not lost :)


That's great Claire

Hope things are good with you, Larry! :)


Thanks Claire. Yes, everything is as good as can be expected. Thanks for asking

Glad to hear it! :)

I'm not. However, you could try doing a manual rollback of Wordpress if there are issues:

You know I was just thinking about looking up the link you sent me to that, Garen!

I will persevere with the HTML workaround for this post and then I'll try the rollback. Damn it, why was I so hasty to upgrade!


:). I think I have shared this with you before:

I don't like to auto update until 2 weeks after the update. Just saves you a lot of hassles :).

You have. And I am a fool for not paying attention!!

Rollback it is then :)

Bah. Just what I want on a Friday night.


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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing


Does anyone here use polyvore to create sets/collections to publish on their website? If so, have you driven any traffic to your site this way? I'm curious..


My Grandaughter put it on my phone recently, said it was fun and I could use it to design stuff for my sewing site! I had no idea you could publish and use it to leverage traffic.

It's worth a try, do some testing and see if it works. :)

Oh, yeah, of course.. I guess any kind of design site would benefit from it.. interior design and fashion are probably the best catered for, but you can create all kinds of things.

If you can't find what you want on their site, there is a Chrome extension that you can add to your toolbar.. you just go the site where the item is that you want to add into your collection and hit that button.. then you can access it through Polyvore to create what you like around it :)


Wow, sounds great, I've only ever looked at it on my phone, thanks for the info. :)

Go have fun with it :)

I've made a few boards, they're on my site if you want to see them.. http://handbaghack.com/ (scroll right down to the very bottom).



When I get dressed in the morning these days, I just grab the first rags that come to hand.

Aww, Werner, you're missing out on a whole world of sparkly stuff no-one really needs in their lives. Apart from fashion bloggers! :)


Yep Werner, that's what us "Old Fart Retired" guys do.. Sometimes I don't even get dressed in those old rags until noon...haha.

Larry, behaviour like that is not strictly reserved for old retired farts... I've had (and will continue to have) my fair share of PJ days :D

good to see I'm not alone.. haha

I've got an Apaloosa stallion that gets insulted if I don't mount and ride him every morning. He lets me know and makes me regret it if I don't.

Definitely not an activity to be undertaken in your PJs, Werner! :)

you mean your App isn't a "fashion freak" haha. Many years ago, I had a Morgan that was the same way., Happy Trails Werner

Tia, what's "Polyvore"

Hi Michael

TIA - thanks in advance :)

Polyvore - it's a website that enables you to piece together items of clothing, or household items into sets. It's kinda hard to explain.. have a look http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/home


You can learn something new EVERYDAY here at WA. Thanks.

You're welcome - have fun with it ;)

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Polyvore, anyone? fashion bloggers - do you use it?

Polyvore, anyone? fashion bloggers - do you use it?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing


Does anyone here use polyvore to create sets/collections to publish on their website? If so, have you driven any traffic to your site this way? I'm curious..


My Grandaughter put it on my phone recently, said it was fun and I could use it to design stuff for my sewing site! I had no idea you could publish and use it to leverage traffic.

It's worth a try, do some testing and see if it works. :)

Oh, yeah, of course.. I guess any kind of design site would benefit from it.. interior design and fashion are probably the best catered for, but you can create all kinds of things.

If you can't find what you want on their site, there is a Chrome extension that you can add to your toolbar.. you just go the site where the item is that you want to add into your collection and hit that button.. then you can access it through Polyvore to create what you like around it :)


Wow, sounds great, I've only ever looked at it on my phone, thanks for the info. :)

Go have fun with it :)

I've made a few boards, they're on my site if you want to see them.. http://handbaghack.com/ (scroll right down to the very bottom).



When I get dressed in the morning these days, I just grab the first rags that come to hand.

Aww, Werner, you're missing out on a whole world of sparkly stuff no-one really needs in their lives. Apart from fashion bloggers! :)


Yep Werner, that's what us "Old Fart Retired" guys do.. Sometimes I don't even get dressed in those old rags until noon...haha.

Larry, behaviour like that is not strictly reserved for old retired farts... I've had (and will continue to have) my fair share of PJ days :D

good to see I'm not alone.. haha

I've got an Apaloosa stallion that gets insulted if I don't mount and ride him every morning. He lets me know and makes me regret it if I don't.

