Google Page 1 Ranking Tips: Position 4 in 3 Minutes!


So glad that I've just achieved Google Page 1 Position 4 ranking in just 3 Minutes!

Here's the screenshot:

As you can see, this is a review I wrote on Digital Altitude, and the SERP shows "3 mins ago". It's a really motivating result.

Let me share with you what I did...

Keyword Research: Long Tail Keywords

Firstly, Keyword Research is really important! My main keyword for this post is "Is Digital Altitude a Pyramid Scheme". This is one of the terms that people are likely to search for when they're researching for DA.

However, as compared to the very common keyword "Digital Altitude Review", the QSR (competition) for my keyword is a lot lesser. The QSR for "Digital Altitude Review" is 215 while the QSR for "Is Digital Altitude a Pyramid Scheme" is only 13.

And the SEO Score for "Digital Altitude Review" is 77 while the SEO Score for "Is Digital Altitude a Pyramid Scheme" is 95.

The keyword I choose is more of a long tail keyword. With less competition, it has lesser searches and traffic as well. But our main goal is to rank on Google page 1, isn't it?

So, the first step to better ranking is to choose your keyword wisely and you only need to focus on ONE keyword per post.

Common Misconception!

By the way, there's a common misconception regarding "long tail keyword". A long tail keyword does not mean the keyword is longer and has more words.

In fact, the length and number of words of a keyword has nothing to do with whether it is a long tail keyword or not.

If you don't understand what I mean here, check out this post by Dom about long tail keyword:

Research for My Review

I spent around 1 to 2 hours reading people's reviews online as well as signing up for DA's 14-day trial to see the platform myself.

There's one very common misconception people have is that they can't write a review for products they have not tried themselves. If you are one of them, check out this post on 5 Strategies to Write a Product Review without Buying & Owning the Product Yourself.

I'm telling you that you can write reviews on things you've not tried or even owned yourself. There's nothing wrong with it.

So, I did my thorough research before putting everything together and wrote the review.

As you can see from my Digital Altitude review, it is very authentic and thorough despite I didn't personally tried their courses.

On-Page SEO

In order for your post to get ranked in Google fast, you need to get your on-page SEO right. That's the crucial thing you have full control in your hands as compared to off-page SEO where there are certain factors that are not within your control.

Basically, I did the 7 SEO Tips Jay taught in his live webinar.

  1. Meta Title
  2. Meta Description
  3. Keyword in Content
  4. Image Attributes
  5. Internal Links
  6. External Links
  7. Video Embed

If you haven't watched Jay's Webinar Replay on these SEO Strategies, what you need to do is just click on this link and go watch it! Because Jay's advice works!

All these advice from Jay is very useful and powerful and it still applied TODAY in 2019 and beyond. We should learn and apply to our own contents!

As long as you get your on-page SEO right, your chance of ranking well in Google fast will increase a lot.

After Publishing The Post

The process doesn't end at the point when you hit the publish button. In fact, promoting your content is as important as creating it.

So, here are the things I did after I hit that publish button...

(1) I come to Wealthy Affiliate and request comments. You can do it in the SiteComments area.

(2) I share the post on all the social media I have...

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest

(3) Go to your Google Search Console and do a "Fetch As Google".

Since Search Console has been updated, you might be wondering where is your "Fetach As Google".


After doing these three steps, I typed in my keyword into Chrome Incognito and BOOM!! Page 1 Position 4 in 3 Minutes.

(Getting ranked so fast may not happen for you if your site is still pretty new because it takes time for Google to trust your site and your content. So just be patient and focus on creating quality content as well as getting your on-page SEO right.)

That's not the end of content promotion though...

To get an even better ranking for multiple keywords, including the more competitive ones like "Digital Altitude Review", here's what I plan to do...

(1) Leave comments on contents related to Digital Altitude and link to my post (despite being nofollow).

(2) Find forums, groups, discussion areas where people are discussing about Digital Altitude and participate in the conversation. I'll eventually link to my post in a natural way.

(3) Write relevant (review) posts and build internal links to this posts. For example, I can write a review on Empower Network or Carbon Copy Pro because Michael Force, the founder of Digital Altitude, is also involved in all these other programs.

These are the strategies you can apply to your own content creation and promotion as well!


All you have to do is to follow the training here in WA because it works. No doubt there are a lot of learning, effort and time needed but we are building a business for ourselves.

If you want to succeed, there's no short cut but to really put in the hard work. If you're able to persist and be consistent in your work, it's going to pay off.

Once you gain the traction for your business and the trust from Google, your traffic as well as your sales will increase exponentially.

I really hope that what I've shared in this post can help you get better rankings and improve your SEO skills.

Give me a like if you find this helpful and do leave a comment below if you have any questions :)

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Recent Comments


Excellent information, Jerry!

And, thanks, for the link to Dom's post on "AddURL"...!!!


You're welcome Jim :)

Nice!! well said.
That's awesome Jerry you work so hard and deserve to be at the top. I'm proud of you :D I just shared this on Twitter!

Thank you Patsy!

Great post Jerry, thanks for sharing! I am planning to go through Jay's training today and rework some of my content. That was my plan in the first place for today, and your post confirms that. Thanks again! :-)

It's my pleasure to share this. I wish you great success with your refined posts :)

Thank you for sharing. Your experienses give a wonderful insight!

My pleasure :)

This post was very helpful. Congratulations by the way. This is really cool

Thank you :)

Great work! Well done and a huge thanks for this amazing and educative blog.

My pleasure!

Great reading here, Jerry. I agree with everything you posted here, and a recent post in my WA blog detailed a bit on how my post was ranked quickly - and that wasn't even the goal.

These tips work (along with using the tips from Jay's webinars). Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing! - Jason

Hey Jason, thanks for checking this out! I'll go and check out your post :)

Lots of great tips, Jerry. Thanks. And congrats on the ranking :)

Thank you Haugland :)

Thanks for sharing this Jerry. A lot of great tips here! Congrats on your success if ranking.

Thank you!

It amazes me to see that you have done all those extra promotions in 3 minutes flat after publishing the blog post. But anyway, good job. I really admire you for that. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to learning more from you. I will bookmark this post of yours. )

Thank you Gomer!

I don't know how Google calculates the timing but I definitely spent more than 3 minutes to request for comments and share on social media. LOL

The main point is that the post gets ranked very fast.

I will be now following this order to have my own posts get ranked fast, too. Thank you so much for this valuable tip. We all know this, but you are the one being able to put the whole process in a nutshell.

My pleasure. Glad that this helps :)

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