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Hello, my friend. I'm flattered you are taking the time to read this. Time is our most precious asset and I'm honored you have devoted





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asked in
Getting Started

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a FREE logo creation service? I know about Fiverr and Upwork where I can outsource it but literally I just need a quick service done

I have tried and would highly recommend Designhill for any design services. I am a designer and have personally tried their Free Logo Maker Software. Quality and professional designs and free to use.

Try to reach Mark

You could try:

1. www.Canva.com
2. www.onlinelogomaker.com
3. www.logogarden.com


Thank you very much!

Loes always has something, but here's a link to her training on creating your own free logo.

Thanks a lot! Love this training

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Does anyone have a good recommendation for a logo service?

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a logo service?

asked in
Getting Started

Does anyone have a good recommendation for a FREE logo creation service? I know about Fiverr and Upwork where I can outsource it but literally I just need a quick service done

I have tried and would highly recommend Designhill for any design services. I am a designer and have personally tried their Free Logo Maker Software. Quality and professional designs and free to use.

Try to reach Mark

You could try:

1. www.Canva.com
2. www.onlinelogomaker.com
3. www.logogarden.com


Thank you very much!

Loes always has something, but here's a link to her training on creating your own free logo.

Thanks a lot! Love this training

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I need to record via my webcam and have the ability to switch between recording on my webcam and recording on the screen. I have a screen recorder but don't think it has this c

You could try out Jing of Techsmith, free download

Have you tried sreen'o'matic

I have not, does it have the capability I need?

it has webcam, screen and screen and webcam

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Can somebody recommend some good software?

Can somebody recommend some good software?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I need to record via my webcam and have the ability to switch between recording on my webcam and recording on the screen. I have a screen recorder but don't think it has this c

You could try out Jing of Techsmith, free download

Have you tried sreen'o'matic

I have not, does it have the capability I need?

it has webcam, screen and screen and webcam

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asked in
Getting Started

Hey all,

Using Contact Form 7 and getting a lot of spam about Nigerian princes wanting to go into business with me (man I feel so special).

Anyone know how to despa

Does your plugin have a honey-pot? A honey pot adds an extra box on the contact form that people can't see but bots can. The bots fill in the box so your plugin knows it's spam and deals with it. People can't see the box so they don't fill it in.

I will look into that Marion thank you!

Possible help here Ryan.https://barn2.co.uk/stop-contact-form-7-spam/

You should be able to stop spam in the settings of the contact form.

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Hey how to contact form anti spam?

Hey how to contact form anti spam?

asked in
Getting Started

Hey all,

Using Contact Form 7 and getting a lot of spam about Nigerian princes wanting to go into business with me (man I feel so special).

Anyone know how to despa

Does your plugin have a honey-pot? A honey pot adds an extra box on the contact form that people can't see but bots can. The bots fill in the box so your plugin knows it's spam and deals with it. People can't see the box so they don't fill it in.

I will look into that Marion thank you!

Possible help here Ryan.https://barn2.co.uk/stop-contact-form-7-spam/

You should be able to stop spam in the settings of the contact form.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Any advice? As far as I can see, the only option I have is to delete my email.

I don't like webmail (including gmail). Before I started using Thunderbird I figured out how to use Outlook

I am also having this problem. I fear it is a temporary web slowdown with Gmail

I'm more concerned with this being WA servers, I tried connecting my WP blog to Memberful last night and they wouldn't let me because they said the server hasn't been updated in 7 years

Email yourself from another account....if you have one

Did that, it's how I know there's a problem

Hi, Gmail has recently upgraded it's security protocols which has caused some issues along similar lines (but for me it was when scanning from a copier to Gmail) Can u provide more detail regarding your scenario and domain etc. You cannot email from the same gmail account you are forwarding to and have that email forward. gmail will definately drop it. Basically mygmail@gmail.com to email@mydomain.com forwarded back to mygmail@gmail.com will not work. Test the forwarder by emailing from another email account entirely making sure the same gmail account with the forwarder isn't used for sending the originating email.

good info, got it resoved. I had Site Support stop forwarding it for me, but lost all the emails I did have in there

That's a bugger, but at least you can move past it.

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My email is not forwarding to my gmail?

My email is not forwarding to my gmail?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Any advice? As far as I can see, the only option I have is to delete my email.

I don't like webmail (including gmail). Before I started using Thunderbird I figured out how to use Outlook

I am also having this problem. I fear it is a temporary web slowdown with Gmail

I'm more concerned with this being WA servers, I tried connecting my WP blog to Memberful last night and they wouldn't let me because they said the server hasn't been updated in 7 years

Email yourself from another account....if you have one

Did that, it's how I know there's a problem

Hi, Gmail has recently upgraded it's security protocols which has caused some issues along similar lines (but for me it was when scanning from a copier to Gmail) Can u provide more detail regarding your scenario and domain etc. You cannot email from the same gmail account you are forwarding to and have that email forward. gmail will definately drop it. Basically mygmail@gmail.com to email@mydomain.com forwarded back to mygmail@gmail.com will not work. Test the forwarder by emailing from another email account entirely making sure the same gmail account with the forwarder isn't used for sending the originating email.

good info, got it resoved. I had Site Support stop forwarding it for me, but lost all the emails I did have in there

That's a bugger, but at least you can move past it.

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asked in
Getting Started

Reminder, this is for editing an ecourse that I'm making. Not doing green screening, not doing any crazy special effects except putting words on the screen.

Oh, okay. Cool! Well then ^^....

Personally, I've no experience using Windows Movie Maker. I use Premier Pro for PC, however and iMovie for Mac.

Which one you go with, depends on how familiar you are with video editing software. If you dapple in one, you'll have little problem learning similar software.