Definitely not an activity to be undertaken in your PJs, Werner! :)

you mean your App isn't a "fashion freak" haha. Many years ago, I had a Morgan that was the same way., Happy Trails Werner

Tia, what's "Polyvore"

Hi Michael

TIA - thanks in advance :)

Polyvore - it's a website that enables you to piece together items of clothing, or household items into sets. It's kinda hard to explain.. have a look http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/home


You can learn something new EVERYDAY here at WA. Thanks.

You're welcome - have fun with it ;)

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi everyone

I've been approached and asked to write a guest post!

Now, the site is nothing special (on blogspot), but the person concerned has a decent Twitter follo

Thanks for the thought provoking post. If I'm honest my first thoughts were "Can you do my homework for me too" but I looks like I was hasty and I now concede perhaps it doesn't seem the poor idea I immediately thought it was.

Hi Dave

I kinda share your cynical view, and the reality is, no-one does anything for free these days. So, yes, this guy is probably looking to add a new dimension to his blog and have someone else do the hard work to achieve this.. but in return, I get his social followers and blog readers to visit my site, so I guess there is the potential to be paid for my work, just by way of traffic instead of a financial reward.


I wrote a WA blog about exchanging guest blogs. I've exchanged four guest blogs with fellow WA members. I received expert input for my readers and I hope I provided the same for them.

Thanks, Phil - very useful info!

I have had folks write guest blogs for my site!

Hi Juli :)

Did you give them the topic to write about, or did you let them decide?

And, how did you choose your guest bloggers? Or, did they approach you?


one approached me and wanted to write a blog/review on a book she read and I approached one that was an author and wrote a book on bullying and he wrote most of it and I wrote his introduction and another wrote her story about the trilogy she wrote and I added an introduction to that one too and all the books were available on my site..so we actually promoted each other

Sounds like it worked well in everyone's favour then Juli.

Thank you :)


It's OK to do that.

If you have a chance to do this, I would take it if I were you


Thanks, Barry :)
Pretty sure I'm going to.. just doing some keyword research at the moment to work out my best angle..
To think, I thought social media was all a load of BS.. I'm eating my words now that this has come out of it!

We live and learn


Indeed we do. Sometimes with a slice of humble pie firmly wedged into our mouth :)


Yes Jeff https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/trekrider have wrote one for me, freeimages.siterubix.com

Thanks, Loes.. great example and brilliant article written by Jeff :)

It is, and I am very glad with this article:)

If the site is relevant to your site and in the same area, I would go for it- guest blogging is good to attract new followers while also piggy backing on someone else who has authority in your niche area! I would ask the person that invited you to put a note on their site about who you are and an encouragement for their followers to follow you as well!

Hi Siddharth

Thank you. I'm sold on why to do it, definitely think there are many benefits to guest posting.

Just really looking for other people's experiences - have you guest blogged before?


I haven't as yet but obviously I will be in future :). Just request people if you really want to guest blog on their blog but remember my tips! Maybe one day we can collaborate some time.

Hi Sid

TBH, I didn't seek it out, and I certainly wasn't ever expecting to be asked, but I'll take it :)

I'm not in the money making niche (yet) but we can definitely collaborate if/when I do!

Have a great day!


Yes I've written a guest post for a member here. What I was told was that to write guest blogs for sites relevant to your niche is good. This post I did generated a little bit of extra traffic but not much as the site was still quite young.
I think the trick is to write for well-established sites within your niche.

Thanks, Kathy.

By no means does this opportunity tick all of those boxes, but I guess a little bit of extra exposure is better than nothing? And, I might learn something from the experience, I guess..

Was thinking about making it a two part article - part one (as the guest) and part two (on my site).. what do you think about that?


Yes I agree, any exposure is good!
2 part sounds a good idea, leave a good hook at the end of part one! ;)

Exactly what I was thinking, Kathy :)
Hmm.. I have some work to do to make this content epic!

Let me know when it's done, I'll go and leave a comment. :)

Eek! Thank you, Kathy, I sure will do!
How exciting :)

Hey Kathy, hope you are well?

Just thought I'd let you know the articles have been published! Would love it if you have time to take a look :)

and following on..

Thanks so much!


Very good, have left a comment on both. :)

Thank you SO much!
I shall return the favour :)

Your article really did make me laugh, my hubby was SO I'm not carrying a handbag. His favourite trousers had a ton of pockets and he filled them with more junk than I could ever fit in my handbag!

