About zeeuw12345
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Hello :D, I am Paul and i am just finishing my university study Psychology in Holland. I had a few subjects about the psychology of





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

If for example my keyword is: 'skin care masks'. I could change the title to: 'Skin care masks - the quick way' and still have that keyword right? And should I edit the url to

Hey Paul, these trainings may give some ideas :

Yes to both, I would do the same, though there will be no harm if you keep it as it is in the url.

How should I fix this example for the keywords?

How should I fix this example for the keywords?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

If for example my keyword is: 'skin care masks'. I could change the title to: 'Skin care masks - the quick way' and still have that keyword right? And should I edit the url to

Hey Paul, these trainings may give some ideas :

Yes to both, I would do the same, though there will be no harm if you keep it as it is in the url.

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I am currently using Rakuten Linkshare and I am having problems with tracking the url's. I also do it with signatures but I can't see the amount of clicks in Linkshare. In othe

Hi, Did either of you figure out anything about Rakuten's linking issues. All day I have working with banners and text links with no success, but only with their vendors...DNS errors primarily or it links back to a blank page on my site??

I know I am possibly/probably not making sense but I'm frustrated! lol

These links give me fits...and I am trying to do product reviews!

Thanks for ANY insight...
(oh not that it matters, but I was trying WalMart and PetSmart today)

Happy sleep...

Rita, this is a bit old now but it might help.

Helen, I want to SHOUT a huge thank you to you! I am so hoping this will resolve the issue I messed with all day yesterday. I am such a persistent fool sometimes...lol. I kept thinking, ok, I can fix this! HA!
Anyway now that I know how to deep link, I do think this must have to work!

I can't help but wonder if some of those links are just old links that get overlooked and therefore not updated?

Anyway, maybe I can finish my post today!!!
Thanks, again, Helen!

Oh, one more question though, you took the time to show the actual login process when there are other ways to login on their site, so are you saying that we should specifically use that link only that they initially gave us to do so? I know their site will take you around in circles if you try to search for help like I did on "deep linking" yesterday!! It never would connect...just came up to the dreaded ERROR screen.

Not an important question, but I am just curious. Maybe it does make a difference...

PS: I'm following you now...everywhere ;)-

Don't forget that this was done a while ago. I have found that some image links don't disappear but change the image, so I do go in and update them occasionally. If you can't get anything to work just do some screen prints on the issue and send them to me. I will try to do an update on the tutorial.

Hey, Helen. Thought I would give you an update. I did not have any luck, so I sent an email to Rakuten support. I never could get either Walmart or Petsmart deep links to work. Now I got it to link to the product page finally ONE time, however NO image showed up on my post. It only linked to the word BANNER.
Anyway, I had to take a break today, and so I did. Can't deal with it for a while...
Then an acquaintance on FB PM'd me today and said she like my website and added that she bought something from walmart for her cats while she was on my site!! Well! I was excited...I have not seen credit for it with Rakuten yet? I don't know how long it should take to show there or on Google Analytics? But neither show anything. So I am thoroughly frustrated at this point...

Thanks, Helen. If I get no help from their support, I will send you a screen print. I appreciate that.

Have a good eve,

Do something else for a while!

Thank you for this info Helen. It worked!!!

Lee, it looks like you are of to a running start here if you are at the linking stage already. I did that too and this was the first group I linked with. My biggest problem with any linking is the way they present their method to do so. Everyone is different and their instructions are often convoluted. So I am glad you got it to work for you. I am about to follow you and will keep in touch to see how you are going.

Paul, I had a different issue with Rakuten's Kobo affiliate. I went directly to them and asked the question and I got very prompt help that answered my question. As they say, (and who is the proverbial they(!)) 'go to the horse's mouth'.)


I think it is Linkshare that has a problem with their DNS configuration...

When I do a search in google on "rakuten linkshare sign up" and I click the first link, then I get a DNS error...

The other affiliate sites work, but all the links to rakuten linkshare are giving a DNS error...


This seems to happen once in a while to Rakuten Linkshare. What do you use?

