About kiliwia62
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Hi, my name is Sylvia and I am from Ontario in Canada. Originally I come from Germany but moved to Canada 20 years ago to





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Authoring & Writing Content

Hi folks,

I am a bit confused now hearing different versions about this question, if I still should check the box so my links can be opened in a new window and not losing

Most of my visitors come to my website on a pc or laptop, so I always let it open in a new tab. For mobile devices it's different, when they use the back button on the phone, they go back to the previous page, but when they use the back button on the browser, you will lose them. You should check which devices most of your visitors are using. Mine are 80% pc/laptop users

Yes, that's true Loes and yes, I checked and I get most of my visitors through mobile devices since I also run a FB page with the same name as my website.

This is why I am getting more traffic from mobile devices than from PCs etc.

I guess there is no real answer in that matter since it certainly depends on what the majority of your visitors is using to get to your site.

Thanks, Loes for sharing your experience.

Good afternoon Sylvia,

I was on the verge to ask that question also.
Last year checking both websites with Site Speed they were all pretty and green. Now, 1 year later, they are red but mainly mobile.
The only thing which is different is Google Adsense and an Amazon book. I deactivated both but the speed did not improve.
I also have that German plugin for the GDPR. The rest is the same as always. All my links open in a new tab. I like it like that as you do not lose your visitor.
Thinking about the pro and con of this issue I have decided to keep it like that. I am curious if somebody comes up with a super reason so I have to change.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

Taetske, the Site Speed issue plagues many here at WA, myself included, and I just believe this has to do which what is going on in the background, remember the other post was talking about it?

Anyway, I also agree with Loes's point of view and there is really just no right or wrong, you have to do it the way you will receive most of your visitors.

I will keep it, for now, the way I have set it up until someone really can tell me which is the better or correct way.

Thank you for your input, appreciated.


I always open in a new tab, the reason is that I like it that way.

But this may be a bad reason, have read some good arguments that visitors might expect it to open in the same window, so this what I am doing could be bad user experience. I tried it that way and simply did not like it, so I stopped doing that. Major sites have it in the same window and this should be the guide, but I am not going to do this.

As I have said before it might depend also on where you will get your visitors from and what they using to get to your site.

I guess, you can't do it right to everyone, lol

Thanks, Jovo for your input, appreciated :)

I have always checked that box. But now you have me confused!
I had not seen that training by Jay. I am unsure what to answer.
Thank you

Sorry, for the confusion, lol
No, there wasn't a training particular to the issue but it was, somehow, mentioned. Well, I am sure there is an answer to it.


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Should I still check the tab to open a link in a new window?

Should I still check the tab to open a link in a new window?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi folks,

I am a bit confused now hearing different versions about this question, if I still should check the box so my links can be opened in a new window and not losing

Most of my visitors come to my website on a pc or laptop, so I always let it open in a new tab. For mobile devices it's different, when they use the back button on the phone, they go back to the previous page, but when they use the back button on the browser, you will lose them. You should check which devices most of your visitors are using. Mine are 80% pc/laptop users

Yes, that's true Loes and yes, I checked and I get most of my visitors through mobile devices since I also run a FB page with the same name as my website.

This is why I am getting more traffic from mobile devices than from PCs etc.

I guess there is no real answer in that matter since it certainly depends on what the majority of your visitors is using to get to your site.

Thanks, Loes for sharing your experience.

Good afternoon Sylvia,

I was on the verge to ask that question also.
Last year checking both websites with Site Speed they were all pretty and green. Now, 1 year later, they are red but mainly mobile.
The only thing which is different is Google Adsense and an Amazon book. I deactivated both but the speed did not improve.
I also have that German plugin for the GDPR. The rest is the same as always. All my links open in a new tab. I like it like that as you do not lose your visitor.
Thinking about the pro and con of this issue I have decided to keep it like that. I am curious if somebody comes up with a super reason so I have to change.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

Taetske, the Site Speed issue plagues many here at WA, myself included, and I just believe this has to do which what is going on in the background, remember the other post was talking about it?

Anyway, I also agree with Loes's point of view and there is really just no right or wrong, you have to do it the way you will receive most of your visitors.

I will keep it, for now, the way I have set it up until someone really can tell me which is the better or correct way.

Thank you for your input, appreciated.


I always open in a new tab, the reason is that I like it that way.

But this may be a bad reason, have read some good arguments that visitors might expect it to open in the same window, so this what I am doing could be bad user experience. I tried it that way and simply did not like it, so I stopped doing that. Major sites have it in the same window and this should be the guide, but I am not going to do this.

As I have said before it might depend also on where you will get your visitors from and what they using to get to your site.

