About ragdoll69
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617 followers Joined March 2016
Hi! My name is Rita, and I welcome you to my profile! ;} I am here because I hope to determine if I truly have the





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Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I have been adding banners and text ok for days now, but all day today I can't. When I use the term "ok"...I am not saying NOT without difficulty each time. I sometimes have to

Hi Rita :)

All right, let's try to figure this out.

First of all, I'd like to ask you to give as many details as possible.

Some questions that instantly come to mind:

1. Where do you get those banners and codes? I mean, which affiliate program/network is it? Amazon? Or something else?
2. As Pj already said, it would help a lot if you somehow provided us with the information of what EXACTLY do you copy and paste - a screenshot, or maybe send me a private message with the code you are trying to implement in your posts.
3. Where are you trying to put those banners on your pages/posts?

Come on, I know we can do it! :)

Thanks, my friend...;)-

It is 5am here, and I have not slept...wired lol!

So, I am going to try to get a couple hours of sleep, and perhaps we can figure this out later today?

In answer to part of your ?'s...The banners are from several of my new merchants with Link Share-Rakuten Network.

I am putting them on posts, and have had no problem with several merchants also with rakuten. I have tried and tried every way I can think of and keep getting the blank page.

Good night or morn whatever the case...;)-

Hi again, Rita,

Sorry for the late response - had some urgent things on my hands to sort out.

TL,DR: You probably need to contact Rakuten's support to solve this.

OK, now that you've mentioned Rakuten, I can see where the issue can come from.

First things first, though: that "About blank" page - when do you see it? Is it when you click on the banners? Or are the banners themselves does not show up properly on your page(s)?

In any case, when I signed up with one of their advertisers, I had something similar: I was able to insert banners and links on my pages, but when I clicked on them, I was only getting blank pages. I then sent a message to their support team and they responded, that in order to make the links work I needed to also apply as an affiliate with the parent company of that advertiser. They directed me to them, I applied and got approved and then the links and banners started to work.

Hope that helps.

I was getting the About Blank thing last week when I tried to add affiliate links from Amazon. I finally figured out if I use the "Add Media" instead of add link button it worked. I don't know why.

I will gladly try it. i am so frustrated right now I could scream...wasting way too much time on something way too simple when i should be writing

Yes, I know. I was so frustrated because I was doing it the same way I had done it before and suddenly it didn't work! I could not get an answer as to why! Everyone said I had to do it this way or that way and I just kept saying ok, I'll try that but why doesn't it work the same way it did before!

I finally found a post here from someone 2 years ago that said they discovered they had to go through Add Media. I tried it since nothing else worked!

People had all different opinions about using short vs long links, using text only or image only etc. When I go through Add Media I can use text, image or both and they all work now!

ok...I tried but it didn't work. Let me tell you that I am able to link some banners with no problem at all. I tested just a few minutes ago by adding another banner to my site of one that worked in the past...NO PROBLEM!

See? I just don't understand why i am having so much difficulty with all my new merchant links. I don't know what is going on.

Will you please walk me through using Add Media?
I don't understand exactly how that works.

Thanks so very much for responding! For some reason there doesn't seem to be much help regarding this issue.


Hi Rita,
I will look at it tomorrow. I have to get to bed now :)

Of course, my fellow cat woman...lol

good nite

I sent you a message with instructions Rita.

hmmm.... code doesn't work well in this comments area. The comment system wants to convert some of it, of course.

Can you take a "snapshot" of what you're copying and pasting??
Then attach here so we can see the code?


my image has been downloading forever...it kept telling me the image was too small...too small,,,too small...too small...too small...too small...too small...too small...lol...lol...lol...lol...lol
finally, (of course i enlarged as much as I could)...I press enter comment...I have absolutely NO friggin clue where the image went with the code. I had put icon a sticky and took a pic of it.
Today, my fellow WA'ers,
is when I wish to announce my retirement from website building.
It has been two or three days of technological hell.
And that is about all I have to say about that.
I need a cigarette and a stronggggggg drink...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

NOW....ANY MORE suggestions?
I think I will try Swangirl's media suggestion.

The banner you used, was it in a form of an image or a code?

It was a link...so in code. I tried using the text link as well and just copying the banner itself as an image...And linking the text to image as direct URL

I see. Where did you put the banner code? Was it in the visual editor or the text editor?


Since uploading here won’t work, would you mind uploading the screenshot of the code to Tinypic and give us the link. The link you should copy is Direct Link for Layouts.


Sorry if I’m asking too much.

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When I try inserting banners I get an "about blank" page?

