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Hi I'm Patti I'm a kiwi from NZ wanting to build my own online legitimate business! I was with Empower Network and have just resigned today!





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

My excerpts on my blogroll(Main Page) on my website looks like gibberish. Can any one please give me some advice as to how I can tidy this up?

Thanks Patti

I am having the same problem.
On my home page the blog looks untidy,but when i click on the "recent posts" it looks fine.
One other thing,i haven't got the excerpts button in "screen options".
Anyone know why?


what do you mean, looks untidy?

Hi dpapa,
I managed to sort it out by installing a widget.
Thanks for replying though.


Hope all went well and you are cleaning up!

Yep just started tidying things up. The suggestions mentioned are really good. Thanks for asking Tria :) Patti

You can custom write your excerpts. they dont have to be the beginning of your blog post or the first xx characters. I often write custom excerpts to lead people into the post.

On the Add New blog post section (where you write your posts) look for the section that says "Excerpt" underneath the content area of your post. If you don't see this section, click "Screen Options" in the upper right corner of the screen and click the "Excerpts" checkbox.

I would recommend writing custom excerpts versus doing auto-creating them. Looks and feels better on the site. More control is better.

Sounds great! Appreciate the advice :) Cheers Patti

Oh, cool! I didn't even know that was possible - thanks for the tip.

I normally write a short blurb at the top which the search engines pick up as the meta I italicize that and keep it under 160 characters.

Do you have separate pages for summary and article? I do some of my pages like this. These have custom excerpts and I try to have them on every page and post.


That was going to be my next question actually. How to make it look tidy for the search engines. But you've answered this now! Cheers Daniel

Have you tried using the "insert more" tag within your posts? It may help it clean it up so you can only show as much as the blog post as you want within the blogroll page.


I've never tried that before Wendyjane. Thanks for the helpful advice :) Patti

I looked at your page, sorry I didn't get what you are asking about.

Thanks for looking. Daniel called this annotating? Which is a brief summary of your blog post I think. This is what I mean't and wondering how to fix mine because it doesn't read well :)

I too am having issues with annotating the two top blog posts.(I want them all annotated.however all the previous ones do annotate) but can't seem to find any way to do this.

So is annotating a brief summary of your posts Daniel? If it is then this is what I am having problems with :)

I just looked at your page. What exactly are you talking about? I couldn't find any "gibberish"

Sorry Mackiejw. What I mean't was the excerpts of my content that come up under the titles of my blogroll doesn't flow or read as I would like it too. Daniel may have hit this on the head in his comment below.

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How do you tidy up excerpts on your blogroll

How do you tidy up excerpts on your blogroll

asked in
Everything Wordpress

My excerpts on my blogroll(Main Page) on my website looks like gibberish. Can any one please give me some advice as to how I can tidy this up?

Thanks Patti

I am having the same problem.
On my home page the blog looks untidy,but when i click on the "recent posts" it looks fine.
One other thing,i haven't got the excerpts button in "screen options".
Anyone know why?


what do you mean, looks untidy?

Hi dpapa,
I managed to sort it out by installing a widget.
Thanks for replying though.


Hope all went well and you are cleaning up!

Yep just started tidying things up. The suggestions mentioned are really good. Thanks for asking Tria :) Patti

You can custom write your excerpts. they dont have to be the beginning of your blog post or the first xx characters. I often write custom excerpts to lead people into the post.

On the Add New blog post section (where you write your posts) look for the section that says "Excerpt" underneath the content area of your post. If you don't see this section, click "Screen Options" in the upper right corner of the screen and click the "Excerpts" checkbox.

I would recommend writing custom excerpts versus doing auto-creating them. Looks and feels better on the site. More control is better.

Sounds great! Appreciate the advice :) Cheers Patti

Oh, cool! I didn't even know that was possible - thanks for the tip.

I normally write a short blurb at the top which the search engines pick up as the meta I italicize that and keep it under 160 characters.

Do you have separate pages for summary and article? I do some of my pages like this. These have custom excerpts and I try to have them on every page and post.


That was going to be my next question actually. How to make it look tidy for the search engines. But you've answered this now! Cheers Daniel

Have you tried using the "insert more" tag within your posts? It may help it clean it up so you can only show as much as the blog post as you want within the blogroll page.


I've never tried that before Wendyjane. Thanks for the helpful advice :) Patti

I looked at your page, sorry I didn't get what you are asking about.

Thanks for looking. Daniel called this annotating? Which is a brief summary of your blog post I think. This is what I mean't and wondering how to fix mine because it doesn't read well :)

I too am having issues with annotating the two top blog posts.(I want them all annotated.however all the previous ones do annotate) but can't seem to find any way to do this.

