About jilly6
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552 followers Joined August 2014
My name is Donna and I am a mother of 8 and they are all finally becoming self sufficient. Now it's time for me





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

web page? It's in a blue box. I looked it up but it was a long code sequence I didn't understand

seems like you got your question answered all the best

go to APPEARANCE --> CUSTOMIZE, then there should be a "Blog" tab for you to drop down...

then a drop down menu gives you 2 choices:
1) show full post
2) show excerpt

I imagine it's on show excerpt right now, which is giving you the continue reading. So, just select "show full post"

Hope this helps!


I must have deleted something because I'm not doing a blog but what you suggested didn't work. I don't have a blog tab. Do you know how to get it back?

what did you do exactly and what did you delete?

what is your website?

Thank you Jimmy. I'm still looking for the drop down but I can't seem to find it. Is it on the main page or on the web page menu?

well, I deleted the whole thing thinking I deleted the part about blog. I don't think I actually ever saw it.. Now I was dumb enough to choose my own password and I didn't forget it, it just didn't work so I've been waiting hours for them to email the info to me. I'm going to have to go put in a ticket. So there is no website to look at I don't think. You can try. www.coffeeandcandles@siterubix.com thankss

I cannot find the blog tab anywhere. Maybe it's not on my template? Thanks Donna

what blog tab?

I'm not doing a blog site, but more of an affiliate site. That's why I don't want that there. But I understand why it's there. I just don't need it. It looks out of place. Any ideas?

Mine is an affiliate site too. A post is the same thing as a blog, hence the name blog post, and all posts/blogs you create are displayed on your home page by default like on my website. But you can get rid of that box by doing what Jimmy (blairdc) said above.

ok - I'll try again. Thanks!

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Does anyone know how too get rid of continue reading on my ?

Does anyone know how too get rid of continue reading on my ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

web page? It's in a blue box. I looked it up but it was a long code sequence I didn't understand

seems like you got your question answered all the best

go to APPEARANCE --> CUSTOMIZE, then there should be a "Blog" tab for you to drop down...

then a drop down menu gives you 2 choices:
1) show full post
2) show excerpt

I imagine it's on show excerpt right now, which is giving you the continue reading. So, just select "show full post"

Hope this helps!


I must have deleted something because I'm not doing a blog but what you suggested didn't work. I don't have a blog tab. Do you know how to get it back?

what did you do exactly and what did you delete?

what is your website?

Thank you Jimmy. I'm still looking for the drop down but I can't seem to find it. Is it on the main page or on the web page menu?

well, I deleted the whole thing thinking I deleted the part about blog. I don't think I actually ever saw it.. Now I was dumb enough to choose my own password and I didn't forget it, it just didn't work so I've been waiting hours for them to email the info to me. I'm going to have to go put in a ticket. So there is no website to look at I don't think. You can try. www.coffeeandcandles@siterubix.com thankss

I cannot find the blog tab anywhere. Maybe it's not on my template? Thanks Donna

what blog tab?

I'm not doing a blog site, but more of an affiliate site. That's why I don't want that there. But I understand why it's there. I just don't need it. It looks out of place. Any ideas?

Mine is an affiliate site too. A post is the same thing as a blog, hence the name blog post, and all posts/blogs you create are displayed on your home page by default like on my website. But you can get rid of that box by doing what Jimmy (blairdc) said above.

ok - I'll try again. Thanks!

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

to the affiliates who want to see your website when all I have is a header and the item names? I have no pictures because I can't take them from the website

Hi Jilly, I found a VERY fine example for anyone who cares to look.
I was impressed when I looked at it this morning. Jon

Yes, that's a great way to get the site in there. This site looks like it could be the town i grew up in, Mt Joy is 5 min from where I live. How are you? I'm a mess with this blog. It has light blue lines throughout the pages and when I try to type on the front page, it only types a little and it makes a blue box and it says read more, I can't figure out how to get this away. All I found was a HUGE code to write somewhere but I don't know where. I'm ready to switch templates

Hi Jilly, I'm not advertising for that site, I just saw the owner of it on G+, A Christian woman who impressed me, & thought that I'd share it as possible help for anyone who cared to look.
Thank You for asking, I'm doing fine Jilly. Have you asked for help from any of the veteran members yet? Ok If you switch templates, make sure to look at the demo & the ratings at the bottom of the demo, That will save you trouble later on. Look for 4.8 or better 5 is best & about resolved issues. Jon

Hi, Jilly, Mine is as well. and what I do is write about the topic, or write a review of the product, and then link to the product. Here is an example. My home page is www.mydoggiedoodle.com. Here is the link to one of my posts: http://mydoggiedoodle.com/best-treats-dogs/soft-chewy-dog-treats/
Not that I'm an expert! Hope this helps!

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My wesite is all affiliate items  how to i present my websi?

