Thanks to +10k WA Followers - 1 Thought That Can Change EVERYTHING!

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I just noticed that I had reached +10k followers in Wealthy Affiliate. Thank you everyone for following!

Maybe this is not super-meaningful milestone but let's still celebrate it!

Let me share 1 interesting thought about reaching success online that'll really help you especially if you're starting out.

If you've been following for a while, you know that Wealthy Affiliate has been a huge influence in my life.

I started in WA without knowing anything about affiliate marketing. I didn't have any idea what that word means. Nowadays I make my living with affiliate marketing online. So obviously a lot of things have changed since then.

My Observations During 3-4 Years

Time runs fast and I've been an active member here already for a while. It's a bit hard to realize how fast time goes.

Anyways, I've seen A LOT of people coming and going.

I've myself referred 1,000's of people to Wealthy Affiliate.

I've had discussions with 100's of people here personally.

And I've met 10's of WA members in person (well, mainly in Vegas Conference).

There's one POSITIVE and one SAD thing that I've come to notice...

Let's start with the "sad one" so we can end with a positive one :)

1 Thing That Makes Me Very Sad

Sometimes I scroll my Private Messages section within Wealthy Affiliate.

There are 100's (if not 1,000's of messages). Many people have asked for help over the years because I've referred them here and promised to help.

I've replied ALL of the private messages from my referrals over the years. Many of them took action based my advice and made a nice progress.


Many of them quit.

It really saddens me to see the "Not Live" sign in the messages.

You see that all those 4 people have quit even though they were satisfied with the support.

  • "Thank u roope"
  • "I'm good, thanks Roop"
  • "Hi, my good and committed friend and mentor!"
  • "Thanks Roope , much appreciation."

But still, ALL of those 4 persons have quit.

They created their websites and took the steps towards their goal/dream.

Then suddenly they stopped and flushed their dreams down the toilet.

I almost feel that 10's of messages that I've sent to help them to succeed were in vain. Well, probably they were not in vain because they learned some things along the way that can help them in their lives anyway.

But it's still kinda saddens me that those people quit. They had dreams but they ended pursuing them...

Most common reason I hear is "I don't have money. I'll come back when I have more."

I feel it's often like an excuse because $49/month is a REALLY TINY amount of money compared to the value and potential that WA provides.

How much would you be willing to pay for the Financial Independence for the rest of your life?

If you're not willing to invest even $49/month into your own financial future, I feel that you're never gonna achieve something big. I know, it sounds brutal but that's the truth.

And if you're reading this right now, Please, please, never give up. You'll regret the opportnities that you missed.

And now let's move to a positive thing:

Thing That Makes Me Happy - Everyone Who Doesn't Quit Makes It Eventually

I've read from Kyle's blog posts the following sometimes and it really drilled into my mind (it's not maybe from word to word like this but you'll get the idea):

"Over the years, I've seen lots of people quitting. Guess how many of those succeeded who quit? 0. But on the other hand, I haven't seen anyone failing who didn't quit."

I agree with Kyle 100%. Just by staying in the game, going forward and learning new things, you'll eventually "succeed" with affiliate marketing. Whatever the success means to you but I'm sure that everyone will at least make a living and those who do it longer or more seriously will make a fortune.

People often say excuses like,

"But affiliate marketing is so competitive."

"There are already 1,000,000's of blogs. The market is too saturated."

"Email marketing is dead."

Etc. Etc.

But the truth is that affiliate marketing, email marketing and blogging still work.

This is what I've come to notice:

You'll beat 99% of your competition just by sticking in the game. Most people get excited at the beginning but quit as soon as they face their first challenge. The more challenges you overcome and the longer you stick in the game, the greater chances you'll have for making it big.

There's 1 more thought that I must share with you:

Stop Thinking "Will This Work for Me?"

Because you're most likely just wasting your time...

When I was getting started here, I started messaging with a more experienced member. I was asking those questions like, "Will this really work for me?"

His messages really discouraged me. He explained about his friend who had been working 2 years and was just making $200/month.

There are 2 ways to think about it:

1. He was making ONLY $200/month OR

2. He was making ALREADY $200/month

Based on my and many other people's experiences the road from $0 to $200/month is MUCH harder than the road from $200/month to $2,000/month. Then more experienced people probably say that getting from $2,000/month to $20,000 is again easier than getting from $0 to $2k/month.

