About Duanerr
Rank 2757
208 followers Joined January 2017
Hi there to you all. I am a retired Cabinet Maker who was foreman of upwards of 50-75 men and women for 25 years until





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Is it common practice to hire a freelance writer to write blogs for you? and if yes then what is the common rate of pay to them?

Yes you can do it. Yes it works. You do it when you need to clear up time for other projects but not before you have gone through the process yourself and understand about good content and what it is.

You can get junk for $5 or pay what it is worth. $25 to $50 is normal but again you only want to spend that money if you are going to make enough on sales from the traffic it brings to at least get your money back. Otherwise you are on the road to going broke.

Thank you.

did you see Kyle's training about having control over what you write, whoever does it you need to know how to edit it at least for SEO and your website, you can't hand that over to someone else

However I see Jay and some superaffiliates hiring and the prices quoted so far varied from $25 to 'quite a bit over $50' for quality

but I wouldn't say it is common practice, I'd say it's for people who are uber-successful and busy and need more time in the day and have the money to create that...

Thank you.

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Is it common practice to hire a freelance writer?

Is it common practice to hire a freelance writer?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Is it common practice to hire a freelance writer to write blogs for you? and if yes then what is the common rate of pay to them?

Yes you can do it. Yes it works. You do it when you need to clear up time for other projects but not before you have gone through the process yourself and understand about good content and what it is.

You can get junk for $5 or pay what it is worth. $25 to $50 is normal but again you only want to spend that money if you are going to make enough on sales from the traffic it brings to at least get your money back. Otherwise you are on the road to going broke.

Thank you.

did you see Kyle's training about having control over what you write, whoever does it you need to know how to edit it at least for SEO and your website, you can't hand that over to someone else

However I see Jay and some superaffiliates hiring and the prices quoted so far varied from $25 to 'quite a bit over $50' for quality

but I wouldn't say it is common practice, I'd say it's for people who are uber-successful and busy and need more time in the day and have the money to create that...

Thank you.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I put one of my blogs up to receive a comment on it two days ago and have not had a reply yet. I am wondering if that is common sometimes as I have done this before a few times

Good things do take some time!

Hmmm... Wierd. I usually get comments back in 12 or less hours. Never had them take longer.

Does it sometimes take a while to get a comment?

Does it sometimes take a while to get a comment?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I put one of my blogs up to receive a comment on it two days ago and have not had a reply yet. I am wondering if that is common sometimes as I have done this before a few times

Good things do take some time!

Hmmm... Wierd. I usually get comments back in 12 or less hours. Never had them take longer.

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Can someone tell me why my WA rank keeps dropping as I am entering content and responding to other things I think? I thought I would be going forward with this and I was up unt

Initially when I got here several years ago I thought rank had something to do with your skills and proficiency. It does not. It has to do 100% with the amount of time and posts that you make in wa only. It's a way for wa to promote Itself by your actions that.. Kind of like free publicity.

Hi Buddy and PLEASE do NOT let this rank thing bother you as it has NOTHING to do with your website!

The rank is a FUN thing here at WA and it depends on how many people are doing something on the day!

WE have thousands of people posting every day BUT as I said yesterday just be CONSISTENT with what you are doing OK

Thanks Paul....I'll try to remember what you said but I'm still learning "so much" about "everything" that don't be surprised if I ask again in a month...lol. So are you saying that at this early stage for me (3 months abt) I should not concerned about climbing the ladder and deal with content, comments, and development of my skills which will eventually show up on my website?

YES - work on your site my friend!!!

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I am wondering why my rank keeps dropping in wa.why?

I am wondering why my rank keeps dropping in wa.why?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Can someone tell me why my WA rank keeps dropping as I am entering content and responding to other things I think? I thought I would be going forward with this and I was up unt

Initially when I got here several years ago I thought rank had something to do with your skills and proficiency. It does not. It has to do 100% with the amount of time and posts that you make in wa only. It's a way for wa to promote Itself by your actions that.. Kind of like free publicity.

Hi Buddy and PLEASE do NOT let this rank thing bother you as it has NOTHING to do with your website!

The rank is a FUN thing here at WA and it depends on how many people are doing something on the day!