So is annotating a brief summary of your posts Daniel? If it is then this is what I am having problems with :)

I just looked at your page. What exactly are you talking about? I couldn't find any "gibberish"

Sorry Mackiejw. What I mean't was the excerpts of my content that come up under the titles of my blogroll doesn't flow or read as I would like it too. Daniel may have hit this on the head in his comment below.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

My Google Analytics Bounce Rate has gone from 40% or thereabouts to 0.00% Bounce Rate. So the traffic was visiting, puking and leaving(as it were). I did change my content aroun

Im not sure if this will help but i remember from Fresh and Coffee discussion that someone has a bounce rate of 1.8% and if i understand correctly this is due to the GA code was redundantly pasted both on the theme options and on the SEO. Just remembered, ......

Thanks for your input. I will double check cheers:) Patti

Does your tracking code look normal in google analytics? Does it all look the same?

Just checked the tracking code. Yep it looks normal?

Sorry Patti - I can't think of anything else except to open it up as a discussion topic (top upper left) and see if there are more experienced ones out there. I would hate for you to cancel and redo it all over again if you don't have to....


Hey Ken... had a look this morning at GA and I've Bounced! Still not sure what's going on. I went from 0% to 12.50%. Will keep an eye on this. Might go wonky again. Thanks for your support :)

I am following this discussion to see if I can learn from this. Very interesting question.

Are you seeing this in your Dashboard, or are you actually going to Google Analytics? I have issues with the Dashboard no always working.

I'm going into Google Analytics. Not sure what to do whether to contact Google myself or what ho..hum..

0 percent means no one is leaving your site, with the exception of leaving through a link you have posted, which would be great if it was realistic.

I wish... chuckle. I think that there is an error with Google Analytics somewhere. And I'm not sure how to fix this.

Not sure what is going on. But I agree with kws123 that bounce rate should be the lower the better…Interesting question!

Yeah 0% is an issue...you want a certain bounce rate in particular if you are promoting something. Bouncing just means they are leaving your website and this could mean they are doing so through an affiliate link... A good thing.

If i understand correctly the lower the bounce rate the better but I would think zero was impossible so something must be wrong...sorry don't know how to be more help.

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They came, they puked, they left

They came, they puked, they left

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

My Google Analytics Bounce Rate has gone from 40% or thereabouts to 0.00% Bounce Rate. So the traffic was visiting, puking and leaving(as it were). I did change my content aroun

Im not sure if this will help but i remember from Fresh and Coffee discussion that someone has a bounce rate of 1.8% and if i understand correctly this is due to the GA code was redundantly pasted both on the theme options and on the SEO. Just remembered, ......

Thanks for your input. I will double check cheers:) Patti

Does your tracking code look normal in google analytics? Does it all look the same?

Just checked the tracking code. Yep it looks normal?

Sorry Patti - I can't think of anything else except to open it up as a discussion topic (top upper left) and see if there are more experienced ones out there. I would hate for you to cancel and redo it all over again if you don't have to....


Hey Ken... had a look this morning at GA and I've Bounced! Still not sure what's going on. I went from 0% to 12.50%. Will keep an eye on this. Might go wonky again. Thanks for your support :)

I am following this discussion to see if I can learn from this. Very interesting question.

Are you seeing this in your Dashboard, or are you actually going to Google Analytics? I have issues with the Dashboard no always working.

I'm going into Google Analytics. Not sure what to do whether to contact Google myself or what ho..hum..

0 percent means no one is leaving your site, with the exception of leaving through a link you have posted, which would be great if it was realistic.

I wish... chuckle. I think that there is an error with Google Analytics somewhere. And I'm not sure how to fix this.

Not sure what is going on. But I agree with kws123 that bounce rate should be the lower the better…Interesting question!

Yeah 0% is an issue...you want a certain bounce rate in particular if you are promoting something. Bouncing just means they are leaving your website and this could mean they are doing so through an affiliate link... A good thing.

If i understand correctly the lower the bounce rate the better but I would think zero was impossible so something must be wrong...sorry don't know how to be more help.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I came across my old EN website...oh my goodness! It is still out there online since I left in June 2013.

Can I delete it does anyone know please?

Maybe put comments on it about WA and get the link backs. They may get tired of you siphoning off their site.

The sad thing about EN is that their marketing material looks so plausible. I was very close to joining on a number of occasions.

I'm so glad you never joined :)

I have heard many times that this is an impossible task since you have no rights to the site.

Your'e exactly right Tria! Well this is what's coming out in this thread.

So sad that people pay monthly for those sites without really owning them. I'm glad you found WA, and maybe Empower Network will implode under its own weight one of these days and all the sites will disappear.