You mean browser? I use Chrome...

Yeah same. And what affiliate network do you use?

Ebay & Zanox

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How to fix rakuten linkshare tracking problems?

How to fix rakuten linkshare tracking problems?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I am currently using Rakuten Linkshare and I am having problems with tracking the url's. I also do it with signatures but I can't see the amount of clicks in Linkshare. In othe

Hi, Did either of you figure out anything about Rakuten's linking issues. All day I have working with banners and text links with no success, but only with their vendors...DNS errors primarily or it links back to a blank page on my site??

I know I am possibly/probably not making sense but I'm frustrated! lol

These links give me fits...and I am trying to do product reviews!

Thanks for ANY insight...
(oh not that it matters, but I was trying WalMart and PetSmart today)

Happy sleep...

Rita, this is a bit old now but it might help.

Helen, I want to SHOUT a huge thank you to you! I am so hoping this will resolve the issue I messed with all day yesterday. I am such a persistent fool sometimes...lol. I kept thinking, ok, I can fix this! HA!
Anyway now that I know how to deep link, I do think this must have to work!

I can't help but wonder if some of those links are just old links that get overlooked and therefore not updated?

Anyway, maybe I can finish my post today!!!
Thanks, again, Helen!

Oh, one more question though, you took the time to show the actual login process when there are other ways to login on their site, so are you saying that we should specifically use that link only that they initially gave us to do so? I know their site will take you around in circles if you try to search for help like I did on "deep linking" yesterday!! It never would connect...just came up to the dreaded ERROR screen.

Not an important question, but I am just curious. Maybe it does make a difference...

PS: I'm following you now...everywhere ;)-

Don't forget that this was done a while ago. I have found that some image links don't disappear but change the image, so I do go in and update them occasionally. If you can't get anything to work just do some screen prints on the issue and send them to me. I will try to do an update on the tutorial.

Hey, Helen. Thought I would give you an update. I did not have any luck, so I sent an email to Rakuten support. I never could get either Walmart or Petsmart deep links to work. Now I got it to link to the product page finally ONE time, however NO image showed up on my post. It only linked to the word BANNER.
Anyway, I had to take a break today, and so I did. Can't deal with it for a while...
Then an acquaintance on FB PM'd me today and said she like my website and added that she bought something from walmart for her cats while she was on my site!! Well! I was excited...I have not seen credit for it with Rakuten yet? I don't know how long it should take to show there or on Google Analytics? But neither show anything. So I am thoroughly frustrated at this point...

Thanks, Helen. If I get no help from their support, I will send you a screen print. I appreciate that.

Have a good eve,

Do something else for a while!

Thank you for this info Helen. It worked!!!

Lee, it looks like you are of to a running start here if you are at the linking stage already. I did that too and this was the first group I linked with. My biggest problem with any linking is the way they present their method to do so. Everyone is different and their instructions are often convoluted. So I am glad you got it to work for you. I am about to follow you and will keep in touch to see how you are going.

Paul, I had a different issue with Rakuten's Kobo affiliate. I went directly to them and asked the question and I got very prompt help that answered my question. As they say, (and who is the proverbial they(!)) 'go to the horse's mouth'.)


I think it is Linkshare that has a problem with their DNS configuration...

When I do a search in google on "rakuten linkshare sign up" and I click the first link, then I get a DNS error...

The other affiliate sites work, but all the links to rakuten linkshare are giving a DNS error...


This seems to happen once in a while to Rakuten Linkshare. What do you use?

You mean browser? I use Chrome...

Yeah same. And what affiliate network do you use?

Ebay & Zanox

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I distrust some of the affiliate networds out there. Does anybody have experience with the network affiliatethat?

Just asked , what are the best affiliate networks
here are the answers, I haven't spotted affiliatethat.com around it.

Does anybody have experience with affiliatethat .com?

Does anybody have experience with affiliatethat .com?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I distrust some of the affiliate networds out there. Does anybody have experience with the network affiliatethat?

Just asked , what are the best affiliate networks
here are the answers, I haven't spotted affiliatethat.com around it.

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