You can use either Premier or Movie Maker for what you're trying to do. A lot of the fancy stuff that I've seen, like green screen and so forth, people use After Effects for. Reviews I've seen on Movie Maker is on how simple the layout is. For beginners, It's perfect, but for pros it's TOO simple, since they like more specific control of certain things. More switches to click and buttons to press

Personally I prefer Premier Pro, since I have most experience with that AND I like more control of specific features. I also like the control over how I want to export/render finished vids. For Mac users, iMovie might be too simple for pros who may have a better time instead with Apple's Final Cut Pro (FFPro is pretty much the Premier for Mac Users).

Premier Pro Specifics: Might seem daunting for new users. The Interface looks cool, but might look to daunting and Star Trekkie for the non-tech savvy. I recommend taking the time and becoming familiar with the software.

Along with it, you should get Soundbooth and Encore along with it (Hopefully bundled in). Another reason I like using Premier is how much control you have over the audio you use. You can easily make clips, cut, splice and put them back together in Soundbooth.

Encore is used for final rendering once your vid file is packaged and ready to go. This sounds like a lot, and it is, but it's Pro for a reason and I think after the effort put in, the quality of your vid is well worth it.

Adobe's Creative Cloud website has great free tutorials to get started and familiarize yourself with the interface.

I also suggest the Video Copilot website: It's After Effects, but the program looks a lot similar to Premier Pro and might even give you some motivation going in.

Does this help? (^^) lol I hope it does

I WILL say, that as a Mac user as well, iMovie pretty much sounds the same as Windows Movie Maker, from what I can tell.

My experience with Apple's app: it's very simple, easy to use, easy to share and easy to export for social media platforms —even going straight to YouTube. I imagine Movie Maker is the same way, so I assume the experience will be simple, but the quality professional-looking enough. Unless you're making a feature film, I think you might be in good shape regardless of which platform you use :)


DAMN! Great review, that did sum it up for me.

I am a newbie, and thus will most likely fall into the Movie Maker category to the uninitiated. However, i learn quickly and have a feeling I'll wish I went with pro if I don't. It seems like it's going to give me the quality I want. Plus, 20/month? That's not too bad.

Thanks for your help!!!!

hahaha Welcome! It's always nice to have a selection of choices and know what you're getting with each. Glad I could help with that. Getting Adobe software anymore is really feasible, so CC will be around for the foreseeable future for sure, should you decide to take the big step. Prices aren't too bad at all.

Good luck with putting the ecourse together! (^^)/

Thank you!

Have you used Premier Pro yet or are you debating trying it for the first time as an alternative?

I am debating using it

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Who has opinions on premiere pro?

Who has opinions on premiere pro?

asked in
Getting Started

Reminder, this is for editing an ecourse that I'm making. Not doing green screening, not doing any crazy special effects except putting words on the screen.

Oh, okay. Cool! Well then ^^....

Personally, I've no experience using Windows Movie Maker. I use Premier Pro for PC, however and iMovie for Mac.

Which one you go with, depends on how familiar you are with video editing software. If you dapple in one, you'll have little problem learning similar software.

You can use either Premier or Movie Maker for what you're trying to do. A lot of the fancy stuff that I've seen, like green screen and so forth, people use After Effects for. Reviews I've seen on Movie Maker is on how simple the layout is. For beginners, It's perfect, but for pros it's TOO simple, since they like more specific control of certain things. More switches to click and buttons to press

Personally I prefer Premier Pro, since I have most experience with that AND I like more control of specific features. I also like the control over how I want to export/render finished vids. For Mac users, iMovie might be too simple for pros who may have a better time instead with Apple's Final Cut Pro (FFPro is pretty much the Premier for Mac Users).

Premier Pro Specifics: Might seem daunting for new users. The Interface looks cool, but might look to daunting and Star Trekkie for the non-tech savvy. I recommend taking the time and becoming familiar with the software.

Along with it, you should get Soundbooth and Encore along with it (Hopefully bundled in). Another reason I like using Premier is how much control you have over the audio you use. You can easily make clips, cut, splice and put them back together in Soundbooth.

Encore is used for final rendering once your vid file is packaged and ready to go. This sounds like a lot, and it is, but it's Pro for a reason and I think after the effort put in, the quality of your vid is well worth it.

Adobe's Creative Cloud website has great free tutorials to get started and familiarize yourself with the interface.

I also suggest the Video Copilot website: It's After Effects, but the program looks a lot similar to Premier Pro and might even give you some motivation going in.

Does this help? (^^) lol I hope it does

I WILL say, that as a Mac user as well, iMovie pretty much sounds the same as Windows Movie Maker, from what I can tell.

My experience with Apple's app: it's very simple, easy to use, easy to share and easy to export for social media platforms —even going straight to YouTube. I imagine Movie Maker is the same way, so I assume the experience will be simple, but the quality professional-looking enough. Unless you're making a feature film, I think you might be in good shape regardless of which platform you use :)


DAMN! Great review, that did sum it up for me.

I am a newbie, and thus will most likely fall into the Movie Maker category to the uninitiated. However, i learn quickly and have a feeling I'll wish I went with pro if I don't. It seems like it's going to give me the quality I want. Plus, 20/month? That's not too bad.

Thanks for your help!!!!

hahaha Welcome! It's always nice to have a selection of choices and know what you're getting with each. Glad I could help with that. Getting Adobe software anymore is really feasible, so CC will be around for the foreseeable future for sure, should you decide to take the big step. Prices aren't too bad at all.

Good luck with putting the ecourse together! (^^)/

Thank you!

Have you used Premier Pro yet or are you debating trying it for the first time as an alternative?

I am debating using it

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