Need help finding a niche? I've got you covered.

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Hi everyone, so as someone who has often preached about the importance of choosing a niche you love to build a business with in WA, I often find myself helping people inside and outside of WA in doing this.

One of the key components of the WA program is to help you build a profitable niche website on a topic you love in life and by choosing the topic correctly (meaning choosing something you love and something that is popular, that will automtically make it a potentially lucrative topic to build your business on).

But doing that correctly for many people can be a difficult task and often times people ask me the following questions which tell me they don't really understand niches or how to choose them. Questions such as:

  • What is the most profitable niche?
  • What are the top 10 niches for so and so?
  • What's a profitable niche?
  • Ect...

One of the main problems with all of these questions is that people don't even think about what THEY LOVE, but rather what they think can make money. While you CAN build a profitable niche business on a profitable topic, one of the key components to actually helping you do it faster, better and getting more satisfaction out of it is passion.

Not only that, but if you choose something you love, here's what else happens:

  1. It's easier to brainstorm content creation ideas.
  2. It's easier to find popular keywords because you know the subject.
  3. It's easier to write good content that ranks better.
  4. It's easier to review products and promote them since you know the subject.
  5. It's easier to be ambitious because you love the niche.
  6. It's easier to make your chosen niche a profitable online business overall.

If you have NO passion for the niche topic you chose, you will find it harder to build that business and there's a CLEAR difference in building a niche business you LOVE vs one you're just feeling "meh" about.

Very often, I'll refer people to a popular article I wrote long ago here on that topic which explains what niches are and how you find them:

And if you're a premium plus member, I also have a very in-depth 5 part series on niches and choosing YOUR ideal one here:

The key in these resources is to help you pick an IDEAL niche for YOU specifcially. My top 3 niches list may be completely different than yours and frankly, that's totally fine.

However, one ADDITIONAL helpful thing I've done lately is ask people about giving me their top 5 or top 10 list of niches and assigning a 1-10 number to them, where 1 represents a topic you don't love much or have a lot of experience in and 10 being you LOVE the topic and your knowledge in it is high.

What I want to do in this specific post is share this info with you and help you choose an ideal niche for you if you're currently stuck in that position.

So to get this started, let me give you my personal list of the top 5/10 niches I like with a 1-10 number assigned to them, and based on it choose the one that is most ideal for me.

If you want to ask me which niche to choose, I want you to reply to this post in the same manner and I'll help you isolate one that would be ideal to build upon in WA. Here goes:

  • Hiking (8)
  • Affiliate marketing and online business (8)
  • Street self defense (7)
  • How to lose belly fat (4)
  • How to regrow your hair for men (3)
  • Nature travel destinations (8)
  • RV travel (4)
  • Drones (6)

Based on this list, there are 2 topics (hiking and nature travel destinations) which get an 8 rating which I can merge to create a niche site off and that's exactly what I did by creating a travel blog called The Nature Seeker.

Your turn :)

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Here is my updated list, after reading your post again and again 🤷‍♀️

. Cooking and trying new recipes -8
. Low Carb eating -8
. Walking for weight loss-8
. healthy living -6
. Reading self help books and blogs -8
. Leadership skills -7
. Finding safe and reliable On-line /remote employment -7
. Keeping up to date on Real estate changes -6
. Different ways to organize -5

A site on low carb eating is fine and it can encorperate many of the other topics you listed Roseann.

It just seems from my experience of reading and searching information on this topic over 5+ years that this is a very full niche?

Not sure how I get through the niche section. I think I will select “ Low Carb Life Style “ as my niche.. but I don’t know what to do ?
Sorry to be a pain

It's a good niche and the further training in WA will show you how to grow a business out of it.

So, I don’t know what comes after picking a niche? What do I do with this Niche? Thanks

What is the further training I need to do?

You should be following the steps in this training:

Ok, I guess I am losing part of my mind, I have finally found how to carry on with training ( dah) sorry for the brain freeze 😳

My passion is the Entertainment World but I am putting that on hold as I pursue it physically. We have 2 niches, the beach but we want to have many different beach items i.e. upscale furniture, and clothing, towels and blankets etc. The other will be specialty candles, ultimately to release our own brand. Would your program help me to design and create the platforms for them and are they sustainable niches?