My wesite is all affiliate items how to i present my websi?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

to the affiliates who want to see your website when all I have is a header and the item names? I have no pictures because I can't take them from the website

Hi Jilly, I found a VERY fine example for anyone who cares to look.
I was impressed when I looked at it this morning. Jon

Yes, that's a great way to get the site in there. This site looks like it could be the town i grew up in, Mt Joy is 5 min from where I live. How are you? I'm a mess with this blog. It has light blue lines throughout the pages and when I try to type on the front page, it only types a little and it makes a blue box and it says read more, I can't figure out how to get this away. All I found was a HUGE code to write somewhere but I don't know where. I'm ready to switch templates

Hi Jilly, I'm not advertising for that site, I just saw the owner of it on G+, A Christian woman who impressed me, & thought that I'd share it as possible help for anyone who cared to look.
Thank You for asking, I'm doing fine Jilly. Have you asked for help from any of the veteran members yet? Ok If you switch templates, make sure to look at the demo & the ratings at the bottom of the demo, That will save you trouble later on. Look for 4.8 or better 5 is best & about resolved issues. Jon

Hi, Jilly, Mine is as well. and what I do is write about the topic, or write a review of the product, and then link to the product. Here is an example. My home page is www.mydoggiedoodle.com. Here is the link to one of my posts: http://mydoggiedoodle.com/best-treats-dogs/soft-chewy-dog-treats/
Not that I'm an expert! Hope this helps!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm confused what you do with affiliates. I'm selling candles - do I just add a pic from their website and will it just direct them to their website?

make sure you get your affiliate link so when it redirects them to the site you get credit for it

Thanks I just got a letter saying I can use Amazon now while my application is being approved, I can link to their site on the products I want.

You need to apply to be an affiliate. Once you do, some will give you access right away, such as AMAZON, they go back and look at your site and give you a final yea or nay. But they give you access right away so you can get everything you need from your affiliate page there.

does your site have to be .com or .org?

I don't think so. They will eventually go in and review your site and then send you an official approval or rejection, but it took them a month to do that with me.

I've just reached the point of applying for affiliate programs now (Course 3, Lesson 2). I blog about healthy eating so I'm applying to be able to put affiliate links to vendors whose products match well with what I'm blogging about.

It was just a general question I had been curious to the answer. I wanted to know how it worked, I'm still behind that - I'm setting up the basics of my website.

Do you actually sell candles? Then if so, you don't need affiliates if you're into e-commerce. Unless you blog about candles, then you can apply as an affiliate with companies that sell candles and offer affiliate programs. It's only when you are approved as an affiliate do you get links and banners from these affiliate groups.

Yes I knew you had to be approved. I tested a lot of candless to decide which ones I wanted to apply for an affiliate with. Thanks!

Hi Donna, you could check out this training by Kyle, I think that will help you.https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/online-entrepreneur-certification-making-money-level-3/the-affiliate-model

yes I'm going to do that, thanks.

Some have links or ads you can put on your page. With some affiliates, I write a blog or review and then add the link to there site within the content I am writing about. So the topic your writing about should be relevant to the affiliate in the page link.

Great perspective - i wasn't thinking of going that way at all.

Every little link to an affiliate can create great success I believe, especially for my niche with the wide variety of relevant topics with computers.
Good luck.


thanks, I'm getting some links to use once I finish my website. Almost there.

Sounds great! :)

Steve's right. You have to apply for the respective affiliate program or you won't get the commission. Don't get upset if you get turned down at first. I've been turned down by many, but accepted by some, too. They like to see sites with lots of content. For candles, type into Google Yankee Candle Affiliate Program and see what you get. Replace Yankee Candle with any other source you like that sells candles. Good Luck, Jill!

you will want to direct people to their sites through an affiliate link. Be sure to apply for affiliate programs first and get the links that will earn you a commission :)

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I want affiliates on my website do i just add their site?

I want affiliates on my website do i just add their site?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm confused what you do with affiliates. I'm selling candles - do I just add a pic from their website and will it just direct them to their website?

make sure you get your affiliate link so when it redirects them to the site you get credit for it

Thanks I just got a letter saying I can use Amazon now while my application is being approved, I can link to their site on the products I want.

You need to apply to be an affiliate. Once you do, some will give you access right away, such as AMAZON, they go back and look at your site and give you a final yea or nay. But they give you access right away so you can get everything you need from your affiliate page there.

does your site have to be .com or .org?

I don't think so. They will eventually go in and review your site and then send you an official approval or rejection, but it took them a month to do that with me.

I've just reached the point of applying for affiliate programs now (Course 3, Lesson 2). I blog about healthy eating so I'm applying to be able to put affiliate links to vendors whose products match well with what I'm blogging about.

It was just a general question I had been curious to the answer. I wanted to know how it worked, I'm still behind that - I'm setting up the basics of my website.

Do you actually sell candles? Then if so, you don't need affiliates if you're into e-commerce. Unless you blog about candles, then you can apply as an affiliate with companies that sell candles and offer affiliate programs. It's only when you are approved as an affiliate do you get links and banners from these affiliate groups.

Yes I knew you had to be approved. I tested a lot of candless to decide which ones I wanted to apply for an affiliate with. Thanks!

Hi Donna, you could check out this training by Kyle, I think that will help you.https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/online-entrepreneur-certification-making-money-level-3/the-affiliate-model

yes I'm going to do that, thanks.

Some have links or ads you can put on your page. With some affiliates, I write a blog or review and then add the link to there site within the content I am writing about. So the topic your writing about should be relevant to the affiliate in the page link.

Great perspective - i wasn't thinking of going that way at all.

Every little link to an affiliate can create great success I believe, especially for my niche with the wide variety of relevant topics with computers.
Good luck.


thanks, I'm getting some links to use once I finish my website. Almost there.

Sounds great! :)

Steve's right. You have to apply for the respective affiliate program or you won't get the commission. Don't get upset if you get turned down at first. I've been turned down by many, but accepted by some, too. They like to see sites with lots of content. For candles, type into Google Yankee Candle Affiliate Program and see what you get. Replace Yankee Candle with any other source you like that sells candles. Good Luck, Jill!

you will want to direct people to their sites through an affiliate link. Be sure to apply for affiliate programs first and get the links that will earn you a commission :)

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