Really glad you liked it :)
Sounds exactly like my OH! He's the one taking his lunch to work in a tesco carrier bag. Oh, the shame!

No, this is the first I've ever heard of that.

Have a read of this, Michael.. http://www.copyblogger.com/safe-guest-blogging/


Yes this would be worth it as it will drive followers and traffic to your blog. Go for it and measure your success!

All you need to do is deliver great content!

Thanks, Beau! That's what I'm hoping. Don't care much for the back link but traffic would be lovely :)

Have you ever guest blogged? If so, how did it go?


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Has anyone written a guest post for someone else's blog?

Has anyone written a guest post for someone else's blog?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi everyone

I've been approached and asked to write a guest post!

Now, the site is nothing special (on blogspot), but the person concerned has a decent Twitter follo

Thanks for the thought provoking post. If I'm honest my first thoughts were "Can you do my homework for me too" but I looks like I was hasty and I now concede perhaps it doesn't seem the poor idea I immediately thought it was.

Hi Dave

I kinda share your cynical view, and the reality is, no-one does anything for free these days. So, yes, this guy is probably looking to add a new dimension to his blog and have someone else do the hard work to achieve this.. but in return, I get his social followers and blog readers to visit my site, so I guess there is the potential to be paid for my work, just by way of traffic instead of a financial reward.


I wrote a WA blog about exchanging guest blogs. I've exchanged four guest blogs with fellow WA members. I received expert input for my readers and I hope I provided the same for them.

Thanks, Phil - very useful info!

I have had folks write guest blogs for my site!

Hi Juli :)

Did you give them the topic to write about, or did you let them decide?

And, how did you choose your guest bloggers? Or, did they approach you?


one approached me and wanted to write a blog/review on a book she read and I approached one that was an author and wrote a book on bullying and he wrote most of it and I wrote his introduction and another wrote her story about the trilogy she wrote and I added an introduction to that one too and all the books were available on my site..so we actually promoted each other

Sounds like it worked well in everyone's favour then Juli.

Thank you :)


It's OK to do that.

If you have a chance to do this, I would take it if I were you


Thanks, Barry :)
Pretty sure I'm going to.. just doing some keyword research at the moment to work out my best angle..
To think, I thought social media was all a load of BS.. I'm eating my words now that this has come out of it!

We live and learn


Indeed we do. Sometimes with a slice of humble pie firmly wedged into our mouth :)


Yes Jeff https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/trekrider have wrote one for me, freeimages.siterubix.com

Thanks, Loes.. great example and brilliant article written by Jeff :)

It is, and I am very glad with this article:)

If the site is relevant to your site and in the same area, I would go for it- guest blogging is good to attract new followers while also piggy backing on someone else who has authority in your niche area! I would ask the person that invited you to put a note on their site about who you are and an encouragement for their followers to follow you as well!

Hi Siddharth

Thank you. I'm sold on why to do it, definitely think there are many benefits to guest posting.

Just really looking for other people's experiences - have you guest blogged before?


I haven't as yet but obviously I will be in future :). Just request people if you really want to guest blog on their blog but remember my tips! Maybe one day we can collaborate some time.

Hi Sid

TBH, I didn't seek it out, and I certainly wasn't ever expecting to be asked, but I'll take it :)

I'm not in the money making niche (yet) but we can definitely collaborate if/when I do!

Have a great day!


Yes I've written a guest post for a member here. What I was told was that to write guest blogs for sites relevant to your niche is good. This post I did generated a little bit of extra traffic but not much as the site was still quite young.
I think the trick is to write for well-established sites within your niche.

Thanks, Kathy.

By no means does this opportunity tick all of those boxes, but I guess a little bit of extra exposure is better than nothing? And, I might learn something from the experience, I guess..

Was thinking about making it a two part article - part one (as the guest) and part two (on my site).. what do you think about that?


Yes I agree, any exposure is good!
2 part sounds a good idea, leave a good hook at the end of part one! ;)

Exactly what I was thinking, Kathy :)
Hmm.. I have some work to do to make this content epic!

Let me know when it's done, I'll go and leave a comment. :)

Eek! Thank you, Kathy, I sure will do!
How exciting :)

Hey Kathy, hope you are well?

Just thought I'd let you know the articles have been published! Would love it if you have time to take a look :)

and following on..

Thanks so much!


