About KenShaddock
Rank 16964
2,170 followers Joined April 2018
Age 72 now, still working in piano retail. 40 years in music now. You get good after a while. OK passion too. Looking to





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

How do I create a banner for my website on wordpress free

Hi, Ken, is it a banner head for your website, or a banner head for a WA review? If you want a banner for your website, let me know what you require and I'll see if I can help.

Below are a couple of banners I have made for various websites. I've blurred out the url for obvious reasons. Hope it helps.

Thanks Brian. My need was a banner to run a link through to my website and at the same time be a head. Many promoting ad exchanges for example need a banner link. Looks better and effective and their requirement.

I agree with ours comments on here.
A free account with Canva.. Simple to use and the results can be very professional if you take your time and plan the design properly.


Thank you Gaz.

You can create banners using a site like canva as long as you have some sort of artistic flair.
Alternatively you can get very professional looking banners created very cheaply on Fiverr

Thank you Dave

Hi Ken,
You can create a free account with Canva and design your banners very easily. I've created hundreds of custom banners and graphics on my site and I'm sure you'll love the platform. If you search on Canva in the WA search bar at the top of your dashboard you'll find lots of information. But you might start with the webinar on using Canva that Jay presented called Hello Canva. You can find it under Live Events. Good luck!

Another really useful answer to something I wasn’t even aware I needed until I read yours and Robert’s response.
Thank you 👍

Thank you Linda. That's the answer I needed. Been trying plug ins to create but not user friendly.
Big thanks.

Thank you Linda. Exactly the answers I needed. More than a year now in WA, pride stopped me asking any question. Wow. Soon as I really find a block on a subjest, someone (or many) know the answers and are ready to share.
Big thank you Linda.

You're very welcome, Ken Happy to help. I think you"ll love Canva. It's easy and kinda fun. Good luck!

Glad it was helpful, Cordelia.

Thanks Linda. Yes it’s working well for me now. Thank you

If you mean for WA then there is a selection.

Click on the Dollar Sign at the top of the page then Links & Tracking and at the top of the next page to the right you will see the word Banners.

Click on that and you are taken to a selection.

Simply copy and paste the code into your article or into your Sidebar.

Your WA affiliate link is already embedded into the code.

What a useful tip, sometimes I don’t know what I need to know until I see an answer to another members question...👍

Always happy to point people in the right direction.
Enjoy your Sunday.

Thank you Robert. I am familiar with the WA banners. I use them daily in my promoting. It was to create one for my own seperate website of another product. I see other suggestions will work. Canva seems a promoted solution.
Thanks for your guidance.

Happy to help when I can.

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How do I create a banner ?

How do I create a banner ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

How do I create a banner for my website on wordpress free

Hi, Ken, is it a banner head for your website, or a banner head for a WA review? If you want a banner for your website, let me know what you require and I'll see if I can help.

Below are a couple of banners I have made for various websites. I've blurred out the url for obvious reasons. Hope it helps.

Thanks Brian. My need was a banner to run a link through to my website and at the same time be a head. Many promoting ad exchanges for example need a banner link. Looks better and effective and their requirement.

I agree with ours comments on here.
A free account with Canva.. Simple to use and the results can be very professional if you take your time and plan the design properly.


Thank you Gaz.

You can create banners using a site like canva as long as you have some sort of artistic flair.
Alternatively you can get very professional looking banners created very cheaply on Fiverr

Thank you Dave

Hi Ken,
You can create a free account with Canva and design your banners very easily. I've created hundreds of custom banners and graphics on my site and I'm sure you'll love the platform. If you search on Canva in the WA search bar at the top of your dashboard you'll find lots of information. But you might start with the webinar on using Canva that Jay presented called Hello Canva. You can find it under Live Events. Good luck!

Another really useful answer to something I wasn’t even aware I needed until I read yours and Robert’s response.
Thank you 👍

Thank you Linda. That's the answer I needed. Been trying plug ins to create but not user friendly.
Big thanks.

Thank you Linda. Exactly the answers I needed. More than a year now in WA, pride stopped me asking any question. Wow. Soon as I really find a block on a subjest, someone (or many) know the answers and are ready to share.
Big thank you Linda.

You're very welcome, Ken Happy to help. I think you"ll love Canva. It's easy and kinda fun. Good luck!

Glad it was helpful, Cordelia.

Thanks Linda. Yes it’s working well for me now. Thank you

If you mean for WA then there is a selection.

Click on the Dollar Sign at the top of the page then Links & Tracking and at the top of the next page to the right you will see the word Banners.

Click on that and you are taken to a selection.

Simply copy and paste the code into your article or into your Sidebar.

Your WA affiliate link is already embedded into the code.

What a useful tip, sometimes I don’t know what I need to know until I see an answer to another members question...👍

Always happy to point people in the right direction.
Enjoy your Sunday.

Thank you Robert. I am familiar with the WA banners. I use them daily in my promoting. It was to create one for my own seperate website of another product. I see other suggestions will work. Canva seems a promoted solution.
Thanks for your guidance.

Happy to help when I can.

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