About Skilly
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483 followers Joined March 2015
Hi, I'm Jim Boufford. I love dancing, fishing, computers and people. I enjoy road trip vacationing and seeing the country. I retired early from a





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asked in
Getting Started

I've chosen "Pet food, Toys and Supplies".

If you were going to search using Google, would you type "pet food, toys, and supplies?" Probably not. Be really specific. Using Jaaxy, there are so many great ideas.

hope this isn't a dumb question, but if I sold dog food, clothes and toys, would a search bring up my site if a buyer searched for "dog toys"?

a couple ideas...
You can have all categories (food, clothes, toys) under once site, though you may want to search for a good keyword for each and write a specific page for that item so it can be found more easily than your broader main page. For example, to encompass all of your items - you may think of a site name/domain like "stuff for your dog" which is pretty broad and likely difficult to rank for. But if you wrote a post within that site called "best dog sweaters for bagles" - that is much more specific and have much better chances ranking.
The other idea is to create a separate site for each idea. Dog food is a big enough niche on its own to create an entire site around as is dog clothes and dog toys. In doing this, you are able to create separate pages for each type of dog food - to guide the reader in an easy to follow fashion...

Thanks, Nick. That's the best advise I've had yet. I'm going to think about both ideas, but I'll probably select just dog food or clothes. You're right, they're both pretty big categories.

Be really specific.

Im wondering the same thing. Is my niche " accessible housing" too broad?

Be more specific. You may be successful but try to narrow it down a little more. I see standards, wheelchair, designs, etc.

It sounds like a good niche to me, but do you mean accessible housing construction, cost, availability, location for purchase or rent?

Sorry about the delayed reply but I haven't had a day to refocus on the website. Well , I guess I would summarize the goals of the site as
1.provide information through a blog on accessible products such as wheelchair ramps, walkintubs, showers, etc
2. affiliate commissions and links to related sites
3. provide information on accessible housing situations including rentals by area, construction, cost, modification with a capture page

In breaking it down, I think I may have answered my own question. I'm starting to think that accessible products and modifications need to be a separate site from accessible housing availability and situations.
Being that the products site would be more geared to drive traffic and sales, while the housing site would be a little more geared to building a list and consultation.
I'm not entirely sure if I wouldn't be better off even breaking the products down by type such as a separate site for ramps, bathrooms, etc., but I thinh I might try to do that later. Appreciate your reply and any thoughts you may have- Dan

I agree narrow it down to a niche you are comfortable with

Thanks Rich!

Skilly,id suggesst pet food ot pet toys first and go with one thing at a time,it`s alot of work mate

Thanks Roamy. I've got some thinking to do.

Shout if you need further help

I'm chiming in with the other folks an agree it's too broad. Do you have pets yourself?What are the things you need for them? Or taking a different direction, what about looking at your art deco interests? For example, There's lots of DIY sites around, but not many focused on art deco! I guess the point I'm making, is choose something you're really passionate about, whether it's dogs or art deco.

I think I'm choosing dogs. Art deco is an architectural style that dates from now back to the 1920's.

The rule of thumb: The narrower the better:) Completely agree with Dave.

Thanks, Adeng. I'll just stick to dogs. That's what I know most about, anyway.

Hi Jim,
Yes we agree totally with Dave (Caraid).
Our niche deals with 1 breed - Chihuahuas, but as a spin-off we've included small breeds as well.
Please feel free to have a look at our "About Me" page and give us your comments. The url is:

I clicked on the link and an error page opened that said,"This page cannot be found".

You're right, thanks for pointing that out. It's our turn to ask a question now to get that corrected.
In the mean time, if you still want to bother and have a look, just click on that link again, then click onto one of the comments, then scroll "UP" not down, and you'll see the "about" page. Hope it gives you some inspiration for your own page.

I don't know what's happening, but I still get thje error message. "This site cannot be found". I clicked the link that you sent me in the first email.

We're really sorry for your troubles. We've just realised that there is no "content" on our site yet. What you need to do is click on the heading "About Geoff, Jane and Bubbygirl". This is our "About Me" page. Good luck.

I think Caraid has described it rightly. the niche should be narrow and focused.

Thank you. I've decided that "dog food and supplies" is broad enough.

Hi Jim

In my opinion yes. I think it would be far better to start off with a specific family of pets, Dogs, reptiles, etc.

As far as writing content you could just be spreading yourself too thin.