Very good, have left a comment on both. :)

Thank you SO much!
I shall return the favour :)

Your article really did make me laugh, my hubby was SO I'm not carrying a handbag. His favourite trousers had a ton of pockets and he filled them with more junk than I could ever fit in my handbag!

Really glad you liked it :)
Sounds exactly like my OH! He's the one taking his lunch to work in a tesco carrier bag. Oh, the shame!

No, this is the first I've ever heard of that.

Have a read of this, Michael.. http://www.copyblogger.com/safe-guest-blogging/


Yes this would be worth it as it will drive followers and traffic to your blog. Go for it and measure your success!

All you need to do is deliver great content!

Thanks, Beau! That's what I'm hoping. Don't care much for the back link but traffic would be lovely :)

Have you ever guest blogged? If so, how did it go?


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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey everyone

I've been working on a new website for a few weeks and just got it live last night. I'm having issues picking out any errors in my copy as some of the posts

I spotted to written errors on the opening page Claire,you have written May is practically in,instead of May is practically.I do not think you need the in,the other is in the things you take skiing with you,you have left the word to out after refuse.These are only simple things but when you have a site as class looking as it is,you want to have it perfect.Your site looks great and you have obviously done your homework on it.

Thanks so much, Mark - exactly what I needed. Corrected both errors just now :)
Appreciate the kind comments too - I can't take all of the credit though, I think I owe it to the brilliant WP theme!

I thought it looked fine.The pictures of the mountains are breathtaking. Are you from mayslanding NJ?

Hi Michael
Thank you :) Beautiful isn't it!
Nope, I'm from the UK - why do you ask?

I'm from a small town within 5 miles,and a pop-up from Mayslanding NJ showed up.

Ah, Google adsense works on your website cookies, so will show you ads relevant to you.. :)

Hi Claire, I visited your site and I liked it. I like the theme SeaSun so much that I am thinking of using it for my site about mountains. Is your experience with it good so far?

I left you a comment.

Some minor comments. I see you have two sets of social icons, I guess you are using two plugins, this look too much to me. You have nice photos, so perhaps it would be good to have possibility to make them larger by clicking on them. I use a plugin for this.
You should have a defined Home page, so that visitors can easily navigate. I wrote a post on how to make it, can send you, but I guess you know the procedure.

Hi Jovo

Thank you so much for taking a look and leaving such a great comment on the site - very much appreciate it :)

Yes, glad someone mentioned the theme - I love it! Simple but effective. The colour scheme choices are limited (red/green/blue) unless you buy the Pro version, but blue suited me so I didn't bother. Highly recommend - would definitely use it again.

There are social icons for sharing and social icons for following. Unfortunately, I can't rename the Filament plugin and it will remain called 'Flares' unless I upgrade and pay a monthly fee. I might do this in future, but until I make enough money to cover my costs, it's on the backburner.

Would you mind telling me the name of the plugin you use to enlarge the images? I have got them all scaled right down to help with loading time, so actually what is uploaded is the full size image, but would definitely consider making some of them bigger. I hadn't considered this, thank you!

Are you talking about setting a static homepage instead of having the blog roll? I can never make my mind up about this - I do have a static page for some sites, but use the blog for others. I understand the slightly messy/busy look is good to get people clicking around so I'm torn. I also would struggle to know what to write.. I'm not sure putting details about me/the site would encourage people to click any further? How do you do it?

Thanks again, I'm glad you could come along and be objective - was dreading the first answer being along the lines of 'very nice' :)


OK, let me go through your reply. The plugin is Huge IT lightbox; you can see it in my site on mountains if you click on images. Try several because they are of different size and the effect may be different, so you will get some impression. Though in my case it opens photos in the upper-left corner which I dislike (cannot change it, the matter of ,y theme which I like but it has so many issues). I have seen some other thmes and sites where it opens photo in the middle and it looks much better.
Make images small, my are typically around 200 kB or below.

About Home page; you can keep your blog role as your home (landing) page, but you may create 'Home' page which will be this same blog-roll page, so that visitors see it all the time in the menu,and by clicking on it they are back on your blog role. I described it on my second site (where I have only a few posts so far), have a look:


You may test it there, you will see how it works. Creating it is a few minutes job. So it is not the static page in usual sense.
I truly like your site. Jovo

I'll check out the plugin, thank you. If I get it set up, I'll let you know how it works with SeaSun.

