50 profitable niches.


So before I give this list, here's 2 things:

1) Do not worry if this list doesn't have the niche you are currently making a site with or are considering. These aren't the only profitable niches out there guys. I'm just adding these in to give you ideas if you're stuck.

2) I did a YouTube video on this and here's a screenshot of something I think will help you pick out niches, whether or not it's one of these 50:

So let's get into the list:

1) Losing belly fat.

2) Low carb diet plans.

3) Hair loss for men.

4) Hair loss for women.

Note: You can combine 3 and 4 if you wish.

5) Tablets for kids.

6) Gaming laptop accessories.

7) Vlogging accessories.

8) Action cameras.

9) Drones.

10) Hiking backpacks.

11) Hiking boots.

12) Camping accessories.

13) Survival gear.

14) Survival tips.

Feel free to mix 13 and 14 together.

15) Preparing for cataclysms.

16) Storing up on supplies in case of emergencies.

17) Getting rid of love handles.

18) Gaming laptops.

19) Computer gaming gear.

20) Making money online.

21) Jobs for single moms.

22) Popular hiking trails (promote prep clothing and gear).

23) Six pack exercises.

24) How fix things around the house (leaky pips, broken things, ect...).

25) Dealing with noisy neighbors.

26) Dealing with knee problems.

27) Dealing with joint issues.

28) A site on different types of cleanses (health related).

29) Tips for making the skin look younger.

30) How to slow down/reverse aging.

31) Ways to increase metabolism.

32) How to stop heart diease.

33) How to stop type 1 diabetes.

34) How to stop type 2 diabetes.

35) Hydroponic gardening.

36) Making your own garden tips.

37) How to get rid of termites.

38) How to get rid of bed bugs.

39) How to get rid of mold yourself.

40) Wood burning tips.

41) How to stop smoking.

42) How to get rid of college debt.

43) How to become a freelance writer.

44) Be your own mechanic (fixing cars yourself).

45) Be your own mechanic with motorcycles.

46) Getting back with your ex (specify if it's a man or woman).

47) How to succeed at dating.

48) How to succeed with ONLINE dating.

49) How to stop stress, anxiety, panic attacks.

50) Safety razors.

Feel free to mix some of them together (camping with survival tips for example). Which niche do you feel closest to?

Bonus: Selecting YOUR top niche (which one should you go with?)

To answer this question, you will want to ask yourself this: Which of these niches am I most passionate about? Be honest with yourself in that if there is one niche in this list that you would absolutely give a 10 in terms of passion, then go for that one.

But what if none of the 50 on this list are a "10" in your mind? Well then the answer is to find YOUR ideal niche that best matches your passion/s in life. Here's how do that:

First is this resource: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/vitaliyg/blog/need-help-find...

Second is this resource: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/vitaliyg/blog/how-to-narrow-...

Third is my series course on niches and picking your best one: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/classes/series/picking-your-...

Here's the most important thing to take from this niche list...

Do NOT force yourself to choose a niche you don't have passion for. Be open minded and where your passion is. I almost surely promise you that if you have a passion in life, there is an IDEAL niche out there for you that is also highly profitable.

Do NOT neglect the power of passion in choosing a niche because if you choose correctly, you are WAY ahead than you can imagine at being successful with your future online business with it.

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Recent Comments


Hi Vitaly, I am thinking of brisk walking and running niche. Is that OK? The domain name I have chosen is BoostHeartRate.
I will promote gear and provide tips. I feel a bit stuck and indecisive. Can you give a hand on this?

Hi Daniella. I think both topics are a bit broad. Perhaps a different approach such as:

Jogging tips.
How to increase metabolism.
Cardio workouts.
How to prepare for marathons.

You can still promote the same things within these.

Thank you very much for the reply! Do you think I should stick whether with brisk walking or running, but not with both? Or maybe I should change the domain name?
Sorry for all these questions, but it's still a bit unclear to me:)

Neither Daniella, I mentioned they are both broad and provided a few different options that will be better. Your domain name is fine for the 4 options.

Hi Vitaly, thank you for the help, I really appreciate.
Have a nice day!

Thanks Vitaliy,
This list is very helpful

Very helpful Vitaliy, Thank you. I see some I would love to get into.

A very useful list there Vitaliy. I have never understood why so many training programs just skim the surface when it comes to niche selection, its so important. Choosing an inappropriate niche can be a real setback.

Are they ranked in any particular order? Such as loosing belly fat as number one etc? Safety razors being the least? I really don’t think it matters but please confirm.

Thank you.


No absolutely not Becky, their order is completely random.


Thanks Vitality.



Thanks for sharing the list, Vitaliy!


Thanks for the inspiration Vitaliy!


Dear VitaliyG,

Thanks a lot for sharing and really helpful.


Excellent list Vitaliy!!

One for the bookmark for sure!


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