About JosonInc
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Hi All.. Joe here. Retired, US Navy. In electrical industry. Love to use my God-given knowledge to help others and myself . Currently preoccupied with





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asked in
Getting Started

Hello there Site Support:
This is an inquiry as to the proper steps to take when leaving WA perhaps for a time or permanently.
1. What happens to the websit

Thanks Marion!


Your website will be held for 60 days, so if your intending to be away longer you might want to move it to another hoster, or at least make a copy.

You need to cancel your automatic subscription renewal, so that the money isn't taken out of your bank account.

Thanks for the feedback Geoffrey!


This question has been asked to the Community and not to SiteSupport.

When you leave WA, you will lose access to your account and your websites will go offline.

A backup will be kept for up to 60 days, should you return.

The correct steps to take are to backup your websites, fully, and to migrate them to another web host, if you want them to remain online.

SiteRubix subdomain’s cannot be transferred to another host, as they belong to WA, but the website content belongs to you.

Thank you for this feedback Chrystopher. Truly appreciate it.


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Guidelines for wa members leaving wa for a time?

Guidelines for wa members leaving wa for a time?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello there Site Support:
This is an inquiry as to the proper steps to take when leaving WA perhaps for a time or permanently.
1. What happens to the websit

Thanks Marion!


Your website will be held for 60 days, so if your intending to be away longer you might want to move it to another hoster, or at least make a copy.

You need to cancel your automatic subscription renewal, so that the money isn't taken out of your bank account.

Thanks for the feedback Geoffrey!


This question has been asked to the Community and not to SiteSupport.

When you leave WA, you will lose access to your account and your websites will go offline.

A backup will be kept for up to 60 days, should you return.

The correct steps to take are to backup your websites, fully, and to migrate them to another web host, if you want them to remain online.

SiteRubix subdomain’s cannot be transferred to another host, as they belong to WA, but the website content belongs to you.

Thank you for this feedback Chrystopher. Truly appreciate it.


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asked in
Getting Started

My blog post 'Are We Alone In The Universe' seems inaccessible when I try to search it in google without logging in to Wealthy Affiliate. The rest of the blog posts on my blog

Did you try submitting it to be google indexed?

Wealthy Affiliate does not want duplicate content any more than you'd want it on your own website. If you want to post the same article on Facebook then it would be a good idea to delete it from your WA blog.

And if you want to post it on your own website then just use an introductory paragraph on Facebook which links to the article on your site.

Sometimes a post at WA is "ghosted" because it doesn't follow WA guidelines. This means that only the original poster can see it.

Please read "About blogging at WA" at the foot of the window where you write your blog posts and the full rules at

If I created a WA blog and posted this blog in facebook, is this a violation of any WA rules?


Please read the rules I linked to above, in particular, #2 and #3.

2. No copied content allowed to be posted here at Wealthy Affiliate. This content will be immediately removed and you will lose posting privileges.
3. Do not copy content from WA and post it somewhere else on the Internet. This includes copying your own blog content and putting it on your website.

No duplicate content is permitted. You could lose your posting privileges.

Could you give me a yes or no answer? If I posted any of my Wealthy Affiliate blog on the internet, specifically Facebook, will I be breaking a Wealthy Affiliate rule?

If I am breaking a rule, which rule will I be breaking?

Thanks Marion.


Please read my answer above.



Rule #3 states "Do not copy content from WA and post it somewhere else on the Internet. This includes copying your own blog content and putting it on your website."

Below is an article posted by Kyle in Facebook.


Now, here is a link to the same article within WA. Is Kyle spamming?


Are you joking? Kyle's Facebook post is a link to the actual post at WA. It's not duplicate content.

I'm not interested in having an argument here, Joe. So no matter what you reply to this I'm not going to respond.

Sorry to see you think my objective is an argument. I was showing examples of what I understand your reasoning to be.

You do not need to respond to this.


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Blog post 'are we alone in the universe'?

Blog post 'are we alone in the universe'?

asked in
Getting Started

My blog post 'Are We Alone In The Universe' seems inaccessible when I try to search it in google without logging in to Wealthy Affiliate. The rest of the blog posts on my blog

Did you try submitting it to be google indexed?

Wealthy Affiliate does not want duplicate content any more than you'd want it on your own website. If you want to post the same article on Facebook then it would be a good idea to delete it from your WA blog.

And if you want to post it on your own website then just use an introductory paragraph on Facebook which links to the article on your site.

Sometimes a post at WA is "ghosted" because it doesn't follow WA guidelines. This means that only the original poster can see it.

Please read "About blogging at WA" at the foot of the window where you write your blog posts and the full rules at

If I created a WA blog and posted this blog in facebook, is this a violation of any WA rules?


Please read the rules I linked to above, in particular, #2 and #3.

2. No copied content allowed to be posted here at Wealthy Affiliate. This content will be immediately removed and you will lose posting privileges.
3. Do not copy content from WA and post it somewhere else on the Internet. This includes copying your own blog content and putting it on your website.

No duplicate content is permitted. You could lose your posting privileges.

Could you give me a yes or no answer? If I posted any of my Wealthy Affiliate blog on the internet, specifically Facebook, will I be breaking a Wealthy Affiliate rule?

If I am breaking a rule, which rule will I be breaking?

Thanks Marion.


Please read my answer above.



Rule #3 states "Do not copy content from WA and post it somewhere else on the Internet. This includes copying your own blog content and putting it on your website."

Below is an article posted by Kyle in Facebook.


Now, here is a link to the same article within WA. Is Kyle spamming?


Are you joking? Kyle's Facebook post is a link to the actual post at WA. It's not duplicate content.

I'm not interested in having an argument here, Joe. So no matter what you reply to this I'm not going to respond.

Sorry to see you think my objective is an argument. I was showing examples of what I understand your reasoning to be.

You do not need to respond to this.


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