For example:
If I was a dog owner and visited your site and only 1 in 20 articles were related to dogs I think I would lose interest pretty rapidly.

However if your site was about 2 year old,black Great Dane dogs with a biting problem and that is exactly what I had.
Immediate Engagement!
A bit extreme but I am sure you get the point.

You need to think about your audience and engage with them. They need to feel that you are talking to THEM! Not the whole town or world but THEM.

I hope this makes sense

All the best with your selection


Thanks, Dave. That makes a lot of sense.

Not too broad, the question is who/where is your target audience?
How to attract etc.

Thanks, Melvin. Now you've got me thinking. Maybe I can target an audience easier if I can narrow down the audience.

You have many variations because of the broadness of your niche, which is all part of the fun :)

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Is my niche too broad for a beginner?

Is my niche too broad for a beginner?

asked in
Getting Started

I've chosen "Pet food, Toys and Supplies".

If you were going to search using Google, would you type "pet food, toys, and supplies?" Probably not. Be really specific. Using Jaaxy, there are so many great ideas.

hope this isn't a dumb question, but if I sold dog food, clothes and toys, would a search bring up my site if a buyer searched for "dog toys"?

a couple ideas...
You can have all categories (food, clothes, toys) under once site, though you may want to search for a good keyword for each and write a specific page for that item so it can be found more easily than your broader main page. For example, to encompass all of your items - you may think of a site name/domain like "stuff for your dog" which is pretty broad and likely difficult to rank for. But if you wrote a post within that site called "best dog sweaters for bagles" - that is much more specific and have much better chances ranking.
The other idea is to create a separate site for each idea. Dog food is a big enough niche on its own to create an entire site around as is dog clothes and dog toys. In doing this, you are able to create separate pages for each type of dog food - to guide the reader in an easy to follow fashion...

Thanks, Nick. That's the best advise I've had yet. I'm going to think about both ideas, but I'll probably select just dog food or clothes. You're right, they're both pretty big categories.

Be really specific.

Im wondering the same thing. Is my niche " accessible housing" too broad?

Be more specific. You may be successful but try to narrow it down a little more. I see standards, wheelchair, designs, etc.

It sounds like a good niche to me, but do you mean accessible housing construction, cost, availability, location for purchase or rent?

Sorry about the delayed reply but I haven't had a day to refocus on the website. Well , I guess I would summarize the goals of the site as
1.provide information through a blog on accessible products such as wheelchair ramps, walkintubs, showers, etc
2. affiliate commissions and links to related sites
3. provide information on accessible housing situations including rentals by area, construction, cost, modification with a capture page

In breaking it down, I think I may have answered my own question. I'm starting to think that accessible products and modifications need to be a separate site from accessible housing availability and situations.
Being that the products site would be more geared to drive traffic and sales, while the housing site would be a little more geared to building a list and consultation.
I'm not entirely sure if I wouldn't be better off even breaking the products down by type such as a separate site for ramps, bathrooms, etc., but I thinh I might try to do that later. Appreciate your reply and any thoughts you may have- Dan

I agree narrow it down to a niche you are comfortable with

Thanks Rich!

Skilly,id suggesst pet food ot pet toys first and go with one thing at a time,it`s alot of work mate

Thanks Roamy. I've got some thinking to do.

Shout if you need further help

I'm chiming in with the other folks an agree it's too broad. Do you have pets yourself?What are the things you need for them? Or taking a different direction, what about looking at your art deco interests? For example, There's lots of DIY sites around, but not many focused on art deco! I guess the point I'm making, is choose something you're really passionate about, whether it's dogs or art deco.

I think I'm choosing dogs. Art deco is an architectural style that dates from now back to the 1920's.

The rule of thumb: The narrower the better:) Completely agree with Dave.

Thanks, Adeng. I'll just stick to dogs. That's what I know most about, anyway.

Hi Jim,
Yes we agree totally with Dave (Caraid).
Our niche deals with 1 breed - Chihuahuas, but as a spin-off we've included small breeds as well.
Please feel free to have a look at our "About Me" page and give us your comments. The url is:

I clicked on the link and an error page opened that said,"This page cannot be found".

You're right, thanks for pointing that out. It's our turn to ask a question now to get that corrected.
In the mean time, if you still want to bother and have a look, just click on that link again, then click onto one of the comments, then scroll "UP" not down, and you'll see the "about" page. Hope it gives you some inspiration for your own page.

I don't know what's happening, but I still get thje error message. "This site cannot be found". I clicked the link that you sent me in the first email.

