About FrankM64
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831 followers Joined July 2018
Hello, my name is Frank. I’m 53 years old. Married with 5 grown children. I’m an avid cyclist, hiker and love to





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

My WA site manager portal shows Google has indexed. My google search console shows 0 pages indexed. But, I have crawl stats. Can my site have been crawled, without being ind

Hi Frank,

Don't too concerned, these things don't happen in real time so there can be a time delay, it will work it's self through.

There are two quick ways to check if a site or post has been indexed.

Just enter,

site: your domain name (URL) in the search bar

What will happen is Google will provide a list of all the content associated with that site that has been indexed.

If it is a post then look for the little green arrow at the end of the search title as it appears in the results

Click the arrow there will be a drop-down menu select cached and when the site opens in the browser there will be a popup letting you know the last time google bot crawled the post /website.

No arrow or possibly a, ? mark inside a grey circle may indicate that the post/site has not been indexed.

Probably easier to see the images below
hope it makes sense, try it out on one of your posts.

Hi Frank,
Excellent questions and a thank you for all of the great answers below.
Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

The Google Index in WA means that Google is now starting to crawl your site that's why you have the crawl stats. But in order for your actual content to be indexed and rank in Google, it can take some time.

At the same time, you can use the "Fetch As Google" function in search console to ask Google to index your content right away.

Just take note that anything with search console it may take some time. It's not immediate.

I would do what Mike has suggested below to confirm if the post has been indexed.

Just type site:yoursite.com and G will show all the indexed posts. The different between the 2 can be for a reason.


here's how I see if my pages or site is indexed on chrome or forefox browser> I type this in the search bar or address bar > site:http://domainname.com (just like that with the site and the colon) I can do the same thing with any post by going to the wordpress editor > all post > the post in question > click on preview > copy the url from the address bar (being careful not to get anything past the url I'm searching for (don't get this=?preview_id=182........) If the website or post or page is indexed it will be there, if not google ask if it's your page or something or the sort.

I’m glad you asked this, because I have the same question. I’ll be following to read the responses.

Wa shows indexed, google says no index?

Wa shows indexed, google says no index?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

My WA site manager portal shows Google has indexed. My google search console shows 0 pages indexed. But, I have crawl stats. Can my site have been crawled, without being ind

Hi Frank,

Don't too concerned, these things don't happen in real time so there can be a time delay, it will work it's self through.

There are two quick ways to check if a site or post has been indexed.

Just enter,

site: your domain name (URL) in the search bar

What will happen is Google will provide a list of all the content associated with that site that has been indexed.

If it is a post then look for the little green arrow at the end of the search title as it appears in the results

Click the arrow there will be a drop-down menu select cached and when the site opens in the browser there will be a popup letting you know the last time google bot crawled the post /website.

No arrow or possibly a, ? mark inside a grey circle may indicate that the post/site has not been indexed.

Probably easier to see the images below
hope it makes sense, try it out on one of your posts.

Hi Frank,
Excellent questions and a thank you for all of the great answers below.
Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

The Google Index in WA means that Google is now starting to crawl your site that's why you have the crawl stats. But in order for your actual content to be indexed and rank in Google, it can take some time.

At the same time, you can use the "Fetch As Google" function in search console to ask Google to index your content right away.

Just take note that anything with search console it may take some time. It's not immediate.

I would do what Mike has suggested below to confirm if the post has been indexed.

Just type site:yoursite.com and G will show all the indexed posts. The different between the 2 can be for a reason.


here's how I see if my pages or site is indexed on chrome or forefox browser> I type this in the search bar or address bar > site:http://domainname.com (just like that with the site and the colon) I can do the same thing with any post by going to the wordpress editor > all post > the post in question > click on preview > copy the url from the address bar (being careful not to get anything past the url I'm searching for (don't get this=?preview_id=182........) If the website or post or page is indexed it will be there, if not google ask if it's your page or something or the sort.

