Please resonponse, I accidentally pay for yearly membership, I only want monthly membership :( Can you can switch to monthly membership instead ?
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I accidentally pay for 1 year memebership, can you please switch it to monthly instead please ?
Please resonponse, I accidentally pay for yearly membership, I only want monthly membership :( Can you can switch to monthly membership instead ?
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It is best to use the SiteSpeed from Wealthy Affiliate and disable all caching plugins. SiteSpeed does the job for you.
Deactivate ALL your plugins and then reactivate them one at a time until you isolate the one that's messing up your website.
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Something went wrong when optimizing page speed?
After i inst
It is best to use the SiteSpeed from Wealthy Affiliate and disable all caching plugins. SiteSpeed does the job for you.
Deactivate ALL your plugins and then reactivate them one at a time until you isolate the one that's messing up your website.
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Thanks you, WA. Without you, I would not have find new opportunity and passion in the Digital Marketing and Web Development Industry. I learn many new skills to grow my eCommer
Good luck Arturo
Have fun with the ecommerce.
Backup your sites and point the nameservers to your new hosting. Reverse of coming here. Don't forget your protection and poss your ssl. you are now responsible for your own spam filter and anti virus.
See you did get a lot here!!
Have fun.
Hi Arturo, I wish you all the best on your journey outside of WA. It was a pleasure to have met you, good luck!
Hey Arturo,
Sorry to learn that you're leaving. You may also find Marion Black's tutorial very helpful: Cancel Wealthy Affiliate Membership and Stop Billing Hope this helps you.
Sorry to see you go. You will have 30 days to move your site during which time you will be able to continue logging in to your website.
You will need to back up your website and then upload the backup files to your new hosting account.
Moving a site to new hosting starts at the place where you will be hosting your site. Check with your new hosting service provider FAQs or ask them to help you to move your site to them.
If you purchased a domain name via WA Site Domains, you don't need to change that. Once your site is moved to the new hosting, you will be able to log in to your SiteDomain account (or wherever you purchased the domain) and change the DNS address to point it to your new host's server.
You can put in a SiteSupport ticket to get more specific instructions on what you need to do. ~Jude
If you write this in the bar at the top you will get some results how to do it.
transfer from wa to a new host
First let me congratulate you on your accomplishments so far. See the link below on transferring domains. Hope this helps.
Best wishes moving forward. How to Transfer a SiteRubix Website to Your Own Domain
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My wa journey end. how transfer my website out of wa?
Thanks you, WA. Without you, I would not have find new opportunity and passion in the Digital Marketing and Web Development Industry. I learn many new skills to grow my eCommer
Good luck Arturo
Have fun with the ecommerce.
Backup your sites and point the nameservers to your new hosting. Reverse of coming here. Don't forget your protection and poss your ssl. you are now responsible for your own spam filter and anti virus.
See you did get a lot here!!
Have fun.
Hi Arturo, I wish you all the best on your journey outside of WA. It was a pleasure to have met you, good luck!
Hey Arturo,
Sorry to learn that you're leaving. You may also find Marion Black's tutorial very helpful: Cancel Wealthy Affiliate Membership and Stop Billing Hope this helps you.
Sorry to see you go. You will have 30 days to move your site during which time you will be able to continue logging in to your website.
You will need to back up your website and then upload the backup files to your new hosting account.
Moving a site to new hosting starts at the place where you will be hosting your site. Check with your new hosting service provider FAQs or ask them to help you to move your site to them.
If you purchased a domain name via WA Site Domains, you don't need to change that. Once your site is moved to the new hosting, you will be able to log in to your SiteDomain account (or wherever you purchased the domain) and change the DNS address to point it to your new host's server.
You can put in a SiteSupport ticket to get more specific instructions on what you need to do. ~Jude
If you write this in the bar at the top you will get some results how to do it.
transfer from wa to a new host
First let me congratulate you on your accomplishments so far. See the link below on transferring domains. Hope this helps.
Best wishes moving forward. How to Transfer a SiteRubix Website to Your Own Domain
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When you open up the search counsel and go the left side, within that list, you should find 'Remove URL' open it, You should find the link, within the list, you're searching for.
Presumably you are using yoast then check this out
Don't forget to enable advanced settings first.
if using AIOseo
As for editing the file itself you may have to use filezilla as an ftp client or look for a plugin.
Don't forget to upload it to your webmaster tools afterwards
How do I open sitemap and remove a url to be deleted ?
When you open up the search counsel and go the left side, within that list, you should find 'Remove URL' open it, You should find the link, within the list, you're searching for.
Presumably you are using yoast then check this out
Don't forget to enable advanced settings first.
if using AIOseo
As for editing the file itself you may have to use filezilla as an ftp client or look for a plugin.
Don't forget to upload it to your webmaster tools afterwards
I tried to look for it all over the place but to no avail.
Did you search for it?
You could press control F and search for it to see if it s there.
You could also go into the live site, right click and inspect or go to the source and do the same thing search for the GA code.
The other thing you could do is test the live site if it even calls GA to confirm that it's actually there. You can do that in firefox with HTTPfox or in Google with the Developer tools.
That is not GA code, a typical GA code start with UA. This one is MarketingAutomation. I did the same thing and I was quite puzzle where exactly it was. It said that it is inside REV slider but I saw nothing.
can you not go to appearnace editor
down right hand side are all of the modules within the theme
if there is one called rev slider - have a look
good luck
Looking closer thisis in the slider plugin
so go to the plugin area and click on edit
you should find the code in there
what is in the style.css module?
i reckon you will find it in the plugin section.
go to the edit part of the slider revolution plugin
If your friend has the original file sent then it will be in there.
You will need an editor to open the files
But the info you are looking for should be in the plugin edt section
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Looking for ga script in source code ?
I tried to look for it all over the place but to no avail.
Did you search for it?
You could press control F and search for it to see if it s there.
You could also go into the live site, right click and inspect or go to the source and do the same thing search for the GA code.
The other thing you could do is test the live site if it even calls GA to confirm that it's actually there. You can do that in firefox with HTTPfox or in Google with the Developer tools.
That is not GA code, a typical GA code start with UA. This one is MarketingAutomation. I did the same thing and I was quite puzzle where exactly it was. It said that it is inside REV slider but I saw nothing.
can you not go to appearnace editor
down right hand side are all of the modules within the theme
if there is one called rev slider - have a look
good luck
Looking closer thisis in the slider plugin
so go to the plugin area and click on edit
you should find the code in there
what is in the style.css module?
i reckon you will find it in the plugin section.
go to the edit part of the slider revolution plugin
If your friend has the original file sent then it will be in there.
You will need an editor to open the files
But the info you are looking for should be in the plugin edt section
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Hi Arturo. Was this resolved?