When I try inserting banners I get an "about blank" page?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I have been adding banners and text ok for days now, but all day today I can't. When I use the term "ok"...I am not saying NOT without difficulty each time. I sometimes have to

Hi Rita :)

All right, let's try to figure this out.

First of all, I'd like to ask you to give as many details as possible.

Some questions that instantly come to mind:

1. Where do you get those banners and codes? I mean, which affiliate program/network is it? Amazon? Or something else?
2. As Pj already said, it would help a lot if you somehow provided us with the information of what EXACTLY do you copy and paste - a screenshot, or maybe send me a private message with the code you are trying to implement in your posts.
3. Where are you trying to put those banners on your pages/posts?

Come on, I know we can do it! :)

Thanks, my friend...;)-

It is 5am here, and I have not slept...wired lol!

So, I am going to try to get a couple hours of sleep, and perhaps we can figure this out later today?

In answer to part of your ?'s...The banners are from several of my new merchants with Link Share-Rakuten Network.

I am putting them on posts, and have had no problem with several merchants also with rakuten. I have tried and tried every way I can think of and keep getting the blank page.

Good night or morn whatever the case...;)-

Hi again, Rita,

Sorry for the late response - had some urgent things on my hands to sort out.

TL,DR: You probably need to contact Rakuten's support to solve this.

OK, now that you've mentioned Rakuten, I can see where the issue can come from.

First things first, though: that "About blank" page - when do you see it? Is it when you click on the banners? Or are the banners themselves does not show up properly on your page(s)?

In any case, when I signed up with one of their advertisers, I had something similar: I was able to insert banners and links on my pages, but when I clicked on them, I was only getting blank pages. I then sent a message to their support team and they responded, that in order to make the links work I needed to also apply as an affiliate with the parent company of that advertiser. They directed me to them, I applied and got approved and then the links and banners started to work.

Hope that helps.

I was getting the About Blank thing last week when I tried to add affiliate links from Amazon. I finally figured out if I use the "Add Media" instead of add link button it worked. I don't know why.

I will gladly try it. i am so frustrated right now I could scream...wasting way too much time on something way too simple when i should be writing

Yes, I know. I was so frustrated because I was doing it the same way I had done it before and suddenly it didn't work! I could not get an answer as to why! Everyone said I had to do it this way or that way and I just kept saying ok, I'll try that but why doesn't it work the same way it did before!

I finally found a post here from someone 2 years ago that said they discovered they had to go through Add Media. I tried it since nothing else worked!

People had all different opinions about using short vs long links, using text only or image only etc. When I go through Add Media I can use text, image or both and they all work now!

ok...I tried but it didn't work. Let me tell you that I am able to link some banners with no problem at all. I tested just a few minutes ago by adding another banner to my site of one that worked in the past...NO PROBLEM!

See? I just don't understand why i am having so much difficulty with all my new merchant links. I don't know what is going on.

Will you please walk me through using Add Media?
I don't understand exactly how that works.

Thanks so very much for responding! For some reason there doesn't seem to be much help regarding this issue.


Hi Rita,
I will look at it tomorrow. I have to get to bed now :)

Of course, my fellow cat woman...lol

good nite

I sent you a message with instructions Rita.

hmmm.... code doesn't work well in this comments area. The comment system wants to convert some of it, of course.

Can you take a "snapshot" of what you're copying and pasting??
Then attach here so we can see the code?


my image has been downloading forever...it kept telling me the image was too small...too small,,,too small...too small...too small...too small...too small...too small...lol...lol...lol...lol...lol
finally, (of course i enlarged as much as I could)...I press enter comment...I have absolutely NO friggin clue where the image went with the code. I had put icon a sticky and took a pic of it.
Today, my fellow WA'ers,
is when I wish to announce my retirement from website building.
It has been two or three days of technological hell.
And that is about all I have to say about that.
I need a cigarette and a stronggggggg drink...LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

NOW....ANY MORE suggestions?
I think I will try Swangirl's media suggestion.

The banner you used, was it in a form of an image or a code?

It was a link...so in code. I tried using the text link as well and just copying the banner itself as an image...And linking the text to image as direct URL

I see. Where did you put the banner code? Was it in the visual editor or the text editor?


Since uploading here won’t work, would you mind uploading the screenshot of the code to Tinypic and give us the link. The link you should copy is Direct Link for Layouts.


Sorry if I’m asking too much.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am just beginning to 'play with' adding affiliate marketing links to a new post. I finally understand and am able to add them successfully and proudly!! :)-

Then I was

I couldn't log in to my back office due to an error msg saying "Your Connection is not private".
Any clue why this is happening?