It is sad. I totally agree! And yep I believe that in time EN will collapse. So I feel for those members who will feel the impact of this! Thanks

There's no getting away from the double "D"s.

I don't think you can since it's technically not your property to begin with.

I think your right! Thanks

Can't help you with this one. Sorry my friend

It's okay. Your presence is appreciate :) Patti

Mine is still up as well and I got out a year ago. Because we can't log in I don't think we go to the dashboard and delete anything. We never truly owned it to begin with :(

Will this penalize the websites that we have created now with WA? I mean if Google put two and two together because our names are on EN's blogging platform, can they shut the website that we own now down? Thanks Rick

I asked Kyle this very question and he said as long as we aren't actively doing anything with the site ourselves we are fine. I'll see if I can find his actual comment, I forget if,it wa on one of my EN posts here or on Facebook.

That would be neat if you could find Kyle's response Rick! No hurry though enjoy your first day of the new year I can wait. All good!

No luck on finding it. I don't recall under which article or post Kyle said this. Will keep looking but basically I'm trying to remember where the discussion even happened. In the meantime, all the best to you in 2014.

Thanks for looking anyway Rick and all the very best to you!

If it is your blogs , they are the property of empower network . If it is your website that you hosted , you should be able to control it from there .. Hope that help you out ..

Yep they are my blogs. And no wasn't my very on website but their blogging platform. Thanks for chipping in!

Don't pay for the domain name? Not sure…Happy New Year and may it be filled with $$$….

I haven't been a member since June so I stopped paying for my membership. So I naturally thought that my EN website wouldn't be visible anymore. Happy new year to you too.

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How do I delete my Empower Network Website?

How do I delete my Empower Network Website?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I came across my old EN website...oh my goodness! It is still out there online since I left in June 2013.

Can I delete it does anyone know please?

Maybe put comments on it about WA and get the link backs. They may get tired of you siphoning off their site.

The sad thing about EN is that their marketing material looks so plausible. I was very close to joining on a number of occasions.

I'm so glad you never joined :)

I have heard many times that this is an impossible task since you have no rights to the site.

Your'e exactly right Tria! Well this is what's coming out in this thread.

So sad that people pay monthly for those sites without really owning them. I'm glad you found WA, and maybe Empower Network will implode under its own weight one of these days and all the sites will disappear.

It is sad. I totally agree! And yep I believe that in time EN will collapse. So I feel for those members who will feel the impact of this! Thanks

There's no getting away from the double "D"s.

I don't think you can since it's technically not your property to begin with.

I think your right! Thanks

Can't help you with this one. Sorry my friend

It's okay. Your presence is appreciate :) Patti

Mine is still up as well and I got out a year ago. Because we can't log in I don't think we go to the dashboard and delete anything. We never truly owned it to begin with :(

Will this penalize the websites that we have created now with WA? I mean if Google put two and two together because our names are on EN's blogging platform, can they shut the website that we own now down? Thanks Rick

I asked Kyle this very question and he said as long as we aren't actively doing anything with the site ourselves we are fine. I'll see if I can find his actual comment, I forget if,it wa on one of my EN posts here or on Facebook.

That would be neat if you could find Kyle's response Rick! No hurry though enjoy your first day of the new year I can wait. All good!

No luck on finding it. I don't recall under which article or post Kyle said this. Will keep looking but basically I'm trying to remember where the discussion even happened. In the meantime, all the best to you in 2014.

Thanks for looking anyway Rick and all the very best to you!

If it is your blogs , they are the property of empower network . If it is your website that you hosted , you should be able to control it from there .. Hope that help you out ..

Yep they are my blogs. And no wasn't my very on website but their blogging platform. Thanks for chipping in!

Don't pay for the domain name? Not sure…Happy New Year and may it be filled with $$$….

I haven't been a member since June so I stopped paying for my membership. So I naturally thought that my EN website wouldn't be visible anymore. Happy new year to you too.

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asked in
Video Marketing

Is it a good thing if people are using your You tube videos on their own site? The ones in question have fairly new websites. Is this okay?

Anyone using your stuff is good in my book. Now try to get their money out of therir wallet.

(chuckle) Your funny lol

my ranking keeps dropping?

Do you use adsense on your youtube videos? if not you should because with the added exposure you can get some extra income.

Hi believe me, I haven't learn't about adsense yet or paid ads etc as I am still going through the boot camp training. But will keep this in mind. Thank you :)Patti

Well if you promote using youtube hurry up and apply for a partnership account because they can take a while before they approve you. and then once your approved you can use your adsense account with youtube and make money off your videos. The good thing is that they use to be picky with who they allowed to partner but I heard that everyone is accepted now.