We're really sorry for your troubles. We've just realised that there is no "content" on our site yet. What you need to do is click on the heading "About Geoff, Jane and Bubbygirl". This is our "About Me" page. Good luck.

I think Caraid has described it rightly. the niche should be narrow and focused.

Thank you. I've decided that "dog food and supplies" is broad enough.

Hi Jim

In my opinion yes. I think it would be far better to start off with a specific family of pets, Dogs, reptiles, etc.

As far as writing content you could just be spreading yourself too thin.

For example:
If I was a dog owner and visited your site and only 1 in 20 articles were related to dogs I think I would lose interest pretty rapidly.

However if your site was about 2 year old,black Great Dane dogs with a biting problem and that is exactly what I had.
Immediate Engagement!
A bit extreme but I am sure you get the point.

You need to think about your audience and engage with them. They need to feel that you are talking to THEM! Not the whole town or world but THEM.

I hope this makes sense

All the best with your selection


Thanks, Dave. That makes a lot of sense.

Not too broad, the question is who/where is your target audience?
How to attract etc.

Thanks, Melvin. Now you've got me thinking. Maybe I can target an audience easier if I can narrow down the audience.

You have many variations because of the broadness of your niche, which is all part of the fun :)

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

My privacy policy page is now blank. I need to replace it.

Hi Jim,
always create a Privacy Policy 'word document' first with the name/email changes.
then you can replace lost materials (Blogs/Posts etc.)
It also makes sense to create a file structure on your hard drive with backup materials (Images, Research, Source files).
I find that depending on what Wordpress theme has been chosen, you get these peculiarities which have to be mastered to create a functionaly responsive site.
we have all been there :)
Hope this helps.

Thanks, Melvin. Fortunately, I realized that I had saved a draft of it, so I got it back.

Hi Skilly,
Glad you asked that question. You generated some helpful answers. Thanks........Dick

I have to apologize for not answering directly to all these wonderful emails. Thank you all for your help and I now know how important it is to have everything backed up.

If the page was originally published with content, check your page/post revisions for the latest one that has content.


That's unless you've deleted all the old post revisions.

Thanks, Welshy. Fortunately, I remembered that I'd saved a draft copy.

Each time you make changes on a page update it straight away. I always do a copy on microsoft word -just in case

Thanks. A backup in Word is safer, isn't it?

Yes I normally have a back up which I copy and paste from my website to a text file. Saves me the trouble from having to start from scratch hope that helps

It really does, Rich. I'll now back everything up!

you will need to replace it. make sure you update and save your content often when writing any content

Thanks, Deos. Now I know how important a backup is.

Who in heavens name wants to steel your privacy policy content?

(just kidding) Hope it sticks when you replaced it, luckily not to much damage, copy and paste again, and change some lines:)

Thanks, Loes.

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Why did the content disappear from my privacy policy?

Why did the content disappear from my privacy policy?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

My privacy policy page is now blank. I need to replace it.

Hi Jim,
always create a Privacy Policy 'word document' first with the name/email changes.
then you can replace lost materials (Blogs/Posts etc.)
It also makes sense to create a file structure on your hard drive with backup materials (Images, Research, Source files).
I find that depending on what Wordpress theme has been chosen, you get these peculiarities which have to be mastered to create a functionaly responsive site.
we have all been there :)
Hope this helps.

Thanks, Melvin. Fortunately, I realized that I had saved a draft of it, so I got it back.

Hi Skilly,
Glad you asked that question. You generated some helpful answers. Thanks........Dick

I have to apologize for not answering directly to all these wonderful emails. Thank you all for your help and I now know how important it is to have everything backed up.

If the page was originally published with content, check your page/post revisions for the latest one that has content.


That's unless you've deleted all the old post revisions.

Thanks, Welshy. Fortunately, I remembered that I'd saved a draft copy.

Each time you make changes on a page update it straight away. I always do a copy on microsoft word -just in case

Thanks. A backup in Word is safer, isn't it?

Yes I normally have a back up which I copy and paste from my website to a text file. Saves me the trouble from having to start from scratch hope that helps

It really does, Rich. I'll now back everything up!

you will need to replace it. make sure you update and save your content often when writing any content

Thanks, Deos. Now I know how important a backup is.

Who in heavens name wants to steel your privacy policy content?

(just kidding) Hope it sticks when you replaced it, luckily not to much damage, copy and paste again, and change some lines:)

Thanks, Loes.

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