Once you get the ball rolling, things really get easier and you'll notice that your income will increase incrementally every single month if you just put in the effort.

Anyways, I just recently received some emails from this same guy because he was subscribed to my email list.

I answer 100% of the questions of my email subscribers to provide them the best support and build a relationship with them.

This person was asking me tips on how to move forward because he had some some of my recent successes.

He hadn't made as much progress during those 3 years since the last time we talked. Just imagine if he would have spent all that energy instead of thinking and spreading to others "my friend is only $200/month after 2 years" into building his affiliate marketing business.

How far he could have gone already? We never know exaclty but we know . for 100% sure he would have gone much further by NOT worrying and Start taking action.

Wealthy Affiliate training is PROVEN to work 1,000's of time. It simply works if you take action. And it doesn't work if you don't take action.

Simple as that.

Conclusion - You Never Know How Close You're to the Next Breakthrough

I've sometimes seen sudden "leaps" within my online business journey.

I didn't expect them but I made a great progress within a short period of time.

Then sometimes I feel that nothing's working even though I'm putting in the effort.

The key is always to keep on going and trying new things because you never know when the next breakthrough comes.

Mark Cuban says, "It doesn't matter how many times you fail, you only have to be right once.” If you hit that 'jackpot' within your online business, that can change your life forever.

Just think about it. Your life will never be the same...

I want to leave you with the picture that Zarina often shared in her posts.

Interesting thing is that she started around the same time here as I did. I'm very happy that she continued while we've seen 1,000's of people quitting.

We reach our dreams while those who quit are like the guy with the white shirt in the picture below:

All the best to you my friend!


Roope "Never give up" Kiuttu

PS. Smash that green "Like this" button and share this with your friends to give them some encouragement right now.

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Recent Comments


Thank you Roope. This is one of your best encouragements to us all. A necessary mind set to success.
Most humans see what is rather than what can be. What is is right there staring us in the face. But clear visioning and goals thought about daily have already formed in the supernatural space. We just have then to action our inspired thoughts and "allow" the rewards to materialise. As surely they will.
Thank you again.

You're right Ken. Having a clear vision really helps .

Congrats on you 10K followers. I hope that they will each take the time to learn as much from you as possible.

I liked your story about the "old mentor" and the $200 statements. I am glad that you did not let him keep you discouraged.

Thanks for sharing another great post

Thank you Sondra! Yeah, that experience and discussions with him really taught me that I should be careful with who do I listen to. I almost quit becasue of him.

I am glad you didn't. I am also glad that I am one of your 10K followers.

Hey Roope.
Your a rockstar
I love your posts and one day I hope to sit down with you and share a nice cold beverage together.
Cheers mate

Sounds like a plan! :)

Are you also building an Affiliate Bootcamp site? I'm planning to be there in the coming years also so if you build a successful Bootcamp site, we're gonna meet in Vegas!

Yes I am Roope. Half way through boot camp.
Hopefully see you there mate
👍🏼 Dave

This is awesome, Roope. Great words to live by in all aspects of life. The people who signed up under you are very lucky!

Thank you Liz! :)

Hey Roope. Love the Marc Cuban quote, he is one of our heroes. Great post, thank you.
Colette and Philip

Yeah Cuban is really inspiring. He's so passionate and hard-working.

You are always motivating and once again you make some great points here Roope. I hope you don't feel like your time was wasted on those who quit. I see many people quit and come back and that is the time they take it seriously and make it work! I am sure they will remember your help and support either way!


Thank you Jessica! You're right. That support can still help them in some way and they may come back later anyway like you said. :)

Very inspirational post, Roope. I always appreciate your insightful thoughts on building a successful online business.


Thank you Randy! I'm gonna attend 1 conference again in 3 weeks so gonna post a "review" post here with some key ideas.

I'm looking forward to it!

Nice! :)

Hello Roope,
Your message is powerful and we thank you for taking the time to write this.I intend to print, wait frame this post and read it daily.Great motivation.

Elaine and Scarlett

Wow, that's inspiring also Elaine, thank you!

Very encouraging article to keep at it. I like that image too!

Thank you Benjamin! Yeah the image is great. It's drilled into my mind 😂

A very inspiring post, Roope. Definitely worth a second and third read.

A quote I read many years ago from a successful internet marketer has stayed with me:

"Most people quit just before the magic was about to happen."

Thank you Phil. That's an inspriing quote! I'm gonna use it! :)

Love, love, and love that quote, thanks much !

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