So for designs, can help. The key is marketing which is what truly determines success and for that you need niches and a direction to go in.

Regarding niches, here's a few options:

Beaches: a site on beach travel (like a travel blog). You can build that out and promote your brand items through that.

How to make candles niche. You can showcase how it's done and promote your own candle brand on the site.

I think WA can help you in great ways to reach your goals.

Okay, here is my question about niches:
Here is what I like and am knowledgeable about and even have a great personal sorry around:
Mental Health – Depression Recovery made Simple (8)
How to stop stress, anxiety, panic attacks (5)
Lasting Weight Loss (8)
Brain Health (8)
How to slow down/reverse aging (5)
Growing a Thriving Online Coaching Business (8)

Really, it is all around 5-dimensional Wellness

Combining it it could be;

Brain-Based Weight Loss
Feel-Good Fat Loss
Thriving as a Wellness Coach

What would be the best place (most profitable) to start?
I am trying currently , but not sure if that is a good one or just would be a good addition to another one...
Would love the opinion of an expert...

I'm not trying to be a S**** A**, but I used the Facebook groups I'm involved with as my choices because they are My Focus most of the time.
What I'm genuinely interested in!

* I love Japanese music (8) - FB group and website I started and admin.
* My favorite Japanese music (8) - FB group I started and admin.
* Juice=Juice#Angerme fans (8) - FB group I started and admin.
* Idol Thoughts (8) - FB page I started. Focused on the idol music genre in Japan.
* (9) - FB page and website. I recently started focusing on. Left-handed guitars.
* Japanese Music Fans (5) - FB group I admin.
* tại RAP VIỆT MÙA (at RAP VIETNAM) (4) - FB group I started and admin.
* Japanese music (any genre, any era) (5) - FB group I admin.

I have three or four other Facebook groups that I admin. or moderate (and dozens that I've joined.) But they're focused on single artists. I don't think that would be a good niche for an affiliate website.
As you can see. I have a focus problem. My niche, I think, is well chosen.
~Japan's Rock Women!~
But I can flip it around quickly enough, I suppose, if I chose wrong.
P. S.
I didn't realize it was going to put a hyperlink for the website I just started. But if you care to take a look at it, it's one of the motivating factors for me being HERE!
I have little direction trying to put it together. It's been a difficult time, trying to do it for a print-on-demand or drop-ship business.

Yeah go with Japanese music then in this case.

Ugh... still struggling with my niche, even with all the advice here. I have some things I'm interested in, but I'm no authority in the matter. For example, I had an idea yesterday of making my niche about life as an adult with ADHD. But there are already plenty of sites on the subject, and honestly, though I have so many symptoms of ADHD, I've never been diagnosed. All of this makes me think it's not a good idea after all.
Am I barking up the wrong tree again, or am I totally missing the point?

You might consider seeking a diagnosis first. Then, while not a medical authority on the subject, you could still relate your own experiences on the subject.

If it was me, I'm not sure I'd pursue it as a blog to monetize, but instead, possibly write an eBook on the subject. Then you could publish that and make a little money on them while also relating your experiences to others who might have and and are not diagnosed too. Just a thought!


Absolutely not and the more personal and passionate you are about your Niche the better!!! Being passionate about your Niche means you may come up with new angles and ideas others that are only concerned with revenue didn't think of. Also pay no mind to the competition out there because whether it's a wardrobe, construction, even automobile manufacturers there is always competition. Believe me a little competition is good for you and if you utilize the opponents in a constructive way you will succeed. Especially here at WA with its amazing platforms and tools given and taught to you. Good luck in your endeavors.

Kevin and Son

ADHD is fine but if I remember correctly you wanted to make a site related to dog health? I'd still consider that niche if you're into it.

That was me, :)

So if that gets a higher score (through this strategy) than ADHD, then you should go for that vs the other :)

You absolutely DO NOT have to be an expert to build a profitable business. There are profitable blogs that were started by people who had no more than a great desire to learn a subject; so they started from that perspective. it usually takes more than six months before google starts taking your blog seriously, by that time you will be able to teach beginners what you have learned while you continue to learn.

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