I’m glad you asked this, because I have the same question. I’ll be following to read the responses.

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

So here is my question. I have an up and running website. It is currently bringing in consistently $1500-$1800 per month. What percentage of this income should i be redirect

I would put back about 10% back into the business. It depends on what you need for other responsibilities.

I would say set yourself a budget every month for marketing, and then increase this as your profit increases, then you should be able to track your advertise spend and analyse how much extra income it is bringing in. Most businesses will have a set amount for marketing. Once you reach the set amount that is bringing you in the income you want then that would be your marketing budget going forward.

Yes, definitely I need to create a marketing plan. When I first started, it felt like just a "hobby". Now as it is making money, I wasn't prepared for a marketing strategy.


You should give yourself a big pat on the back. gaving an online business bringing in consistent income. Keep doing what your doing and you will see that income doible in no time

Personally I would suggest investing some 20% each month into a saving scheme, bonds or anything that will make you money in the long term. In other words diversify so that you have an additional income. Eventually tis could of course be invested in property and other such items. Then consider an amount to build your business even further.

Thank you for the information. I dabble in Foreign Exchange Currency Trading. A portion to that account couldn't hurt.

Could be a plan.

First of all congratulations. Good to see you are making money.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Following the WA instructions definitely pays.

Great question Frank!

This really depend on your financial situation. If you have other income streams that can support your living, maybe it's a good idea to re-invest those money back into your business.

If not, it's really up to you based on your financial situation. So plan your expenses properly.

As for how to invest, I think you should have a few investments going on at the same time.

Hiring writers to write content can be one of them. But make sure you spend time to find the right writers to work with and preferably work long term. And also make sure you give clear instructions on what to do to achieve the best results.

As or Facebook Ads, I would recommend using Facebook Pixel. That's re-targeting. It should be much more cost-effective.
If you don't know about Facebook Pixel, you can refer here:

You can try PPC as well. Ultimately, it's all about testing which one works and how to improve conversion rate.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for the info Jerry. I will check into all of these.

Honestly, while my website isn't making $1500 yet I'm putting everything back into it, and plan to keep doing that and scaling everything up!
So far I've added ClickFunnels, Aweber, and some other stuff and it's not costing me anything out of pocket. Then I use PPC (Solo ads and adwords)

I noticed the last thing you said was that you don't like writing. If I were you I would invest in the latest talk to text software! It will make content a breeze ! It's working for me in a big way!


ah, great info. what talk to text are you using? I'd like to hear more about that. thanks

Check out the last sub-chapter of this article:


Thank you for the great article. (The smile pop up half way through was fun)

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How much money should I put back into my online business?

How much money should I put back into my online business?

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

So here is my question. I have an up and running website. It is currently bringing in consistently $1500-$1800 per month. What percentage of this income should i be redirect

I would put back about 10% back into the business. It depends on what you need for other responsibilities.

I would say set yourself a budget every month for marketing, and then increase this as your profit increases, then you should be able to track your advertise spend and analyse how much extra income it is bringing in. Most businesses will have a set amount for marketing. Once you reach the set amount that is bringing you in the income you want then that would be your marketing budget going forward.

Yes, definitely I need to create a marketing plan. When I first started, it felt like just a "hobby". Now as it is making money, I wasn't prepared for a marketing strategy.


You should give yourself a big pat on the back. gaving an online business bringing in consistent income. Keep doing what your doing and you will see that income doible in no time

Personally I would suggest investing some 20% each month into a saving scheme, bonds or anything that will make you money in the long term. In other words diversify so that you have an additional income. Eventually tis could of course be invested in property and other such items. Then consider an amount to build your business even further.

Thank you for the information. I dabble in Foreign Exchange Currency Trading. A portion to that account couldn't hurt.

Could be a plan.

First of all congratulations. Good to see you are making money.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Following the WA instructions definitely pays.

Great question Frank!

This really depend on your financial situation. If you have other income streams that can support your living, maybe it's a good idea to re-invest those money back into your business.

