About Eliz65
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Hi I've been thinking of trying an online business for a few months now. I'm excited to learn more about the WA process. Update: February 2019....I have





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I seem to be having an issue with one of my posts being able to be indexed. I received a message from Google console that my categories are "Submitted URL marked 'no index' as

Hi Eliza,
Have you checked your settings within your Wordpress for the noindex issue?

Are you using Yoast or the all-in-one-seo plugin?

There are settings there that you can change so that your posts/categories are no-index.

Check the settings there.

Google is only responding to this setup.

Hope this helps.

Hi Jackie, I'm using the all-in-one-seo plugin. I forgot about Yoast. Which do you think is better?
Do you know if the errors in Google Console are preventing the indexing or are they just making me aware that these are my settings?

Hi Eliza,
I'm using the all-in-one-seo plugin. I find it easier to work with and it's what is recommended in the training here.

If you have no-index checked on your post, this is Google just warning you as they would love to index your posts :-)

I only use the no-index on my privacy and disclaimer pages (as taught in the training here).

Do check the all-in-one-seo settings on that post that Google Console is reporting the issue.

All the best!

Let me know if you're still having issues.

thanks, I am going to go in and recheck the settings.

Hi Eliza,
I've checked my all-in-one-settings and the 'Use no index for categories' option is UNCHECKED. That will get rid of one of the Google Console errors if you have it checked.

For the post issue check the all-in-one-seo settings at the BOTTOM of the post in question (go into edit mode for the post).

All the best!

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Looking for some information about google console errors?

Looking for some information about google console errors?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I seem to be having an issue with one of my posts being able to be indexed. I received a message from Google console that my categories are "Submitted URL marked 'no index' as

Hi Eliza,
Have you checked your settings within your Wordpress for the noindex issue?

Are you using Yoast or the all-in-one-seo plugin?

There are settings there that you can change so that your posts/categories are no-index.

Check the settings there.

Google is only responding to this setup.

Hope this helps.

Hi Jackie, I'm using the all-in-one-seo plugin. I forgot about Yoast. Which do you think is better?
Do you know if the errors in Google Console are preventing the indexing or are they just making me aware that these are my settings?

Hi Eliza,
I'm using the all-in-one-seo plugin. I find it easier to work with and it's what is recommended in the training here.

If you have no-index checked on your post, this is Google just warning you as they would love to index your posts :-)

I only use the no-index on my privacy and disclaimer pages (as taught in the training here).

Do check the all-in-one-seo settings on that post that Google Console is reporting the issue.

All the best!

Let me know if you're still having issues.

thanks, I am going to go in and recheck the settings.

Hi Eliza,
I've checked my all-in-one-settings and the 'Use no index for categories' option is UNCHECKED. That will get rid of one of the Google Console errors if you have it checked.

For the post issue check the all-in-one-seo settings at the BOTTOM of the post in question (go into edit mode for the post).

All the best!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi, When I check my site content page there are several articles that do not show that they are indexed in Google (the G is not highlighted). However when I go to Google consol

Greetings to you

you have to go to google webmaster
there you have all posts that are
refused by Google because of no follow or
noindex finds errors there or maybe
you can find it in your email that you have authorized google

thanks, I will check in google webmaster.

Click here to see the problems on your website

just wanted to let you know - resubmitting my site map worked...all my articles just came through..indexed. thanks again for your help!

If it was published through Site Content and you didn’t change the permalink and it was indexed in Google, it should be reflected in Site Content. As for the not in sitemap part...have you updated your sitemap and submitted it to Google?

I did publish through Site Contents and haven't changed the permalink....I will try updating my sitemap and submit to Google.
I seem to remember seeing training on that - do you happen to have a bookmarked link? I will try searching in the training section as well.
thanks for your help, Eliza

I don’t, I’m sorry. I just go to my sitemap plugin click update and then go to Google Search Console and submit it.

To get your sitemap URL go into your dashboard and then into All-In-One SEO
Select xml Sitemap
Click on View Sitemap
and you will get a weird looking page.
Copy the URL and paste that in the relevant section of Webmaster tools

Thanks again, I found it. Will see if it works.

Thank you, I updated and I’ve resubmitted in Google Console. Hopefully things work.

You're most welcome

just wanted to udate you - resubmitting my site map worked...all my articles just came through..indexed. thanks again for your help!

just wanted to let you know - resubmitting my site map worked...all my articles just came through..all of them indexed at once. thanks again for your help!

Sweet - when I next see you you can buy me a coffee. :)

Resubmit your sitemap once a month or so and submit all new URLs for crawling.

Take care

Any time man..I’m glad you’re all fixed and good to go!

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I have a question about articles being indexed?

I have a question about articles being indexed?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi, When I check my site content page there are several articles that do not show that they are indexed in Google (the G is not highlighted). However when I go to Google consol

Greetings to you

you have to go to google webmaster
there you have all posts that are
refused by Google because of no follow or
noindex finds errors there or maybe
you can find it in your email that you have authorized google

thanks, I will check in google webmaster.

Click here to see the problems on your website

just wanted to let you know - resubmitting my site map worked...all my articles just came through..indexed. thanks again for your help!

If it was published through Site Content and you didn’t change the permalink and it was indexed in Google, it should be reflected in Site Content. As for the not in sitemap part...have you updated your sitemap and submitted it to Google?

I did publish through Site Contents and haven't changed the permalink....I will try updating my sitemap and submit to Google.
I seem to remember seeing training on that - do you happen to have a bookmarked link? I will try searching in the training section as well.
thanks for your help, Eliza

I don’t, I’m sorry. I just go to my sitemap plugin click update and then go to Google Search Console and submit it.

To get your sitemap URL go into your dashboard and then into All-In-One SEO
Select xml Sitemap
Click on View Sitemap
and you will get a weird looking page.
Copy the URL and paste that in the relevant section of Webmaster tools

Thanks again, I found it. Will see if it works.

Thank you, I updated and I’ve resubmitted in Google Console. Hopefully things work.

You're most welcome

just wanted to udate you - resubmitting my site map worked...all my articles just came through..indexed. thanks again for your help!

just wanted to let you know - resubmitting my site map worked...all my articles just came through..all of them indexed at once. thanks again for your help!

Sweet - when I next see you you can buy me a coffee. :)

Resubmit your sitemap once a month or so and submit all new URLs for crawling.

Take care

Any time man..I’m glad you’re all fixed and good to go!

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