Procrastination Delays Success and Robs Us From Meeting Our Goals! Be like the Turtle Not The Rabbit

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I am a chief of procrastination, family, friends, church activities and four grand-kids getting married this year have distracted me big time in the pursuit of my WA goals. Getting back on the track of completing the training has also been sidetracked by immersing myself to deeply in the Social Aspect of WA. One of the most critical needs of being successful in our quest for financial security, with WA seems to be getting our website up and running, and that means we need to follow and complete the training sessions that will get that accomplished. Be social and enjoy the WA Community but continue completing the training. The turtle won because it did not take a nap, he did not stop for any reason .

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Recent Comments


They used to call us procrastinators. Now we are multi-taskers. lol

I'm more like multi-distracted! Thanks for your comment.


Can relate so well to all this. Thanks for sharing. However, "Must get on with it!"

Thanks Alan!

Can relate so well to all you have shared here. Thanks for sharing. I must "get on with it" so to speak....!

You are welcome Allan, Thanks!

Keep at it Robert.



Got to keep at it, Robert!
Start back tomorrow.
C & P


Slowly but surely will go far.


You are welcome.

An observation I have made about the tortoise and the hare is their ability for both to hide! One goes inside their shell in plain sight and the other in a hole, so we don’t see them. Not sure which I like better. :)

Thanks for your reply!

I think I am running closely alongside you with being a procrastinator although mine is the socializing with WA
and not getting other things completed around my house.
But you have got one thing correct procrastination will
kill dreams of an online business :)

Sometimes I feel like I am frozen in time. Thanks for responding.

Procrastination kills motivation - speaking from experience.
The mind will do anything to prevent you from getting out of your comfort zone.

When I feel that procrastinating feeling creeping into my brain

I repeat out loud about 20 times - '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW'' '' I DO IT NOW''

These words kick start me into action

I love your response, thanks!

Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome, thanks for reading!

No problem.

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