WE have thousands of people posting every day BUT as I said yesterday just be CONSISTENT with what you are doing OK

Thanks Paul....I'll try to remember what you said but I'm still learning "so much" about "everything" that don't be surprised if I ask again in a month...lol. So are you saying that at this early stage for me (3 months abt) I should not concerned about climbing the ladder and deal with content, comments, and development of my skills which will eventually show up on my website?

YES - work on your site my friend!!!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

All of a sudden this morning my posts displayed real odd on my home page but exactly the same when in edit mode and after I update them.....anyone have an idea what I'm doing w

You don't have your website listed on your profile page. Please give us a link to your website so we can see what you're looking at.

aninstrument4u.com --I'm starting to get some idea of what is going on. As one fellow said to get a solid theme so that what ever browser opens it it will be the same layout....but by all means Marion please have a look and would love to have you insight. Tks, Duane.

I've had a look using Chrome, Firefox and Safari (on my iPhone). What's the problem? It looks fine to me on all.

Show me with a screenshot

The problem is that it doesn't look the same at all....pictures in odd places and no side menue and generlly was not the same look as as it had in WP. I have since viewed it with chrome and Firefox and it looks fine there. I'm leRning some things that I did not know. I will publish a screen shot when I figure it out here with this laptop of mine. It's late in the evening here so tomorrow. Tks

Websites display differently based on device, operating system, browsers and a myriad of other factors. There is no way to consistently design to be exactly the same under all conditions. That is why simple, straightforward design using a solid theme is so important.

That's good to know but what is the answer to my problem. That's all I'm after. Last night when I shut it down all was well.....this morning when I enter it this happens. I will say that I have opened my site on line with Firefox and the posts displayed properly.

I re-read your comment and I think it is sinking in now. What gets me is mine went weird all of a sudden after three months or so of building it.

A simple straight forward theme makes sense I wish I had know that when I started. Maybe I can switch everything but what would you consider this "straight forward theme" to be or look like? I appreciate your help Mel......Duane.

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My posts display just the way i want them but ?

My posts display just the way i want them but ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

All of a sudden this morning my posts displayed real odd on my home page but exactly the same when in edit mode and after I update them.....anyone have an idea what I'm doing w

You don't have your website listed on your profile page. Please give us a link to your website so we can see what you're looking at.

aninstrument4u.com --I'm starting to get some idea of what is going on. As one fellow said to get a solid theme so that what ever browser opens it it will be the same layout....but by all means Marion please have a look and would love to have you insight. Tks, Duane.

I've had a look using Chrome, Firefox and Safari (on my iPhone). What's the problem? It looks fine to me on all.

Show me with a screenshot

The problem is that it doesn't look the same at all....pictures in odd places and no side menue and generlly was not the same look as as it had in WP. I have since viewed it with chrome and Firefox and it looks fine there. I'm leRning some things that I did not know. I will publish a screen shot when I figure it out here with this laptop of mine. It's late in the evening here so tomorrow. Tks

Websites display differently based on device, operating system, browsers and a myriad of other factors. There is no way to consistently design to be exactly the same under all conditions. That is why simple, straightforward design using a solid theme is so important.

That's good to know but what is the answer to my problem. That's all I'm after. Last night when I shut it down all was well.....this morning when I enter it this happens. I will say that I have opened my site on line with Firefox and the posts displayed properly.

I re-read your comment and I think it is sinking in now. What gets me is mine went weird all of a sudden after three months or so of building it.

A simple straight forward theme makes sense I wish I had know that when I started. Maybe I can switch everything but what would you consider this "straight forward theme" to be or look like? I appreciate your help Mel......Duane.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When you offer to comment on a site (post) to gain credits do you just comment on "one" post and not necessarily the entire site. I'm misunderstanding something here and althou

Comments should be relevant to the POST you are commenting on. They should be as if you arrived at the post via a Google search, or relevant social media post.

It assumes you are interested in the topic, or have something to say on the subject.

Your comment should engage on the topic, and not just talk about whether the post is "good or bad". It should add to, or start a discussion relevant to the material in the article.

The point is to create engagement in the comment section so people can discuss ideas, or elicit a response from the site owner and other commenters.

Personally Duane, when I comment on posts, I simply pretend that I have Google searched the topic and arrived to the post via a search result. I keep my comments relevant to the information within the post only.

