About Lex666
Rank 18161
802 followers Joined June 2020
Hello everyone I’m 19 years old and excited to be a part of wealthy affiliate. I’ve always liked the idea of starting my own business,





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I accidentally liked a homophobic comment and would like to know if I can unlike it. If not I'll just delete it.

I agree that with others that the W.A. community is a place where we all meet, share, help, and engage in proper conversations. There should be no hatred, slurs, or insulting comments to anyone in any personal manner. I find the W.A. community to be a more like a business community with ideas to help us build on our goals. This is not some kind of low budget social media to say things to hurt one another. Most of us paid to be here. We expect to see great and positive values. That's why Kyle stated in the rules section to keep political, religious, and other confrontational rants out of this platform. I'm not afraid to report anyone if I find stuff like these. It's just not the right place to do this. That said, let's continue to build our dreams by getting somewhere. All the best!

Thank you! I’m reporting the comment

Comments can be deleted. Likes cant be! But don't worry too much about it. Forget it and move on. We have all seen our share of creepy comments here, once in a while. A global community will have communication gaps too; so many different cultures meshing together. It's a wonder actually.

Though everyone is through understanding here, but sometimes people tend to get carried away about certain things.

If I didn't like something, I may advise the person, that too in private, but not sit in judgement too soon or ever.

Just a thought.

Hi Lex, I have to go along with what Jaz333, and Dale123 have to say. WA is no place for comments such as the one you recieved. I feel it should be reported to Kyle, so repitation does not occur. After reporting it I would delete it.

Best wishes,

As others have stated, you are unable to unlike a comment.

I think the bigger issue here is the fact that the comment is homophobic though. The platform is meant to be a friendly safe place for members so, in my opinion, the comment should be flagged as inappropriate and reported as spam.

Ok I will thanks for the response

No you cannot unlike it.

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Can you unlike a comment?

Can you unlike a comment?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I accidentally liked a homophobic comment and would like to know if I can unlike it. If not I'll just delete it.

I agree that with others that the W.A. community is a place where we all meet, share, help, and engage in proper conversations. There should be no hatred, slurs, or insulting comments to anyone in any personal manner. I find the W.A. community to be a more like a business community with ideas to help us build on our goals. This is not some kind of low budget social media to say things to hurt one another. Most of us paid to be here. We expect to see great and positive values. That's why Kyle stated in the rules section to keep political, religious, and other confrontational rants out of this platform. I'm not afraid to report anyone if I find stuff like these. It's just not the right place to do this. That said, let's continue to build our dreams by getting somewhere. All the best!

Thank you! I’m reporting the comment

Comments can be deleted. Likes cant be! But don't worry too much about it. Forget it and move on. We have all seen our share of creepy comments here, once in a while. A global community will have communication gaps too; so many different cultures meshing together. It's a wonder actually.

Though everyone is through understanding here, but sometimes people tend to get carried away about certain things.

If I didn't like something, I may advise the person, that too in private, but not sit in judgement too soon or ever.

Just a thought.

Hi Lex, I have to go along with what Jaz333, and Dale123 have to say. WA is no place for comments such as the one you recieved. I feel it should be reported to Kyle, so repitation does not occur. After reporting it I would delete it.

Best wishes,

As others have stated, you are unable to unlike a comment.

I think the bigger issue here is the fact that the comment is homophobic though. The platform is meant to be a friendly safe place for members so, in my opinion, the comment should be flagged as inappropriate and reported as spam.

Ok I will thanks for the response

No you cannot unlike it.

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