About RPP080879
Rank 64947
1,360 followers Joined April 2018
I am an 80-year-old Christian and have been a Deacon, an Elder, a Bible Class Leader and Custodian at a church. My wife and I





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

How can I do it?

I believe this was answered correctly



I see they have answered your question.


You are welcome.

Vicki thanks for that information!
I will purchase a new one.

You are welcome, Robert :)

Hi Robert -- need a bit of clarification -- is your website already up and running, indexed & ranked? ... and subsequently, want to save the contents of your existing site? ...

here's a comment thread that might help you consider these factors: ... hope this is a wee bit helpful for your considerations ... :)

Hey Robert,

If you want to change your domain name you will need to register a new domain name.

However, if you only want to change the Site Title... here's a video to show you how to do that: Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks again!

Using the backup plugin would work wonders Michael, as I moved one website 3 times to 3 different domains. The following backup plugin fixed all internal links for me: However that plugin only works used like that on smaller websites (under 50 posts and pages) else you would need to use another plugin.

If that really WAS your question Robert... sorry for my misunderstanding your request, and I hope this helps you.

Unfortunately, you can't
you would have to buy a new one Robert

Vicki thanks for that information!
I will purchase a new one.

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Can I change my domain name on my web-site?

Can I change my domain name on my web-site?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

How can I do it?

I believe this was answered correctly



I see they have answered your question.


You are welcome.

Vicki thanks for that information!
I will purchase a new one.

You are welcome, Robert :)

Hi Robert -- need a bit of clarification -- is your website already up and running, indexed & ranked? ... and subsequently, want to save the contents of your existing site? ...

here's a comment thread that might help you consider these factors: ... hope this is a wee bit helpful for your considerations ... :)

Hey Robert,

If you want to change your domain name you will need to register a new domain name.

However, if you only want to change the Site Title... here's a video to show you how to do that: Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks again!

Using the backup plugin would work wonders Michael, as I moved one website 3 times to 3 different domains. The following backup plugin fixed all internal links for me: However that plugin only works used like that on smaller websites (under 50 posts and pages) else you would need to use another plugin.

If that really WAS your question Robert... sorry for my misunderstanding your request, and I hope this helps you.

Unfortunately, you can't
you would have to buy a new one Robert

Vicki thanks for that information!
I will purchase a new one.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

The problem has been solved, thanks everyone!

I get this popup to sign back in when I attempting to write anything on W.A.


Happy to hear that things are sorted out.

It is a helpful tool that I sorely need.

Thanks, Bob

Glad you got it solved.

Thanks, I'm a happy camper again.

Happy to hear you solved the problem..I'm also using Grammarly and really like it.

When it wasn't working, I thought I was going to cry!

Thank you, Bob

Cool, glad it got sorted


Hi, Robert just attempting to get you to sign up for the premium package, happened recently from memory it mentioned something about WA, there is an option in the popup to push cancel, just click that button and they will let you get on with it.
Or simply refresh your browser.

Thanks for this information Alex it worked. Have a super day, night or evening whichever fits.


Awesome will do, mid afternoon here.

Mid-night at my abode! Thanks again.


thanks kindly for the question, sometimes a re-boot helps... :)

It is back in working order thanks for the help.


I used it today and didn’t have any issues, but I am already a premium member.

Thanks for responding Heidi I also have WA Premium. I'm going to ask the Help Center.


It's a pop up to entice you into signing up for Grammarly premium which is about $99 Aud for a year, last time I checked. There are more advanced features like a plagiarism checker on content and correct grammar suggestions.

That answer does not make me happy but, most likely is correct. I already have Grammarly Premium. However, it will be frustrating to go back and forth from WA to Grammarly Premium, for everything I write on here.

Thanks for responding.

mi riting en spiling r so bed i prolly brok it, lol

That's my problem also, mostly with grammar checks and
Vocabulary enhancements. Plus it will not let me sig back in.
Thanks anyway.



I haven't seen this problem. I use it all the time....the free version.


I've been using Grammarly since joining WA but, today it is not working. Plus it will not let me sign back in.


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Is something wrong with grammarly? repaired thanks everyone!

Is something wrong with grammarly? repaired thanks everyone!

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

The problem has been solved, thanks everyone!

I get this popup to sign back in when I attempting to write anything on W.A.


Happy to hear that things are sorted out.

It is a helpful tool that I sorely need.

Thanks, Bob

Glad you got it solved.

Thanks, I'm a happy camper again.

Happy to hear you solved the problem..I'm also using Grammarly and really like it.

When it wasn't working, I thought I was going to cry!

Thank you, Bob

Cool, glad it got sorted


Hi, Robert just attempting to get you to sign up for the premium package, happened recently from memory it mentioned something about WA, there is an option in the popup to push cancel, just click that button and they will let you get on with it.
Or simply refresh your browser.

Thanks for this information Alex it worked. Have a super day, night or evening whichever fits.


Awesome will do, mid afternoon here.

Mid-night at my abode! Thanks again.


thanks kindly for the question, sometimes a re-boot helps... :)

It is back in working order thanks for the help.


I used it today and didn’t have any issues, but I am already a premium member.

Thanks for responding Heidi I also have WA Premium. I'm going to ask the Help Center.


It's a pop up to entice you into signing up for Grammarly premium which is about $99 Aud for a year, last time I checked. There are more advanced features like a plagiarism checker on content and correct grammar suggestions.

That answer does not make me happy but, most likely is correct. I already have Grammarly Premium. However, it will be frustrating to go back and forth from WA to Grammarly Premium, for everything I write on here.

Thanks for responding.

mi riting en spiling r so bed i prolly brok it, lol

That's my problem also, mostly with grammar checks and
Vocabulary enhancements. Plus it will not let me sig back in.
Thanks anyway.



I haven't seen this problem. I use it all the time....the free version.


I've been using Grammarly since joining WA but, today it is not working. Plus it will not let me sign back in.


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