However, I have read an entire post ... found it so riddled with errors as to simply walk away from it and try another, as I will only comment on posts that are well written ... as that is what I would do in the real world anyway.

Hope this helps you.

tks, Trish

Agreed here!

The best is to comment on the site but you have the choice

Hi Paul. Why is it best to comment on the site and not just a post in your opinion? Curious so I can learn....tks

Well as I say I like to give the overall picture to the person as one post may be a poor post and so it could bring the person down a bit whereas feed back would be the best to evaluate

Glad I followed my intuition and threw this post out to the sharks as I have learned several points already.

Happy to help I will do a blog on it tomorrow


Great Paul....tks, Duane

I have to disagree here, and this is what is leading to confusion.

A COMMENT is not the same as FEEDBACK.

You cannot comment on a whole site because there is no comment section for the whole site.

The comment section is relevant to just the single post, and it should be specific to the content of that post.

People will disapprove your "comment" if you try to evaluate their entire website.

Feedback is a different story.

I agree SiteComment is for COMMENTS where you leave a comment as if you were an organic search visitor.

If you are on the SiteComment tab you should NOT be leaving feedback on how great or bad the website is.

Even on SiteFeedback you shouldn't leave feedback about the site in general unless they have requested general feedback instead of feedback on a specific post.

I will watch this thread as well. I have had issues in the past and hesitate in using this service because of it. I do know you have zero control of wether it is accepted or rejected which dings your ability to leave further comments when you get 73 percent or below . So I use caution

I mean leaving feedback when I was suppose to leave a comment

If you want to offer a post comment you should use the Comment Tool in SiteRubix/Site Comments and you only offer a comment for a post.
If you want to offer a site feedback you should use the Feedback Tool in SteRubix/Site Feedback where you can leave a feedback about the whole website.

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Need advice on offering comments?

Need advice on offering comments?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When you offer to comment on a site (post) to gain credits do you just comment on "one" post and not necessarily the entire site. I'm misunderstanding something here and althou

Comments should be relevant to the POST you are commenting on. They should be as if you arrived at the post via a Google search, or relevant social media post.

It assumes you are interested in the topic, or have something to say on the subject.

Your comment should engage on the topic, and not just talk about whether the post is "good or bad". It should add to, or start a discussion relevant to the material in the article.

The point is to create engagement in the comment section so people can discuss ideas, or elicit a response from the site owner and other commenters.

Personally Duane, when I comment on posts, I simply pretend that I have Google searched the topic and arrived to the post via a search result. I keep my comments relevant to the information within the post only.

However, I have read an entire post ... found it so riddled with errors as to simply walk away from it and try another, as I will only comment on posts that are well written ... as that is what I would do in the real world anyway.

Hope this helps you.

tks, Trish

Agreed here!

The best is to comment on the site but you have the choice

Hi Paul. Why is it best to comment on the site and not just a post in your opinion? Curious so I can learn....tks

Well as I say I like to give the overall picture to the person as one post may be a poor post and so it could bring the person down a bit whereas feed back would be the best to evaluate

Glad I followed my intuition and threw this post out to the sharks as I have learned several points already.

Happy to help I will do a blog on it tomorrow


Great Paul....tks, Duane

I have to disagree here, and this is what is leading to confusion.

A COMMENT is not the same as FEEDBACK.

You cannot comment on a whole site because there is no comment section for the whole site.

The comment section is relevant to just the single post, and it should be specific to the content of that post.

People will disapprove your "comment" if you try to evaluate their entire website.

Feedback is a different story.

I agree SiteComment is for COMMENTS where you leave a comment as if you were an organic search visitor.

If you are on the SiteComment tab you should NOT be leaving feedback on how great or bad the website is.

Even on SiteFeedback you shouldn't leave feedback about the site in general unless they have requested general feedback instead of feedback on a specific post.

I will watch this thread as well. I have had issues in the past and hesitate in using this service because of it. I do know you have zero control of wether it is accepted or rejected which dings your ability to leave further comments when you get 73 percent or below . So I use caution

I mean leaving feedback when I was suppose to leave a comment

If you want to offer a post comment you should use the Comment Tool in SiteRubix/Site Comments and you only offer a comment for a post.
If you want to offer a site feedback you should use the Feedback Tool in SteRubix/Site Feedback where you can leave a feedback about the whole website.

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