$3.2K Month - July Monthly Update!

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Sorry for the late update!

I know many of you have been waiting for my July Monthly Update.

And here it is. Let's go straight to the point...

Achievements in July

In June, I managed to hit $2.5K in total commission (June report here). With hard work, I set a new personal record in July:

  • WA Commission: $2,688.50
  • Total Commission (plus other affiliate programs): $3,282.51
  • Number of posts published: 33
  • Total number of posts on my site: 185
  • New Premium Referrals: 57
  • Free Starter Referrals: 472
  • Conversion rate around 12.1%
  • Last day of July I hit 28 Free Starter Referrals in one day (highest so far)

July is finally the month that I hit my content goals after a few busy months. I not only hit my goal but I surpass that goal by a lot.

After a website overhaul in the beginning of July, the rest of the month is just focusing on writing and publishing content, almost every single day.

I had some events going on for a few days so in order for me to publish 33 posts, there are a couple of days that I published 2 posts.

It's all about consistency and DISCIPLINE!

Currently, at the point of this writing, I left 103 more sales to go for Vegas:

I'll definitely create a training or something when I've made it and document all the things I've learnt along the way to share with you guys.

But before that, I'll just link to my usual top recommended resources at the end of this post for those of you who haven't gone through them.

Making it to Vegas is when I can finally take a real break and relax.

Can you see how determined I am when I have that clear goal in mind?

Throughout the past 7 months, I didn't really take a real break and reward myself. The only recreation I have is go to gym and play badminton to keep in shape.

Everyday sleep at around 4am. Wake up 10-11am. (Cuz I'm a night person and I'm more productive at night. So you gotta figure out your plan and what suits you best)

So, are you still complaining why you're not achieving your goals, not having enough money yet you're taking that break after a day of tiring work, hanging out with friends on weekends to reward yourself, etc....?

There's a quote that I really love and want to share with you:

"Don't stop when you're tired; stop when you're done!" -Marilyn Monroe

Before you achieve your goal, you shouldn't be taking a break.

By the way, I'm not saying you cannot have any time to rest. Yes, we do need to rest after working for a while. That's also to keep us productive.

By taking a break, I mean things like:

  • Slacking for a day just because you feel tired
  • Chilling out with friends every week
  • Immediately go watch the latest popular movie when it's released just because you don't want to feel missed out

What we can achieve actually depends on the small decisions we make every single day.

In other words, this is also known as your habit. Do you have good habits that contribute to your success in the long run? If not, are you practicing them?

Setbacks in July

Major setback in July is that my traffic didn't grow as usual like the past few months.

It's somewhat stagnant and dropped a bit.

After discussing with others, it's probably due to the holiday season in the US.

Nevertheless, I still continue with my content creation and stick with my plan.

Eventually, at the end of the month, my traffic is coming back and and it's growing again. That's how I managed to get 28 referrals in the last day of July.

So, the lesson here is to stick with your plan no matter what obstacles you're facing.

In March, I remember there was a period where my post just couldn't get indexed and ranked in Google. That's during one of the major Google Algorithm update.

But I still pushed through and did what I planned to do.

As long as you know what you want and why you want it, create a master game plan and stick to it!

Am I the Youngest Making it to Vegas?

I haven't made it to Vegas yet. But at this pace, I'm confident that I'll achieve that goal in a few months time, probably by October or even earlier.

I'm guessing that I'll probably be the youngest person to make it to Vegas. Let me know who has made it to Vegas below 21 years old...

Anyway, I'm really pumped and excited to push through this final stretch. Wish me luck :)

Vegas I'm coming!

And that's all for July's monthly update.

I hope this has given you some inspirations moving forward.

Below is the relevant resources that I recommend...

1) For those of you who are promoting WA:

2) For those who are struggling with SEO and want to get better rankings:

3) Everyone:

That's all for now. I wish you a productive and fulfilling month ahead!


You don't stop when you're tired; you stop when you're done!

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Recent Comments


I was waiting for your report as always! Thanks for sharing! For sure you will make to Vegas the only thing is how soon you gonna make it. I guess September!

Really really happy for you my friend!

Thanks a lot Paul!

Way to go!

Thank you!


Thank you!

Congratulations on your achievement Jerry.

Thank you Eden!

"You don't stop when you're tired, you stop when you're done!" is my new motto and is going to be posted right on the top of my laptop today.

Awesome results, and I can't wait to keep seeing your WA journey unfold!


Awesome. Thanks Janelle!

Woohoo! You got this Jerry!

Thank you!

Beautiful Jerry. I'm right on your heals man. Lol. Let's get this Vegas trip. I'll buy you a drink.

Haha, let's get it!

Awesome - Well done.

Thank you Jonathan!

Keep crushin' it, Jerry!

I will :) Thanks!

That’s mega achievement and very inspiring. Weldone

Thank you Lilian!

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