OK, I see what you mean now about the link to home. I didn't know how to do it like this, I've been going about it all wrong on my other site by using a plugin. What a moron! All done now :) The theme has a breadcrumb which I like too, but it is only just visible thanks to small and faint text.

Left you a couple of comments by way of showing my appreciation for taking the time to check out the site and providing some valuable feedback on how I can improve it.

Thank you again :)


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Fresh eyes? any snowsports enthusiasts?

Fresh eyes? any snowsports enthusiasts?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey everyone

I've been working on a new website for a few weeks and just got it live last night. I'm having issues picking out any errors in my copy as some of the posts

I spotted to written errors on the opening page Claire,you have written May is practically in,instead of May is practically.I do not think you need the in,the other is in the things you take skiing with you,you have left the word to out after refuse.These are only simple things but when you have a site as class looking as it is,you want to have it perfect.Your site looks great and you have obviously done your homework on it.

Thanks so much, Mark - exactly what I needed. Corrected both errors just now :)
Appreciate the kind comments too - I can't take all of the credit though, I think I owe it to the brilliant WP theme!

I thought it looked fine.The pictures of the mountains are breathtaking. Are you from mayslanding NJ?

Hi Michael
Thank you :) Beautiful isn't it!
Nope, I'm from the UK - why do you ask?

I'm from a small town within 5 miles,and a pop-up from Mayslanding NJ showed up.

Ah, Google adsense works on your website cookies, so will show you ads relevant to you.. :)

Hi Claire, I visited your site and I liked it. I like the theme SeaSun so much that I am thinking of using it for my site about mountains. Is your experience with it good so far?

I left you a comment.

Some minor comments. I see you have two sets of social icons, I guess you are using two plugins, this look too much to me. You have nice photos, so perhaps it would be good to have possibility to make them larger by clicking on them. I use a plugin for this.
You should have a defined Home page, so that visitors can easily navigate. I wrote a post on how to make it, can send you, but I guess you know the procedure.

Hi Jovo

Thank you so much for taking a look and leaving such a great comment on the site - very much appreciate it :)

Yes, glad someone mentioned the theme - I love it! Simple but effective. The colour scheme choices are limited (red/green/blue) unless you buy the Pro version, but blue suited me so I didn't bother. Highly recommend - would definitely use it again.

There are social icons for sharing and social icons for following. Unfortunately, I can't rename the Filament plugin and it will remain called 'Flares' unless I upgrade and pay a monthly fee. I might do this in future, but until I make enough money to cover my costs, it's on the backburner.

Would you mind telling me the name of the plugin you use to enlarge the images? I have got them all scaled right down to help with loading time, so actually what is uploaded is the full size image, but would definitely consider making some of them bigger. I hadn't considered this, thank you!

Are you talking about setting a static homepage instead of having the blog roll? I can never make my mind up about this - I do have a static page for some sites, but use the blog for others. I understand the slightly messy/busy look is good to get people clicking around so I'm torn. I also would struggle to know what to write.. I'm not sure putting details about me/the site would encourage people to click any further? How do you do it?

Thanks again, I'm glad you could come along and be objective - was dreading the first answer being along the lines of 'very nice' :)


OK, let me go through your reply. The plugin is Huge IT lightbox; you can see it in my site on mountains if you click on images. Try several because they are of different size and the effect may be different, so you will get some impression. Though in my case it opens photos in the upper-left corner which I dislike (cannot change it, the matter of ,y theme which I like but it has so many issues). I have seen some other thmes and sites where it opens photo in the middle and it looks much better.
Make images small, my are typically around 200 kB or below.

About Home page; you can keep your blog role as your home (landing) page, but you may create 'Home' page which will be this same blog-roll page, so that visitors see it all the time in the menu,and by clicking on it they are back on your blog role. I described it on my second site (where I have only a few posts so far), have a look:


You may test it there, you will see how it works. Creating it is a few minutes job. So it is not the static page in usual sense.
I truly like your site. Jovo

I'll check out the plugin, thank you. If I get it set up, I'll let you know how it works with SeaSun.

OK, I see what you mean now about the link to home. I didn't know how to do it like this, I've been going about it all wrong on my other site by using a plugin. What a moron! All done now :) The theme has a breadcrumb which I like too, but it is only just visible thanks to small and faint text.

Left you a couple of comments by way of showing my appreciation for taking the time to check out the site and providing some valuable feedback on how I can improve it.

Thank you again :)


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