Wow awesome thanks for the advice

It helps to rank your video if its on other websites, YouTube encourage people to embed.

Thanks for that bullet I wasn't sure how it worked particularly when the websites in question were fairly new ones. Cheers :) Patti

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You Tube Videos Help

You Tube Videos Help

asked in
Video Marketing

Is it a good thing if people are using your You tube videos on their own site? The ones in question have fairly new websites. Is this okay?

Anyone using your stuff is good in my book. Now try to get their money out of therir wallet.

(chuckle) Your funny lol

my ranking keeps dropping?

Do you use adsense on your youtube videos? if not you should because with the added exposure you can get some extra income.

Hi believe me, I haven't learn't about adsense yet or paid ads etc as I am still going through the boot camp training. But will keep this in mind. Thank you :)Patti

Well if you promote using youtube hurry up and apply for a partnership account because they can take a while before they approve you. and then once your approved you can use your adsense account with youtube and make money off your videos. The good thing is that they use to be picky with who they allowed to partner but I heard that everyone is accepted now.

Wow awesome thanks for the advice

It helps to rank your video if its on other websites, YouTube encourage people to embed.

Thanks for that bullet I wasn't sure how it worked particularly when the websites in question were fairly new ones. Cheers :) Patti

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asked in
Getting Started

I checked this persons website out and he sells front doors! This is the comment below:

This is really fascinating, You’re a very skilled blogger.

I’ve joined your r

So generic there is no way it is anything but spam!

Hi - if it doesn't add to the page/post in anyway, then it's spam - trash it.

All the best, Mark

sounds like spam, I have had similar comments

For all those that think something is spam, you can copy and paste the username from their email address into google search. You will see the history, including some that may come up as "spambot".

I have had those too. However, none of mine every commented! They just registered as a user. Those I delete.

You bet it is.

I have had comments from all kinds of sites... one that made down jackets up in Canada, one in India that makes wood carvings, and so forth. Many people are online and if they have their own site, they are interested in others. We all learn from eachother.


It's a spam!

If it has nothing at all do do with your post then it is spam. Especially if the guy's name is "premium sash windows" or "oewrejrheutyhsk".

Most of the time you can just tell by the bad grammar (from using comment auto submission and spinning) and over complimenting. And if in doubt, just copy part of the comment and you'll find the exact comment or slight variations on many other blogs.

Great thanks for the explanation.

No its spam. My rule of thumb is that if a comment can be cut and pasted and applies to any website out there, it is not a relevant comment and it is spam. They should delete this comment.

The is a good rule of thumb. Cheers and thanks

I get those and I just delete them. I think that they are still trying to just link to your site. Also, he got you to check out his site and that is what they also hope for. I don't keep them. If they make a genuine comment about my product or service without putting up a link then I generally publish it. I hope this helps. This is only what I do. Someone else may have a different opinion.

I'm glad I asked and shared the comment. Thanks for the advice.

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Is this a genuine comment?

Is this a genuine comment?

asked in
Getting Started

I checked this persons website out and he sells front doors! This is the comment below:

This is really fascinating, You’re a very skilled blogger.

I’ve joined your r

So generic there is no way it is anything but spam!

Hi - if it doesn't add to the page/post in anyway, then it's spam - trash it.

All the best, Mark

sounds like spam, I have had similar comments

For all those that think something is spam, you can copy and paste the username from their email address into google search. You will see the history, including some that may come up as "spambot".

I have had those too. However, none of mine every commented! They just registered as a user. Those I delete.

You bet it is.

I have had comments from all kinds of sites... one that made down jackets up in Canada, one in India that makes wood carvings, and so forth. Many people are online and if they have their own site, they are interested in others. We all learn from eachother.


It's a spam!

If it has nothing at all do do with your post then it is spam. Especially if the guy's name is "premium sash windows" or "oewrejrheutyhsk".

Most of the time you can just tell by the bad grammar (from using comment auto submission and spinning) and over complimenting. And if in doubt, just copy part of the comment and you'll find the exact comment or slight variations on many other blogs.

Great thanks for the explanation.

No its spam. My rule of thumb is that if a comment can be cut and pasted and applies to any website out there, it is not a relevant comment and it is spam. They should delete this comment.

The is a good rule of thumb. Cheers and thanks

I get those and I just delete them. I think that they are still trying to just link to your site. Also, he got you to check out his site and that is what they also hope for. I don't keep them. If they make a genuine comment about my product or service without putting up a link then I generally publish it. I hope this helps. This is only what I do. Someone else may have a different opinion.

I'm glad I asked and shared the comment. Thanks for the advice.

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