I guess, you can't do it right to everyone, lol

Thanks, Jovo for your input, appreciated :)

I have always checked that box. But now you have me confused!
I had not seen that training by Jay. I am unsure what to answer.
Thank you

Sorry, for the confusion, lol
No, there wasn't a training particular to the issue but it was, somehow, mentioned. Well, I am sure there is an answer to it.


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asked in
Search Engine Optimization


I saw Jay's training about the new improved Google Search Console.

However, I received a message today, from Google Search Console, which kinda through me off s

Aloha Sylvia!
Any ideas about the URLs with ad attachment and the ID?

Did you check your noindex settings in the ymlsitemap? I had the three checkmarks there (they are gone now) and they caused a lots of trouble also with tags which I didn't use yet.
After I removed the marks and submitted a new sitemap 10 from 11 errors were gone. Still have an error caused by the Privacy Policy page, but it is in work.

If you don't get a solution quickly ask the SiteSupport for help!

Hope this helps.

Aloha, Jenna

Thanks, Jenna, I just checked it and yes, these three, like in your screenshot, were checked.
I have unchecked them and will see if it was the reason for all this.

I can't find any training for All In One SEO Sitemap to check if everything is the way it should be.

I guess I have to check Kyle's video on setting up a website it should be there.

I think the recent WP updates did a lot of "damage" to some websites.

How are you doing? I will, hopefully, today, finishing my newest article. When finished will send you the link. :)

Talk to you soon.



I apologize, Sylvia, that I'm so unresponsive right now. Just finished the tax sheets.

I don't know how the checkmarks came there. I followed the training and don't have any memory have done anything in Noindex settings. Here more how the set up the priorities. For new websites is comment counting not really a good solution. Hope you are doing good. I'm doing ok. Things are chaotic here right now. But some of the big tasks are done. More peacefulness coming in right now ...

Hope you can still use the information!

Sending you love and light!
Namaste Sylvia
Aloha, Jenna

Thanks, Jenna, I guess I have solved it but I will still check the links you have given me.

Will talk soon, no worries :)


Namaste Sylvia

Aloha, Jenna

Hey Sylvia,

Perhaps this video will help you: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you Trish I will do this right now :)

Hi there, I have had the same issues and did a url inspection and that seemed to do the trick..:-)


Have you submitted a Site map?

Of course I did

Just checking... try resubmitting a URL Inspection and see if that works. That's how I fixed it, when it happened with my switch over.

Ok, will do, thanks

Sorry I couldn't be of more help 😎.

don't worry I do appreciate every thought or idea :)

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Can I get some help witrh google search console?

Can I get some help witrh google search console?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization


I saw Jay's training about the new improved Google Search Console.

However, I received a message today, from Google Search Console, which kinda through me off s

Aloha Sylvia!
Any ideas about the URLs with ad attachment and the ID?

Did you check your noindex settings in the ymlsitemap? I had the three checkmarks there (they are gone now) and they caused a lots of trouble also with tags which I didn't use yet.
After I removed the marks and submitted a new sitemap 10 from 11 errors were gone. Still have an error caused by the Privacy Policy page, but it is in work.

If you don't get a solution quickly ask the SiteSupport for help!

Hope this helps.

Aloha, Jenna

Thanks, Jenna, I just checked it and yes, these three, like in your screenshot, were checked.
I have unchecked them and will see if it was the reason for all this.

I can't find any training for All In One SEO Sitemap to check if everything is the way it should be.

I guess I have to check Kyle's video on setting up a website it should be there.

I think the recent WP updates did a lot of "damage" to some websites.

How are you doing? I will, hopefully, today, finishing my newest article. When finished will send you the link. :)

Talk to you soon.



I apologize, Sylvia, that I'm so unresponsive right now. Just finished the tax sheets.

I don't know how the checkmarks came there. I followed the training and don't have any memory have done anything in Noindex settings. Here more how the set up the priorities. For new websites is comment counting not really a good solution. Hope you are doing good. I'm doing ok. Things are chaotic here right now. But some of the big tasks are done. More peacefulness coming in right now ...

Hope you can still use the information!

Sending you love and light!
Namaste Sylvia
Aloha, Jenna

Thanks, Jenna, I guess I have solved it but I will still check the links you have given me.

Will talk soon, no worries :)


Namaste Sylvia

Aloha, Jenna

Hey Sylvia,

Perhaps this video will help you: Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you Trish I will do this right now :)

Hi there, I have had the same issues and did a url inspection and that seemed to do the trick..:-)


Have you submitted a Site map?

Of course I did

Just checking... try resubmitting a URL Inspection and see if that works. That's how I fixed it, when it happened with my switch over.

Ok, will do, thanks

Sorry I couldn't be of more help 😎.

don't worry I do appreciate every thought or idea :)

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