In this video I'm going to walk you through setting up Thunderbird to send and receive your domain specific emails.
This is only for top level domains you have hosted here at Wealthy Affiliate - not for SiteRubix subdomains.
First, please check out Kyle's tutorial for setting up your domain specific email address Setting up a Domain Specific Email Account
Now have a quick look at Thunderbird. It's free and you can download it from https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/ Yes, the same people who make the Firefox browser.
I wrote a post about Thunderbird after I discovered how easy it is to use and I had discovered some of its features
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
I had hardly scratched the surface of this app!
Check Your Email Address Through Site Email
You can access your webmail through Site Rubix > Site Manager then click on Site Email.
After you create your email account send a test email to your gmail or hotmail or any other email account you have. This makes sure that sending emails is working properly.
When you receive the test email click on 'Reply' and send a reply back to your Webmail account. This makes sure your new email account can receive emails.
If you can send and receive emails using webmail then you've succeeded in setting up your email account correctly.
Get Your Email Access Details
Now let's get the details we need for Thunderbird.
Click on SMTP settings
Copy all the details there and paste into a Notepad. You need the Incoming Mail Settings and the Outgoing Mail Settings.
Now go to Thunderbird and start setting up your new email account. Just follow the instructions in the video.
If you prefer to use Outlook for your emails then have a look at How to Use Outlook For Your WA Site Email
You'll find more of my videos and tutorials at Marion Black's Training
As always I'm here to help you,
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