About QYTan
Rank 17487
1,248 followers Joined March 2015
Hi, All. My name is Calvin Gunawan Tan. You may call me Gunawan or Calvin. I'm a part of a great community here in WA and





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

In Site Manager, suddenly my website called affiliatebusinessonline.com stated "No WordPress Website Installed". I already created the website since 25 Mar 2015. It surely need

I had the same issue. It's fixed now for me.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

There has been a glitch I understand they are working on it

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

That is great hope its plain sailing now

Don't reinstall anything until you PM Kyle. This is an ongoing issue that he is working on. Tom

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again. Thanks for your info, Tom.

Same here. my site vanished today.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

Yeah. The DNS expired. Call support and make sure your domain is current.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again. Thanks for your info, Barry.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again. Thanks for your info, Barry.

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Why I need to install my website again?

Why I need to install my website again?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

In Site Manager, suddenly my website called affiliatebusinessonline.com stated "No WordPress Website Installed". I already created the website since 25 Mar 2015. It surely need

I had the same issue. It's fixed now for me.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

There has been a glitch I understand they are working on it

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

That is great hope its plain sailing now

Don't reinstall anything until you PM Kyle. This is an ongoing issue that he is working on. Tom

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again. Thanks for your info, Tom.

Same here. my site vanished today.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again.

Yeah. The DNS expired. Call support and make sure your domain is current.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again. Thanks for your info, Barry.

I just log in my WA Account and went straight to my Site Manager. And suddenly it is fixed. So, I am able to access my website dashboard again. Thanks for your info, Barry.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When we offer comments for a particular site, is there a way to embed a hyperlink in certain words just like we do in wp-admin/edit-comments.php of Wordpress?

it is not something that is encouraged, though it can be done

You can insert links in comments but in general it is regarded as spam tactics and you risk disapproval of your comment.

What I mean is more on the function of The Site Comments. Thank you, Rosie.

I don't think they want you doing this in Site Comments for the reasons Rosie mentioned. You shouldn't be trying to embed links in your comments anyway.

Perhaps, it is. Thank you Jay!

oops, sorry......just don't want something negative happening to anybody here.....family should look out for family....

For you to able to embed a link in a comment the person that has put the site together has to have a certain function activated on the site the code for a link is whateveryourlink

We certainly need a Hyperlink button to be able to embed it :)
Just like in wp-admin/edit-comments.php of Wordpress.

I am not sure why but I was trying to give you the information but the code to embed a link and it will not let me edit my post ... here goes whateverlink is the code to embed a link in a comment if the function is activated ... cheers ...Michel .... well I am trying to give the code but the system has changed and they will not let us put any code in a post ... sorry

I got it, Michel.
Thank you!

After you have approved your received comments you can go to your website and add hyperlinks there.
You can't leave any links you give comment on in the site comments

Thank you, Loes!

I do not think you can add in comments which you give. But you can do this in comments coming to your site, and in your replies. See here:

Yes, Jovo. It is available if you post it in wp-admin/edit-comments.php of Wordpress.

But you write "when we offer comments", explanation you give here when we receive comments, that is what I was saying: you can edit comments coming to you.

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How to add a hyperlink in site comments?

How to add a hyperlink in site comments?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When we offer comments for a particular site, is there a way to embed a hyperlink in certain words just like we do in wp-admin/edit-comments.php of Wordpress?

it is not something that is encouraged, though it can be done

You can insert links in comments but in general it is regarded as spam tactics and you risk disapproval of your comment.

What I mean is more on the function of The Site Comments. Thank you, Rosie.

I don't think they want you doing this in Site Comments for the reasons Rosie mentioned. You shouldn't be trying to embed links in your comments anyway.

Perhaps, it is. Thank you Jay!

oops, sorry......just don't want something negative happening to anybody here.....family should look out for family....

For you to able to embed a link in a comment the person that has put the site together has to have a certain function activated on the site the code for a link is whateveryourlink

We certainly need a Hyperlink button to be able to embed it :)
Just like in wp-admin/edit-comments.php of Wordpress.

I am not sure why but I was trying to give you the information but the code to embed a link and it will not let me edit my post ... here goes whateverlink is the code to embed a link in a comment if the function is activated ... cheers ...Michel .... well I am trying to give the code but the system has changed and they will not let us put any code in a post ... sorry

I got it, Michel.
Thank you!

After you have approved your received comments you can go to your website and add hyperlinks there.
You can't leave any links you give comment on in the site comments

Thank you, Loes!

I do not think you can add in comments which you give. But you can do this in comments coming to your site, and in your replies. See here:

Yes, Jovo. It is available if you post it in wp-admin/edit-comments.php of Wordpress.

But you write "when we offer comments", explanation you give here when we receive comments, that is what I was saying: you can edit comments coming to you.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I plan to offer people a free ebook if they join as a starter member of WA through my website.

I would say yes just make sure it is giving your visitors good information, hope it all goes well

Sure do, Cathy.
Thank you :)

Looking forward to reading you're book.

Thank you, Shirley.

What is the subject of your ebook?

I'm still searching about it. in mu opinion it should be something that relate to affiliate marketing, such as building a website or tips to be a successful affiliate marketer.
Any ideas are welcome :)

Kyle encourages us to add a bonus offer to your Wealthy Affiliate review! This could be your bonus offer!

A bonus will make people make faster decision to join to WA :)
Thank you, Christa.

That's the idea! :) You're welcome! :)

Let us know when you do this.

I will. Thank you.

Great idea !!!


Very smart


Very smart. Your free ebook that offers an glance into the WA site would be great. Most people have trouble buying things they don't feel they fully understand. I bet if you did a good job on it others on WA would be interested in using it.

I try to make the offer more interested to make people join to our community :)

yeah that is a good idea


That is a great idea!


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Is it ok make people join starter wa by offering free ebook?

Is it ok make people join starter wa by offering free ebook?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I plan to offer people a free ebook if they join as a starter member of WA through my website.

I would say yes just make sure it is giving your visitors good information, hope it all goes well

Sure do, Cathy.
Thank you :)

Looking forward to reading you're book.

Thank you, Shirley.

What is the subject of your ebook?

I'm still searching about it. in mu opinion it should be something that relate to affiliate marketing, such as building a website or tips to be a successful affiliate marketer.
Any ideas are welcome :)

Kyle encourages us to add a bonus offer to your Wealthy Affiliate review! This could be your bonus offer!

A bonus will make people make faster decision to join to WA :)
Thank you, Christa.

That's the idea! :) You're welcome! :)

Let us know when you do this.

I will. Thank you.

Great idea !!!


Very smart


Very smart. Your free ebook that offers an glance into the WA site would be great. Most people have trouble buying things they don't feel they fully understand. I bet if you did a good job on it others on WA would be interested in using it.

I try to make the offer more interested to make people join to our community :)

yeah that is a good idea


That is a great idea!


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