Your SSL settings may be off.

Thank you Mkearns for your reply. If my SSL settings is off then how will I log in to my back office to change it. I cannot even log in? This is the link with the error: https://yourbestweightlossplans.com/wp-logmein.php

I believe you need to contact site support for this operation!

Okay, will do.

Hi again, Rita :)

Were you able to fix the issue? If not, could you provide the link to your page? I've checked your "Special Gifts For Cat Moms" page, but couldn't find any links there.

Hey again! I just posted a reply to your other post! Yes, I think I have for the most part realized what may have been the problem. Today, I will try to connect links again and finish that post.

Thank you so much for taking a look at it for me...much appreciated!

Dmitriy...I will get back with you later today if I continue to have issues?? I will be the one screaming...

Sure thing Rita! I also replied to your other comment :)

Have you tried looking in a different browser, I went to your site and it would seem your home page goes to your about me page, I would recommend you organize your menu

Thank you, Katie. Yes, I am aware my about me page is there for now. I do appreciate that observation. I am working on affiliate links and about to lose my battle... lolol!!

You are very sweet to check from another browser!
Have a great week!

No idea about the links?

which pages have you added affiliate links

Hey, Katie...I was attempting to add a link on the new post page about "Special Gifts For Cat Moms".
I found out that there has been an issue the past few days or so with links and safari on the new operating system OS09.3...I do have that version, so I am not certain if that is the cause or not. There is no fix. I haven't had any difficulties prior to this, but I have not tried attachments using links

you either have selected the wrong code (html) or you have entered it on the wrong edit page should be in text mode, you should not see all the coding on your visitors page

I will try again...

1) will double-check code
2) i did enter on text page initially...what you see now was a 'DITCH" effort out of frustration just to try anything!! LOL
I just left it there finally when I became so frustrated ;(
3) so coding won't show on visitor page when I am really editing it properly! and behaving!!! ;)-

Thanks Katie!

it has happened to me in the past and had to redo things it is frustrating for sure

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Why"server connect error" after adding affiliate link?

Why"server connect error" after adding affiliate link?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am just beginning to 'play with' adding affiliate marketing links to a new post. I finally understand and am able to add them successfully and proudly!! :)-

Then I was

I couldn't log in to my back office due to an error msg saying "Your Connection is not private".
Any clue why this is happening?

Your SSL settings may be off.

Thank you Mkearns for your reply. If my SSL settings is off then how will I log in to my back office to change it. I cannot even log in? This is the link with the error: https://yourbestweightlossplans.com/wp-logmein.php

I believe you need to contact site support for this operation!

Okay, will do.

Hi again, Rita :)

Were you able to fix the issue? If not, could you provide the link to your page? I've checked your "Special Gifts For Cat Moms" page, but couldn't find any links there.

Hey again! I just posted a reply to your other post! Yes, I think I have for the most part realized what may have been the problem. Today, I will try to connect links again and finish that post.

Thank you so much for taking a look at it for me...much appreciated!

Dmitriy...I will get back with you later today if I continue to have issues?? I will be the one screaming...

Sure thing Rita! I also replied to your other comment :)

Have you tried looking in a different browser, I went to your site and it would seem your home page goes to your about me page, I would recommend you organize your menu

Thank you, Katie. Yes, I am aware my about me page is there for now. I do appreciate that observation. I am working on affiliate links and about to lose my battle... lolol!!

You are very sweet to check from another browser!
Have a great week!

No idea about the links?

which pages have you added affiliate links

Hey, Katie...I was attempting to add a link on the new post page about "Special Gifts For Cat Moms".
I found out that there has been an issue the past few days or so with links and safari on the new operating system OS09.3...I do have that version, so I am not certain if that is the cause or not. There is no fix. I haven't had any difficulties prior to this, but I have not tried attachments using links

you either have selected the wrong code (html) or you have entered it on the wrong edit page should be in text mode, you should not see all the coding on your visitors page

I will try again...

1) will double-check code
2) i did enter on text page initially...what you see now was a 'DITCH" effort out of frustration just to try anything!! LOL
I just left it there finally when I became so frustrated ;(
3) so coding won't show on visitor page when I am really editing it properly! and behaving!!! ;)-

Thanks Katie!

it has happened to me in the past and had to redo things it is frustrating for sure

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is what is missing...LOL


Ursula - You are a lifesaver...

Click this: http://take.ms/60MYg

The button to add headings when editing post is missing?

The button to add headings when editing post is missing?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

This is what is missing...LOL


Ursula - You are a lifesaver...

Click this: http://take.ms/60MYg

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