If not, it's really up to you based on your financial situation. So plan your expenses properly.

As for how to invest, I think you should have a few investments going on at the same time.

Hiring writers to write content can be one of them. But make sure you spend time to find the right writers to work with and preferably work long term. And also make sure you give clear instructions on what to do to achieve the best results.

As or Facebook Ads, I would recommend using Facebook Pixel. That's re-targeting. It should be much more cost-effective.
If you don't know about Facebook Pixel, you can refer here:

You can try PPC as well. Ultimately, it's all about testing which one works and how to improve conversion rate.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for the info Jerry. I will check into all of these.

Honestly, while my website isn't making $1500 yet I'm putting everything back into it, and plan to keep doing that and scaling everything up!
So far I've added ClickFunnels, Aweber, and some other stuff and it's not costing me anything out of pocket. Then I use PPC (Solo ads and adwords)

I noticed the last thing you said was that you don't like writing. If I were you I would invest in the latest talk to text software! It will make content a breeze ! It's working for me in a big way!


ah, great info. what talk to text are you using? I'd like to hear more about that. thanks

Check out the last sub-chapter of this article:


Thank you for the great article. (The smile pop up half way through was fun)

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

On my website I have blog posts discussing a variety of in depth subjects. When funneling the visitors to the purchase decision, I am creating a page for each product titled:

The 2nd time you use it you need to vary the words so it won't be considered duplicate content.

Tried and True


Yes, it is duplicate content. Reword it.

Google is smart, naturally it's your content and there is no copyright infringement, but it doesn't like when things are repeated several times. SEO plugins like Yoast talk about this.

Best to never reuse regular paragraphs or sentences.

The exception would be bullet points covering aspects of a review or headings like, "in conclusion".

There is a difference between reusing content from another post, and using a similar "format" to your posts. One is repetition that may harm SEO, the other is a form of branding.

Hope that gives some clarity :)

First off, there is no 'duplicate content penalty' other than a copyright violation, which is not applicable since you are the original content creator. Also, since these are internal links and the copy is 'duplicated' within your own site, it really isn't duplicate content in the first place. It's the same content presented in two places on the same site, not content copied from someone else's website.

awesome, thank you for the insight. i appreciate the quick reply.

So these are landing pages then... yeah, I would agree with Mel, duplicate content wouldn't apply to landing pages as they are not so apt to be offered in search results... unless a keyword like "buy [product name here]" is searched for.

And even then, I have yet to see a landing page offered in any of my "buy" type searches on Google.

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Is this considered duplicate content?

Is this considered duplicate content?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

On my website I have blog posts discussing a variety of in depth subjects. When funneling the visitors to the purchase decision, I am creating a page for each product titled:

The 2nd time you use it you need to vary the words so it won't be considered duplicate content.

Tried and True


Yes, it is duplicate content. Reword it.

Google is smart, naturally it's your content and there is no copyright infringement, but it doesn't like when things are repeated several times. SEO plugins like Yoast talk about this.

Best to never reuse regular paragraphs or sentences.

The exception would be bullet points covering aspects of a review or headings like, "in conclusion".

There is a difference between reusing content from another post, and using a similar "format" to your posts. One is repetition that may harm SEO, the other is a form of branding.

Hope that gives some clarity :)

First off, there is no 'duplicate content penalty' other than a copyright violation, which is not applicable since you are the original content creator. Also, since these are internal links and the copy is 'duplicated' within your own site, it really isn't duplicate content in the first place. It's the same content presented in two places on the same site, not content copied from someone else's website.

awesome, thank you for the insight. i appreciate the quick reply.

So these are landing pages then... yeah, I would agree with Mel, duplicate content wouldn't apply to landing pages as they are not so apt to be offered in search results... unless a keyword like "buy [product name here]" is searched for.

And even then, I have yet to see a landing page offered in any of my "buy" type searches on Google.

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