How will I succeed if there's so many people doing the SAME thing?! The answer.


Howdy all, so I often get "this question" from my referrals and see it on occasion through chat and the forums here, I know there's also a bunch of you who are thinking it but aren't asking or saying it...

What is it, what's the question!?

Say you're doing the certification courses. What if there's 100 others making a site with the same niche as yours?

Say you're doing affiliate bootcamp? How are you supposed to succeed when there's so many other people doing it too!?

Essentially those 2 questions point back to the same thing which is that you're working on something and there's other people unquestionably working on it too. How, therefore can you succeed with this seemingly limitless competition in the mix!?

The answer is this: You can and here's the reality of what you're worried about...

It is very unfortunate for me to admit this, but I see a lot of people quitting both the certification courses and bootcamp because of this single worry they have.

They really believe they'll never succeed because there's so many others doing the same thing.

Now while this is bad for those who quit and they're WRONG to do it, this presents an opportunity for those staying in the game to push forward.

Most people quit this business because of that worry and various others like this:

Anywhoo if most people quit, whatever number that may be, that's still LESS of that number for you to worry about.

Another rule: It doesn't matter how many people are in your niche, you can still succeed IF...

You do the training and work your butt off.

You have more knowledge and passion than your competition to write more great content than they do. No 2 sites ever look the same, your information, your keyword targeting, your approach is different than your competition, and there's always things one person will think of that another won't and vice versa, so that will add to more traffic for them and the other person who works hard and keeps finding it.

You stop worrying about the illusionary barrier that is competition and start worrying about working hard and doing the training.

Just this past Vegas trip I took to meet K and C, we had 2 new faces who started bootcamp not too long ago.

If they made it work with no prior experience and followed the training, worked their butts off and made it, why can't you?

There's a bunch of us super affiliates who compete with one another essentially, but we still make it to Vegas every year because we each have our own avenues of ideas we come up with which translate to success.

There is NO LIMITED SPACE FOR SUCCESS. Everyone who works can make it...

I strongly recommend watching Jay's bootcamp confidential video:

And for the love of all that is good, stop letting your worries prevent you from getting somewhere in life! Ask questions, go with the mindset of evolution and ambition and you will succeed.

The courses at WA have stood the test of time. Not a single person who hasn't completed them fully and honestly has failed, I promise you that.

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Recent Comments


I agree with you Vitally, there is no competition, the "cake" is still big enough.:)

I just had an episode today with a friend who thought about doing something similar. I just blogged about it!

Hey Vitaliy. I had been pondering this question for the last 2 days. Seems like divine providence as I don't believe in coincidences. Have been struggling with bootcamp and often hit writers block and in need for blog topics. Also with a regular job find it difficult to make time. But I want to press on although a bit depressed as I am venturing in the unknown and uncertainty is a killer.

Well the training will help a lot Alexander, although in the end, it's the niche topic and if you love it that will you with ideas and beating writer's block.

Sometimes I think that what I'm doing is fruitless, but there is a big part of me that enjoys doing this and so I press on.

Competition is fierce in the niche I have chosen even if it is a segment of the overall niche I'm in. It's probably why I haven't gotten an affiliate sale yet of any of the products I've been promoting.

Does this mean I've failed and that I'm not seeing any kind of success? Absolutely not! I've been earning revenue from Google AdSense since last year and while it is not a lot right now, it has steadily been increasing.

In just the first two months of this year, I've now made more than it what it took me all of last year to make from AdSense. I've gotten over the $10 mark for the first time and the number of impressions and views are increasing and my traffic has been steadily increasing.

What used to be around 20 to 25 views a day is now averaging 40 to 50 views a day with spikes here and there. This just gives me more incentive to keep on working especially with consistency. I can't WAIT tell I start getting 100 views a day or higher and that's when things can REALLY get interesting.

Pure gold
Thank you!

Awesome and amazing pep talk. I have dabbelled in different things in the past and this is the first one that has had the best, thorough, and amazing step by step training, motivation and the support of a huge community. My goal is to go and join the Vegas team very soon.
Thank you for this post and encouragement.

I agree with you, Vitaly. Kyle said something similar in his live class. Don't worry about the competition. View yourself as the competition.
I like to think in abundance. The audience out there is huge and everyone has their own ways and unique style to attract visitors.
Thanks for your encouragement!

Love this post, Vitaliy, I missed this live training so I will watch this in a minute, I found this post of yours very motivating and positive, thank you:-))Steph

Totally agree!! If there is competition, then there is usually demand. So it can often be better to go into a niche with competition.

Great post - thank you Vitaliy.

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